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Pryce Industries Biggest Sin
Author Message
Sincere Lee Wild Offline
XWF's Ultimate Sin

XWF FanBase:
Monster Heel

(always booed; cheats; hurts people)

11-19-2013, 03:41 PM


Ruby Maxwell never allowed Sin to own a pet.

“Filthy Creatures!”

The screeching voice of her foster parent still echoed in her mind as she threw back her head downing almost a whole bottle of beer in just a matter of seconds as it slowly oozed from the sides of her mouth and down the front of her stained T-Shirt. Filthy was something Ruby knew all about.

Sin had so desperately wanted an animal just to have a bond with anything, but even cats were not allowed due to Ruby’s allergic reaction to them. However she did have a goldfish once, Sin of course purchased it herself with the money she had been saving for weeks that she had found on the floor or buried deep inside the old couch cushions.

Goldy. That was her goldfishes name, not an original name, but a name none the less. Unfortunately the life span of a goldfish seemed to be a short one, and only a few days after purchasing it from Wilson’s Pet Store it had a funeral which consisted of a few shorts words and the flick of her wrist, watching it swirl around in a circle until finally disappearing down the toilet.

Sin remembered Mr. Wilson’s warning when she purchased Goldy.

“Make sure not to over feed him honey, he has a fragile belly.”

As if any adolescent listens to the warning given by their elders. Luckily Sin was only fourteen at the time, so the death of her pet fish wasn’t a shock to her like it would have been to a five or six year old.

Sin often wondered that if she had a pet dog during that night of the Eldon Missouri Turkey Festival maybe the horrific event that went on might not have happened. She sometimes fantasized about her pet dog who she would have named Zeus after her favorite Greek God jumping up and biting her attacker warning him to back away from her, but it was nothing more than that….a fantasy.

“You’re damn right I do Amber, and frankly I’m tired of you playing hard to get.”

Those were the last words Sin remembered the night Terry Edder raped her, Sean Maxwell her foster brother sitting just a few feet away did nothing about it. He viciously ripped off her shirt and bra, pulled down her torn blue jeans and forced himself on her. She tried to fight with everything she had, but he over powered her, she sat up with a blood curdling shriek so horrendous that there was no way the next door neighbors couldn’t have heard it. Instead they probably just drew the blinds and turned up their televisions in order to drown out her plea for help.

It was at that moment that Sin’s opinion of mankind changed, it was at that moment that she refused to get close to anyone or trust them whole heartedly. That was the day Amber died and Sin was born.

After he had finished he pulled up his pants and pushed his sweaty disgusting body off of her, the sweat from his head dripped down onto her back and rolled down off of her. Her arms flailed, groping for nothing and everything at the same time as Sin shot to her feet and ran across the room heading towards the door. Her arms jerked madly and her naked breast bounced and her ferocious wail never abated, while Terry threw on his shirt laughing.

She tried to open the door, but clumsily fumbled unable to grab the door knob. Terry moved towards her ad jerked Sin up and pushed her against the wall leaning into her.

TERRY EDDER: “Don’t even think about telling anyone about this Amber, besides do you think their really going to believe you anyway. Your family was killed and this family, well just look at them…”

Terry’s eyes moved glancing at Sean who was still rapidly pushing buttons on his Nintendo controller pretending nothing had happened.

TERRY EDDER: “…they could give a fuck less about you.”

She once again tried to push him off, but her bruised-mottled legs kicked and thrashed with no effect. She tried to raise her hands to slap him, but he kept her arms pushed against the wall behind her.

Finally he let her go and she ran out of the room and into the nearby bathroom slamming the door behind her and locking it. She huddled in the corner against the bathtub gripping the plastic shower curtain behind her as tears rolled down her eyes.

She sat there for hours until Terry and Sean left for the night and finally stood up from the cold bathroom floor and stripped off her clothes. Her panties were ripped down one side which cause another emotional flow of tears to fall from her eyes and down her face. She dropped them down to the floor and entered the bathtub turning the shower on as she sat down burying her face into her knees as she slowly rocked back and forth to try and console herself.

