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10/08/13 Warfare - The Trios!
Author Message
John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
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10-10-2013, 12:39 PM

[Image: warfare_zpscfebeef3.jpg]
The War Room
San Diego, California

Five thousand fans are packed in the War Room. What was once abandoned storage facility continues to undergo renovations under the direction of Giovanni Ferrari. The fans are drunk and disorderly tonight as they get ready for two hours of exciting action.

Upon entering the War Room, we notice that this isn't your typical wrestling venue. The venue setup resembles something you'd see out of a film that depicts a post-apocalyptic city. The grunge-like, gritty makeup of the facility gives off a rebellious undertone. The barriers that separate the audience from the ring are random pieces of scrap metal that have been welded together. The pounding sound of metal fills the room from the demanding, bloodthirsty fans who pound the barriers with the bottom of their fists.

The always popular "Winner Ride" (a chute that takes weaker members of the roster on a ride to Mexico) remains in place, eager to swallow its first victim of the night.

Above the entrance tunnel of the stage is a sky box that holds General Manager Giovanni Ferrari and Assistant General Manager John Madison. They also happen to be the commentary team of Warfare.

Instead of checking in with Giovanni and Madison, we pan over to the ring where Sebastian Duke and The Brotherhood are scheduled to open the show.

Brotherhood's Evil Ways

The lights go out in the War Room. "Evil Ways" by Blues Saraceno begins to play and its an obvious sign, the Brotherhood is about to join us on Warfare.

Hooded men carrying lit torches come out first. They line both sides of the entrance ramp. The King of Darkness, complete with his exact copy of John Madison's crown, makes his way toward the ring. Then, one by one, Sebastian Duke's hooded Brothers follow him toward the ring. Most of them are obvious. Except one. An extra one.

Duke and his Brotherhood enter the ring. The torch bearers proceed from the ramp and surround the ring illuminating those in the ring from beneath. Duke takes off his crown and sets it on the turnbuckle, then lowers his hood. He then retrieves a microphone tucked away inside his cape.

DUKE: "I may not be the King of the XWF, but I promise you, in the near future I will be."

Duke begins to pace slowly in front of his Brotherhood who are lined up against one side of the ring.

DUKE: "My Brotherhood will see to it, that it happens. From this moment on, my collection of talent that stand before you tonight, have one goal. One purpose. That goal, is to unleash hell upon the Xtreme Wrestling Federation."

Duke stops pacing in the middle of the ring and looks at his talented stable mates.

DUKE: "You will all unleash hell and make me proud! And tonight!"

Duke resumes pacing.

DUKE: "Tonight! As your King of Darkness! As the leader of the Brotherhood, I am proud. Extremely proud to welcome our newest member!"

Duke walks to the very middle of the group and nods. The man lowers his hood.

DUKE: "STEVE DAVIDS! A man without a home, without a family. You now have a family. Welcome home, Steve."

Duke and Steve Davids stare each other in the eyes.

DUKE: "Now that we've introduced a new member, I guess its time to say goodbye to somebody else. See, there's only room within my Brotherhood for those that have conviction in their hearts. Conviction and trust that they're doing the right thing! Trusting in themselves that they're making the best possible decision for themselves and their Brotherhood."

Duke walks to the far left and nods. The man lowers his hood and is revealed to be Griffin MacAlister.

DUKE: "You're not going anywhere. You proved your loyalty to me months ago, my friend."

Duke steps to the right and nods. The man lowers his hood, revealing himself to be Hunter Payne.

DUKE: "You have made a very questionable decision recently, haven't you?"

Payne nods, shamefully. Then Duke steps to his right again and nods again. The man lowers his hood revealing himself as Nightmare.

DUKE: "Ahhhhh, Nightmare. You don't do much of anything at all. I think its time you changed that. You're big. Use it. You're mean. Use it. You're nasty. Use it. Make some noise.

Duke steps to his right and nods. The man reveals himself to be Rebel.

DUKE: "Rebel. A Rebel with a cause! We started off a little rocky, didn't we?"

Rebel nods.

DUKE: "Well, I'll tell you what. From here on out, if you want to take out Peter Gilmour, then I suggest you do so. In fact, I'd love to see it."

Rebel smiles as Duke steps to his right again. He nods and Tony Santos is revealed.

DUKE: "Just like Nightmare, you need to start making waves. You're too good to just wait around for things to be earned. Get your ass out there and take what you want!

"Oh, and good decision on that first draft pick of yours."

Duke slaps Santos on the shoulder before stepping to his right for the last time. He nods, revealing the final member of the Brotherhood, Shawn Steele.

DUKE: "Every King needs a Knight. One that takes problems head on. You are that man, Shawn. You're the spear at the head of the line! Ready to maul those in our path!"

Duke steps back to the middle of the ring.

DUKE: "I think that since we've revealed Steve Davids as our newest member, I think he should decide who gets put out of my misery. All agreed?"

Some nod in agreement, others shake their heads.

DUKE: "That was a rhetorical question. This is not a democracy. Steve Davids, look over the men before you and YOU, my friend, as a gift upon your arrival into the Brotherhood, will choose to end someones existence.

"Do your worst."

Steve Davids steps forward and paces much like Duke was earlier on. He looks over his options, then proceeds to start pacing behind them all. Many of them getting nervous.

Steve Davids stops behind one man. Davids nods at Duke.

DUKE: "It seems as though we have a winner. Well, in this case, a loser."

Steve Davids quickly wraps his large right arm around the throat of...


Payne can't move as he struggles to breathe.

DUKE: "Hunter Payne, you've made your bed! Now, you have to lie in it! Choosing John Madison as your first draft pick over other members of the Brotherhood, is most definitely..... High Treason against the crown of your King of Darkness!

