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Madness - 2/3 - Part II
Author Message
Paul Heyman

XWF FanBase:
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02-04-2014, 11:27 AM

JOEY STYLES: “We are back here on Madness and we're just getting started, Don!”

DON GROSS: “Still to come, John Austin and Wyatt Reynolds in a main event that might just end in an emphatic bang!”

JOEY STYLES: “Plus, Neonero is currently en route to the arena and he will meet Paul Heyman right here in the middle of the ring.”

DON GROSS: “And what about Sebastian Duke, Joey? He's going to meet Eli James and Theo Pryce right here in Buffalo and he's going to tell the world which side he's on!”

JOEY STYLES: “All that and more, but right now, Charlotte Dyson, Wyatt Reynolds mistress is ready to go one on one with D Shadows!”

”Superman” by Goldfinger plays.

DON GROSS: “David Shadows Mosier! Here he comes folks, set to go one on one with Charlotte Dyson, the crazy bitch that tags along with Wyatt Reynolds.”

JOEY STYLES: “You should be glad he didn't hear that.”

”Crazy” by Kidney Thieves plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Here comes the firecracker, with Wyatt Reynolds on her shoulder.”

DON GROSS: “He still carries something that doesn't belong to him.”

JOEY STYLES: “That's right. He still holds Amos James' European Championship!”

DON GROSS: “Oh God no!”

JOEY STYLES: “Watch what you say, Don, because Wyatt Reynolds is about to join us on commentary.”

Don Gross extends his hand for a hand shake and Wyatt Reynolds palms the mans face and shoves him back against the barricade.

D Shadows
- vs -
Charlotte Dyson
Standard Rules

The bell rings and Shadows and Dyson eye ball each other up from across the ring. Shadows seems unsure of how to start the match as Dyson approaches the center of the ring. Shadows advances then is immediately hit in the face with a wad of spit.

JOEY STYLES: “Disgusting.”

WYATT REYNOLDS: “What's so wrong with that, you dirty fuckin' Jew?”

DON GROSS: “God only knows where that mouth of hers has been.”

WYATT REYNOLDS: “Hell, I thank you for comparin' me to God, but, yeah, I definitely know where that mouth has been.”

Shadows takes off after Dyson who quickly escapes the ring. She comes over to Wyatt and lands a giant raunchy kiss on his lips.

WYATT REYNOLDS: “What is not to love about this woman, boys?”

Shadows exits the ring and chases after her. She rounds the corner and slides into the ring. Shadows slides in after her and is immediately nailed with vicious stomps from the spit fire Charlotte Dyson. She bends down and grabs him by the hair and pulls him to his feet. She places his head under her arm and then lifts and plants him on the mat with a suplex. She goes for a quick cover.



Shadows kicks out.

JOEY STYLES: “It was a little early.”

WYATT REYNOLDS: “She's just toyin' with the dip shit. Nothin' more.”

DON GROSS: “She's got to be careful, she could toy around too much and put herself in trouble.”

WYATT REYNOLDS: “Don't you worry your idiotic little head about Charlotte. She knows how to win.”

Dyson gets back to her feet and lifts Shadows to his. She tosses him toward the ropes. On the rebound, Shadows delivers a shoulder tackle to Dyson taking her off of her feet and down to the mat. Dyson and Shadows reach their feet at the same time and Shadows leaps into the air and delivers a drop kick to her chest sending her right back down.

JOEY STYLES: “Charlotte Dyson, in trouble here.”

WYATT REYNOLDS: “She's fine, Jewey. Just watch.”

Shadows gets back to his feet and lifts Charlotte to hers. He plants her right back into the mat with a side Russian leg sweep. Shadows gets to his feet one more time and lifts Dyson to hers. He arches her back and places her head under his arm before planting her with an inverted DDT!

JOEY STYLES: “HB DDT! That might do it!”

WYATT REYNOLDS: “C'mon, darlin'. You can do this.”

DON GROSS: “You are aware she can't hear you, right?”

WYATT REYNOLDS: “Don Gross, I will tell you this only one time, if you like where your ears are on your head, I'd suggest you not say another word so long as I'm here.”

Shadows goes for the cover after the inverted DDT.



Kick out!

Shadows gets back to his feet as he smells the scent of victory. He lifts Dyson to her feet and tosses her hard into the corner. Shadows retreats to the opposite corner before charging in.

JOEY STYLES: “Here comes the Shadow Elbow!”

Dyson falls to her ass on the mat and Shadows crashes into an empty corner.

WYATT REYNOLDS: “There ya go darlin'! You got that piece of shit where you want him!”

Shadows staggers out of the corner and Dyson clips him in the back of the knee. He crumbles under his own weight and lands on his side. Shadows gets back to all four and tries to stand, but collapses again. On all fours, he clutches the back of his injured knee.

Charlotte Dyson charges after Shadows and delivers a stiff punt kick to the side of his head.

WYATT REYNOLDS: “Off with his head, darlin'!”

Dyson goes for the cover.




WINNER: Charlotte Dyson

JOEY STYLES: “Charlotte Dyson takes the victory here tonight!”

WYATT REYNOLDS: “Gotta go boys. It's been real, it's been fun, but it hasn't been real fun.”

