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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Not quite finished yet . +Part 3+
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CharlotteDyson Offline
Your Newest Sin

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

02-14-2014, 08:11 AM

There is a time and place for everything. This was Charlotte's time, not Kristy Jackson's. It was going to be a long night for Krusty.. oops we mean Kristy. Ah, hell what does it matter, Charlotte's never really been polite to people before, why would she start now. What Kristy thought she was, isn't what she was. She was scared, that much was obvious from her little tirade she was on. It was clear to anyone, that she had no clue what to do with herself. She was running scared, and rightfully so. Hell you'd run too if you knew Charlotte had marked you as her next victim, wouldn't you? Of course you would. It's perfectly fine to admit to it too. Things never worked out for those she stepped into the ring with, not since her rebirth, if you will. Not since she showed the real her.

[Image: giphy.gif]

~Holy Shit, time to address Skank-a-saurus Rex, again.~

"Wow, what the hell was that dribble? Poor little thing. I knew you were scared, it's okay to admit it sugar, it wont make you any less of a woman, than you already are. All this talk of violence and pain, I strive on that. There is absolutely nothing you can say or do, that will cause me any pain. I'm a Reynolds darlin, I know pain. I know anguish, and I know just where to get you. You want to sit there and claim I'm not stuck inside your head. Darlin' I'm so ingrained into your mentality that you are starting to think like me. Blah Blah Blah, coming storm.. wait.. where have I heard that before? Oh right, Andrew Morrison. Yeah.. storm talk really didn't do him any favors either, just like it wont help save you. All this talk of stars reminds me of Alexandra, oh how I can't wait for you to have to meet up in the ring against her. If you think what I'm going to do to you is pain, wait until you meet the girl who thrives in moonlight. You want to know how you talked yourself into this main event match, because I am in it. It has nothing to do with your talent. I am the talent here. YOU are nothing more than yesterdays trash, and I'm about to kick you to the curb. You want to sit there and act like I haven't done anything in this ring, you want to act like I'm nothing, like I'm worthless. Well we will see what this worthless redneck can do to you in the ring tonight. Make no mistake about that, I will show you, and everyone else, just what I can do. Not that you or they matter. The only thing that matters is violence, pain, and well, you'll meet those first hand tonight."

Charlotte starts to slow clap, knowing exactly what to play off next.

"Bravo Kristy, Bravo, you know how to name drop. Wow.. anyone on this roster can do that. Hell, Wyatt's beaten some of the top dogs around here, and is currently the European Champion. What was that you said, he was going to beat me when he lost. Darlin' win or lose, Wyatt knows who he comes home to. Wyatt and I, we are like Bonnie and Clyde, we will take everything that you hold dear, and destroy you with it. You speak of Prom Queens and Jocks, darlin' this isn't high school, and I'm definitely not a prom queen. Matter of a fact, I killed the prom queen. I ended her life. Darlin' I'm not looking for anything when it comes to you. There is absolutely nothing you could give me, nothing that you could do or say that could change the fact that when the dust settles tonight, it's you that's going to be flat on her back like the whore you are. You see Kristy, I can call you Kristy right, of course I can, because it doesn't matter. I don't give a shit if you like it or not. I wish you would face table, so that he could lay you the fuck out, just like he did Swift Ion."

Charlotte shook her head, Jesus Christ was this kid for real?

'I'm sorry that they didn't teach you etiquette at your school, I'm sorry that you weren't raised properly. Did your father beat you as a child? Did your mother never hug you? Alright sugar tits, you want to sit here and talk about pain and proving that you are number one and blah blah. Well guess what darlin' it will be me that shows you. Tonight I will stretch you further than you have ever gone before. I will show you what I can do. So what if you've beaten someone, that person could easily, be taken out, by me. So you want to talk about violence, pain and blood. Guess what, I thrive on those things. Cause me pain, make me bleed, be as rough and violent as you like, I can promise you this, it only makes me fight faster, hit harder, and unleash a fury on you like you've never experienced before. After tonight, you will see why they call me, The Princess of Pain."

With that, Charlotte walks off, leaving the camera man staring after her. Would we hear from her again before tonight? Only Charlotte knew for certain, and she wasn't telling anyone.

[Image: ujM8Gf6.jpg]
~Charlottes Shitlist~
-Madness Roster
Just don't piss me off and you wont make it on the list.
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