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The experiment ends
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XWF FanBase:
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02-14-2013, 04:24 AM

Quote:Eyes only

The ‘Neonero’ experiment is to be terminated. Whilst we achieved the desired conclusion, in the boy capturing the European title, and flattening his nemesis, we feel that as a whole, there is nothing more to be gained from this experiment, as we have reached the perfect ends.

In the last two weeks, the boy did not make one public appearance. It is almost as though completing his goal resulted in a complete catharsis. His manner can be described as catatonic.

In the case of apoptosis, we seem to have found our perfect specimen.

‘Neonero’ will be reassigned to a more stimulating project.

- DU

A dark room. Neonero is sat in a chair, his body rigid. From behind him, a hand comes down on his shoulder, and then another hand on his left shoulder, which is holding a syringe. We realise the syringe is empty, and the contents have been emptied into Neonero’s neck. The syringe is tossed aside, and a familiar mask is placed over Neonero’s face.

From out of shot, someone else walks in, holding the European title in hand.

What do we do with this?

Keep it. Post it back to the XWF. Put it on your mantelpiece. Leave it here. It’s just a residual piece of the experiment...completely irrelevant and useless.

The man shrugs, and places the belt on the table. The pair of them then carry Neonero out of the room, leaving us with the image of the European title lying cold and alone on a table, in the dark. Alone and vacant. Just like Neonero.

- Fin -

OOC: With the card being so late I wouldn't have time to rp to any decent level for Madness (its documented I cant do weekends). Taking the decision to do a Cyren and step back from rping a while. Consider the Neonero character indefinitely shelved.
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

02-14-2013, 05:15 AM

OOC: I think last I remember you said you were going to go along with whatever plans the GM had for you and the belt, and also the results have been up since before the card was posted and Nero was mentioned in them. You're welcome to submit some kind of segment for during or after the match if you want to have something specific happen with the character, but aside from that the title still gets defended on Madness by Neonero as far as I can tell. (this was all documented as well) We don't really let champions exit out of matches once they see they've been booked, as it's unfair to anyone else involved in the match. You are welcome to RP before the weekend or simply no show (unless you already informed one of us you can't be booked this week, in which case I'll make a change) and I think what we'll do card-wise is just move your match to the show opener so then after the #1 contender is named later in the evening, they can sign the contract with the champion to close the show in anticipation for the following week. That's probably the most fair thing to do for all involved, given the circumstances.

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-14-2013, 05:29 AM

OOC: Yep the results were up but it wasn't til today that I came on and saw that I was officially booked. Had it been tuesday or even early yesterday I'd have been okay. And actually...I was told OOC that the GM was going to 'request Neonero's presence', not actually told I'd have a match, I did tell (GM) that I wasn't in the right place this week and glad I wasn't booked (I can paste convo on skype if you need to see). There are more personal (non rp/fed related) reasons why my head isn't in it but I don't really want to bring them up publicly.

Edit - follow on: I most definitely dont want to spoil the show or let you and (GM) down. I'll do what you need to facilitate this week, I tried to write him out above but if you guys want me to do something else we can discuss it.
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