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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Macbeths Interview with XWF Official Magazine
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Chris MacBeth Offline
Knight of the X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

02-28-2013, 05:08 PM

Crimson Cobra…

A worthy opponent???

The next step in my journey…

The next obstacle in the way of Greatness…

My time is now…

The Full interview with the XWF’s rising star Chris Macbeth.

“So Chris, we sit here just days after you successfully defeated Prophecy in your first match in the XWF congratulations are in order. Did you have any doubt in your mind of the outcome of the match? Any nerves leading up to your big start?”

CM: Did you watch the match?

“Yes of course, I was sat there at ringside”

CM: Ah, so you witnessed it first hand, front row?


CM: Then why did you just ask me if I had any doubt in my mind, or if I was nervous? You saw how I handled that fool Prophecy. He was never in the match he may as well of stayed at home. It was ridiculers really, so one sided… but you have to blame Wallace and the team that books these matches for that really.

“Well we did see after the match your…. Lets say confrontation with Warfare general manager Wallace Witasick with regards to this issue, do you believe it has been successfully resolved?

CM: No, not really.


CM: Ok don’t get me wrong if offered me the chance to face up against a main eventer here in the XWF, but what is the point of putting me against a now failed main eventer? That’s what I want to know. My challenge needs to be bigger than that.

“So… you believe you should have been up against the winner of that match? The person who is now number 1 contender for the United States Title?”

CM: Yes of course, I’m not here to make up the numbers, I’m here to reach the top and show that I am the best.

“Some people believe you have to pay your dues in this business before you get anywhere near sharing a ring with people of this quality.”

CM: Do you think that?

“Yes I do.”

CM: Well your wrong, what is the point of me travelling to a different city every week, walking into a different arena and into the XWF ring to just to walk out five minutes later without even breaking a sweat, it’s not entertaining for anyone and it’s just wasting mine and believe it or not Wallace Witasick’s time.

“Wasting the time of our general manager, how so?”

CM: Well let me explain to you. Wallace like you, like the Warfare fans and even me want Warfare to continue to be the greatest show in the XWF even the world.

“It already is”

CM: Yes, I agree with that. However you put my name at the top of the bill, in matches that actually mean something to anybody involved in wrestling and the fans then I will guarantee Warfare would leave all other shows behind. You need to get these fans hooked in, you want to see social networks going crazy, worldwide trends and fan groups. To do this you need to excite people, to do excite people you need Chris Macbeth.

“Ok so moving on. Regardless of what we have covered already, you have been scheduled for a match against Crimson Cobra next Wednesday night on Warfare. We witness the main event last Wednesday with Cobra and his partner Deadly having to go against each other for the opportunity to earn a title shot. Do you think there maybe some unrest in the Crimson Camp?”

CM: Of course, that was evident on Wednesday night. It goes to show you can’t trust anyone in this business because In the end everyone should want to be the best and unfortunately only one person can be and eventually jealousy may set in or you get forced into a match together for something important as we have just seen with these two trying to destroy each other.

“Do you think this could come as an advantage to you in your up and coming match with Crimson Cobra”

CM: Absolutely not. I mean regardless of them having there little tiff with each other this is a match between two people, Cobra and myself, so no need for Deadly to be there. Plus it wouldn’t bother me if he did get involved just adds to the show and would allow me to prove myself against two people in one night making my rise to the top even quick as long as I have to play by these stupid pay your dues rules.

“You seem very confident”

CM: That’s because I am, you have to be in this job. If not you could get hurt and you will never go anywhere except the trash heap, the occasional dark match in some hole in the wall town. Nobody wants that… even Crimson Cobra, that’s why despite my disappointment that it was he that I have booked against I will not take it easy he will get the full Chris Macbeth force. I will not be the one going back to the cold damp halls with loose ropes and blood and urine stained ring apron. If I wanted that I would wrestle on Shove it Saturday Night.

“Not a fan of the XWF’s Saturday night show then?”

CM: Are you? I heard last Saturday people where throwing themselves into the ocean just to get away from having to wrestle on that show… and like I said earlier Wednesday Night is the greatest show I just think it could be better and I am the man to do that.

“So how does this week leading up to your match go?”

CM: Hop on a plane tonight, have some business in Vegas to take care of and then preparation starts.

“ OK thanks Chris, that’s all we have time for, I look forward to seeing your match next week.”

[Image: bkr0f_Tl.jpg]

Chris Macbeth's Backstage Page

1 X XWF Hart Champion - 04/27/16 - 06/08/16
1 X XWF Tag Team Champion. - 04/06/16 - 05/25/16
1 X Heavy Metal Weight Champion - 04/29/13 - 05/05/13
1 X 24/7 Federweight Champion - 02/21/16 - 02/23/16
1 X Star of the Month

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