Wyatt Reynolds leaves commentary and climbs into the ring where Charlotte is waiting. They embrace, then begin to give each other the most raunchy disgusting kiss you've probably ever seen.

JOEY STYLES: “Shadows is slowly making his way to his feet here.”

Reynolds leaves Dyson for the moment and arches Shadows backward and places his head under his arm. Wyatt spins Shadows down with the Cross Rhodes.

JOEY STYLES: “The Burning Cross from Wyatt Reynolds to Shadows!”

Wyatt retrieves a microphone.

WYATT REYNOLDS: “Let that be a lesson to ya, boy. Never, and I mean never, drop my name out your mouth again. Next time, I won't be so nice!”

JOEY STYLES: “Dyson and Reynolds make their exit. Dyson with the victory and Wyatt Reynolds with the exclamation point. Madness returns after this!”

With D. Shadows inside the ring still trying to recover from a hard fought match, suddenly the sound of static rapes the ears of everyone in attendance just as it did on Warfare and Shove It just days ago. The static soon fades into momentary silence before the lights in the arena go out and Rock You Like a Hurricane begins blasting over the PA system. Suddenly everybody’s attention is diverted towards the only light source in the entire arena, the X-Tron. On the big screen a message appears just as it has the past few nights, in big purple text the message simply reads.

”Here I Am Brah”.

With the music still blaring a highlight reel starts to play showing former XWF superstar Scorpio outsmarting the competition and claiming what is now known as the FTW UFO E1999 Title on nine different occasions. It then shows Scorpio taking down Griffin MacAlister to win the XWF X-treme Title. Then last but not least it shows one more clip....

“After Madison makes his way toward the back, Tristan is seen still at ringside after being knocked out earlier. Officials are checking on Slater when suddenly...


Briefcase to the back of Slater's skull!!!


Scorpio rolls Slater into the ring and then hands his briefcase to the referee! Scorpio may no longer be X-treme champion but he still possesses a 24/7 briefcase good for an instant shot at ANY title!


Slater slowly starts to stand as Scorpio measures him up and lands a running dropkick right to Slater's face, knocking him back down. Scorpio immediately pulls Slater back up and then hits THE SCORPIO DEATHDROP!!!

Wait... who is that referee talking to while all of this is happening? Nobody seems to be paying attention to that...

Scorpio covers Slater!

The ref is busy talking to...



You've got to be kidding me!!!



Once this is established, the referee jumps down to begin the count as Scorpio is still covering Slater...




CRASH!!! Mark Flynn crashes down into Slater and causes even more damage to Slater who already was not moving!

Scorpio pulls Flynn up!


He covers Flynn...




Scorpio has eliminated Mark Flynn! Scorpio immediately turns right over and onto Slater!





This crowd is going absolutely fucking insane! We've seen more title changes, swerves, and surprises in this match than anything in recent history!

Ladies and gentlemen... tonight, MADNESS has lived up to its name and reputation more than anyone could have ever imagined!”

The crowd goes nuts throughout the entire highlight reel but a hush comes over the crowd once more when everything reverts back to static once more. The lights in the arena then come back on to show D. Shadows standing in middle of the ring and the crowd explodes when they realize that Scorpio is standing right behind him. Shadow’s turns around to see what’s going on and catches a boot to the midsection followed by a SCORPIO DEATHDROP! Scorpio immediately jumps back to his feet before beating on his chest with both hands and giving his trademark battle cry.


The crowd is eating it up, Scorpio now calls for a mic and gets one tossed to him but has to wait for the crowd to quiet down a bit before speaking.

Scorpio: I know you’re all psyched to have the dick of doom back in your lives but let’s get down to the first order of business shall we? Has anybody seen Shana?

Scorpio holds his arm out.

Scorpio: You know about yay tall, looks like a sexy hood rat, answers to “Scorpio's schnookie wookums poo" or at least will some day? No? Nobody?

Scorpio shrugs.

Scorpio: Well then I guess we’ll move right along to the second and much less important order of business which would be the stoner I just dropped. Honestly all I have to say about that is, SHADOWS! I’ll see you in Chernobyl brah!

Scorpio drops the mic as Rock You Like a Hurricane starts blaring over the PA system once more. The fans continue to go nuts as the triple stack assassin climbs out of the ring, jumps the barricade and exits through the crowd leaving Shadows out of it in the ring.

Madness fades to commercial.

JOEY STYLES: “Ladies and gentlemen, up next, Paul Hey...”

Paul Heyman's entrance theme plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Well, I was going to say that Paul Heyman would be here to shake hands with Neonero. But, here he comes.”

DON GROSS: “You mean drive the knife in Nero's back even deeper.”

JOEY STYLES: “You do realize its all a big chess game between Paul Heyman and Neonero right? I mean, Neonero could not give two shits what Paul Heyman does. I think he's proven that time and time again.”

DON GROSS: “Well, yeah, I mean, that's obvious.”

JOEY STYLES: “Yes, it's true that neither of the two like each other, Don. But the fact is that neither of them can deny that they are good for each other. Neonero gets to play his mind games and Paul Heyman just likes to pull strings.

“Paul Heyman is the great puppet master.”

Heyman enters the ring by himself. A single microphone in his hand.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Ladies and gentlemen, my name.... is Paul Heyman. I've spent the last several weeks at home watching my show get driven into the ground by a worthless general manager and now that he's taken ill, it is up to me once again to save this show.