She covered her mouth with one hand and swallowed back a bitter taste of bile which arose in the back of her throat. Hot pink scratches ran under her left eyes and down to her jaw line, nothing a little make up wouldn’t cover up so no questions would be asked, as if anyone in her life would really give a shit.

How she got to sleep that night she would never know, eventually after laying in bed crying for hours she eventually dozed off laying in the dark room trembling waiting to hear the front door of their house slam shut announcing the return of Sean and Terry, but thankfully it never happened.


It was eleven years later that Sin finally got revenge on her attacker. Sin had seen and been through a lot in her childhood. First she had witnessed a brutal murder next door to her house, months later her parents were killed in a home fire, and years later she would go through her very own personal and traumatic experience. It would have been safe to say there was absolutely no hope for her and that it was no surprise that she grew up as mentally unstable as she did.

It was the first time she took a life. She was in her twenties and she remembered sitting outside of his apartment night after night planning how she was going to do it. She watched Terry through the open windows enjoying time with his family, his wife playfully smiling as she leaned in kissing him softly on the lips. Their two children closed their eyes making funny faces probably disgusted by the sight of what they didn’t understand.

Sin thought about not doing it, no matter how much she hated him and how much he took away from her the children almost drove her away. She knew that when she took his life it wasn’t just his that would end, his children would have lost a part of their life as well and when they did what would make her any different than Terry?

Was the moment she took his life the moment she truly became the monster she was, or was it because of the guilt she would feel every time she pictured his children in her mind.

After stalking her prey for nearly two weeks the night finally came. Maybe it was the endless shots of whiskey and tequila she took that night that gave her the liquid courage she needed, or the many lines of cocaine she snorted up her nose, but the nervousness she had been feeling finally went away.

Sin ended up waiting almost two hours after the lights in the house had went off, giving the entire family plenty of time to fall asleep. Luckily the cocaine and liquor had not quite worn off yet, still giving her the courage to do what she had come there for as she slipped two black gloves over her hands pulling them as tight as she could. She opened the door of her car and exited it leaning inside to grab the knife she had resting on the middle console and the quietly shut the door cautious not to make any unneeded noises. She flipped the hood of her sweater over her head and made her way across the street and to the front door still remaining as quiet as possible. It was late at night and luckily there were no neighbors awake to draw attention to her.

She leaned down and lifted up the mat laying at the front door of Terry’s house and pulled the key out from under it. It blew Sin’s mind that people still left spare keys under something as obvious as their door mats, but in this case it made what she came there easier to do.

She slid the key into the keyhole and slowly turned until she heard the click of the deadbolt allowing her entry into the home. She pushed the door open and shut it behind her still being as stealthy as possible. She took a quick glance around the room the pictures of his happy family infuriated her knowing that they had no idea what kind of monster he really was. She picked up a picture of Terry and Sean who still remained friends after high school holding up a prized fish during a camping trip with their families. She gripped the picture tightly, but quickly set it back down in its appropriate place as the hallway light flickered on and heard the soft thuds of someone walking down the stairs. Sin quickly made her way into the kitchen and leaned against a nearby wall to hide from whoever was making their way down the stairs.

The kitchen door swung open pressing Sin tightly against the wall as it stopped nearly a half inch away from her face. Her eyes adapted to the dark and noticed Terry rubbing his eyes as he made his way towards the refrigerator opening it and peering inside. He fumbled around momentarily before grabbing the open gallon of milk and twisted off the cap lifting it to his mouth and slowly taking a drink. Sin reached behind her and slowly pulled out the knife tucked into her pants, the cold blade sliding across the top of her butt. She gripped it tight and quietly walked towards him as he dropped the gallon of milk back in front of him twisting the cap back on and placing it back into the refrigerator. She shut the door and turned around and without hesitation Sin sprung into action.

He tried to act as quickly as possible, but there was nothing he could do as the knife slowly sunk into his throat. He instantly grabbed his throat with one hand and the knife with the other as his body fell against the kitchen island making the most gruesome gargling sound Sin had ever heard. The blood continued to rush out of his throat and down his neck as he fell to the floor motionlessly. He had died quicker than she wanted, she wanted him to suffer, but there was no time for her to sit and stew about it. She quickly made her way out of the kitchen and back through the living room and out the front door relocking it and placing the key back under the mat where she had found it.

