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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Martyr (RP #2)
Author Message
Andrew Morrison Away
The Storm Of Destruction

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

02-03-2014, 04:36 PM

Andrew Morrison sits at a table in a dark room illuminated by only black candles and he is flanked on each side by a member of the Apocalyptic Genesis; Tera Vincent to the left and Michael Kelly to the right. Andrew has his trademark hoodie on and his hood over his head and his hair in his face. Andrew begins to speak in almost a whisper.

"He shall walk into the valley of the shadow of death, and although he may fear no evil, he has never seen an evil such as thee. He may bring his weapons, bring his "rod", and bring his "staff". He can bring everything in his arsenal to my doorstep and it will all come for naught."

Andrew lifts his hands off of the table and raises them slowly and extends them out. Tera grabs one hand and Michael the other, and Andrew tilts his head back to remove his hood and lets his hair fly behind him and he looks above him and smirks before bringing his head back down and looks to the camera and speaks once more in his normal tone.

"My destiny, OUR destiny is there for the taking! The Apocalyptic Genesis shall bring a bloodbath to stain those wish to stand against us. The XWF and the world will never be the same again. Eli James can only hide behind his "ownership" title and his zombies in the Congregation for so long. The "Company" is after him. The "Administrative Network" has their eyes set upon him. Your hypocritical greed for all of that power will come crashing down upon you, and WE, the Apocalyptic Genesis, shall be among those who watch you burn."

"Time will tell, and your time will come. But, every journey begins with a simple step, and the first step was this past Warfare when myself and Tera were forced to test each other. I DO NOT find it a coincidence that myself and my dear Tera were placed against each other. The "power" that be wished to watch us destroy each other. Why, we all test each other often, it is how we grow stronger. And I am incredibly proud of my dear Tera for finally passing said test, and managed to keep me down on the mat. Tera shall be a true force to be reckoned with and Eli will one day regret the day he wished to test her as he did. Why, I believe Eli has felt the sting of her once, and perhaps he will again soon. But again, all in time."

Andrew slowly stands from the table and looks toward Tera and nods. Tera walks off screen and then Andrew nods to Michael, who also walks off screen. A few moments pass before Tera returns with a steel chair with what looks like a towel on it. Michael Kelly soon returns with a lighter, and then flicks it and places it on the towel, setting the chair ablaze. Andrew holds this fiery chair and looks to the camera once more and speaks.

"The next step has been placed in front of us. It shall be myself against John Raide in a NO disqualification match. No rules, no countout, and John will find out soon enough...NO MERCY! Why, was mercy shown to "the Son of God"? They left him on a cross to DIE! He became a MARTYR for all the brainless buffoons of humanity! He "died" to take away the "sins of the world"!? Yet, those such as Eli wish to condemn us for these same "sins"? The "sin" of human nature? The "sin" of survival, and to WANT, to TAKE what is rightfully ours!? THIS WORLD is rightfully ours. THE XWF shall be rightfully ours!"

"John Raide, you should be honored. Eli James has chosen you to be a martyr. The "powers" that be have chosen you to step into the ring with me and to take what will be the worst beating of your life. A beating that I will tell you now, will make past beatings I have given ANYMORE seem tame. Because, John, it is time that I sent the XWF a message. It is time I sent Eli James, and the WORLD a message. I came back to the XWF not to simply stand by and be anyone's puppet. I came back with the Apocalyptic Genesis to change the world. To END the world as you know it. I came to destroy everything that shall stand in our way, and John, you have been chosen to be the one I shall make an example of. I will show you, Eli, and the world...what happens when you step into the ring with me."

Tera walks behind Andrew and places the hood back over Andrew's head, and Andrew smirks as he lowers his voice to a whisper once more.

"Whomever shall fall into thy path shall be casted into a furnace of blazing fire...this has been the word of Morrison.."

W-L Record Since Return: 1-1 (singles or tag) 0-1 (special/gauntlet matches)
[Image: pdCdNLq.jpg]
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