“Over the weekend, I posted a public plea to Neonero to come here tonight. To come to Buffalo and face me man to man in the ring where he and I could shake hands and allow the past to become what it is. The past.

“I've done some things that in retrospect, I guess I really shouldn't have done. Without further adieu, ladies and gentlemen, I give you, Neonero.”

Neonero makes his entrance. No music. Just Nero playing with the crowd and not taking his eyes off of Paul Heyman. He reaches the ring steps and hesitates before ascending the stairs.


From out of the crowd, Heyman's two riot cops, and Brock Lesnar jump the barricade just behind Neonero. He doesn't even see it coming.... or is letting it happen.

JOEY STYLES: “Three on one here!”

DON GROSS: “Damn it! Heyman will never learn!”

JOEY STYLES: “Don, if you think for one minute that Neonero didn't already know something like this was going to happen, you should probably just leave the business. Neonero knew exactly what he was getting himself into when he accepted Paul Heymans invite!”

DON GROSS: “And you think its right!?”

JOEY STYLES: “It doesn't matter what I think, Don. It doesn't matter what you think either. It's a continuous chess game that has been going on for a year between the two men. Sometimes Heyman gets the upper hand, sometimes its Nero. The fact is, whether they know it or not, or whether or not we both agree or disagree with it, THEY are good for each other!”


Neonero's shoulder is sent into the steel steps. Tall Riot Cop rips off his helmet and smashes it against Neonero's face.

JOEY STYLES: “Holy shit! That's Titan!”

DON GROSS: “Titan is aligned with Heyman!”

Lesnar picks up the well-beaten Neonero into a firemens carry. He then tosses Nero out into the F5 causing Hero's side to collide with the ring post!


DON GROSS: “Neonero is thoroughly being dismantled here! Somebody needs to stop this!”

JOEY STYLES: “Who? Paul Heyman controls security. No one will come to Neonero's aide, Don.”

Neonero is tossed into the ring with a grinning Paul Heyman. Lesnar, Titan and the other Riot Cop enter the ring. Titan and Lesnar lift Nero to his feet and the Riot Cop delivers a high impact super kick to the jaw of Nero, sending him right back to the mat.

Titan lifts Nero off the mat then lifts him on his shoulders with Nero's back arched. Titan walks around the ring, then drives his knees into the mat delivering a devastating Argentine back breaker to the two time former European Champion.

Heyman lifts the mic again.

PAUL HEYMAN: “What you see before you... Myself... My Titan of Professional Wrestling.... BRRRRROCCKK! LESSSNARRR! And he shall not be named... We are...

“We are The Axis.

“We will not go quietly into the night.

“This stay as General Manager will not last forever. I'm smart enough to realize that what remains of the Administrator Network will never allow that to happen.

“The Axis, however, is here to stay.”

Heyman drops the mic as his entrance music begins to play. Paul, together with his Axis- Brock Lesnar, Titan and the unnamed Riot Cop make their exit.

JOEY STYLES: “The Axis!”

DON GROSS: “It seems as though, Paul Heyman has a plan.”

JOEY STYLES: “Are you new here? That man always has a plan.”

Madness fades to commercial.

JOEY STYLES: “The Madness has returned and we're about to head to the ring.”

DON GROSS: “Scott Charlotte might be in a heap of trouble as he'll go one on one with a member of the newly formed Axis.”

JOEY STYLES: “I get the feeling we've seen Titan before. Whether or not that's true I guess remains to be seen.”

”Break the Silence” by Killswitch Engage plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Here comes Scotty Charlotte!”

DON GROSS: “He was a man on a mission. A mission to destroy Shane and now is gone.”

JOEY STYLES: “What's next for Scott Charlotte?”

”Be Still and Know” by Machine Head plays.

DON GROSS: “Here he comes ladies and gentlemen.”

JOEY STYLES: “Paul Heymans professed Titan of Professional Wrestling.”

DON GROSS: “And we still don't know who is under that Riot Cop gear.”

Scott Charlotte
- vs -
Standard Rules

The bell rings and this match is officially under way. Titan and Charlotte lock horns in the center of the ring. Titan quickly locks Charlotte in a side headlock. Charlotte backs Titan against the ropes and forces Titan off of him. Titan runs across the ring and off the ropes. On the rebound, Scotty tries to take down Titan with a shoulder tackle, but the larger Titan holds his ground with a shoulder tackle of his own that sends Charlotte to the mat.

Titan charges to his right and bounces off the ropes. On the rebound, Charlotte flips over on his stomach and Titan is forced to the far side. On that rebound, Charlotte is up to his feet quickly and sends a dropkick to the chest and jaw of Titan. Titan staggers backward and falls through the ropes to the apron. Titan gets back to his feet on the apron.

Charlotte charges toward Titan. As he nears, Titan misses with a stiff right hook as Charlotte slides through under the ropes and to the floor below. Charlotte grabs Titan by the ankles and yanks him off the ring apron. Titan falls and his chin collides with the ring apron and he crumbles to the floor.

