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Angelus et Dcemone
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Crimson Cobra Offline
Dat Crimson Boy

XWF FanBase:
Super Face

(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

03-11-2013, 12:41 PM

Phoenix, AZ

The Fox News intro plays and the arizona crew is on the scene.

Kristin Anderson:
“This is Kristin Anderson reporting live with Rick D’amico and we have breaking news on the escape of a mental hospital patient.”

Rick D'amico:
“Thats right Kristin we have field reporter Diane Ryan at the mental hospital with police to answer our questions, Diane.”

The camera cuts to Diane who is holding the microphone to her mouth awaiting the countdown to begin speaking with the officer.

“Thank you Kristin, I am here with doctor Grimes who was the escaped man’s main doctor as well as officer Dixon the sheriff of the county. Officer Dixon are there any leads as to how this man escaped?”

Officer Dixon:
“Actually right now I am not able to go into detail. But what I can tell you is it seems that there was no excessive force and only a broken window in his room. The problem with this is the room was three stories high and a fall from that height to a man of his age would cause very serious injury.”

Doctor Grimes:
“Thats right officer and as his main doctor it was especially odd finding these drawings and writings in his room.”

“Let me give a quick warning to any family with young children watching right now, please parents shield their eyes as the content on these pages are quite graphic.”

The camera zooms in on what Dr. Grimes is holding, a drawing of a man who appears to be crawling out of the depths of hell. Fire and brimstone behind him and it looks as if he is crawling out of a volcano or a pool of lava. The mans head is altered, horns appear to be growing out of the top of his head and black wings have sprouted from his back. Also a smaller detail found on his head would be the number of the beast 666 looking like it was carved into it.

The next sheet of paper is all writing very disorderly, scribbles almost but some things are able for people to make out. “Welcome him to hell!”, “The boy must die”, “Silence is virtue, but his blood will be my virtue.” These are the three biggest writings on the paper and most disturbing.

The camera now switching back to the three people at the mental hospital surrounded by camera crews, police that are still arriving, and crime scene investigators.

Officer Dixon:
“This man was obviously disturbed and had some sort of help escaping the vicinity, his nearest family lives a few states away so there is no thought of them being the help. As our investigation continues we will keep you posted ma’am.”

“Thank you doctor Grimes and officer Dixon, and now back to you Kristin and Rick.”

The camera quickly cuts back to the news studio were the anchors are sitting.

Kristin Anderson:
“Quite the story unfolding there Rick, looks like that one will keep us up all night tonight.”

Rick D'amico:
“That's for sure Kristin, at least the young ones can rest their heads with ease knowing that the police are hard at work to solve this case.”

Kristin Anderson:
“And in other news local man hits the 6 million dollar lotto, he will be here to explain how he has won 3 lotteries in a row after this!”

House of the Caged Beast.

“The Pit”

It was finally time, the escape of ages. A lusting for blood, but no longer blood of a lesser animal but the blood of a creator, an angel, better a “god”. I want to taste the hand that has been feeding me. Once that cage opens again the coiled spring will release and an unknown surprise will escape. That unpleasant thought of a snake with a mind coming back. The worlds most venomous snake thinking, knowing, ready.

The floor trembled as it always would when the giant would approach with lunch. The latch was unhitched, the door as if in slow motion being pulled open. This test would be the most difficult, a mid-western wild prairie dog was in the hand of the giant today and the only problem with that was it wasn’t going to be eaten.

Almost like a gunshot the snake sprung out of the cage, leaping at least 2 feet over the cage. The arm that was lowering the next victim into the cage was caught off guard. Caught in the binds of a powerful and dangerous snake.

“Do not bite the hand that feeds, until the food is no longer enough.”

The Cobra was wrapping itself around the muscular arm of the man. It’s teeth were sunk deep into the mans arm, the blood tasting more amazing than any other animal the cobra had devoured thus far. A lusting for blood that had to be put to an end only by that of human blood. The arm was now purple and black filled with poison and blood was cut off of circulation from the pumping of the heart.

The man was already on the floor, passed out due to fear. Now knocked out due to the intensity of the poison. This man would be dead in seconds now, (If only this were Angelus) as soon as the venom touched the heart it would stop beating and the cobra would have its next victim.

“A smart mind is dangerous, a snake’s mind even more so. Now mix the two and you will have a creature that can take down any being the world throws at him. My sinister plot will pay off in due time.”

