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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Ghosts Of The Past
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02-17-2014, 09:57 PM

I don't want to be here, that's me being 100% honest. The fact is I HAVE to be here, I' had success before the XWF and I've had success after the XWF but those three letters continue to haunt me to this day. Haunt me? Yes. Some people may look at me being a former XWF X-treme Champion and former XWF Tag Champion then chalk that up as being successful but not me, no fucking way. I was destined for great things in the XWF, I was going to do things in this federation the likes of which had never and still have not been seen. I was reaching for the stars, everything was falling into place perfectly, and then I watched as it all blew up in my face. I lost my X-treme Title but not only did I lose my X-treme Title, I lost it in such a way that could probably only be topped by losing to Peter Gilmour on the embarrassment scale. There is no way to sugar coat it, no way to soften the blow, and now way to justify or lessen the extent to which I got owned, it is what it is. I fucking lost my XWF X-treme Title by way of having my own finisher put on me. Go on, laugh it up, I'll wait. You can even make all of the jokes you want, feel free, trust me when I say there is absolutely nothing that you can say to me that I haven't already said about myself. Believe it or not though, that wasn't even the worst part because the very next week I was going to rebound, I was going to show the world that what happened to me was just a fluke and I was better than that, and I was going to defend my share of the XWF Tag Titles. Everything was going just as planned until a leg injury saw to it that in back to back weeks I would lose both of my titles and end up at home watching the company I was set to dominate on television. Now amount of success I had before or after my disastrous run in the XWF has been able to get wash the taste of failure out of my mouth which is exactly why I'm back.

Now with all that being said how about I stop acting like an emotional little bitch and get back to doing what I do best? Any objections? Yeah, I didn't fucking think so. For my first opponent in my return to the XWF, the XWF management has saw fit to bring out the big guns. Yes, the biggest of the big guns, the biggest of the biggest biggest big guns! JUSTIN JONES! Stop laughing! This guy is... I mean he... Yeah I was going to go on a sarcasm laced tirade right here but I honestly don't think I'd be able to say any of what I had planned and keep a straight face. So how about this? I'll skip all of the games and just tell it like it is, JUSTIN JONES SUCKS! No scratch that, Peter Gilmour sucks, Justin Jones sucks, gargles, and swallows. Not only has this so called "true king" failed to win a match, ANY MATCH, since coming to the XWF but he also couldn't even be bothered to promote any of those same matches. So they guy doesn't cut promos and does nothing but lose, so why the fuck is he here exactly? Better yet, WHY THE FUCK IS HE FACING ME!?!?!? Oh wait a second, I get what's going on here, you want this guy to quit don't you? You do understand that's exactly what's happening here don't you Jones?

XWF management is so done with your bullshit that they're feeding you to me on a silver platter in the hopes that I'll take out the trash for them. I honestly don't see how you can look at this match as anything other than that. First of all I'm more talented than you'll ever be and there's no debating that. Second of all just look at the god damn match type. First blood? FIRST BLOOD!?!?! Excuse me for a second, BWAHAHAHAHA! They booked you in a first blood match with a guy who wears a mask? Newsflash Jones, everybody hates you. Not only is the talent level firmly stacked in my favor but the match type also favors me as well because how exactly is the ref going to know I'm bleeding if you were even able to pull it off? Let me guess you're going to open me up so bad that I stain the mat red or something along those lines? Yes, I'm sure that will be so easy from a guy who hasn't even been able to muster up enough energy to drop a fucking promo during his XWF career. Jones if you knew what was good for you then you wouldn't even show up to our match this week because it isn't going to end well for you. After beating you within an inch of your life and busting you wide open you'll probably be let go, if you're lucky. However if the people in power really hate your curtain jerking ass as much as I think they do then you might find yourself in the same position as Barney Green. Either way Justin you'll just be an afterthought in the XWF that people will remember as that guy Psico made his return against and nothing more.
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