Charlotte lifts Titan back to his feet and grabs him by the head. Scotty attempts to drive Titan head first into the steel steps, but Titan uses his much longer legs to block it. Titan delivers an elbow to Charlottes jaw which stuns him instantly. Titan then drives Charlotte head first into the steps.

Charlotte falls to the floor and Titan lifts him to his feet. Titan rolls Scotty back into the ring, then slides himself in and goes for the cover.



Scotty kicks out!

Titan gets back to his feet after giving a death stare to the referee. He lifts Charlotte to his feet and tosses him hard into the corner. Titan charges in hard but Charlotte gets a boot up in the nick of time causing Titan to collide with Charlottes boot and stagger backward. Titan twists and drops to one knee. He tries to shake the cobwebs, but its too late.

Charlotte charges out of the corner and drives Titan to the mat with a bulldog and goes for the cover quickly.



Titan kicks out!

Charlotte gets back to his feet and for the first time is in real control of this match. Charlotte lifts Titan to his feet and tosses him toward the ropes. Titan reverses though and Scott Charlotte is sent to the ropes instead. On the rebound, Scott ducks a clothesline attempt and runs off the far side ropes. On that rebound, he catches Titan with a spinning heel kick which sends both men crashing to the mat.

Charlotte pops back to his feet and lifts Titan to his feet. Charlotte sends Titan into the corner with authority. Charlotte charges in after him and delivers a huge Sting-like splash in the corner. Charlotte doesn't waste any time as he lifts Titan up to the top rope. Scott follows him up and then delivers a gigantic superplex from the top rope to the mat below.

The landing stuns both men, but Charlotte wills himself to hook the leg and make the cover.




Charlotte pounds the mat, but realizes victory is now within reach. He stands in wait in the corner. Gearing up for the final shot. Titan slowly begins to get to his feet. He's up, but with his back to Charlotte. He begins to turn and Charlotte goes for it...


Titan ducks out of harms way and Charlotte comes up empty. Charlotte rights himself to face his opponent once more then charges toward him. Charlotte is caught and dropped with a discus clothesline by Titan!

Both men are down. Titan is the first to move though and is getting up. Titan gets to his knees before Charlotte starts to get up. Titan is back to a vertical base. Charlotte is to his knees. Titan is readying himself for something. Charlotte gets to his feet and turns to face Titan. Titan grabs himself two fists full of Scott Charlotte throat and lifts and drops him with a double handed choke bomb! Titan goes for the cover.




Titan gets back to his feet and rips Charlotte to his. Titan lifts Charlotte up and drapes him over his shoulders with Scotty staring up at the arena lights. Titan drives his own knees into the mat, effectively nailing the Argentine back breaker on Charlotte!

Titan hooks the leg!





JOEY STYLES: “So Paul Heymans Titan of Professional Wrestling picks up the win here!”

DON GROSS: “I gotta tell you, I loved that match.”

JOEY STYLES: “It was a good, back and forth battle that could have gone either way. In the end, it was Titan that managed to pull it out!

“Madness returns in moments.”

We return now to brink of our strange story earlier of a man who must have cut off Shane 's face and placed it over his own. Ah yes, John Madison is roaming around the hospital looking for Morgan once again with a disturbing disguise and a green lollypop. This should be fun. He pries open the doorway to where it's obvious a team of medical doctors are in some type of code blue situation. Morgan is flat lining.

Madison very creepily makes his way between a team of doctor's performing various life saving techniques on him. CPR. Electroshock. Defibrillator.

JOHN MADISON: “Can I have your autograph Mr. Eldred. I'm your biggest fan.”

DOCTOR: “Someone get this idiot out of here! Don't you see someone's life is at stake here!?”

The question obviously directed at John.

JOHN MADISON: “Yes! My son said he would kill me if I didn't come home with Morgan's autograph! You want me to get killed Mr? Do you?!?!”

Morgan wakes up and elevates for a brief moment of consciousness. He notices Madison wearing 's face and immediately goes back into cardiac arrest.

JOHN MADISON: “What the hell are we paying you doctor's ludicrous salaries for. Save this mother fucker!”

DOCTOR: “Nah, fuck that! This nigga's on Obama Care.”

Both the Doctors leave the room which now just contains John (with a smiling face) and Morgan in a dilapidated state. He's breathing and has a heart beat but is drooling and staring blankly through John's estranged eyes cut out of 's face.

Morgan flails his hands at John but all he can really manage to do is flicker his fingers. Which is all John needs him to do while he places a pen between his flailing fingers. In a matter of seconds a bunch of chicken scratches appear on the paper that John was saving for his 'autograph.'

Madison signals to the camera man to cut the tape because they have rolled enough footage necessary for something?

Madness fades to commercial.

Back from commercial, we're once again in Heymans office. The Axis is celebrating Titans win over Scott Charlotte when something appears on the large flat screen TV hanging on the wall.

The Madness logo.... but why?


The Madness logo flickers and disappears, leaving us now with a backstage shot of a boardroom. Sat at the head of the table are several important looking network executives, and to their side Theo Pryce, nodding and talking to them just out of mic range. A gloved hand waves in front of the camera, and we pan back a few feet, now observing a slightly bedraggled looking Neonero, who wrings his palms with glee, his pseudo enthusiastic applause taking its toll on his finger joints.