Duke stands back and watches as his Brotherhood begins to physically decimate Hunter Payne. A lot of high impact moves, and a few finishers later, Steve Davids drops Payne with a double handed sit out chokeslam.

Duke motions toward Davids to lift Payne back up. Davids and Shawn Steele do as instructed and Duke bounces off the ropes and crushes Hunter Payne with the Soul Shot.

Hunter Payne is out cold. Duke remains on the mat and motions for a microphone. Tony Santos hands it to him and Duke lays on the mat, close to Hunter Payne's face.

DUKE: "Now, Hunter, don't take this as business. It's most definitely personal! Now, you have time to go and beat up Matt Leonard..."

MacALISTER: "Lennox."

DUKE: "Who cares?

"Hunter, if you like John Madison so much, and if you want him on your team so much, why don't you run to him? Run to him now, or, you know, when you wake up. Run to Shane . Beg them to let you into the The Black Circle.

"That's your only hope, boy! Run to John, Hunter. Maybe he'll find your weakness for that gutter slut more appealing."

Duke gets back to his feet and "Evil Ways" strikes up. Sebastian Duke, along with Steve Davids and the rest of the Brotherhood make their exit.

Matt Ward
- vs -
Smoke Man

Gangsta's Match
Anything goes!

The match opens up with nothing but punching between the two competitors. This New Jack music seems to have crippled their offense to the point where they only use kicks and punches in these opening moments!

Smoke kicks Matt in the stomach, picks up some claw knuckles and punches Ward in the face! Oh my God, blood sprays everywhere! Smoke takes those claw knuckles and gives Matt a back rake with them! More blood!

Smoke then throws Matt out of the ring.

Matt Ward tries to get into the ring, but Smoke cuts him off at the pass with a baseball slide to the outside of the ring! Going to work right away, he lays into Ward with a series of rights and lefts to the body, followed by slamming the man's head into the apron! He tries it once more, but Ward shoves him off and hits a stiff elbow to the mouth that staggers the man of smoke. Smoke steps away, turning his back on Ward to take a breather, and Ward capitalizes by shoving him headfirst into the ring post! Smoke hits the ground hard, but gets to feet rather quickly.

Ward, not noticing this, fishes under the ring for a weapon and pulls out a toaster! He lifts it high above his head and goes Smoke Man, who sidesteps and causes his opponent to swing and miss, before kicking him in the gonads and dropping him to the floor. Picking up the toaster, Smoke grins before taking a huge swing, and hitting Ward's head out of the park! Sparks emit from the toaster, shocking Smoke's hand and causing him to convulse before falling against the railing to regain his composure.

Opening his eyes again, all Smoke sees is Ward barreling into him, knocking both men through the barricade, into the crowd. The fans go nuts, as both men get up to their feet and brawl through the stands. Smoke grabs one of the fans chairs, and Ward steals a beer, looking as if he's about to take a drink, when Smoke rushes in and receives all $8 of that overpriced piss water! He drops the chair, and rubs his eyes before Ward kicks him in the stomach and hits a sick DDT onto the seat!

Dragging his body further into the crowd, he gets shoved off once they get to an area where wooden folding tables are being held. Why? Because. Grabbing one of the tables, he rams the edge into Smoke's midsection before setting it up and throwing the man on the surface. Turning around, he starts to scale the wall! He's climbing on up to the rafters! Barely able to maintain his footing, he leaps off the narrow beam.



The table is broken in half, so are the competitors!

Ward struggles to cover.




Ward slowly gets to his feet, wondering how much more it would take to get this match over with. Smoke meanwhile, seems to have found something on the floor, is that? No, it can't be.

The standing Ward tries to pick up Smoke by the hair...







Oh my God, it was! Smoke Man had a box cutter, and he just stabbed Matt nine times! He grabs Ward by the throat, lifting him up...


Ward's bleeding out!

Smoke places one foot on his chest, while the crowd explodes in cheers.




Winner: Smoke Man

Paramedics arrive on the scene, tending to Ward while Smoke celebrates.

All of a sudden, we see Scotty Guillermo come from the crowd. He hops over the barricades and he slides into the ring. Then uses Smoke's UFO title to smack across his skull. Then he proceeds to stomp him until an official tries to pull him away, but Scotty pushes him off his way and he lifts Smoke Man to his feet and hits The Prefuser.

Then Scotty steals the UFO title and leaves the arena through the barricades with fans booing him as the camera pans into the ring with both men down.

Winning team earns a future Trio Tag Titles match
Andrew Morrison
Christine Nash
John Austin
- vs -
Sincere Lee Wild
Olive Pendershore
Theo Pryce

Six Person Tag
Elimination Match

From Sanford North Carolina - it's The Twisted Angel, Christine Nash

From Virginia Beach, Virginia - it's John Austin

From Houston, Texas - it's "The Storm" Andrew Morrison

From Unknown - it's Sincere Lee Wild

From Providence, Rhode Island - it's Olive Pendershore

From Phoenix, Arizona - it's Theo Pryce

Both teams have made it to their allotted corners and have decided that Christine Nash and Sincere Lee Wild, will be the first two wrestlers to start this fight as the bell sounds and this Six Person Tag Elimination Match - begins!

Christine Nash and Sincere Lee Wild, both immediately soar into action! Clashing into one another with a fury of blows! Nash catching Wild with a couple backhands across the face and Wild retaliating with a quick Headbutt, that sends Nash stumbling back. Wild follows that up with a Spin Kick and a Leg Sweep! Nash hits the canvas! Wild proceeds to strike Nash immediately with some Mounted Punches, but Nash reaches up through the frenzy of fists and manages to grab two handfuls of hair, which she uses as leverage to deliver a Headbutt of her own to Wild. Wild tips off to the side as she clutches her face and Nash rises to her feet, delivering a couple stomps to Wild's ribs. Wild rolls about on the canvas in pain as Nash takes to the ropes and climbs them with ease, before leaping off the top rope in a well executed Hurricanrana! The move connects perfectly! Nash covers for the pin!