That night most people would have tossed and turned or not slept at all a million things would have been racing through their mind, but Sin was different. That night she slept the best she had slept in years, the knife she had used to kill Terry had come from Sean Maxwell’s house, she found it only appropriate that the person who did nothing to stop Terry from raping her all those years ago be punished as well. What made everything even better was that Terry and Sean had gotten into a very public argument only a few days earlier about money Terry had lent him, giving the police all the evidence they would need to arrest Sean.

That was the first time Sin had ever taken a life and the feeling was unexplainable. She waited for years and was finally at peace knowing that Terry and Sean had paid for what they had done, and that Terry’s family may not know why he was killed, but would feel the same void in their life’s that she had felt since she was 16 years old.

Present Day:

Sin glanced down at the city below her thinking about what had happened six years ago and how much had changed in her life since then. If you would have asked her at sixteen years old what she wanted to be when she grew up she would have replied with something along the lines of a police officer or lawyer, but life had obviously taken her down another route. Now she was a killer that took justice into her own hands however she saw fit. She felt no remorse for the lives she had taken or even ruined. In fact Terry had taken a sweet innocent girl and made her into a monster, someone who caused pain and chaos wherever she went.

“I don’t care about my corporate image or what people think of me Erica?”

Sin heard the familiar voice of Theo Pryce yelling as he pushed the doors to his office open closely followed by Erica Rayner, Vice President of operations of Pryce Industries.

ERICA RAYNER: “Look just sign the damn contract to have the turkey’s delivered to the homeless shelters it’s not that big of a deal, it’s for…..”

Erica stopped looking over at Sin who continued to look down at the city below her.

THEO PRYCE: “Well, well if it isn’t Sin itself.”

Theo said smiling as he made his way over to the bar behind his desk grabbing a glass and pouring himself a drink.

ERICA RAYNER: “What the hell is she doing here?”

Erica asked not hiding her hatred for Sin as she scowled at her.

THEO PRYCE: “Well your guess is as good as mine Erica, I don’t remember having a meeting with anyone today.”

ERICA RAYNER: “How the hell did you get in here Sin?”

Erica asked making her way over to Theo’s desk slamming down the pile of paperwork she was holding angrily.

SIN: “It seems that I make your receptionist a little uneasy so she asked me to wait for you in your office, I seem to have that effect on people.”

Sin said turning her attention away from the large glass window and towards Erica.

ERICA RAYNER: “You make everyone uneasy Sin, and you need to reschedule if you want to speak with Theo he and I have some business to discuss.”

THEO PRYCE: “Now, now ladies let’s play nice, I’m sure whatever you and I have to discuss Erica can wait until later can’t it.”

Erica stopped glaring at Sin long enough to roll her eyes.

ERICA RAYNER: “Do you take anything serious anymore Theo, this is important.”

THEO PRYCE: “Erica I take everything that has to do with my business serious, but I don’t see what the big deal with having some turkey’s delivered to the homeless shelter is.”

ERICA RAYNER: “It’s to cultivate support and attract new business, if people see the softer side of Theo Pryce they are more willing to do business with him, helping to feed the homeless during thanksgiving is a prime opportunity to do this.”

THEO PRYCE: “I don’t care what other corporations or companies do, I am Theo Pryce who the hell do I need to prove myself to, right Sin?”

ERICA RAYNER: “Oh please what the hell does she know about running a business? She’s nothing more than a thug.”

THEO PRYCE: "Come now Erica, you are supposed to be the nicer of the two of us. So show our guest some respect. How about you and I finish our conversation in a bit, I'll drop by your office after I'm done here."

ERICA RAYNER: "Will you sign the paper work or not?"

THEO PRYCE: "I'll consider it."

ERICA RAYNER: "No you won't."

THEO PRYCE: "Probably true but if I said no would it get you out of here faster?"

Erica picks up the paper work from Theo's desk and walks out of the office, giving Sin a death stare as she makes her way out.

THEO PRYCE: "Oh and Erica, please fire who ever sits at my Secretaries desk. She should know better than to send anyone here unannounced. I don't care how intimidating they may look."