Oh Paulie...Paulie! I’m so glad that you invited me here tonight. I’m sure you felt tonight went just swimmingly, didn’t you...such a shame that once again I have to leave you sour. It just never goes your way when Nero’s around, does it?

Nero grins, momentarily seeming to ignore his previously sustained injuries at the hands of Heyman’s henchmen.

I gave you a simple message this week: A parasite is a failed symbiote. I didn’t, of course, expect you to get your swollen head around what that means. But it was fun watching you try. It’s presently my M.O. not to explain things that are self evident, so if you, or your audience, have yet to find meaning in my words, then I’m afraid I must leave you sour. However, that is not the most bitter lemon I have up my sleeve. You may notice something in this room, and I don’t refer to the décor.

Nero motions towards Theo Pryce with his head, winking at the camera.

Are ya getting it?

Nero waves a clipboard in front of the camera, with the network logo briefly being visible before Nero slaps it down on the table with a crack.

Neonero has always been known as a lone ranger, save for one, very brief ‘dalliance’ with two men no longer in the XWF’s employ. But then along came a man called Zero. And he spoke to Nero. And Nero/Zero spoke to a man called Pryce. And a man called Nova, unrelated to Jehovah, came and spoke to Nero, himself genetically unrelated to Zero. And a certain Kinwrathi, had some words for me. And a scouser named Mystica had words for me too, but his name doesn't rhyme with anything fun, so for him there is no pun. But I do think he's super duper, number one.

Do you know these names? I have a feeling the penny might be dropping.

Nero grins, cocking his head to the side, looking doughy eyed and resting half his face on his palm, like a schoolgirl crushing on that Peter Gilmour sticker hidden in her locker.

Suffice to say Paulie, I’m now in good Company. I am now pretty much untouchable unless I choose to put myself in harms way, as I so charitably did earlier tonight.

And from this position, I now have access to resources that you wish you still did. See, while you may grasp at power, politicking your way to the helm of the show again, just so your little weenie can tighten to an acorn while you have a modicum of control...I now have the full backing of the network.

Which means, Paulie...


Nearly there...




That’s right, I –

What? I can hear you shouting at your TV down the hall, Paul. No, it wasn’t me that stole your sybian machine and I fail to see the relevance?! You people.

Nero chuckles at his own shenanigans, but finally tires of drawing out the suspense.

Sorry, Paul. But next week’s Madness will not be what you expect. In fact, it will be a return to a format seen just once in the XWF’s history. You may remember it as the wet dream that made you want to get involved in the XWF? I mean, seeing as it was timed just before your entrance to this company...

I refer, of course, to Nero’s Games. Madness will once again return to my spiritual home, The Theatre of Dreams, Old Trafford...for a night the XWF will never forget.

[Image: ngcopy.png]

See you next week Paul! Of course, I extend the opportunity that you did I, and encourage you to come to the show. Perhaps I can share some Maltesers with your new friends whilst you and I discuss shop over some Earl Grey?

Good day, Paulie, and Good day Madness fans.

I said good day.

Now that Nero has stopped talking, the show suddenly feels all 'off center'...weird.

- Heymans TV fades -

Heymans office falls silent. Heyman stands and leans against his liquor cabinet behind his desk. His palms down and his back to the camera.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Nero's Games...

“How did I miss that?”

The Riot Cop steps forward.

RIOT COP: “So... what's this all mean?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “It means...”

Heyman turns to face the camera. The camera slowly zooms in on Heyman.

PAUL HEYMAN: “It means I'm out as GM, after only a week.”

Only Heyman remains in view of the camera. Upper torso on up.

PAUL HEYMAN: “That's it..... It's over.....”

Camera still slowly zooming.

PAUL HEYMAN: “One thing is absolutely certain though, boys.”

The camera settles with only Heymans face on the camera.

PAUL HEYMAN: “If I'm going down...”

He hesitates...

PAUL HEYMAN: “I'm taking Madness with me...”

Heyman chuckles a little and grins his evil grin as Madness fades to commercial.

JOEY STYLES: “Well Don, they always say there's a first time for everything. Well tonight, we have our first ever pistol on a pole match in XWF history.”

DON GROSS: “And it certainly should be a great one. We have two competitors that literally hate the living hell out of each other. To put a gun in one of their hands will certainly mean an END to the other.”

JOEY STYLES: “And not just some kind of Peter Gilmour 'end' them either. I'm talking really kill the other.”

DON GROSS: “While Peter's threats may be for the most part unrealistic. That gun hanging off the edge of that pole on the outside of the ring is no joke.”

JOEY STYLES: “Another thing that isn't very humorous is the German March blaring over the X-ron as Wyatt Reynolds very calmly and quietly makes his way to the center of the ring. Primarily filled with a chorus of boo's that may only seem to fuel him as the rage begins to build beneath him.”

DON GROSS: “Yes we all know about the rage inside this young man.”

JOEY STYLES: “Certainly Don. Can his opponent John Austin match that same kind of intensity here tonight.”

DON GROSS: “We'll find out soon..”

'Time' by Pink Floyd plays.

JOEY STYLES: “The crowd erupts anticipating the arrival of the former United States Champion John Austin. The ticking time clocks from Pink Floyd's song echo in the arena.”

John Austin walks out from behind the curtains and the fans completely lose control. With his hands on his hips he stands soaking in the atmosphere.