Kickout by Sincere Lee Wild!

Nash climbs to her feet and drags Wild up by her hair, before backhanding Wild across the face. Nash then proceeds to shake Wild about and reaches back to deliver another backhand, but this time Wild catches Nash's hand. Wild hits Nash with a Roundhouse Kick and follows it up with a stiff jab to Nash's throat. Nash gags and clutches her throat as her stumbles backwards. Wild takes this moment to grab Nash and toss her towards the ropes. Nash hits them and careens right back to Wild, who catches her with Sincere Lee Yours (Superkick)! From there Wild gets Nash with The One Time 69 (Tombstone Piledriver)! Wild covers for the pin!



Christine Nash has been eliminated!

As Christine Nash exits the ring, Sincere Lee Wild blows her a kiss and waves goodbye. Yet this moment isn't long lived, because Andrew Morrison steps through the ropes, taking his spot as the legal man for his team.

Andrew smirks as he walks up to Wild. Sincere Lee Wild gazes up at Morrison and immediately tries to hit him with a Spin Kick, but Morrison catches Wild's leg. Morrison laughs as it seems he now has Wild at a disadvantage. However, with a look of determination, Wild manages to spin her other leg around and catch Morrison with a Roundhouse Kick with her free leg! Oh my god it's unbelievable! The strength that took was remarkable!

Both wrestlers drop to the canvas, but Wild is first to her feet, hitting a downed Morrison with a Knee Drop, to his face! This is followed up by Wild running off towards the ropes. Wild ascends the ropes within a matter of seconds and soars off them in an Awol Fall (360 Splash)! Morrison surges in the ring and Wild covers for the pin!


Kickout by Andrew Morrison!

Andrew rises to his feet and Wild quickly moves in, catching Morrison with a few chops to the chest and a knee to Morrison's ribs. Morrison fires back with a brutal left hook, that sends Wild's head off to the side as a trickle of blood leeks from the corner of her mouth. When Wild turns her head back, she is met with a quick right jab that sends more blood leaking down her face. Morrison then grabs Wild by the head and pulls her forward, in order to deliver a knee shot to her face. Wild's nose is busted wide open from that shot and her face is a complete bloody mess! Wild appears to be very groggy as Andrew executes The Downburst (Hangman's Facebuster)! Morrison covers for the pin!



Sincere Lee Wild has been eliminated!

Sincere Lee Wild appears to be unconscious in the ring and needs to be revived, before she's able to exit the ring. As the ref helps guide Wild out of the ring Olive Pendershore, makes her way into the ring as the legal member of her team.

Olive walks up to Morrison who simply chuckles out of pure entertainment and shakes his head. Yet Olive shows no sign of anger, or happiness and just stares up at Morrison, with a blank expression. This causes Morrison to sigh, before reeling back in order to deliver a slap to Olive's face! However, Olive drops down before that slap connects and punches Morrison, straight in the balls! Morrison bellows out in agony and doubles over. During his moment of duress Olive is back to her feet and promptly hits him with a Side Kick to the head. Olive hustles to the ropes after that and uses them to launch back towards Morrison, with a Flying/Running Dropkick! The moves plants Morrison straight on the canvas and Olive crashes into his face, with a Double Knee Facebuster!

Rising to her feet, Olive yanks Morrison up by his hair. Olive attempts to get Morrison with a Bow and Arrow, but Morrison shakes out of it and manages to switch things around, catching Olive with a Powerbomb! Olive slams against the canvas and Morrison delivers a brutal stomp to her gut, before dropping in a Leg Drop!

Yet Olive manages to roll away, before contact was made and Morrison's Leg Drop, only hits canvas. Gingerly, Olive rises to her feet as Morrison climbs to his feet as well. Olive takes that moment to catapult herself off of the ropes and hits Morrison with Great Expectations (Casadora Stratusfaction)! Morrison smashes to the canvas and Olive pulls him up by the hair to deliver - Bringing Down The House (Velvet Sky's In Yo' Face)! Olive covers for the pin!



Andrew Morrison is eliminated!

John Austin, the remaining man on his team, dives into the ring and flies into immediate action, before Morrison has even properly left the ring yet! Austin charges straight for Olive and Morrison has to leap out of the way as to not be hit by Austin! Olive noticing Austin far too late, is hit by a Spear and smashed against the ring post! Austin then steps back and catches Olive, with a Powerbomb into turnbuckle! Olive's eyes roll back up into her head as she hits the canvas! Yet Austin isn't done. He apparently wants to make an example of the girl and he pulls her up in order to deliver a Delayed Brain-buster Suplex, but Theo Pryce slips into the ring and taps Olive's hand, with his own making him the legal man. From there Theo catches Austin with a Leg Sweep, that sends both Austin and Olive to the canvas!

Pryce proceeds to kick Austin in the face, while Austin is down and then lands a quick Elbow Drop to Austin's throat! From there Pryce places Austin into a Figure Four Leg Lock! Pryce wrenches the hold tight as Austin tries in vain to break the hold. Austin glances about, frantically looking for a rope in sight to grab, but there seems to be none that are close enough. Austin lets out a wail in agony as Pryce pulls the hold tighter! Austin's eyes are wide open in pain, as he tries to muscle through it and go for the ropes. Pryce notices this and yanks back harder on the hold, straining his own muscles in the process as a tight lip grimace, overtakes his face. Determination swells up in Austin as he continues to fight and he pushes forward, with all his might. Austin's struggles pay off in the end and Austin manages to make contact with the ropes! The hold is broken!

