09-10-2013, 09:56 PM
A great fire burns in the middle of an open field, balanced on a pole; a man hangs on an old school Ministry cross. You can’t make out who the man is just yet. An evil, bone chilling laugh can be heard, feminine in nature, but enough to freeze your blood. A camera pans in on the man hanging on the cross, his face is covered in blood, he murmurs a name in the silence of the night.
A hooded figure in a black robe walks over and stands in front of the man, who is none other than Matt Ward. Then turn up to face him and his expression goes to one of shock. He notices who it is, although, if he could see what he was chained to, he’d know. His eyes get big and he starts to speak.
“Alexandra what the hell?”
She throws her head back, shaking out her long red hair. She smiles evilly up at Matthew. She knows it’s got to be getting to him. He is just the first in a long line of people she plans on sacrificing to the dark one. Matt would be her example. Destroy one... destroy the others that surround him. Hurting him would hurt Christine. Alexandra knew she could always try to get her revenge, but this would be worth it.
“Alexandra let me down. I swear…”
Alexandra stared at him with a cold smile, shaking her head from side to side slowly. She watched as two figures walk out of the barn and join her, but they hold chains, chained over two very tall trees across from each other. Both of them are chained to the outer workings of her father’s ministry cross. She bows her head as if in silent prayer. Words pouring forth from her lips, as if they were her love song to those who listened.
“Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis. Requiescant anima eius et animae omnium fidelium defunctorum per misericordium dei requiescant in pace.”
Alexandra looked up at Matt, as he pleaded for her to stop. With her back to the flames, she lifted her arms out to the side as the wind blew, and whipped her hair across her face. As she lifted her arms, she began to chuckle, the two who had joined her began to pull the chains and she watched as he was lifted above her and she turned to the camera that had been turned on by a third person who had been standing hooded in a dark robe as well.
“Eli, the time has come to put away childish things. It’s time for me to show you that I am not playing with you, or anyone else. I’m done with people saying I’m not this, or I’m not that. Who of you honestly knows who I am? Not you. Especially not you, you think that you know it all, you think you have me figured out Eli.”
Alexandra scoffed, this would surprise him. This while expected from her, had yet to be done. She had asked Matt to her father’s barn, they had been friends for years, nearing a decade to be honest. And this is where they had ended up. Matt hanging from the cross as her minions lifted him from the ground. He screamed out in pain, blood dripping from his face. She pointed at him, Matt writhed in pain, crying out.
“There’s the true horror of it. There’s the true darkness inside of me. That man, used to be one of my circle. He used to be a close friend, someone I trusted. You think that you can help me. But there’s nothing to help. I cannot be helped, nor do I need it. I don’t want to be fixed. I am happy the way I am. I am the me I was born to be. The firstborn of the the Demon of Death Valley, the rightful heir of his legacy.”
She watched as the fire began to lap up at him. It began to lick at the flesh on his chest and stomach, leaving bright red marks, before she motioned for them to pull him away from the fire. They listen to her and she turns to the camera once again. An evil smile crossing her face, as she stood there, finding the words to say to her opponent. She felt Matt’s pain, she could feel the darkness stirring, getting stronger, growing within her, around her. She could feel the power swirling around her, like never before.
“I am the darkness…The child of the Demon and the Moon. I am not of this worthless dirt and stone existence. I am more than that. Put me down, think you’ve buried me, and I will return. Each time, darker and deadlier than the first. Every time I have fallen in the ring, has led up to this. I will be the destruction of the righteous man. I will make blood pour from his flesh, I will break him down, piece by piece, until the only thing left in front of me is a quivering little child, searching for his mommy.”
Alexandra felt that swell of pride inside of her. She knew that Eli wouldn’t be able to counteract that. He wouldn’t be able to deny that something inside had taken over, and the Alexandra he thought he knew was gone. That girl he saw in the cabin, was the same girl on the outside, but behind the eyes, the true monster grew more and more dominate every day.
“Don’t be afraid….” She said in a soft, creepy, almost childlike whisper, “Be terrified for the true end is before you, in the flesh.”
With that, the camera went dark.

1x UFO E1999 Champion