DON GROSS: “I think this reaction is invigorating both sides here. Wyatt seems to be enraging even more anticipating the chance to tear apart his opponent.”

Wyatt Reynolds
- vs -
John Austin
Pistol-Whip on a Pole Match
An unloaded pistol will hang from a pole. The participant who retrieves it first may legally use it in the match

The bell rings while Austin is still halfway down the ring entrance ramp.

JOEY STYLES: “He's making his way straight for the pole!”

DON GROSS: “Wyatt may have caught a disadvantage here as the bell ringer may have prematurely jumped the gun. Wait a minute...”

Wyatt Reynolds slingshots over the top rope directly at Austin who has almost made his way to the pole on the south side of the ring.


Wyatt flies off the top rope and lands both on top of Austin and the pole!

JOEY STYLES: “My God Don! Now it's a race to see who can regain consciousness first. The gun flew off the pole which has also crashed on the ground. The gun slides to the complete other side of the ring on the north end.”

DON GROSS: “Both men out cold and this is within the first minute of the match!”

JOEY STYLES: “But Wyatt may have just saved himself from certain death! Certainly Mr. Austin would have killed him had he got his hands on that gun.”

DON GROSS: “Had he been given enough time to load it?”

JOEY STYLES: “That reminds me folks, each one of these competitors in our main event tonight has been given only one round of ammunition by XWF Administrator's.”

DON GROSS: “We now see Wyatt slowly pulling his round out of his Nazi arm band that he cleverly tied underneath it.”

Austin is also rising to his feet at about the same pace.



JOEY STYLES: “I'm not sure how that made it sweeter, but it did Don.”

DON GROSS: “This is wrestling, everything is sweeter and more powerfully done with a weapon in your hand. Haven't you ever played any wrestling video games Joey?”

JOEY STYLES: “No I haven't, but I know what you mean because I've watched HHH try to sell me how awesome his sledgehammer shots are.”

Wyatt steps on Austin's face while he's on the ground and immediately makes his way towards the gun. Austin tries but fails to trip him as a last ditch effort. Wyatt picks up the gun and walks over towards Austin. Austin is now on his knees pleading for his life as Wyatt pops open the barrel of the pistol. Reynolds laughs and places the bullet back under his arm band. After he finishes tying the arm band back up he speaks.


Instead of shooting him in the face and taking an easy win and murdering John Austin, he decides to pistol whip him in the face instead...

Whap! Whack!

The continuous beating across his skull splashes bits of blood on the pavement outside the ring. Wyatt puts his foot on top of Austin's chest...




Austin hasn't had enough yet. Reynolds is going back to the whip again..

Blocked by Austin.

The gun goes soaring across back to the south end of the ring again.

WYATT REYNOLDS: “You stupid son of a bitch!”

JOEY STYLES: “Wyatt's rage is about to unfold!”

DON GROSS: “Look he just helped Austin to his feet.”

Wyatt Reynolds attempts a haymaker punch. Ducked by Austin.

Austin returns fire with a kick to the gut, followed by a giant chop, and then finished with a snap DDT!

JOEY STYLES: “While Wyatt is on the ground he receives some vicious kicks from John Austin. Wyatt Reynolds attempts a low blow but instead pulls his hands back in pain.”

DON GROSS: “Austin's got balls of steel Joey!”

JOEY STYLES: “I think it's brass Don.”

From out of his tights Austin pulls a pair of brass knuckles which he proceeds to wrap around his fists. He then reaches into his boots to retrieve his own bullet. Griping it in his fists he waits for Reynolds to rise up to...


DON GROSS: “Holy shit Joey! He just hit him in the face with 2 WEAPONS AT ONCE!”

JOEY STYLES: “This match is over...”




DON GROSS: “No way he just kicked out of that Joey!”

JOEY STYLES: “That Reynolds is one tough son of a bitch.”

It appears like his anger has rubbed off on Austin, as he clearly wants to get revenge by ending Wyatt Reynolds right now. He makes his way back to the gun. Quickly flips open the barrel and proceeds to load the pistol?

JOEY STYLES: “What the hell?”

DON GROSS: “Somebodies given him the improper type of ammunition!”

JOEY STYLES: “Who would do this???”

Wyatt Reynolds begins rising to his feet. John Austin continues to struggle getting a bullet that is much too large for the barrel into the gun. Austin tosses his bullet and walks over to Wyatt. Wyatt is on all fours as Austin rips the bullet out of Wyatt's armband and proceeds to load it into the gun.

Perfect fit.

Austin attempt to cock the hammer back but is stopped in his tracks with a running tackle by Wyatt Reynolds. The gun slides out of the ring. The tackle sends both Wyatt and John Austin to the outside. The two get involved in a scuffle on the arena floor with both men pummeling each other. Both men break the scuffle and get to their feet. Wyatt stumbles and accidentally slams himself against the barricade.

Austin closes in on Wyatt, but Wyatt delivers a kick to the midsection. Austin shrugs it off and punches Wyatt in his face. Austin tosses Wyatt towards the steps but its reversed and Austin is sent into the steel steps instead. Before Wyatt could advance towards John Austin, an arm wraps around neck from a hooded person in the crowd.