John Austin and Theo Pryce are separated by the ref and both get to their feet at pretty much the same time. Both men fly towards each other, with the same amount of vigor and instantly lock up. Austin quickly breaking this up by catching Pryce, with a Headbutt! Pryce steps back and shakes his head to regain some perspective, and Austin takes that moment to hit Pryce with a Giant Chop, followed by a Spinning Powerslam! Austin then runs off to the ropes and bounces off them in order to deliver a Slingshot Leg Drop! Austin covers for the pin!


Kickout by Theo Pryce!

Theo rises to his feet right as John Austin charges and dodges that speeding human freight train, before it hits! Austin crashes into the ropes and Pryce is quick to act, grabbing Austin by the shoulder and spinning him around into a Pedigree! From there Pryce rips Austin up from the canvas and immediately gets Austin with a Reverse DDT! Pryce covers for the pin!


Kickout by John Austin!

John Austin slowly rises to his feet and is instantly met with a Roundhouse Kick, from Theo Pryce. Austin stumbles and Theo follows that kick with an Uppercut! The Uppercut almost sends Austin to the canvas, but Pryce catches Austin and tosses Austin, towards the ropes. Austin soars towards the ropes and collides into them with enough force to send him flying right back at Pryce, who's ready and waiting with a Pryce Check (Spear)! Austin drops to the canvas and Theo Pryce yanks Austin back up, only to quickly place him in the Pryce Is Right (Scorpion Hold)! The hold is placed so tight and so strong, that Austin lets out a scream in pain as his eyes nearly bulge out of his head! The look of agony is so intense, even people in the audience look as though they feel John Austin's pain. Pryce isn't letting up, or going easy on Austin either as he adjusts himself and places the hold even tighter still!

Austin has no choice!

Austin can't take it any longer!!

Austin taps out!!!

WINNER(S): And #1 Contenders for the Trio Tag Championships, Sincere Lee Wild, Olive Pendershore and Theo Pryce!

Peter down!

Warfare returns to Sayors standing next to Peter Gilmour

Sayors-"I'm standing here with Peter Gilmour. One part of the Trio tag champs."

Sayors turns to Peter.

Sayors-"Peter tonight you are defending your titles with Cam Lang and Sebastian Duke. Is there any last thoughts or comments you have before your match?"

Gilmour-"Yes I do have one last thing to say. Tonight Me, Lang and Duke are walking to the ring with our titles and walking out with them. No one and I mean no one will be able to stop me."

As soon as Gilmour stopped speaking. Two men ran up in ski masks and attacked Peter from behind. One of the men held Peter's arms behind his back as the other man worked Peter with punches to the gut and face. After a few well placed punched Peter was dazed and nearly about to pass out. The man who was working him like a punching bag picked up a chair that was near them. He folded it up and hit the ground letting the other man know to let go of Peter's arms. He did and Peter could barely stand.

???-"What did I tell you about running your mouth Peter?"

The man with the chair swung the weapon hitting Peter dead center in his forehead. The chair shot busted the trio champ wide open. Peter was on the ground bleeding. The blood flowed like a river covering his face. The two men looked down. One of them bent down and smiled. Both men gripped the top of their mask and tore them off to reveal their identity. It was Michael and Connor McBride. The Irish brother both lit up a cigarette.

Michael-"Oi there big fella. I know wha' goin' through yer' mind. Why? Why did I attack ye' before yer' match? Well there are a few reasons why I attacked ye'."

Michael took a drag from his cigarette, he held it before blowing the smoke into Gilmour's face.

Michael-"I told you not to' run that' fuckin' mouth of yours and take action. You didn't do that, you just kept runnin' your' mouth. So this is what takin' action looks like. Now when you take action you have to have a reason for it. You gave me a reason. You never give an Irishman a reason, so the reason why I did it was to cost you those belts of yours. I want you to lose those belts because, well you just pissed me the fuck off. You're goin' to need the luck of the Irish to walk out with those belts. Which sadly you don't have. I kind of feel bad for Duke and Lang for havin' such a shitty partner on their team. They should have to lose the titles because of you, but if they are mad. Well I'll deal with them too. So good luck lad. I'll be seein' you around."

Michael stood up and walked over to his brother.

Connor-"You're forgetting something."

Michael looked at Gilmour. The big guy was starting to move, he was on all fours trying to get up. Michael's eyes narrowed into a death glare.

Michael-"Oh yeah. I forgot one more thing Peter."

Michael took a few steps back to get a running start. As soon as Peter looked to see if Michael was gone. The Irishman ran up and punt kicked him in the temple.

Michael-"If I ever fucking hear you speak to any woman like you did to Charlotte or fucking hit a woman while not in the ring. I don't give a fuck if it's Jessica Diaz. I'll end your fucking career!"

Michael turned and walked away from Gilmour. His brother joined him.

Michael-"Let's go get a pint."

The McBride brothers walked off leaving the big guy down and out.

XWF Trio Tag Titles
Peter Gilmour ©
Cam Lang ©
Sebastian Duke ©
- vs -
Alexandra Callaway
Eli James IV
- vs -
Egyptian Snow Pharaoh
Jessie Diaz
Tri Bute

Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match

A wall of ladders encompass the ring as fold up tables flank the ring apron. There is also a surplus of chairs situated at random locations around the ring. Basically, the exterior of the ring is chaos waiting to unfold.

Team Wildcard, consisting of Egyptian Snow Pharaoh, Jessie Diaz, and Tri Bute take up one corner of the ring, neither participant sure of what to make of their oddball team. In another corner is The Congregation; Eli James IV, Mystica, and Alexandra Callaway. They remain close, like a family. And finally, the defending Trio Tag Champions; Peter Gilmour, Cam Lang, and Sebastian Duke. Peter Gilmour looks confident and trusting in his fellow teammates.