Erica gives Theo a nod and slams the doors shut behind her.

SIN: "The sexual tension is uncanny. "

THEO PRYCE: "Wow Sin, you've been off the grid for a little while haven't you. Turns out Erica and I are related."

SIN: "Really?"

THEO PRYCE: "Yep. My Dad knocked up her Mom. So that tension you see, believe me when I tell you it isn't the least bit sexual at all. Consider it, sibling rivalry if you will."

SIN: "Noted."

THEO PRYCE: "So Sin, now that we have that out of the way, to what do I owe this visit?"

Sin made her way over to the bar and stood next to Theo as he took a drink of his expensive scotch.

SIN: “Well I think I could be of assistance to you. A woman of my particular skills are hard to come by.”

Theo smiled as he set the glass down on the bar and made his way over to his desk taking a seat in the chair behind it. He kicked his feet up and folded his arms across his chest.

THEO PRYCE: “And what kind of skills are those Sin? I’m sure a woman like you has many skills some that I would be very interested in venturing with you.”

Sin smiled throwing her finger in the air and waving it back and forth.

SIN: “Now, now Mr. Pryce I’m sure that is something your sister Erica would be furious about don’t you? I mean it’s no secret that I’m not going to be on her Christmas list this year.”

THEO PRYCE: “Well then what skills are you talking about then Sin?”

Theo asked as he reached over and turned on his computer, the light from the monitor lit up his face as he turned his attention back to Sin.

She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a napkin soaked in blood and tossed it onto Theo’s desk. He looked down at it in confusion and unfolded the napkin revealing an ear with gold cross earing pierced in it.

SIN: “Next time you send someone to follow me around make sure they do it a little more inconspicuously.”

THEO PRYCE: “Why on earth would I have anyone follow you Sin?

Theo said folding the napkin back up as he pushed it away from him. Sin shook her head and reached into the other pocket of her jacket and tossed a vanilla envelope on the desk with her name on it. Theo looked down at the envelope, but didn’t bother to pick it up.

SIN: “I think it has something to do with the contents in that envelope that I found in your safe while I was waiting for you.”

Theo looked over his shoulder and indeed saw his safe cracked open.

SIN: “I know you have had people following me for weeks now, and I know that you know my dirty little secret and how I spend my personal time. Your hired good knew too, but he is someone that I can not trust to keep my secret, so he will not be returning to work at Pryce Industries.”

THEO PRYCE: Damn it Sin, Jared was one of my best men, do you know how hard he’s going to be to replace?”

SIN: “And that’s why I am here Theo. If Jared was one of your best and I caught on to him the first day he started tailing me, then maybe there is a position at Pryce Industries for me.”

THEO PRYCE: “Well I can think of a few positions I would like to stick you in Sin.”

Theo said laughing as he flashed a smile and wink at Sin.

Sin made her way over to Theo and sat down on his lap, her cleavage resting just below his chin as she leaned her lips towards his left ear.

SIN: “One thing at a time Theo, but before we start this little business venture with one another, I’m going to warn you that my secret doesn’t go beyond the two of us. I have been careful for years now and have yet to be caught. You are the first person who has gotten any kind of lead on me so not even your sister Erica can know, you don’t want a lot of people knowing I’m a killer, bad things tend to happen to the people that do know, just ask Jared.”

THEO PRYCE: “I think we could work something out, I have made a few enemies lately and I’m sure there are people that would love for Pryce Industries to fail, having someone like you around could come in handy.”

Sin smiled as she took her hand and pushed it down Theo’s black slacks. He squirmed momentarily as it threw him off guard.

SIN: “Oh lookie, it seems as if a position just came up.”

[Image: jf84dg.jpg]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Sincere Lee Wild's post:
Andrew Morrison (11-19-2013), Theo Pryce (11-19-2013)
Jessie-ica Diaz Offline
Only to find it again.

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-19-2013, 05:01 PM

You might wanna watch what you say, Olive! You never know when she's gonna, when she will...

Fuck it, set her skank-o-vision on the dick of the next guy she runs into?

