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9/9 Madness: 9/11 Remembrance - Conclusion
Author Message
Paul Heyman

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

09-10-2013, 07:26 PM

The World Mourns With the United States of America

Our video feed opens up in a dark alley. The sound of wind can be heard blowing along through the night air. A light starts to emerge from the darkness and we see John Austin come into view.

Hello everyone, don't fear and don't regret, yours truly is not to far behind. After my second round loss at Night of Sacrifice, I had to do a lot of searching. Who is really worthy of being a champion here in XWF. Seeing now that I have this

John holds the now customized 24/7 briefcase into view and smiles proudly.

Now you can call me crazy, stupid, autistic but I hold the key to your career. Luca Arzegotti, my old friend. Last time we faced off, you got the better of me but that was then and this is now. You were in the same position I was and you capitalized on Sid Feder. Keep that European title close because this autistic asshole may be the next European Champion....

Tonight, the tag team titles are on the line and I will be watching very closely. Closer than you think. So everyone involved in the match tonight, keep your eyes open because you never know when Mr. two two six two four is coming....and if I do make my presence known tonight....I am not coming alone....

The year of Austin has begun and all of you that hold gold...consider this your warning

John walks off into the darkness as our video feeds goes to static......

JOEY STYLES: “Oh my God! John Austin! Is he cashing in tonight!?”

JOEY STYLES: “The Madness continues as a match billed as Heymans Surprise is next! Hunter Payne! Vincent Altieri! Right now!”

The Mamalukes WCW theme plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Vincent Altieri, making his XWF debut right here, right now.”

”Use Somebody” by Kings of Leon plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Hunter Payne, ordered off of his vacation last week by Paul Heyman returns to the ring this week after an injury a couple of weeks ago!

“To the winner of this match go the spoils. The question is, what are the spoils?”

Heymans Surprise
Vincent Altieri
- vs -
Hunter Payne
Standard Rules

Hunter Payne and Vincent Altieri meet in the center of the ring as the ref explains the rules. SUDDENLY!!!! Vincent slaps the taste out of Hunter Payne, the fans boo in disgust....Hunter goes for a take-down as the ref motions for the bell....

Hunter mounts Vincent and tries to lock in the Crippling Payne Crossface early on but Vincent slides out just before Hunter can trap the arm. Vincent and Hunter meet in the center of the ring and lock up. Vincent whips Hunter into the ropes and hits a very under handed eye gouge. Hunter grabs his eye in pain as the fans boo on the new guy, Vincent Altieri.

Vincent locks up with Hunter and hits a vicious short arm clothesline. He goes for the cover as the ref counts....




Vincent picks up Hunter and locks in a rear chinlock. The fans begin to chant for Hunter as Vincent shows his disgust. He keeps wrenching in on the hold tighter and tighter. Just before Hunter is out cold, he gets up enough strength to break the hold free.

Hunter starts to attack Vincent with vicious shots to the body. Hunter goes for the F'N Payneful Bottom finisher but Vincent hits another eye gouge and locks in Sleepin with the Fishies (Sleeper Hold).... Vincent wraps his legs around Payne's back and locks the hold in tighter.

The ref raises the hand of Hunter and it falls down....He raises it again and it falls down one more time....The fans chants get louder and louder for Payne.... The ref raises the hand of Hunter, it almost falls down but he keeps it up in the air. The fans go ape shit....

Hunter is able to make it to his feet with the hold still locked in and begins to lay back elbows into the stomach of Altieri, forcing him to break the hold. Hunter whips Vincent into the ropes and hits a hard running knee to the stomach. Altieri staggers around and Hunter hits the Payneful Bottom (Rock Bottom). Hunter goes for the pin.