The person pulls Wyatt into the crowd only to kick him in the nuts and take him to his knees. Then the mystery person starts punching Wyatt in the face then tosses him into the guardrail. Austin walks over to see what is going on when the mystery person then gives Wyatt a modified back breaker.

John Austin grabs Wyatt from the crowd and pulls him back over the barricade. He throws Wyatt into the ring. He then goes over to the hooded person. John grabs the hooded person and takes off the hood.


John looks at Christine with a look of shock as he goes back into the ring to continue the beat down on Wyatt. He looks back over toward Nash, but Nash has disappeared. Austin returns his attention to Wyatt Reynolds who remains down and out on the mat.

John places one foot on top of Wyatt's chest.



Shoulder UP!

Austin smiles and shakes his head. He lifts Wyatt to his feet and places him in a full nelson...



Charlotte Dyson has came from out of nowhere. She has the loaded gun and has cocked back the hammer. The barrel of the gun is at the back of John Austins head. John Austin freezes with Wyatt Reynolds still held in the full nelson position.

CHARLOTTE DYSON: “I drop him, if I was you, John Austin.”

Austin releases the full nelson and Wyatt falls to the mat on all fours.

CHARLOTTE DYSON: “Turn around... slowly now...”

Austin, with his hands in the air turns around slowly, just as instructed.

CHARLOTTE DYSON: “I tried to stay out of this match, John Austin. But your bitch attacked my man. Now, you know I couldn't let that slide.”

John smiles and chuckles to himself a little while shaking his head. He's surprised by these turn of events, but ultimately not shocked to see Dyson with a gun to his head.

CHARLOTTE DYSON: “Where is she now, John Austin? Where is Christine Nash?”

He shakes his head, mouthing the words 'I don't know.'

CHARLOTTE DYSON: “When you see her, you let her know that the future Mrs. Reynolds will be lookin' for her, you understand me?”

He nods, still with the smile on his face. He mouths the words 'I'll tell her.'



Reynolds hit the Burning Cross (Cross Rhodes) on John Austin! He immediately hugs a laughing and smiling Charlotte Dyson. She then hands Wyatt Reynolds the locked and loaded pistol.

JOEY STYLES: “This is not good! Those two loose cannons may have just ensured the end of John Austin here!”

Wyatt Reynolds sits on Austins chest and shoves the barrel of the pistol into John Austins mouth.




WINNER: Wyatt Reynolds

JOEY STYLES: “Reynolds wins, but it ain't over. He still has that gun in Austin's mouth!”

The referee tries to intervene. A crazed, glazed over look is evident on Wyatt Reynolds face. Charlotte Dyson decks the referee.

John Austins eyes grow wide with the ever growing feeling of impending doom.

WYATT RYNOLDS: “You call yourself fear?

“John Austin, you're lookin' in the eyes of reality, son.

“You're lookin' into the true face of fear!”

A few members of the Madness security detail begin to rush toward the ring.

WYATT RYNOLDS: “Y'all stay back now!

“I have a locked and loaded pistol and y'all tell me if I look like a man that's afraid to use it!

“Naw, y'all stay back. Even touch that ring apron I swear to God almighty that John Austin's brains will be embedded into this ring mat!

“Y'all want that on your conscience?”

Wyatt begins to laugh and Charlotte Dyson enjoys every moment of watching her man drive fear into Joihn Austin.

WYATT RYNOLDS: “Sorry, John. Nothin' personal.”


The gun fires in John Austin's mouth....

Except nothing happens....


WYATT RYNOLDS: “Aww fuck!”

Wyatt Reynolds takes the pistol out of John Austins mouth and flips it around in his hand. He begins to mercilessly beat John Austins skull with the butt of the pistol. Blood trickles from Austin's eye as security rushes the ring.

Dyson takes care of one man.

Wyatt gets off of Austin and pistol whips a second.

Both Dyson and Reynolds take out the third and final security guard.

Charlotte Dyson and Wyatt Reynolds engage in a tight lip lock. Wyatt still holds the bloodied pistol as Madness fades to commercial.

JOEY STYLES: “The Madness is back folks and we're headed to the parking garage as we've been told something is going down back there!”

The cameras rush out to find Amos James Jr. and Wyatt Reynolds engaged in a vicious brawl. Both men are slugging it out until Wyatt bashes Amos' head against the side of the building. Amos goes down to one knee and he looks to be bleeding. Here comes XWF backstage security to split them up.

Wyatt is trying to fight off the security, but Amos rises and nails him with the European Championship. Apparently, Wyatt had been carrying it and dropped it during the brawl! Wyatt stumbles back against an SUV as the guards get between them again. Wyatt lets out a grunt, and we see that Elisha is hiding under the vehicle, biting Wyatt's leg!

In a blur, Amos rushes through the guards and delivers a big boot to Wyatt while he's distracted, and shattering the driver's side window with the brute force! Wyatt Reynolds slumps to the ground with the back of his head now busted.

Amos wipes blood away from his forehead and sees Elisha underneath the SUV.

"I told you I didn't need no help, didn't I?! GET ON NOW! GET!"

Elisha rolls out from under the vehicle and runs away. Amos glares at his European Championship, drapes it over his shoulder, and is escorted away.

