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Monday Night Madness - 11/18/2013 Part 2
Author Message
Morgan Eldred Offline
Co-GM of Madness

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11-19-2013, 11:21 PM

JOEY STYLES: “We return to Madness with a grudge match for the ages!”

JOEY STYLES: “Paul Heyman has brought back the beast incarnate, Brock Lesnar! Last week, we saw Lesnar dismantle Michael McBride after the Irishman’s match! Heyman claims McBride was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. But now, McBride’s in just the right place and time!”

“Come Out, Ye Black and Tans” by Irish Descendants plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Michael McBride was pushed to his emotional and physical limits last week when it was revealed that his lady friend Charlotte Dyson had been getting involved with Wyatt Reynolds. To make matters worse, Lesnar set his sights on McBride’s hide. With his brother Connor by his side, can Michael take down this animal?”

Brock Lesnar
- vs -
Michael McBride
w/Connor McBride

With Lesnar inside the ropes, the McBride brothers pause for a moment outside the ring to huddle together and talk up a game plan. After a moment, Brock seems to grow tired of the delay, and climbs out. He marches over to the unaware McBride siblings, and unceremoniously grabs Connor by the collar and throws him into the steel steps! Before Michael can even react, Lesnar hits him with a vicious right hook!

The ref rings the bell to start the match, but Lesnar’s already done his damage. He continues the assault around the outside of the ring, shoving McBride and throwing some assorted punches. The ref’s count-out nears its apex, and Lesnar tosses McBride into the ring before climbing in himself.

Now within the bounds of the ropes, Lesnar goes to work on the blindsided McBride with a flurry of harsh jabs to the head and shoulders, forcing McBride to back into the ropes. Lesnar goes to whip him, but McBride reverses it, and Lesnar is whipped across the ring. On the return, Lesnar aims to take down McBride with a shoulder block, but McBride tosses an elbow into Lesnar’s chin, staggering the wild beast. McBride follows up with a belly to back suplex that seems to take the wind right out of the Irishman!

Now looking tired, McBride grabs Lesnar’s leg, but Brock kicks the man’s hand away before scrambling to his feet just in time to catch McBride mid-charge with a clothesline! Brock covers!


Quick kick-out from McBride! On the outside, Connor McBride has recovered from Brock’s cheap shot and is now shouting words of encouragement to his brother…and what sounds like Gaelic swears at Lesnar.

Brock locks McBride in a rear-naked choke, but McBride is far too close to the edge of the ring. One rope break later, and Lesnar backs off for a second, enjoying what is, to him, just another fun game. McBride pulls himself to his feet with sheer willpower as he bears a scowl at Lesnar. Finally, the tension breaks, and the two men lock up in the middle of the ring.

Lesnar breaks the lock-up by kneeing McBride in the gut, causing the Irishman to double over, allowing Lesnar to drive an elbow into McBride’s spine! McBride is then hit by a scoop powerslam from Lesnar, who falls with McBride into a pin!



Kick-out from McBride! Connor breathes a sigh of relief on the outside and continues to throw curses at Lesnar. But Brock’s finally gotten tired of Connor’s yelling. After a glance over at the other McBride, Lesnar decides it’s time to shut him up, and slides out of the ring. Connor backs away from the monstrous athlete, knowing if he touches Brock, he’ll disqualify his brother. Lesnar, however, is under no such limitations, and advances on Connor with a wicked grin adorning his face. Just as Lesnar is about to unleash hell, he is waylaid by Michael McBride! A diving tackle to Lesnar on the outside! Lesnar is thrown back-first into the barricade!

JOEY STYLES: “McBride flew right between the top and middle ropes! Now that’s precision!”

Connor helps his brother to his feet, and Michael grabs Lesnar before rolling him back into the ring. Following, McBride stomps down on Lesnar’s right ankle with a fury, screaming out a few choice words that probably shouldn’t be aired on TV. Michael is finally pulled away from his vicious mudstomping by the ref, but McBride pushes past and gives one final stomp to Lesnar’s ankle.

With some leverage now, McBride takes a second to pause and recuperate. Lesnar slowly makes his way onto one knee, and then onto weak feet. McBride charges!

Brock stops the Irishman dead in his tracks, but uses his momentum, forcing McBride’s head down and lifting him up into a powerbomb!

But he’s not done! Another powerbomb without pause!

