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Steve Davids, the Coward. Hold for Applause.
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Jessie-ica Diaz Offline
Only to find it again.

XWF FanBase:
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(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

02-04-2014, 02:35 PM

Hey you. Yeah, you. I forgot your fucking name so from here on out you're going to be referred to in the second person. Should you by some miracle retain your title in every other match you're to have, come at me, bro. Your title on the line. Come on, I'm just a defenseless (not really) little (okay, that's true) girl. What do you have to lose?

Well, aside from your title but I doubt you'll even hold onto it that long.

Do it, you fucking wimp.
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

02-04-2014, 02:43 PM

One day soon.

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
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1x Universal Champion
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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-04-2014, 02:44 PM

Coward?! coming from the whore that fears me!

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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Jessie-ica Diaz Offline
Only to find it again.

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

02-04-2014, 02:52 PM

(02-04-2014, 02:44 PM)Morbid Angel Said: Coward?! coming from the whore that fears me!

Afraid of you? That's like being afraid of a giant, racist teddy bear whose teeth were designed to hang out of its open mouth in a vain attempt to appear somewhat frightening, even though the end result was subpar at best.

Oh, wait. I just described you entirely instead of giving an equally preposterous alternative to be afraid of.
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(02-05-2014), Morbid Angel (02-04-2014), Wallace Witasick (02-04-2014)
Mrs. Peter F'n Gilmour

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

02-04-2014, 02:54 PM

Davids is a coward. Waggle Baga.

[Image: JDBXAeW.jpg]
[Image: LEU246w.jpg]
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

02-04-2014, 02:54 PM

Fear not though Jessie, will we meet eventually. I promise that much.

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
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1x Universal Champion
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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-04-2014, 03:03 PM

Diaz...that was not ver nice! you didn't say any of that when I had you crying in the ring!...this was before I decided to quit the match and allowed you to pin McBride...

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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Jessie-ica Diaz Offline
Only to find it again.

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

02-04-2014, 03:09 PM

(02-04-2014, 03:03 PM)Morbid Angel Said: Diaz...that was not ver nice! you didn't say any of that when I had you crying in the ring!...this was before I decided to quit the match and allowed you to pin McBride...

I can't even tell if you've developed a selective memory, or if your fucking Alzheimer's kicked in and you just started forgetting shit left and fucking right. I mean, crying? No, not at all. Pinning McBride? You fucking cretin, if you don't know why that's wrong, then you're somehow even fucking dumber than I thought you were when I thought you were dumber than my original idea as to how low your fucking IQ was.
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Scorpio Offline
Dick Of Doom

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

02-04-2014, 06:43 PM

(02-04-2014, 06:40 PM)Griffin MacAlister Said: How can Steve claim to be a worthy champion if he avoids fights left and right? What's the matter Steve? You on the rag or some shit?

A white beard equipped Scorpio comes limping on to the scene with the aide of a brown cane.

Scorpio: Back in my day the X-treme Title was defended every time you had a match. Fucking little brahs these days, GET OFF MY LAWN!

[Image: Scorpin.png]


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(02-05-2014), Jessie-ica Diaz (02-04-2014), The Linguist (02-05-2014), Theo Pryce (02-04-2014), Wallace Witasick (02-04-2014)
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Peter Fn Gilmour (02-04-2014)
John Msdison 2.Faggot

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02-04-2014, 06:53 PM

Get off your ass, Steve!
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(02-05-2014), Wallace Witasick (02-04-2014)
Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

02-04-2014, 06:59 PM

Are you idiots fucking blind? Morbid Angel was the one who requested are match be non title and the week after that I'm facing Tri Bute then Cage. So quit your bitching and get your facts right you stupid fucks.

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

02-04-2014, 07:00 PM

Not to mention Gilmour still has his shitty rematch

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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Peter Fn Gilmour (02-04-2014)
John Msdison 2.Faggot

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02-04-2014, 07:00 PM

Go suck some more dick you bearded pussy.
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

02-04-2014, 07:02 PM

No doubt you'll be looking for people to suck yours soon John now that Shane's not around.

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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Theo Pryce (02-04-2014)
Tri Bute Offline
Justice Integrity Zankustility Zeusrion

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

02-04-2014, 07:07 PM

(02-04-2014, 07:02 PM)SteveDavids Said: No doubt you'll be looking for people to suck yours soon John now that Shane's not around.

Are you future volunteering?

"Pink is my signature color!" - Elle Woods
[Image: fpUoGTE.jpg]
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(02-05-2014), Wallace Witasick (02-04-2014)
John Msdison 2.Faggot

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02-04-2014, 07:11 PM

Sorry, Davids cannot accept any challenges right now.

He's too busy being a PUSSY.
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Wallace Witasick (02-04-2014)
Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

02-04-2014, 07:19 PM

Sounds like you when you were King. Interesting you haven't had your big rematch yet, scared of the current King are we?

