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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
PlaceMarker Madness Rp
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Phoenix Regal

XWF FanBase:
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10-07-2013, 10:58 AM

Ethan was sitting in the locker room getting ready for his up coming match. He finished taping up his hands and wrists before looking up at the camera."The little vampire and the punk rock Ken doll. Tonight won't be your best night. You two will a easy win. You will be put through those tables. My partner and I will come out on top." Ethan started to put on his elbow pads as he kept talking."This match will show everyone here on Madness that I can get extreme. There will be blood and broken bones. I won't take it easy on you little vampire. You'll know the meaning of pain. As for your Ken doll partner. Well I don't like him very much. So he will bleed the most out of you two. I am going to use this match to launch myself to the top. You two are just the first stepping stones." Ethan finished getting ready and stood. He looked into the camera one more time."It's time to find out if you can handle yourselves. The test is about to start. I'll see you two out there." He turned from the camera and left the locker room and to his match.

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