The bell rings and this World War 3 of a match kicks off! Punches fly in all directions to where we cannot even distinguish who's striking who. Our camera team is put to the test tonight as they try to cover every angle of the action.

Eli and Peter-- the two big men in the match-- square off in the center of the ring while everyone else disperses on the edges and outside of the ring. Eli throws a punch that misses its target as Peter ducks under and throw Eli back with a Samoan drop.

At some point during the scuffle on the outside of the ring, a ladder and chair were slid inside.

Giovanni Ferrari: "Peter Gilmour's eyes bulged with excitement when he saw the ladder and steel chair make their way into the ring."

John Madison: "I know, right? It was like Peter saw a giant Snickers bar make its way into the ring."

With the steel chair in hand, Peter sizes up Eli James IV. Eli sits up, turns on his heels, and is met by a wicked sounding shot to the head. The chair shot flattens Eli James on the mat, knocking him out. Peter keeps his momentum up and hits Eli with an early Death Strike! Peter rolls Eli over, covers him, and counts the faux pin himself!


Holy shit, Peter just pinned Eli James-- unofficially!

Peter jumps up to his feet, stands over Eli James and flexes his arms. He's really caught up in this moment that he's created for himself. However, his moment is short lived as Mystica runs up and knocks out Peter with a MystiKick! Mystica then turns his attention to the ladder that was introduced earlier. He begins the process of setting it up in the ring.

Giovanni Ferrari: "Well, Peter did prove a point by 'pinning' Eli James, but it did cost him a tremendous amount of momentum here."

John Madison: "That's because Peter is a dumb ass, Gio. He'll find himself in an ideal situation and then he'll fuck it up by being stupid."

Mystica gets the ladder set up but is caught off guard by Cam Lang who runs into him with a spear. Cam then goes to climb the ladder but only gets two steps in as Eli James sneaks in from behind and uppercuts him in the jewel sack.

Cam and Eli go back and forth now with kicks and punches. Eli throws Lang up on his shoulder and drops him on top of the ladder with a running power slam! Seeing this, Sebastian Duke walks up to Eli and floors him with a stiff uppercut to the jaw region.

Following Duke's attack, the match takes a strange turn. Sebastian Duke actually exits through the ropes and places himself on the ring apron and is just standing in the corner.

Giovanni Ferrari: "Well, it looks like Duke is taking a breather here or something."

John Madison: "He must be hurt from that match two nights ago still. I'm surprised that he even bothered to show up after the beating I gave him!"

Lang picks up Eli and holds his arms back as he instructs Duke to take a swing at Eli. Duke declines Lang's proposal and simply rests his elbows on the top rope. Lang pushes Eli down and then walks up to Duke. Lang questions Duke's motives now.

Giovanni Ferrari: "Duke is refusing to fight!"

John Madison: "Fuckin' traitor!"

Lang is still arguing with Duke as he tries to figure out what's holding him back. Suddenly, in comes Alexandra Callaway with a roundhouse kick to the back of Lang's head. Callaway and Eli are huddled around Lang now, kicking him back and forth like a soccer ball. Eventually, Mystica joins in on the fun.

John Madison: "Hell yeah! Superstar of the Month in the house now."

Giovanni Ferrari: "Why isn't Duke helping Lang?!"

Duke remains standing on the apron with a smirk on his face. He reaches out, extending his hand to Lang for a tag.

Giovanni Ferrari: "Are you kidding me? He wants Lang to tag him in? There are no tags in this match!"

John Madison: "Are you sure about that, Gio? Cause it looks like Duke is reaching out for a tag."

Lang looks up at Duke in disgust as Eli, Mystica, and Callaway pull him up to his feet. Eli sets Duke up for a piledriver. Mystica and Callaway each grab one of Lang's legs and they shove him down into the canvas for a spike piledriver.

Duke remains on the apron, reaching out for a tag. He cheers for Lang, "come on Lang! You got this buddy!"

Mystica, Eli, and Callaway set up the ladder. Eli goes on to climb it as Mystica and Callaway provide rear security.

Eli makes it half way up as Peter Gilmour, ESP, Tri Bute, and Jessie Diaz storm the ring. Diaz takes a steel chair to Callaway, hitting her in the stomach and then over the back. Mystica manages to fight of ESP and Tri Bute but not for long as the duo becomes too much for him and they back him into the corner.

That leaves Peter Gilmour who has a firm grip on Eli's belt. Peter climbs up behind Eli and takes him off the ladder with a back suplex!

Duke applauds Peter Gilmour and coaches him to "run up the ladder."

John Madison: "I think Duke is asking too much from Gilmour by having him run..."

Giovanni Ferrari: "Peter isn't sure what to think right now as he looks across at his teammate who's just standing in the corner making a mockery of his match."

Peter tries to ask Duke what the fuck he's doing but Duke doesn't give a response. Peter rolls his eyes and goes back to work on Eli. Peter takes a steel chair and bashes Eli over the head with it, sending him rolling to the outside.

Tri Bute, Jessie Diaz, and ESP regroup and target Gilmour now.

Bute throws a punch but Peter blocks it and hits him with a headbutt.

Jessie runs after Peter for an attack but Peter catches her with a Samoan drop.

ESP tries to catch Peter from behind with a bulldog, but Peter throw her forward, onto a steel chair.

Peter pounds his chest with both fists as he stands tall above the competition!

Sebastian Duke shakes his head in the corner.

Peter begins to climbs the ladder. Peter comes up on the third to last step when Sebastian Duke runs in and grabs the ladder!