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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AlexandraCallaway (02-04-2014)
John Msdison 2.Faggot

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02-04-2014, 07:37 PM

Theo is afraid of me. He showed that today when he ducked my challenge for myself and Gilmour versus him for the crown. He knew that I would lay his ass out and have Gilmour cover him for the 1-2-3. That's why he ran to his buddy Eli and told him to whip up some crappy singles match between him and Gilly instead. Because that is a match that he knows he can win. H

I haven't had a real match in months. I probably couldn't do a single push up right now if I wanted to. I push papers now, yet Theo is terrified of me for some reason. It would be like John Cena backing down from a challenge from Pat Patterson and Gerald Briscoe.

He's afraid to face a feeble old part timer who many have said "doesn't have it anymore," and some midcard talent who's never had it.

Don't act like you aren't the same way, Davids. If I issued the same challenge, you would run for the door.

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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

02-05-2014, 03:43 AM

I find it interesting John, though, not surprising, that you will go on your diatribe talking about all these people who deserve a shot at the crown and how Peter is "the least deserving" person in the federation, your words, not mine and yet you fail to see the logic in your challenge. I don't disagree with you that Peter is undeserving of a shot at the crown, that, and that alone is why I didn't accept your challenge. Because your challenge would result in "the least deserving" person in the federation getting a shot, one that both you and I know he doesn't deserve. So why would I accept your challenge when doing so would allow for the very thing you are crusading against? Unwarranted title shots?

Or is that not it at all John? Perhaps your attempts at being Peter Gilmour's one night manager aren't because you want to send a message but rather because you like to play games? You issue a challenge one that you and I both know I won't accept so that you can label me a Pussy but then if I do accept, well, I am giving "the least deserving" person in the federation a title shot, and what's to stop guys like John Black from asking for one next? Sorry John, but I don't play games. You've seem that first hand when I got the rest of your Black Circle buddies to bring me into your little group without your ok, and then I took your crown, and then I took your spotlight and now I'm taking away your fun. Keep on keeping on John, you can challenge me until Peter's balls finally drop, brand me a Pussy if you would like but we both know the truth of it, you're just bored.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

02-05-2014, 04:42 AM

Wow, Mr. Supernova, you've really let your self down here. You know, you didn't pin me right? How deluded are you? You pinned Tony Santos, but you did not pin Steve Davids. I haven't backed out of challenges, I am facing the men who have earned them and everyone can form a nice orderly queue on that front. Sheesh.

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-05-2014, 05:09 AM

(02-05-2014, 03:43 AM)Theo Pryce Said: I find it interesting John, though, not surprising, that you will go on your diatribe talking about all these people who deserve a shot at the crown and how Peter is "the least deserving" person in the federation, your words, not mine and yet you fail to see the logic in your challenge. I don't disagree with you that Peter is undeserving of a shot at the crown, that, and that alone is why I didn't accept your challenge. Because your challenge would result in "the least deserving" person in the federation getting a shot, one that both you and I know he doesn't deserve. So why would I accept your challenge when doing so would allow for the very thing you are crusading against? Unwarranted title shots?

Or is that not it at all John? Perhaps your attempts at being Peter Gilmour's one night manager aren't because you want to send a message but rather because you like to play games? You issue a challenge one that you and I both know I won't accept so that you can label me a Pussy but then if I do accept, well, I am giving "the least deserving" person in the federation a title shot, and what's to stop guys like John Black from asking for one next? Sorry John, but I don't play games. You've seem that first hand when I got the rest of your Black Circle buddies to bring me into your little group without your ok, and then I took your crown, and then I took your spotlight and now I'm taking away your fun. Keep on keeping on John, you can challenge me until Peter's balls finally drop, brand me a Pussy if you would like but we both know the truth of it, you're just bored.

says the pussy who attacked john madison.. are you scared of Maddy? Why not put him in our match and watch the inevitable happen when I beat your sorry ass and EARN my shot at the crown!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

02-05-2014, 06:01 AM

"Well that didn't take long, what, a few hours for Peter to pull a "Gilmour Special" and try to change the terms of the match? No Peter, I'm not scared of John, I beat him once before remember? In fact, you even celebrated the occasion. Do you need me to replay the tape for you? No Peter, sorry, you agreed to the stipulations. You vs Me, for a shot at the crown. Adding Madison to the match and letting him do your dirty work so you can potentially score a pin is not earning a shot at anything. I know that, John knows that.You want your shot at the crown you face me next Monday one on one. Otherwise you kiss your chance goodbye. Simple as that Peter. Why you insist on making it difficult is beyond me. For a guy who seems so confident he can beat me you are trying really hard to get help to do it."

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-05-2014, 08:56 AM

for a guy who got lucky to even beat john madison for the crown, you sound like a pussy!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

02-05-2014, 09:04 AM

"You can call it lucky if you want. I would call burying John in the first ever Buried Alive and Bloodied in Feces match hard fought. But that's purely subjective. Just like you probably think all your victories over the likes of guys like Mr. Radio are hard fought. You see Peter I'll take a lucky win over none at all any day of the week. Remind me Peter, what is your record against John Madison in one on one matches? And please, don't dare throw out the whole "I was screwed because so and so interfered in the match." You were going to lose anyway, we all know that. So go ahead Peter, what's that record again? I do hope you wrestler better than you talk trash."