And a third! McBride lies flat on the mat, utterly leveled by the three powerbombs performed on him in succession! Lesnar roars like a lion, tossing his head back and stretching out his horrifyingly large arms! McBride tries to get up, but it’s all in vain, as Lesnar slams him back down with a backbreaker!

Lesnar takes a step back and begins chuckling. He’s ready to finish this right now! Lesnar crouches and begins pacing back and forth behind McBride, as though he were hunting his prey. When McBride finally is in position, Lesnar strikes, lifting McBride over his shoulders! F-5!

No! McBride slides out and behind Lesnar, who turns with a clothesline! McBride ducks it and bounces off the ropes! Lesnar shoves his side out for a shoulder block! McBride ducks again, and snatches Brock’s right leg from under him! The Wicklock!

But it barely lasts a second, as Brock rips his ankle out of McBride’s clutches and spins as he stands up, hitting McBride with a brutal spinning back-fist! The Irishman falls toward the corner!

Brock winds up, and charges the corner with all his might! McBride suddenly explodes out of the corner and glides under Brock, lifting him up into a double-leg flapjack! Lesnar’s face slams into the turnbuckle on the way down! The monster is stunned, and wanders out of the corner, dazed.

Perfect for McBride, who hits Lesnar with a Car Bomb Suplex (exploder suplex)! McBride is now the one to roar, as he snatches up Lesnar’s ankle! The Wicklock!

Lesnar struggles, trying to rip his ankle away again, but McBride has it locked in tight, with Lesnar’s ankle twisted and clutched tightly to McBride’s chest! With Lesnar still refusing to give in, McBride suddenly drops, wrapping his legs around Lesnar’s! Wicklock fully locked! McBride growls in fury!

Lesnar won’t!

He won’t!


He finally taps!

WINNER: Michael McBride

Connor McBride leaps into the ring, ecstatic at his brother’s unimaginable victory over the beast incarnate! Michael is still hurting, even as Connor forces a cigarette between his pale lips and lights it up for his kin. Michael is all smiles, and happily takes a long drag off the smoke.

But across the ring, Brock Lesnar has risen to his feet, and he is not nearly as happy as the McBride brothers. His face twists into a seething rage. Limping slightly on his injured right ankle, Lesnar approaches the brothers without their knowledge. Then, he delivers a swift kick to the back of Michael’s head! Connor turns to face the behemoth, just in time for—

JOEY STYLES: “F-5! An F-5 to Connor McBride!”

Standing over the fallen McBrides, Lesnar seems pleased with his level of destruction, and slinks off out of the ring. He looks back over his shoulder at the McBrides and smiles maliciously before disappearing backstage. The last shot is of the cigarette, now lying on the canvas between the beaten brothers, still burning away…

The feed suddenly cuts to the image of two of Heyman’s “security agents” standing at the entrance of the parking garage. One holds a clipboard, checking in all authorized cars that pass. Their calm night is suddenly disrupted by the sound of screeching tires. Confused, the two peek around the corner of the garage entrance, only to see a cherry red sedan blazing around the corner! It misses their heads by inches and drifts around the bend, sliding to a stop before them.

A muffled sound of sick techno beats leaks out from the interior of the car. From the angle of the light, it is apparent the interior is filled to capacity with a thick layer of smoke – so much so, that the driver cannot be seen behind the curtain of grey. One of the security agents approaches the vehicle, clipboard in hand. He knocks twice on the window.

It rolls down, and the thick, familiar-smelling smoke billows out. The driver suddenly exhales a huge puff of smoke right into the agent’s face! The driver then peeks his head out, and the entire situation is explained: it’s Luca Arzegotti!

LUCA: “Hey, I made it!”

SECURITY GUARD: “*cough* Mr. Arzegotti? *hack*”

Luca steps out of the vehicle, and the smoke flows behind him like a phantom, enveloping him in a strange sort of smoky glow. He gives the security detail a little nod and suddenly tosses him the keys.

LUCA: “Try not to scratch the paint, homie!”

And with that, Luca strolls off to the soundtrack of the blaring European techno echoing in time with the coughing of the security guard. The guard’s partner looks on in bewilderment as the champ walks toward the building’s entrance.

JOEY STYLES: “Luca Arzegotti isn’t even scheduled to compete tonight! This could be interesting!”

Madness returns from commercial to the sound of a worker’s entrance theme.

