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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
PlaceMarker Detroit II
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The Linguist Offline
Linguini Maximus Isaac

XWF FanBase:

(can't get crowd reactions; awkward; probably going to be fired soon) 

01-31-2014, 11:01 AM

The camera fades in to see a coin on its side on top of some wooden floorboards.

[Image: img_0584.jpg]

The sound of footsteps echo off of the floor boards, and from the reflection we can see that someone is coming closer. A voice rings around the room.

And thus, the coin is tossed, but it lands on its side.

Two black loafers come to a halt at the coin. A hand descends from above, carefully picking up the coin from the sides using the index finger and the thumb. The hand begins to slowly raise the coin. The camera follows it.

An outcome that could not be expected, or easily predicted... making it that all the more special.

The camera stops moving when the coin stops moving, as it is held next to the face of The Linguist. We can see his lavish house behind him, as well as the formal suit he is wearing. He doesn't seem to have much of an expression on his face, but when he speaks its almost as if you can see a quiver of a smile forming...

Something this special, or something as special as this, may not be replicated again for a long, long time. But that won't stop people from trying again.

The camera slowly begins to zoom out as The Linguist starts tossing the coin and catching it in his hand, before tossing it and repeating, over and over again. He continues to speak as he keeps his eye on the camera, perfectly catching the coin each time, without so much as the need for looking.

Trying to replicate that feeling of shock, magic, and unpredictability, to show it off to untold masses.

After catching it again, The Linguist suddenly flattens his palm on a table next to him, raising it again to leave the coin there, with the head side facing up. He walks away from the table, hands placed neatly behind his back, as he keeps his face pointed at the camera, talking and walking around the big empty room at the same time.

But me? I'm not one of those people, no. I'm a man who would rather leave his own staple on the world. My own mark. Something that no one expects... but something no one can predict either. And I must say, it is rather unfortunate that this plan must come to fruition so soon after the last... 'event'.

The Linguist walks through a door that leads outside, and the camera changes accordingly, providing a shot of the grand house from within the garden, a garden which could be much much larger for all we know. We can see The Linguist stepping out and walking across the porch. The camera moves toward him, as The Linguist sits on a lounger in the strangely sunny weather.

But nevertheless, the wheels are turning, and the cogs are spinning, and although at this point the strategic usually sits back to enjoy the show, I am dreadfully afraid that I am the show. Regardless of how the coin had landed before, the same, long term outcome will be apparent.

He chuckles a small laugh.

I suppose I must have tired you bunch with my metaphors...

He sighs.

I still do remember how Mr. Storm had complained over my 'mixed messages'.

He shakes his head.

How about I make this easier for me and... well... different for me by saying that despite how Mr. Eli James is now the official owner of the XWF, and despite how my forthcoming match this Warfare has turned out to be quite different from any of the initially promised variations, I will still conquer all and come out as the true victor.

It matters not whether I enter first, or if I enter last in tonight's gauntlet. I am still walking out as the Champion... whichever Championship that may be. And then? I'm coming for the European Champion that Mr. Eli James's cousin holds dear.

The Linguist chuckles to himself as his eyes wander from the camera.

Perhaps you should take tonight as a warning, Mr. James. A warning so that you can get your beloved cousin out of our match as soon as you desire.

The Linguist returns his gaze to the camera, his expression and voice as calm as it has been throughout the entire promo.

Because otherwise, you may not see him again.

He smirks a little and buries his hand into his pocket. Pulling out a coin, The Linguist places it on a bridge made from his thumb placed on top of his index finger. From here he flicks the coin into the air, and carelessly watches it as it careens back down and lands perfectly on its side. A scene to which the camera fades out, with The Linguist's voice echoing:

This is our chance.

My Record:


Looking to win the Nuclear Winter Series
1x Ark of the Covenant Champion
[Image: W3lLgYF.jpg]

Banner made by Dr. Zero.
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