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Peter Fn Gilmour (02-05-2014)
John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
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02-05-2014, 09:05 AM

(02-05-2014, 03:43 AM)Theo Pryce Said: I find it interesting John, though, not surprising, that you will go on your diatribe talking about all these people who deserve a shot at the crown and how Peter is "the least deserving" person in the federation, your words, not mine and yet you fail to see the logic in your challenge. I don't disagree with you that Peter is undeserving of a shot at the crown, that, and that alone is why I didn't accept your challenge. Because your challenge would result in "the least deserving" person in the federation getting a shot, one that both you and I know he doesn't deserve. So why would I accept your challenge when doing so would allow for the very thing you are crusading against? Unwarranted title shots?

Or is that not it at all John? Perhaps your attempts at being Peter Gilmour's one night manager aren't because you want to send a message but rather because you like to play games? You issue a challenge one that you and I both know I won't accept so that you can label me a Pussy but then if I do accept, well, I am giving "the least deserving" person in the federation a title shot, and what's to stop guys like John Black from asking for one next? Sorry John, but I don't play games. You've seem that first hand when I got the rest of your Black Circle buddies to bring me into your little group without your ok, and then I took your crown, and then I took your spotlight and now I'm taking away your fun. Keep on keeping on John, you can challenge me until Peter's balls finally drop, brand me a Pussy if you would like but we both know the truth of it, you're just bored.

I brought those names up because I found it hilarious how easily Eli James can overlook these superstars who put in so much effort and get nothing in return. For whatever reason all of that effort got crushed the moment that I decided to run my mouth. Suddenly, Peter Gilmour is considered to be in the running over everyone else. Shits hilarious.

Of course Peter doesn't deserve the shot, but seeing him win the crown would be very entertaining for everyone. Well, everyone except for you anyway. And I know that you want to fight him, so why wouldn't I throw the idea out there? Fuck me for thinking you had enough courage to go beyond a standard singles match with fuckface. You pop your head in every time he mutters your name, even when you know that you're just gonna have the same old argument with him as before. In fact you did it just a second ago. You (like everyone else) want a match with Gilmour more than anything.

Even Eli James is prepared to postpone his opportunity in order to watch Peter compete. Eli wants to see Peter win the King title.

The problem is (or was...) that Peter likes to hold out on people when they challenge him. He tries to get every advantage possible before he accepts matches. That's where the handicap match comes into play. Peter wants a handicap match for the King title.

That's where I come into play.

Sure, I probably deserve a shot the least out of everyone, but I already stated that only Gilmour would be allowed to pin you in the match while I stick to straight ass-kicking.

For whatever reason, you, Gilmour, and Eli believe that me being on Peter's side would give him an unfair advantage, meaning that you admit that you would lose your crown if you accepted a handicap match against myself and Gilmour.

Remember, I'm just the guy who hasn't been the same since I lost the crown. And Peter, he's just a midcard act.

What are you afraid of?

Not that it matters... I'm not sure why you're even listening to me anymore. Peter already fucked himself into a singles match with you. Quit stressing out over the shit that I'm saying. Go relax with the spaceman or something.

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Peter Fn Gilmour (02-05-2014)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-05-2014, 09:20 AM

i dont believe any of u fuckers.. im gonna end theo's reign as king and make you all bow down!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

02-05-2014, 10:44 AM

Your ignorance truly does amaze me. Marshall Cage, not Marcus Cage. I thought you were supposed to be intelligent? Priority or not, the man earned a title shot and I am willing to give it to him. I thought the Company was supposed to be about balance or have you thrown that straight out of the window already? You're right, it will go down in the record books as a victory for Mr. Supernova. You won and I do not dispute that, though I do wonder if your stable really stands a chance against The Congregation when it is quite clear that you're ignoring the one thing that makes you at all good. Balance. Though, I guess I should expect nothing less from a former member of The Black Circle.

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

02-05-2014, 12:33 PM

Ah but that's the thing. Jessie has no choice but to wait. I am defending by belt against Tri Bute, then Peter Gilmour. Do you understand? Jessie can get her chance, she's more than earned it. Though I can't help but think that you're batting off challengers for your own belt and placing them onto me. Tell me, when was the last time you defended it against a worthy opponent? I feel like it's been an age.

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
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02-05-2014, 02:27 PM

(02-05-2014, 12:33 PM)SteveDavids Said: Ah but that's the thing. Jessie has no choice but to wait. I am defending by belt against Tri Bute, then Peter Gilmour. Do you understand? Jessie can get her chance, she's more than earned it. Though I can't help but think that you're batting off challengers for your own belt and placing them onto me. Tell me, when was the last time you defended it against a worthy opponent? I feel like it's been an age.

I noticed you took off for Nero's Games, one of our biggest annual traditions. You could have given Jessie her chance then.

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