Wyatt Reynolds lays on the pavement with Charlotte Dyson hovering over him. Wyatt can do nothing but laugh as he makes his way to his feet. He reaches back and touches the bloodied spot on his head. He looks at the blood in his hand.


Madness fades to its final commercial break.

Stay tuned for the conclusion of Madness. What side is Sebastian Duke on? Will he join forces with Eli James and his Congregation? Or will he team up with Theo Pryce and the Company?

Find that answer, NEXT on MADNESS!
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[-] The following 10 users Like Paul Heyman's post:
Andrew Morrison (02-04-2014), Christine Nash (02-04-2014), Ezekiel Carter-Williams V (02-04-2014), Great Buzzard Eli James IV (02-04-2014), John Austin (02-04-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (02-04-2014), Scott Charlotte (02-04-2014), The Linguist (02-04-2014), Theo Pryce (02-04-2014), Wallace Witasick (02-04-2014)
The Linguist Offline
Linguini Maximus Isaac

XWF FanBase:

(can't get crowd reactions; awkward; probably going to be fired soon) 

02-04-2014, 11:34 AM

Hm. So my two opponents next week are having 'fun and games' without me. Do I feel left out? No. The more they wear each other down, the more profitable it may turn out for me, and while I usually wouldn't share information like that, well... I do think it's best they know before the match gets a little too boring with me dominating as much as it's obvious I will...

My Record:


Looking to win the Nuclear Winter Series
1x Ark of the Covenant Champion
[Image: W3lLgYF.jpg]

Banner made by Dr. Zero.
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

02-04-2014, 11:37 AM


[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Frodo mother fucking Smackins's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (02-04-2014)
John Austin Away
Grizzled Young Vet


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

02-04-2014, 11:40 AM

AWESOME....major props to whoever wrote out that match involving Wyatt and I.... fantastic :D

To find John, turn those lights out because he will then appear...
XWF LEGEND and the only man who punked out Duke TWICE
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Paul Heyman

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-04-2014, 11:53 AM

JA... I believe WW wrote up until the Nash appearance. I handled the ending.
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[-] The following 2 users Like Paul Heyman's post:
AlexandraCallaway (02-04-2014), John Austin (02-04-2014)
Ann Thraxx Offline
Fuck the fuck off!

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

02-04-2014, 11:58 AM

WOW! Scorpio's back? Huh. Never met the guy, and he just looks... Genuinely . If he can't beat the crap out of a guy who didn't know how to stick by his tag partner against a midget (Frodo Smackins) and a small crying girl (Kimmy-K), then he is very pathetic and should just walk out the door. If he CAN beat D.Shadows... Well, cool. Most people can.

[Image: 2lv1fme.png]

How come all the weird kinky stuff in the world reminds you people of me!?
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Scorpio Offline
Dick Of Doom

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

02-04-2014, 12:13 PM

(02-04-2014, 11:58 AM)Ann Thraxx Said: WOW! Scorpio's back? Huh. Never met the guy, and he just looks... Genuinely . If he can't beat the crap out of a guy who didn't know how to stick by his tag partner against a midget (Frodo Smackins) and a small crying girl (Kimmy-K), then he is very pathetic and should just walk out the door. If he CAN beat D.Shadows... Well, cool. Most people can.

1. If you think I look now, JUST WAIT! You ain't seen nothin yet!

2. I haven't had a match in like a year, my rings are rusty, and my jeweler was busy so get off my back woman.

[Image: Scorpin.png]


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[-] The following 2 users Like Scorpio's post:
Ann Thraxx (02-04-2014), Theo Pryce (02-04-2014)
Ann Thraxx Offline
Fuck the fuck off!

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

02-04-2014, 12:15 PM

I suppose a fuckload of ring rust explains a match with Shadows... Carry on, then.

[Image: 2lv1fme.png]

How come all the weird kinky stuff in the world reminds you people of me!?
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Ann Thraxx's post:
AlexandraCallaway (02-04-2014)
John Msdison 2.Faggot

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02-04-2014, 02:10 PM


I took it.

It's all mine now.

Thank you for keeping it warm.
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

02-04-2014, 02:13 PM

Where the fuck did you get it from? I never told anyone where I kept it.

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-04-2014, 02:21 PM

I guess it floated away and fell into my lap.

Or it could have been a fake one. You know how they make those realistic masks for movies?

But since you just admitted that I did in fact "get it," then that means it's the real deal!
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

02-04-2014, 02:28 PM

I don't know if it's mine or not. Mine is with a friend, I have to check on it soon. As soon as I get a chance I'll see if mine is still there. If it's not I will come for you. And if it is mine then know that I fucked that face, my semen was on those lips.

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-04-2014, 02:39 PM

It's too late, Frodo.


You already admitted that the boytoy has the face.

And yes, you've made it very clear that you had sex with the face.

Like I said, thanks for keeping it warm.
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

02-04-2014, 03:24 PM

I'm not 100% certain that it is, but I'm pretty goddamn positive it is. If it is there will be a war.

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-04-2014, 03:32 PM

But, can you see over the barrel of your gun?
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

02-04-2014, 03:35 PM

Yes, yes I can Duke. And even though we stood together against Shane once I will still bring the war to you if you interfere. I want my goddamned face back.

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-04-2014, 03:44 PM

Get a ladder and read my lips...



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