I would bring up how she's one of your partners whenever our trios title match happens, but I'm sure I don't need to say this bit aloud:

She wouldn't be of any use, anyway.
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-19-2013, 05:18 PM

Ladies, ladies. Calm down.
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-19-2013, 06:02 PM

The irony of Olive waxing on about Sin's usefulness in a Trio's match is obviously lost on her. And since it is allow me to spell it out...Sin and I carried your completely worthless ass through that match. So the next time you want to pretend like you are relevant, try not to do it at the expense of the coattails you rode on the way up.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Theo Pryce's post:
Liz Hathaway (11-19-2013)
Jessie-ica Diaz Offline
Only to find it again.

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-19-2013, 06:07 PM

(11-19-2013, 06:02 PM)Theo Pryce Said: The irony of Olive waxing on about Sin's usefulness in a Trio's match is obviously lost on her. And since it is allow me to spell it out...Sin and I carried your completely worthless ass through that match. So the next time you want to pretend like you are relevant, try not to do it at the expense of the coattails you rode on the way up.

Yeah! Sin did so much, like being the only person on your team to be eliminated! Come on, if you're going to brag about carrying someone, don't bring in a bunch of dead weight like Sin in to be another one of your fellow carriers, so to speak.

That alone, disproves your entire theory, Theo.
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AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-19-2013, 06:15 PM

"Pryce, how does it feel to know that at least one of your team mates will cost you everything?"

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-19-2013, 06:16 PM

(11-19-2013, 06:10 PM)Griffin MacAlister Said:
(11-19-2013, 06:02 PM)Theo Pryce Said: The irony of Olive waxing on about Sin's usefulness in a Trio's match is obviously lost on her. And since it is allow me to spell it out...Sin and I carried your completely worthless ass through that match. So the next time you want to pretend like you are relevant, try not to do it at the expense of the coattails you rode on the way up.

Yeah you tell that bitch. She shoulda done things on her own. Really made a name for herself and contributed. Like you did. You sure as fuck didn't get help from anyone when you first got here.


You're the Black Circle's bitch.

Hey man...I'd wipe John Madison's cum off your face before you talk about the worth of someone. Kinda brings the level of your words down.

By all means go ahead and show my one instance where my affiliation with The Black Circle helped me win a match. Go ahead...I'll wait.

And while you are trying to trump up some evidence to fit your bullshit narrative, take a second to worry about the fact that you just got bitch slapped on national television by your buddy and tag team partner.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Theo Pryce's post:
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-19-2013, 06:16 PM

(11-19-2013, 06:15 PM)AlexandraCallaway Said: "Pryce, how does it feel to know that at least one of your team mates will cost you everything?"

If and when that happens I'll let you know.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-19-2013, 06:24 PM

(11-19-2013, 06:16 PM)Theo Pryce Said:
(11-19-2013, 06:15 PM)AlexandraCallaway Said: "Pryce, how does it feel to know that at least one of your team mates will cost you everything?"

If and when that happens I'll let you know.

"Oh believe me Pryce, it will."

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-19-2013, 06:45 PM

Quote:Oh and dude...I was talking about your foot in the door being The Black Circle. You certainly were all over John Madison's cock like that was the case anyway. You play up to The Circle and do whatever they want just because.....because....well fuck if I know why you do that. You aren't getting any favors or aid in your matches, right? Hey I hope that loss to Militem Dominum feels good though. I know I'm gonna enjoy seein' you ripped apart by Dominum before you pick up that loss. Especially after you came in here all cocky and shit. Think about that and really let it sink in and then revisit it after you lose. Maybe you better start askin' for some reach around action the next time The Circle takes turns on your ass. They should be doin' something to pay you back for your unconditional servitude.

You put a lot of faith in a guy whose done little to earn it. We'll see if your little attempt at prognostication is any better than your attempt at wrestling. And there is a reason The Black Circle doesn't make a habit of getting involved where they aren't needed. We have better things to do. Like running multi billion dollar companies, or planning holocausts. But hey, keep on keeping on with your little shit while we focus on the big picture.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

11-19-2013, 07:14 PM

Griffin MacAlister Said:[color=tan]I ain't worried about that bullshit. And Duke isn't my "buddy". Right now he's just lucky to be a member of society that's still breathing.