“One More Soul to the Call” by Akira Yamaoka plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Last week, we saw Theo Pryce and Militem Dominum take down two members of SEX to win a chance at the Tag Titles, but Paul Heyman took the liberty of changing the rules around! This week, Dominum will have to take down his former partner for a chance at the titles!”

“More Human Than Human” by Rob Zombie plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Theo Pryce took no prisoners after Heyman’s announcement, as he smashed his former partner upside the head! There will be no cheap shots this week, so Pryce will have to be on top of his game!”

Winner Chooses Partner For Tag Team Title Match
Militem Dominum
- vs -
Theo Pryce
Standard Rules

From the sound of the bell, Militem blasts out of the gate and levels Theo with a running big boot right to the face! Theo rebounds back off the mat, and ducks under another boot. Theo then counters with a stomp to the midsection of Dominum, followed by a DDT! Pryce is quickly back up, but Dominum is not far behind! The two lock up, and Militem backs Theo into the corner.

The ref forces Dominum to back off, and Militem does…for a second, at least, before he gives Theo a sharp chop across the chest! Theo gasps and staggers out of the corner, only for Militem to flatten Theo with a wicked lariat! The pin!


Kick-out! Theo shoves Dominum off of himself and begins fighting back with lefts and rights to Dominum’s face! Dominum gets in a punch or two in return, but Theo throws a haymaker, staggering Dominum long enough for a piledriver! Theo with a pin of his own!



Kickout! Dominum keeps himself alive! Theo spares no expense (har har), and bounces off the ropes, only for Militem to take control with a sudden flapjack! Theo bounces back onto his feet, and Militem slams him back down with a stiff roundhouse kick to the side of the head! Theo’s legs give out from under him, and he drops to the mat!

Seeing an opportunity, Militem gives Theo a few kicks to the ribs before ascending the turnbuckle. He poses for a moment on the top rope before leaping off and extending his arm for a Big Elbow Drop! Right onto Theo’s chest! A pin!



Theo kicks out!

Dominum is not nearly satisfied with the level of destruction. He forces Theo to his feet and bounces Pryce off the ropes, but Theo reverses the whip and sends Dominum bouncing off the opposite ropes. Theo follows up with a tilt-a-whirl slam! BAM!

With Dominum down, Theo wrings his hands together like a political cartoon of a robber baron as he plots his next move. With Dominum rising, Theo locks in a sleeper hold! But as Dominum continues his way to his feet, Theo lifts him up and hits a sleeper suplex! Another pin!



Kick-out! 2 and a half!

Theo is growing frustrated now, and springs to his feet, awaiting Dominum’s ascension. When he sufficiently seems ready to re-join the fight, Theo bounces off the ropes and charges for Dominum! A sudden atomic drop from Dominum on Pryce! Militem follows up with a scoop slam, a bounce off the ropes, and a leg drop across Pryce’s throat!

Dominum, running on pure rage, pulls Theo up and, shielding Theo’s head from the ref’s gaze, gouges Pryce’s eyes! Theo steps back with his hands on his face, and Militem waits for just the moment…

A superkick! Down to the River Styx! Dominum covers!



Foot on the ropes!

JOEY STYLES: “Improbable! Theo got his foot up! Oh, and Militem Dominum is not amused!

Indeed – Dominum rises to his feet and pounds his chest, ready for war! He snarls and crouches in wait for his dazed opponent to rise. Theo makes it onto two legs and staggers toward Dominum, who lifts him into position! Theo’s head is aimed for the ground! Dominum drops!

And Theo rolls! A small package! Theo pulls himself forward and grabs the ropes mid-pin!



3! Theo Pryce steals a victory! Not that he needs to steal anything, mind you…

WINNER: Theo Pryce

JOEY STYLES: “Look at Theo Pryce run for the hills! He’s earned himself a Tag Title match with a partner of his choosing! But that’s a mystery for another night! Madness will return after this word from our capitalistic overlords, er…I mean, sponsors!”

The Administration Network's Monday Madness Representative

[Image: ETplk8L.png]
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[-] The following 7 users Like Morgan Eldred's post:
Anthony Jarvis Powell (11-20-2013), Christine Nash (11-27-2013), Damien Callaway (11-20-2013), LJ Havok (11-20-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (11-20-2013), Theo Pryce (11-20-2013), Wallace Witasick (11-20-2013)
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

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(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-20-2013, 07:31 AM


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