Peter looks down as he notices Duke grip the ladder with both hands.

Peter Gilmour: "NO, DON'T! FUCK OFF!"

Giovanni Ferrari: "Duke is trying to tip over the ladder!"

John Madison: "Is he? Are you sure?"

Duke acts as though he's just trying to hold the ladder steady but Peter isn't buying it. He keeps telling Duke to back off. He must believe that if he turns to climb the ladder that Duke will just push him off.

Suddenly, Mystica runs in and takes out Duke with a hurricanrana! Duke falls out of the ring to join Eli James.

Mystica then walks up the ladder and begins throwing punches at Peter Gilmour. With both men fighting at the top, ESP comes into the picture with a steel chair in hand and smacks Mystica in the back with it.

Meanwhile, Jessie Diaz sets up a table near the ladder where all the action is taking place.

ESP drops the chair and climbs up after Mystica. It's now Gilmour, Mystica, and ESP on the ladder. ESP takes Mystica and slams him off the ladder and through the table with an X-Factor!

Gilmour looks down at the wreckage, totally distracted.

Jessie blindsides Gilmour as she climbs up the ladder and peals him off with a dragon screw.

Tri Bute finishes choking Mystica in the corner with his boot and notices the ladder standing in the center of the ring with bodies piled below it.

Giovanni Ferrari: "Could we be on the verge of witnessing the future that Tri Bute told us about?"

TB walks over Peter Gilmour and begins making his way up the ladder.

Callaway and Eli intervene before TB makes it to far. They both reach up and double powerbomb him off the ladder!

Eli shoves Callaway up the ladder, ordering her to climb.

Lang finally recovers and throws punches at Eli but Eli pulls Lang in for a bear hug, just to stop Lang from advancing after Callaway. Jessie Diaz tries to get involved as well but Mystica grabs her from behind and locks her in a choke hold.

That leaves ESP who has recovered from the minor bump she gave herself after giving Peter Gilmour an X-Factor off the ladder and through the table.

ESP approaches from the other side of the ladder and races Callaway to the top. By the time Callaway gets her hand on one of the belts, ESP has already thrown a punch to the gut. ESP then locks up with Callaway and sends her off the top of the ladder with a vertical suplex! Somehow though, ESP managed to maintain her footing on the ladder while Callaway went crashing down behind her.

ESP now has her hand on one of the belts. She goes to unhook it, but Eli and Mystica grab the ladder on both sides! Eli and Mystica then carry the ladder towards the ropes and toss it against the ropes, causing ESP to fall off the top and through a table on the outside!

With ESP out, Eli and Mystica re position the ladder in the center of the ring.

This time it's Eli who climbs the ladder while Mystica watches his back.

Mystica's first task comes in the 6'5 form of Sebastian Duke! Duke runs at Mystica, Mystica charges after Duke, but Duke slams through Mystica with a big boot. Duke grabs a steel chair and begins mauling Eli in the back with it, repeatedly! Duke walks up the ladder and grabs Eli by the throat and pulls him down with a choke slam!

Duke looks up and Jessie greets him with an American Dragon style kick to the chest. Jessie follows up with four more kicks, runs off the ropes, and catches Duke with a DDT.

But wait-- Gilmour comes in out of nowhere and takes out Jessie with a lariat!

Gilmour is back in this now!

Gilmour grabs a table and sets it up.

Gilmour picks up Mystica to give him a Death Strike through the table, but Alexandra Callaway runs in and knocks him out with brass knuckles!

Callaway goes to take care of her man now. But at that moment, Cam Lang runs after them. Callaway and Mystica react fast though. They duck under and put Cam Lang through the table with a double back body drop!

Mystica takes Callaway by the hand and assists her in climbing the ladder. Callaway makes it halfway before Tri Bute charges through Mystica with a rolling lariat. Tri Bute then takes his two hands, forms them in the shape of a claw, and crabs Callaway by her crotch!

Giovanni Ferrari: "Uhh, normally this would be a two handed testicular claw but..."

John Madison: "Pussy claw!"

The hold doesn't have much effect on Callaway, but it does allow Tri Bute to pull her off of the ladder and slam her!

Eli James tries to catch Tri Bute from behind but Tri Bute ducks, pulls a feather out of his tights and begins to tickle Eli with it!

Eli: "Hehehehe! stop it! Hehehehe!"

With the tickle torture in full force, Tri Bute backs Eli into the corner with his advanced, futuristic wrestling technique.

John Madison: "Hey Gio, I hear that tickling is gonna be big in twenty or so years."

Tri Bute then takes one claw shaped hand of his and sinks it into Eli's testicles! He holds this move while he continues to tickle Eli with the feather in the other hand!

Giovanni Ferrari: "My God, I can't imagine what Eli must be feeling right now."

John Madison: "Wow, tickle torture AND a one handed testicular claw. This is very innovative futuristic combat. These are the moves my grandchildren will be using, Gio!"

Cam Lang breaks up the silliness in the corner by hitting Tri Bute with a steel chair.

Lang the kicks TB out of the ring and clothesline Eli out as well. The audience boos Lang for crashing the party. Lang rolls out of the ring immediately after.

Just then, the fans get their redemption as Sebastian Duke runs through Lang with a Soul Shot! Duke turns around and ESP crashes into him with a clothesline! They both tumble over the top rope and to the outside.

Callaway and Mystica are now going to work on Peter Gilmour. Mystica throws chops in the chest of Gilmour. Callaway tries to follow up with a roundhouse kick to the head, but Peter ducks and Callaway's foot clashes with the ladder.

