Theo Pryce
King of Kings

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01-07-2014, 05:15 PM
Pryce Industries was founded in 1975 by Thomas Pryce, his dream; to feed the world. The first big project that Thomas took on was developing a system for growing synthetic protein based food. The contract to fund this venture was agreed upon between Pryce Industries and the Agricultural Association of California. Ten years later the results were finally starting to come in and after almost 18 months of testing the results were very positive and people were starting to take notice. None of them more influential and more powerful than that of the U.S Government. And so it was on July 18, 1985 that the United States Government showed up at the doors of Pryce Industries Headquarters. At the time Pryce Industries was located within one of the bigger office parks in Glendale, not the current campus that makes up Pryce Towers.
Thomas Pryce was every bit the antithesis of his only son. While Theo is abrasive and egotistical, Thomas was compassionate and caring. Where showing up unannounced at Theo’s door would often be met with a “Go fuck yourself” and a slammed door in your face, showing up to Thomas’ door was never an issue because Thomas prided himself on his open door policy. Something that the Government knew ahead of time and used to their advantage when they showed up. The purpose of their visit, was to put a stop to Pryce Industries program because it not only exceeded their expectations but also exceeded the scope of their control. And after all, the Government can't have a successful program that they themselves can't have their talons hooked into, especially one that cuts into the government's pockets.
So when the Government showed up at Thomas Pryce’s door warning him that the company had to put an end to its program immediately or else face further actions Thomas did what he had become accustomed to doing. Smiling, saying thank you and complying with the government’s wishes. It’s not that the Government presented strong evidence to support their claim that the long term effects of Pryce's synthetic protein was proving fatal but it was the threat of litigation that could cost the company millions of dollars and handcuff their ability to move forward with any other projects that gave Thomas reason to shut his project down immediately. In essence the Government bullied their way into getting what they want because they identified a mark that could easily be manipulated.
“If you can’t beat em, join em…”
And that is exactly what happened. Behind the scenes as Theo rose to power within his father’s company he started to change the culture and direction of Pryce Industries behind the scenes. With Theo’s father spending less and less time at the office due to his deteriorating health, Theo used it as an opportunity to quickly and stealthily revamp the company into his image. Instead of agriculture and farms it was weapons and battlefields. Pryce Industries went from being the foremost authority on Green Living to being the company willing to arm anyone so long as their check cleared. One of the first customers Theo managed to sign during the company’s transition was that of the United States Government. The reasoning behind it was two fold, the United State’s loves to win any dick measuring contest it engages in, especially when it boasts having the world's largest military and secondly, by working with the government it significantly decreases the chances that the government will spend their time trying to bring Pryce Industries down as doing so exposes them as a customer themselves. After all the US Government has been funding terrorists for years and done their best to hide those affiliations.
Over the last few years Theo has made twice yearly trips to Washington D.C to meet with his contact within the government. The U.S Government felt it would be best for them if all of their dealings with Pryce Industries occurred between Theo Pryce and one person that they appointed. Theo believed that by limiting the discussions to just two people it made it easier for the government to disavow any knowledge of what transpired at these meetings. As well as remove both men from the equation if they felt the need to do so. Theo knew how the government operated, and he was sure the person he meets with also knew it but what recourse did that person have? They were an employee of the government themselves.
And so here we are. Tom’s Café, located on Sixth Street in downtown Washington D.C, the site of Theo and his contact’s twice yearly visit. First they would enjoy coffee, catch up, maybe have some pie, Tom’s was know around the world for its Peach Pie and from there the duo would walk the grounds of the National Mall discussing any updates in business as well as giving Theo’s contact an opportunity to place the next big order for the US Armed Forces.
The last order placed was for almost $450 million dollars worth of weapons and vehicles. Through Theo’s various other contacts within the government and the military Theo has learned that the United States is on the precipice of another war and it that it will be at this meeting that Theo’s contact will place what is expected to be the biggest order in military history. The exact rumored value has been anywhere from 5 billion to 20 billion. Knowing the government and their desire to always be seen as the big dog on the block Theo is hoping that 20 billion is a conservative estimate and that the real order will come in closer to 50 billion.
As Theo enters the glass door of Tom’s Café he is overwhelmed by the strong aroma of coffee. Theo dressed in a black suit as well as a long black coat walks far enough in to allow for the doors to close behind him so as to not let any of the cold air from the outside to start spreading throughout the heated café but not far enough to draw any attention to himself. Before approaching the register where the same caucasian woman has been working to seat people for over 30 years, according to the owner that is, Theo stands in front of the doors surveying the café looking for the right seat. After a few seconds of checking and rechecking Theo approaches the counter and points out the exact seat he would like to be seated at. A small two seater table towards the back of the café, the perfect spot as no one can be seated behind Theo and it gives Theo the perfect view to see the front door so that he can spot his contact before his contact can spot him.
Their meeting this time around is scheduled for 9:00am and as is customary Theo arrives approximately 10 minutes early upon which he will order a hot water with lemon while waiting for his contact. By sitting in the back of the café Theo will be able to see if his contact is being followed by anyone as his tail will also be within perfect eye shot of where Theo is seated.
The waitress brings Theo his cup of hot water with lemon, asks if he wants to order anything else to which he replies that he is waiting for someone else before order. The waitress politely smiles and goes off to handle one of her other tables giving Theo a few minutes to peruse the day’s edition of the Washington Post which of course is the same useless drivel that you see on CNN or Fox news. Article A is bashing X politician. Article B is complaining about the rising crime rate in the District, Article C talks about the budget and on the back of the paper is a recap of the local sports teams. It’s a wonder newspaper subscriptions are dwindling to the point of irrelevancy. There is a small bell positioned right above the door of the café as a way to notify the staff when people enter and exit the establishment. During the course of the 10 minutes Theo is seated he the bell rings a few times, each time it is accompanied by Theo glancing up from his paper to see if his contact has finally joined him. It is on the third ring that Theo finally sees what he is looking for. A white male, approximately 35-40 years of age with short black hair with shades of gray steps into the café, much like Theo when he entered the café, this man carefully surveys the area and then upon seeing Theo makes his way towards the table, saying nothing to those he passes by and keeping eye contact to a minimum. As the man approaches the table, Theo folds the paper in half and places it on the table. Theo's contact, upon arriving at the table is the first to break the silence.
“Mr. White.”
“Mr. Green.”
Fade to black.
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Ezekiel Carter-Williams V (01-07-2014), Great Buzzard Eli James IV (01-08-2014)