Vincent shows he is a powerful man and kicks out of the Payneful Bottom. The look on Hunter Payne's face is priceless. Vincent locks up with Hunter and hits a third eye gouge to the already affected eye of Payne. Vincent signals for the end. He hits On Ice (Bull Hammer). The sound of Vincent's elbow hitting Payne's jaw can be heard through out the arena. Vincent makes the cover




Altieri is beside himself! He can not believe Payne kicked out! Joy Giovanni gets on the apron, effectively distracting the referee. Altieri lifts Payne to his feet. Payne stumbles and falls through the ropes and to the floor.

Payne gets back to his feet and grabs a chair from ringside. He slides into the ring and Altieri swings and misses with a wild punch. Altieri turns, Payne tosses the chair to Altieri who catches it. Joy jumps off the ring apron. Payne hits the mat, acting like he was just hit by the chair as the referee turns around. He immediately signals for the bell.

WINNER: Hunter Payne – by DQ
+3 Points

Altieri is pissed. All of a sudden, Heymans music is heard. He comes strutting onto the stage. Payne remains in the ring, Altieri does as well and he still holds the chair.

PAUL HEYMAN: “I guess its time to deliver my surprise. Hunter Payne, let me be the first to welcome you back to Madness. Mr. Altieri, tough break kid.

“Earlier tonight, I announced that when Mr. Supernova defends his Television title against Mr. Radio, Shawn Steele would also be a part of that match. Here's what you don't know. Somebody who I've watched and enjoyed watching will also be a part of this match. Somebody that came to Madness tonight and put on one hell of a show!

“Vincent Altieri! You will also be a part of the Television title match! Oh and uhhhh, Hunter.... I saw what happened out here.... I'll be watching you...”

Hunter Payne is understandably pissed off. He turns around and is immediately drilled with the chair by Vincent Altieri as Madness fades to commercial.

JOEY STYLES: “The Madness is back and folks, we have an update on the condition of the Church. The doctors have rendered both Jessik and La'Donis as unfit to compete! The TLC match will take place, but it will now only be the Brotherhood and the Extreme Revolution!”

”The Campaign” by Affiance plays.

JOEY STYLES: “LJ Havok! Cam Lang! The Extreme Revolution! They have a date with destiny! Tonight! Right here on Madness, they have a shot at walking out as the Tag Team champions!”

”Dark Ages” by Two Steps From Hell plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Duke! MacAlister! The Brotherhood! They defend the Tag Team titles right here, live on Madness!”

XWF Tag Team Championship
The Brotherhood:
Sebastian Duke & Griffin MacAlister
- vs -
The Extreme Revolution:
Cam Lang & LJ Havok
- vs -
The Church: (No Shows)
Ara-Om Jessik & Arville La'Donis
TLC Match

The bell rings as Duke and MacAlister hand their belts over to the official. The official secures them to the tether and the belts ascend toward the top of the arena. Duke and Griffin are caught off guard as Lang and Havok are on the attack.

Lang and Havok have Duke and MacAlister trapped in opposite corners. Havok on Duke. Lang on Griffin. The two Extremists look acroos the ring at each other and nod. They each perform an Irish whip on their opponents sending them running toward each other.

MacAlister rolls through Dukes legs and takes down Havok with a Konnan inspired rolling lariat as Duke floors Lang with a big boot to the face. The challengers retreat to the floor as the champions stand in the center of the ring.

JOEY STYLES: “And the Brotherhood, working as a cohesive unit shows why they are the champions!”

The Revolution retreats toward the corner as Duke and Griff exit the ring on different sides adjacent to the corner. They have the challengers cornered with nowhere to go. Duke and Griff close in and the Revolution sprints and dives back into the ring. Duke and Griff turn on a dime and do the same. The Revolution is there to meet them though as the champions are being stomped into the mat.

Griffin gets to a vertical base and is clotheslined over the top by Lang. Lang now joins Havok in his battle with Sebastian Duke. They mercilessly beat down the big man until he's lying on the mat. Lang charges toward the corner and tries for a Vader splash but Duke clutches him by the throat. Duke gets back to his feet and tries to lift Lang for a chokeslam but is nailed in the back by LJ Havok.