Meanwhile, outside of the ring Duke, ESP, Tri Bute, Eli James, and Cam Lang are attacking each other with the nearby weapons. ESP and Duke are trading punches. Eli James has a ladder bridged over the apron and the guardrail and slams Lang on top of it. It doesn't take long for Tri Bute to go and assist ESP with handling Duke.

Back in the ring, Gilmour is punching Mystica in the corner. Gilmour then runs into Mystica with a Yakuza kick in the corner! Callaway runs after Peter but Peter catches her with a sit out powerbomb!

With a steel chair in hand, Jessie Diaz comes back into play. She tries to hit Peter with the chair but he catches it with his hands. Peter then pulls Jessie in and holders her close.

Giovanni Ferrari: "Oh my, what is Peter thinking?"

Peter licks his lips as he looks down at Jessie. What is he going to do?!

Jessie is resistant at first... but then she grabs Peter by the back of his head! What the...

Jessie pulls Peter's face in close to hers as she licks her lips...

But wait!

Before Peter can make his next move, Jessie floors him with a knee to the balls. Jessie then drops him with a snap DDT!

John Madison: "I thought we were gonna have a new relationship here in the XWF."

Giovanni Ferrari: "Usually Jessie will fake an injury in order to hit her opponent with the Bait and Switch, but this time she used her lips."

Jessie tosses Peter Gilmour's horny ass out of the ring leaving only her and Mystica. We've seen these two go at it before...

Jessie goes to strike first, but Mystica blocks and throws a punch of his own. Mystica backs Jessie into the corner and begins laying into her with some chops.

Meanwhile, on the outside ESP and Tri Bute just gave Duke a double tower bomb through a table! ESP calls that the Egyptian Snow Fall even though she usually performs it solo. Also, we look over and Cam Lang who gives Eli James a side effect onto a ladder!

Back in the ring, Mystica has the ladder folded up and is ramming it into Jessie in the corner. Mystica then throws the ladder down and gives Jessie a Russian leg sweep onto the top of it! Mystica then runs off the ropes and... MYSTIKICK to JESSIE!

Mystica sets up the ladder and begins to climb!

But wait, Tri Bute steps in. He grabs after Mystica, but Mystica fights back. Mystica jumps off the ladder and takes TB down with a hurricanrana.

ESP runs in as well but Mystica picks up a steel chair and throws it into her face.

Mystica tries to climb the ladder again. This time Cam Lang tries to interfere, but Eli James runs in and spears Lang. Eli then throws Lang out of the ring an follows.

Mystica continues up the ladder. This time it's Gilmour who tries to get involved but Callaway locks in a Tazmission and drags Gilmour to the outside!

Again, Mystica continues his journey to the top. He eventually finds himself in arms reach of the belts. But Jessie Diaz throws a punch to Mystica's back before he can obtain them. Egyptian Snow Pharaoh recovers in time in order to attack Mystica as well. Mystica is now attempting to fight off both ESP and Jessie Diaz. Mystica is able to knock Diaz down with a kick. That leaves ESP who's now choking Mystica with both hands. Mystica looks like he's gonna pass out up there on the ladder with ESP's nails digging into his neck. That is until Sebastian Duke comes up behind ESP and powerbombs her off of the ladder! Duke then runs off the ropes and catches ESP with the Soul Shot! Duke kicks ESP out of the ring but then he turns and walks right into a roundhouse kick from Diaz.

Diaz now climbs up from the other side as Mystica tries to regain his strength. They're both at the top now in a battle for the championship that hangs right in front of them.

Diaz begins headbutting Mystica, trying to knock him off the ladder. ESP walks up the ladder behind Mystica and nails him in the back with a steel chair. Mystica still refuses to fall down. ESP delivers another stinging chair shot to Mystica's back. Mystica responds by throwing a punch into Diaz and kicking down at ESP.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Alexandra Callaway runs up to ESP and spears her off of the ladder!

Mystica is now left with only Diaz up there as they continue to trade punches.

Tri Bute runs in now and tries to pull Mystica down. Mystica rotates his body and gives Tri Bute an axe kick down onto the top of his head. Eli James runs into the ring and knocks down Tri Bute with a lariat.

Gilmour and Lang try to run in but Eli James picks up a steel chair and smacks both of them in the head with it. James turns around and WHAM! Sebastian Duke runs through him with a Soul Shot!

Sebastian Duke grabs a second ladder and sets it up next to the ladder that contains Mystica and Jessie who are DUKING it out. ESP runs up and catches Duke in the ribs with a flying knee. ESP then takes down Duke with a kick to the face. ESP begins to climb the second ladder and stands up at the top with Mystica and Diaz on the other ladder. ESP and Diaz are both hammering Mystica with punches but he refuses to be taken down.

Mystica grabs Jessie by her ears and slams her face into the top step of the ladder.

ESP throws an elbow into the cheek of Mystica.

Meanwhile, Sebastian Duke makes his way up the ladder on the other side facing ESP. ESP delivers a throat chop to Duke once he's at the top. Duke fires back with an uppercut. ESP throws another punch at Duke. Duke comes back with a single handed choke!

Giovanni Ferrari: "Don't tell me he's gonna..."

Duke lifts ESP off of her feet and throws her off of the ladder with a choke slam! Holy shit! Mystica and Diaz begin to throw punches at Duke now, trying to push him down.

But wait! REBEL runs down the aisle with a steel chair in hand! Duke's fellow Brotherhood member has decided to show up.

Rebel runs up to the ladder with the chair.... and HE HITS SEBASTIAN DUKE WITH IT! What the hell!

Rebel climbs up the ladder that Duke is on and hits him one more time over the head with the chair. He then pushes Duke off of the ladder and Duke lands right on top of ESP.

Rebel looks down at Duke with a smirk on his face, throws down the chair, and walks out.