The snake continues to drain the arm of anymore blood before leaving the lifeless body on the floor of the office and slithering into the unknown abyss of the house. Ready to take on any being mortal or even a higher power.

Aurora, Colorado

The tv cuts to a commercial and the power is shut off. Crimson Cobra pushes his rolling chair away from the computer and clicks off of the youtube page that was showing a recording titled, “Crazy Man Escapes Arizona Asylum!”. After being on the computer for a while he was sure that these videos being posted only a day ago were about his father. Russell Cobb existed no more, or at least this is what Crimson Cobra was told in his dream like talk with his dead mother. A demon was said to replace his body, and Santa took his soul. This could be the worst news until he remembers the frightening words his mother left him with, “He is coming for you, he wants you dead.”. What to do, a church? A Priest? Would any of that biblical nonsense really work against a demon though?

Cobra got up from the rolling chair and wondered over to the fire place. An empty fire place now needed more wood but Cobra wasn’t here to warm himself, but simply to look at the picture of his mother the painting that had changed last night. His mother was wearing formal clothing but then last night when he knows he was absolutely positively awake and he saw that her formal clothing had changed to the same long draping white dress that his mother was wearing when she was talking to him. But approaching the painting he was surprised another time with her clothing being the formal wear like it was normally. Was it all a dream, why was his mind messing with him so much.

He just wanted concrete evidence, something to know if what she said was true, from the news report with the drawings and writings it looked as if it could very well be true. But there was no way the Crimson Cobra was going to simply accept that, they didn’t even name the man who escaped in the report only saying his closest family was a few states away.

“Come on mom, come see me again. You said you would help me....”

A silence takes over the room, nothing is happening and Crimson Cobra grows angry.

“D*** IT! If he is a f***ing demon like you say how in the 9 circles of hell am I supposed to defeat him?!”

Cobra slams his fists against the wall that the portrait is held upon. The picture falls and the framing cuts Cobra’s head. A small blood oozing cut over his right eye. Blood began to pour from his head and landed on the painting making it look as if his mother was crying blood. Cobra absolutely infuriated with himself now after ruining the only painting he has ever really liked. The only art that he has even been able to rest his eyes on and not want to vomit from lack of creativity or artisticness. His vision becomes blurry and eyes are now watery.

Not wanting to cry but not able to hold his anger and sorrow back any longer. A flurry of tears rushed his cheeks, so many years of being strong and not crying. Not letting anyone see that you are weak, and it is all coming out now. But would this show that he is weak? Or would it show him to be even stronger being able to use his feelings against his dad. His father was the only thing left in the world keeping Cobra stable. Now he is forced to believe in a devil, demons, and angels.

Cobra was never really one to go to church, or participate in conversations on religion. He knew he believed in something but wasn’t just so sure what yet. But it was no longer time for thinking, or choosing to believe because in that wasted effort his father would be there, ready to strike.

Ready to kill, his own son.

“Have you ever had to face your biggest fear Angelus? My biggest fear, my biggest nightmare has come true. A man I once loved, cherished and called father has changed. He is no longer my father he is something worse then a murderer. I have never believed in Angels and Demons but in the past few days I would be naive to not.

Angelus... The great latin word for Angel. An angel is something so divine, illuminating perfection. A symbolic representation of an angel shows Love, Purity, Faith, and Courage. All of these things will do what for you? If you are to love then you are eventually going to lose that love and be heart broken sinking into a dark depression. Purity is only there to make the un-pure feel lesser. Purity is meant to be broken, in our society especially XWF there are no pure souls.... Not even you Angelus. Faith ha, excuse me, but faith is a joke. You believe in this, we believe in that, if you don’t believe in this then you will go to hell. I am already in hell, living the hell of not having a family to run to when stuck in a bad situation. Waiting to see if I am just crazy or if my mother is really going to help me, life is hell and I am supposed to get down to my knees put my hands together and pray? Courage may be the only thing on this list that I have, I have the courage to step up to a man who calls himself an angel and I will show him the demonic side of the Cobra I will show him why I am my fathers son. I will have the courage to face the demon that is in possession of my fathers body and I will build up the courage to find my mother again.

Angelus you can have all of these traits or none of these traits either way there is nothing you can do to walk away from me standing.”

1x Quote of the Moment
4x 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion
1x Tag Team Champion

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