Griffin re-enters the ring with a chair and runs after Lang. Lang catches it out of the corner of his eye and ducks Griffins swing...


JOEY STYLES: “MacAlister just inadvertently hit his partner with the chair!”

Duke staggers backward and out of the ring as Griffin is pissed off at himself for his mistake. Lang, from behind with a lowblow and it doubles Griffin over. Havok grabs the chair from Griffin and smashes it across Griffins back.

Griffin hits the mat on his knees and Havok tosses the chair to Lang. Lang then smashes the chair against the back of MacAlisters head, sending him down face first to the mat. Havok and Lang now have a quick discussion and Lang heads to the outside while Havok pays his attention to Griffin MacAlister.

JOEY STYLES: “It looks like the tables have turned in the favor of the Extreme Revolution!”

Lang returns to the ring but not before sliding in a table. Havok whips Griffin into the corner. Havok follows him in and lifts him to the top rope. Lang meanwhile, sets up the table near the center of the ring. Havok attempts a superplex but its blocked by Griffin. Havok with another attempt, again its blocked.

Lang now finds himself on the ropes as well, trying to help his partner drive Griffin MacAlister through the table. They look like they're about ready to lift him up when...


Havok receives a stiff punch from Duke and falls off the turnbuckles and crashing through the table! Lang receives a stiff punch from Griffin and he falls off as well, but he lands on his feet. Griffin jumps down and charges toward Lang. Lang delivers a dropkick to Griffin and MacAlister falls out of the ring and down to the floor below.

Lang gets back up and takes a clothesline over the top rope from Duke. Duke now heads to the outside and grabs a ladder and slides into the ring. Duke enters the ring soon after and picks up the ladder. Havok begins to get up but receives a stabbing shot to the forehead from the ladder from Duke for his trouble. TROUBLE!

Havok falls to the mat and rolls out of the ring to the floor. Duke clears the table debris from the ring. He then sets up the ladder directly under the title belts and begins to climb. He doesn't get far though as Cam Lang re-enters the ring and has a firm grasp of Dukes leg.

Lang uses his athleticism to climb up on to Dukes back as he stands about five feet off the mat. Duke struggles but soon loses his grip and Lang delivers the backstabber to him as they hit the mat. Duke is down and out as Cam slowly gets back to his feet and begins to climb the ladder.

On the other side of the ring, MacAlister has re-entered and begins to climb the other side of the ladder with a chair in his hands. Cam reaches the top first and doesn't realize Griffin is just below him. Cam gets a couple of fingers on one of the tag belts but Griffin is there to stop him by jabbing the chair into Langs midsection. Griffin then shoves the chair up under Cams chin knocking him off balance and off the ladder! Lang falls down to the mat hard!

Griffin begins to reach, then tosses the chair and begins to reach again. He takes a step up the ladder and BANG!

JOEY STYLES: “LJ Havok! With a springboard dropkick to the ladder!”

The dropkick sends the ladder and Griffin MacAlister tipping over and down hard to the mat. Havok is slow to his feet but retrieves the ladder and resets it under the tag belts. Havok begins to climb. Duke is back to his fet and reaches through the ladder rungs and grabs Havok by the throat. Havok struggles against the strength of Sebastian Dukes grip, and Duke counters by yanking his arm back, effectively smashing Havoks face against the ladder. Duke then thrusts his arm forward sending Havok flying off the ladder and through the ropes and down to the floor.

Duke steps on the ladder but is stopped by a lowblow from Lang! Duke hits his knees immediately. Lang closes up the ladder and puts it around his own head and begins to spin like a helicopter propeller. Duke gets to his feet and ducks one of the spins. As Lang faces him again in mid-spin, Duke sends a big boot to the ladder causing it to smash up against Langs face. Lang falls back to the mat with the ladder still over his head and smashes the back of his head off the ladder.

JOEY STYLES: “Thats got to be considered a rookie mistake by Cam Lang! You can't make that kind of mistake against veterans like Duke and MacAlister! They'll make you pay every time!”