We may not be friends these days, MacAlister, but you still belong to the Brotherhood. Griffin, you won't be going anywhere until I'm damn good and ready to put you out... or in the ground...
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Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

11-19-2013, 07:26 PM

His condition is none of your concern. I'm getting close to finding out just who else was here with you, MacAlister.

Perhaps I need to send you...

...a message...
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-19-2013, 07:28 PM

Quote:Sure man. You're part of the big picture. Whatever you need to tell yourself to make that pillow your biting taste more like success and less like regret. Meanwhile I'm holdin' a strap and lookin' at a much better win/loss ratio than you and a way more fulfilling existence outside of the ring too. Being of free will and not a helper drone to a group of racists, lunatics and drunks. Hey but you're makin' a difference man. You're way above an asshole like me.

My associates don't define me, they are resources just like my money and my company are resources. Enjoy your strap because it's days around your waist are numbered. As for a more fulfilling existence outside of the ring. I think being a playboy that has billions of dollars and wrestles just because he can is a pretty fulfilling existence but hey, what I do know?

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Sincere Lee Wild Offline
XWF's Ultimate Sin

XWF FanBase:
Monster Heel

(always booed; cheats; hurts people)

11-20-2013, 08:23 AM

LOL jealousy I love it. Fact is, I was one of the original women in the XWF and at one time the only one so I'm not surprised at all that there are haters out there. Truth is when there is some real talented females to compete against, maybe then I will come back full time and show you why they call me XWF'S greatest Sin.

[Image: jf84dg.jpg]
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AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-20-2013, 08:56 AM

(11-20-2013, 08:23 AM)Sincere Lee Wild Said: LOL jealousy I love it. Fact is, I was one of the original women in the XWF and at one time the only one so I'm not surprised at all that there are haters out there. Truth is when there is some real talented females to compete against, maybe then I will come back full time and show you why they call me XWF'S greatest Sin.

"Oh god darling...I have nothing to be jealous of when it comes to you. I have an amazing record here, a wonderful boyfriend, a baby on the way and I actually show up fir my matches."

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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Sincere Lee Wild Offline
XWF's Ultimate Sin

XWF FanBase:
Monster Heel

(always booed; cheats; hurts people)

11-20-2013, 09:07 AM

LOL you really told me.

[Image: jf84dg.jpg]
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Sincere Lee Wild Offline
XWF's Ultimate Sin

XWF FanBase:
Monster Heel

(always booed; cheats; hurts people)

11-20-2013, 03:43 PM

Always with the whore, prostitue, slut and other common name calling I have heard over the last two years. I'm wondering when you people will come up with anything new and actually creative.

[Image: jf84dg.jpg]
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Liz Hathaway Offline
Do you have the power to let power go?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

11-20-2013, 03:51 PM

Super slut?

[Image: 246195bf6992c5da7d09ff840f1abc76.jpg]

XWF Record

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Smoke Away

XWF FanBase:

(can't get crowd reactions; awkward; probably going to be fired soon) 

11-20-2013, 03:52 PM

(11-20-2013, 03:51 PM)Liz Hathaway Said: Super slut?

Hyper-super-duper-pooper-mega slut?

[Image: logosmoke_zpsfca57577.png]

XWF Win-Loss Record

Title History
4x 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion
1x X-Treme Champion

For other stats, go here
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Smoke's post:
Liz Hathaway (11-20-2013)
Sincere Lee Wild Offline
XWF's Ultimate Sin

XWF FanBase:
Monster Heel

(always booed; cheats; hurts people)

11-20-2013, 04:01 PM

Oh man you guys hit the nail on the head that is me all day long.

[Image: jf84dg.jpg]
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Liz Hathaway Offline
Do you have the power to let power go?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

11-20-2013, 04:08 PM

Well it's good you know.

[Image: 246195bf6992c5da7d09ff840f1abc76.jpg]

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Sincere Lee Wild Offline
XWF's Ultimate Sin

XWF FanBase:
Monster Heel

(always booed; cheats; hurts people)

11-20-2013, 04:13 PM

I know right Liz now we all can move on.

[Image: jf84dg.jpg]
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