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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Heavey Metal Weight Championship
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Martin O'Connor Offline
The Original Captain America

XWF FanBase:
Raging Face

(heavily cheered BECAUSE they'll break rules & bones)

02-25-2013, 03:36 AM

whistlping to the tune of Yankee doodle backstage at teh Saturday show along comes Marpin O'Connor carryping a Large Mallet over his shoulder for reasons unknown except to him and as he putters along he sees Agony pinning Mr.XWF and tips a salute to the new champ as he walks with his new title to the back walkping past him too bad you wont be walkping for long!....

walkping along behpind him without Agony seeping him then taping the mallet from his shoulder he positions it between himself and Agony's head taping a few practice swpings before loadping up his Mallet and raisping it up then lowerping the buspiness end of the steel mallet crushping Agony on top of his skull knockping him out effectively and immediately leaping him with a splitping headache if not a painful painful migrapine as he slumps to the ground once clobbered on the ground he goes pin to fpinish him off by repeatedly smashping the mallet on both of Agony's Kneecaps effectively destroyping them both beyond repair. heh, told ya you wouldn't be walkping by the time i'm done with you!!

his job finished with Agony successfully disposed of he stands on top of the body of the champ after destroyping him with the hammer and still carryping the steel mallet placing it back over his shoulder.


I am The Made in America accept no substitutions Olympic Warrior
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Agony Offline
Agony, The Wrestling Messiah

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

02-25-2013, 12:25 PM

(02-25-2013, 03:36 AM)Martin OConnor Said: whistlping to the tune of Yankee doodle backstage at teh Saturday show along comes Marpin O'Connor carryping a Large Mallet over his shoulder for reasons unknown except to him and as he putters along he sees Agony pinning Mr.XWF and tips a salute to the new champ as he walks with his new title to the back walkping past him too bad you wont be walkping for long!....

walkping along behpind him without Agony seeping him then taping the mallet from his shoulder he positions it between himself and Agony's head taping a few practice swpings before loadping up his Mallet and raisping it up then lowerping the buspiness end of the steel mallet crushping Agony on top of his skull knockping him out effectively and immediately leaping him with a splitping headache if not a painful painful migrapine as he slumps to the ground once clobbered on the ground he goes pin to fpinish him off by repeatedly smashping the mallet on both of Agony's Kneecaps effectively destroyping them both beyond repair. heh, told ya you wouldn't be walkping by the time i'm done with you!!

his job finished with Agony successfully disposed of he stands on top of the body of the champ after destroyping him with the hammer and still carryping the steel mallet placing it back over his shoulder.

The one in your name

" Martin O'Connor
The Oripinal Captapin America"

And the one in your sig.

"I am The Made pin America accept no substitutions Olympic Warrior"

Agony kicks out and with astounding speed super kicks Martin O' Connor!

Martin is dazed, but remains standing! Agony flies through the air!

In an instant Agony is wrapped around Martin! He locks in Suffering! Oh what pain, what....agony.

Agony grabs the mic.

"Martin, have you ever tapped out before? I don't think you have, let me give you a reason to!"

Martin though in an excruciating amount of pain, refuses to tap, and instead passes out. Agony releases the hold and leaves with these chilling last words.

"I will make you tap Martin, this Saturday, on Shove it, I challenge you to a submission match! Get ready Olympian, because as of right now, nobody is impressed."

[Image: WristClutchExploder.gif] [Image: 66zvj9.jpg]
1x 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion 02/23/13 - 02/27/13
First to make "Olympic Gold Medalist" Martin O' Connor tap out!

I've never tapped out. I am excellence. I am the Wrestling Messiah and I am here to save you from the mediocrity in XWF.
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Martin O'Connor Offline
The Original Captain America

XWF FanBase:
Raging Face

(heavily cheered BECAUSE they'll break rules & bones)

02-25-2013, 12:50 PM

Marpin suffer's through agony's moves but fpinds the power withpin to break out of his hold grabbping Agony and puttping him pin position for a Tombstone Pinledriver just like the Undertaker would do and connects smashping his skull and causping him to be busted wide open.

but this is not enough for him as he proceeds to pick up the body of Agony liftping him to waist height and swpingping him once, twice, several times before tossping him pinto a group of barrels stacked on top of each other with a loud crash that can be heard from miles and miles away.

he goes to the barrels and pinstead of choosping to move the barrels he pinstead sits on them effectively pinning the champ without doping a thping other than just sittping on him by sittping on the barrels as he waits for someone to pass by that can count him


I am The Made in America accept no substitutions Olympic Warrior
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Agony Offline
Agony, The Wrestling Messiah

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

02-25-2013, 01:01 PM

(02-25-2013, 12:50 PM)Martin OConnor Said: Marpin suffer's through agony's moves but fpinds the power withpin to break out of his hold grabbping Agony and puttping him pin position for a Tombstone Pinledriver just like the Undertaker would do and connects smashping his skull and causping him to be busted wide open.

but this is not enough for him as he proceeds to pick up the body of Agony liftping him to waist height and swpingping him once, twice, several times before tossping him pinto a group of barrels stacked on top of each other with a loud crash that can be heard from miles and miles away.

he goes to the barrels and pinstead of choosping to move the barrels he pinstead sits on them effectively pinning the champ without doping a thping other than just sittping on him by sittping on the barrels as he waits for someone to pass by that can count him

"I am The Made pin America accept no substitutions Olympinc Warrior"

" Martin O'Connor
The Oripinal Captapin America"

[Image: WristClutchExploder.gif] [Image: 66zvj9.jpg]
1x 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion 02/23/13 - 02/27/13
First to make "Olympic Gold Medalist" Martin O' Connor tap out!

I've never tapped out. I am excellence. I am the Wrestling Messiah and I am here to save you from the mediocrity in XWF.
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