Mystica reaches up with both hands to unhook the belt, but Jessie punches him in the stomach. She then lifts Mystica onto her shoulders and throws him onto the top step of the ladder that's still standing next to them! Mystica bounces chest-first off of that ladder and then falls straight down on top of Duke and ESP, creating a pile of bodies!

Jessie reaches up, grabs the belts, and falls to the mat!

The wildcard team wins!

WINNER(S): And new Trio Tag Champions, Egyptian Snow Pharaoh, Jessie Diaz, and Tri Bute.
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[-] The following 14 users Like John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
(10-10-2013), (10-10-2013), AlexandraCallaway (10-10-2013), Great Buzzard Eli James IV (10-10-2013), Hunter Payne (10-10-2013), Jessie-ica Diaz (10-10-2013), Liz Hathaway (10-10-2013), Mr. Radio (10-10-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (10-10-2013), Rebel (10-10-2013), Scotty Guillermo (10-10-2013), Smoke (10-10-2013), Theo Pryce (10-10-2013), Tri Bute (10-10-2013)
Smoke Away

XWF FanBase:

(can't get crowd reactions; awkward; probably going to be fired soon) 

10-10-2013, 02:32 PM

Even after all of that, Smoke starts singing in a mocking tone:

Ni-gga stole my belt!

Repeatedly, hoping someone would get the reference...

[Image: logosmoke_zpsfca57577.png]

XWF Win-Loss Record

Title History
4x 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion
1x X-Treme Champion

For other stats, go here
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Smoke's post:
Jessie-ica Diaz (10-10-2013)
MattWard Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-10-2013, 03:14 PM

Damn been stabbed nine times and i am still breathing

[Image: MWXWF.png]
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Smoke Away

XWF FanBase:

(can't get crowd reactions; awkward; probably going to be fired soon) 

10-10-2013, 03:16 PM

Sorry, man. Hey, if I had to stab you to beat you, then that says something, doesn't it!

[Image: logosmoke_zpsfca57577.png]

XWF Win-Loss Record

Title History
4x 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion
1x X-Treme Champion

For other stats, go here
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

10-10-2013, 04:12 PM

Between guys getting shot at 50 times with arrows and only getting hit in the leg and guys getting stabbed 9 times and not dying, it's clear that XWF is lacking in actual assassins.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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[-] The following 3 users Like Theo Pryce's post:
(10-10-2013), Smoke (10-10-2013), Tony Santos (10-10-2013)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-10-2013, 05:15 PM

fuck u rebel.. i demand a rematch!!! and i want rebel's head on a silver platter.. me/duke/lj/cam v Rebel! take me out of the stupid LL match and I'll bury this motherfucker!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

10-10-2013, 05:18 PM

oh shit oh shit, fuck em up pete!
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[-] The following 1 user Likes John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (10-10-2013)
Jessie-ica Diaz Offline
Only to find it again.

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-10-2013, 05:20 PM

"I push my fingers into my eyes...

It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache...

There. Am I whiny and angsty as fuck epic yet?"
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Mr. Radio Offline
Best in the Multiverse!

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-10-2013, 05:32 PM Question  10/08/13 Warfare - The Trios! -->

peters life just keeps getting better doesn't it?

[Image: tumblr_mo8afmAXfD1rregw1o1_500.gif]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-10-2013, 06:09 PM

(10-10-2013, 05:18 PM)John Madison Said: oh shit oh shit, fuck em up pete!

ill do it just for you my leige

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-10-2013, 06:10 PM

(10-10-2013, 05:32 PM)Michael Radio Said: peters life just keeps getting better doesn't it?

oh its going to get much better.. trust me

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Christine Nash Offline
The Twisted Angel!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-10-2013, 08:12 PM

Oh man... I was the first one out. This bites. Good results thou.

1 team win

DTA - Don't Trust Anyone!!!

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-10-2013, 08:27 PM

(10-10-2013, 06:37 PM)Michael McBride Said:
(10-10-2013, 05:15 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: fuck u rebel.. i demand a rematch!!! and i want rebel's head on a silver platter.. me/duke/lj/cam v Rebel! take me out of the stupid LL match and I'll bury this motherfucker!

"so yer not mad that I cost ye yer belts huh? Did ye learn yer lesson about talkin shit?"

u didnt cost me shit! but you two fruitcups are going to die! attacking me and leaving me in a pool of my own blood? do u forget that seeing my own blood makes me mad? u awoke the demon and he's coming for you bitches!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Liz Hathaway Offline
Do you have the power to let power go?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

10-10-2013, 08:28 PM

Stop bitching.

[Image: 246195bf6992c5da7d09ff840f1abc76.jpg]

XWF Record

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-10-2013, 08:43 PM

oh darling.. u havent seen me when I am REALLY PISSED! Rebel just sold his soul to the devil and will pay dearly!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-11-2013, 04:08 AM

dont worry next time i see u two jackoffs i'll end u!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Mr. Radio Offline
Best in the Multiverse!

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-11-2013, 04:42 AM

Gilmour, I'm going to enlighten you by saying


[Image: tumblr_mo8afmAXfD1rregw1o1_500.gif]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-11-2013, 09:43 AM

bring it mcBITCH! I'll send YOUR Irish ass back to Ireland and you can kiss MY blarney stone..

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

10-11-2013, 10:00 AM

I have joined the Brotherhood and it shall not be long before we reign over the XWF.

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-11-2013, 07:45 PM

(10-11-2013, 09:59 AM)Michael McBride Said: "Blah blah blah. Don't speak with yer' mouth. Show me by yer' actions, then maybe, just maybe I'll start ta' respect ye' but til then. Bring it. This war will be bloody, just how I like em'

mmmmm bloody.. just how I like it.. you will find out you bit off more than you can chew

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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