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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Chances of Change [joint RP Cam/LJ]
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LJ Havok Offline
The Chose One

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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-26-2013, 08:33 AM

*Scene opens to Extreme Revolution members Cam Lang and LJ Havok standing in a dark corridor backstage at Warfare. Both are seemingly ready for "war" and have a cocky demeanor. LJ Havok is stoking his beard and Cam Lang has a sideways grin. Havok finally speaks up.*


Tonight is going to be intense, and I hope the preacher-man is ready.

Warfare on a Thursday? What is this? Some sort of special day?


No dude. It's..well.. uhh okay whatever.

*Havok looks at Lang in a confused manner, and in turn Cam smiles and continues.*

It is going to be special, all the signs are showing now Eli. You not only have me to deal with, but now my partner and FRIEND LJ Havok has accompanied me in this journey to seek what's rightfully ours and that's the United States championship which is currently under your possession.

A championship that has went down in pretige since you have been holding it. Our goal is to bring true extreme wrestling back to main focus. And it's just fitting that tonight's match is in a cage match because when you are trapped and have no where to go you can pray to your God that you will survive. It's simple you have no choice.

*Havok looks up at the ceiling in a condescending manner and shrugs.*


We need to thank Giovanni again, he understands the EXTREME circumstances of this match and is willing to be a good man and make the right decision, unlike some other unmentionables from Madness but we don't need to talk about them at this moment in time, mine and LJ's focus is now on Eli James.

I think we do need to talk about the fucksticks in the Black Circle.. They are alligned with Eli. And I haven't heard a single person avoiding ripping me for being on a losing streak. If it weren't for them I would have obtained the title Monday night. And it burns me up that I can't go back in time and plan a way out of that travesty. Heyman was punished for assuming a leadership role that we had been lacking due to Troy bailing on us. You will get your's..all of you. Starting with what we do to Eli tonight.

You can't argue the facts... LJ has fought for the Crown, the European championship, Tag titles and now the United States championship coming up, and let me tell you that it's no fluke. LJ's gotten to this point because he's that damn good, just like myself. You all need to remember that we have years of growing as wrestlers, and undetermined amounts of potential to tap into. We'll make sure to dub this night ''The night of EXTREME''.

*Cam Lang makes an 'X' with his arms with his eyes just blaring with intensity.*

Gilmour was right to say that as well. And I can't find a flaw in anything you just said, Cam. You would make fantastic PR.. Hell Obama could benefit from your damage control. Fuck. (laughs) ....And everyone needs to be on notice and need to watch their back. We gain experience. More and more of it every time that we step in between those ropes. Tonight the cage will just be another chance to prove our ruthless we are, and as the wolf pack we are we will stick together until you are eliminated. If we smell blood or a weakness you will be fucked. After that it will be a pure contest between Cam and myself. Whoever wins we are taking our spot at the top of the mountain. Come get us.

LJ makes some very good points, in the sense that you're going to be stuck in there with two men who's soul purpose will be to take you out, how will you be able to overcome these odds? I can tell you this, preaching to your people won't help you, talking to an invisible entity in the sky won't help you, and sitting around on your ass in that very same rocking chair isn't going to help you. And as LJ said once you are gone our alliance is over for the moment. Then we will finally be able to put on a classic that fans have been dying to see.


We haven't done anything major match wise in quite some time. It's time to bring out our beasts within, and no exorcism of prayer can stop us from doing horrible and unspeakable things to you. We are going to open everyone's eyes to the truth behind your world, Eli. The truth is that it is all bullshit. Every bit of it. See I have been in church before an felt at least something, but when you open your mouth the only thing I hear is 'Worship Me'. I am not about to worship someone who cannot properly groom their own beard. (Strokes his own beard once again) I could also talk about all the weak minded fools who follow your teachings blindly. The thing is I could go on all day. So I will leave you with this...Your world is about to be burnt to the ground. Your version of heaven is about to turn into hell.

LJ Havok chuckles in a light and almost sinister way and then his face returns to the intensity that we know all too well.*

You haven't even begun to see what we have to offer, and that's the beauty of all this... everyone thinks we've already passed, we haven't even started yet.

*Both turn around and walk further back into the corridor as the scene fades to black.*

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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