Duke picks up the chair from earlier and swings it down toward Cam Lang, crashing it against his body! He lifts it again but Havok is there and hanging on to the back of the chair. Duke spins around and wrestles it out of Havoks hand and... SPEAR!

Havok takes Duke down with the spear and slowly gets back to his feet. He revives his partner and removes the ladder from his head. Havok sets the ladder up. Lang is slow to get up. Duke is slow to get up. MacAlister is slow to get up.

Lang charges after Griffin... PISSED ON ARRIVAL! MacAlister hits the codebreaker and locks in the Hells Gate submission on Cam Lang! Havok runs after Duke!


Duke caught him!


JOEY STYLES: “What a counter by Havok!”

LJ Havok slips behind Duke and plants him with the Saving Grace in the middle of the ring. Lang passes out in the Hells Gate and Griffin shoves his lifeless body off of him. Havok begins to climb the ladder as Griffin gets to his feet.

Griffin begins climbing the other side. He two meet at the top of the ladder and a slugfest ensues. Havok. Griffin. Griffin. Havok. Havok. Griffin. Back and forth they go. Neither man gaining the clear advantage until Havok sends a thumb to MacAlisters eye, stunning him on top of the ladder.

Havok reaches up for the titles, but they are still just out of reach. He steps up one more rung and Griffin seizes the opportunity. Griffin leaps up and grabs Havok by his shoulders and delivers a codebreaker to him causing his chest to collide with the top of the ladder!

Havok bounces off the top of the ladder and falls to the mat below. Meanwhile, Griffin had landed on one of the lower rungs a few feet below the top and ascends toward the top once more. Just finger tips away. One more rung.


Reaching further...



JOEY STYLES: “Griffin MacAlister has done it for the Brotherhood! He retrieves the Tag Team titles!”

WINNER: The Brotherhood - Still XWF Tag Team Champions
+5 Points

JOEY STYLES: “I don't think we've seen the last of the Extreme Revolution, but on this night, the Brotherhood was the better team!

“We're out of time! The Madness returns, next week!”

Madness fades out...

[Image: 6a00e552560c42883401156f2e2062970c-800wi]

[Image: HeymanSig.jpg]

Fall Madness Series BONUS (I Owe No Explanations):

Make Me Laugh: Hunter Payne +2

Blue Collar: LJ Havok +2

Best Roleplay: Casey Jones +2

The Cliffhanger: Griffin MacAlister +2

Best Supporting Cast: Hunter Payne +2

Hot Mic: Griffin MacAlister +2

The Paul Heyman Guy(s): Tony Santos +2, Vincent Altieri +2, Hunter Payne +2, Shawn Steele +2


Mystica (Writer)

Alexandra Callaway (Writer)

Smoke Man (Writer)

Tony Santos (Writer, Judge)

John Austin (Writer)

Angelus (Writer)

Shane (Judge)

Archie Lawson (Judge)

Griffin MacAlister (Judge)
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[-] The following 8 users Like Paul Heyman's post:
Casey Jones (09-11-2013), Christine Nash (09-11-2013), Hunter Payne (09-10-2013), Jessie-ica Diaz (09-10-2013), John Austin (09-11-2013), LJ Havok (09-11-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (09-11-2013), Rebel (09-10-2013)
AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-10-2013, 07:34 PM

AMAZING SHOW! Thank you for letting me help you write.

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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Hunter Payne Offline
RIP Ray Peterson

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

09-10-2013, 08:03 PM

Paul, "You should at least buy me dinner first... You know, before you decide to FUCK me!"
-Eric Cartman

OOC: Great results as always. I love the Eddie Guerrero tribute.

[Image: 111315-wwe-Eddie-Guerrero-pi-mp.vresize....high.1.jpg]

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LJ Havok Offline
The Chose One

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-11-2013, 06:31 AM

OOC: great show everybody!

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-11-2013, 11:23 AM

good show

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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