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ThunderBowl I: Main Event (Part 2 of 2)
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Lightning Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Super Face

(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

09-01-2013, 07:29 PM

Lightning: "All right folks, its down to our last ten Superstars. One of these men will be leaving Columbus with a 24/7 briefcase."

Meyer: "This will be brutal."

All the remaining wrestler proceed to enter the original ring, as the stage-hands begin to remove the extra ring. It doesn't take much time before we see Juan and Mr. XWF continue to work each other over with punches. In the opposite side of the ring, we see Asmodeus and Baalberith locked up. Baalberith gains the upper hand and wraps his arms around Asmodeus' mid-section. He lifts him up to slam him, but Asmodeus wiggles free. As he gains his balance, he wraps his arm around Baa's neck and hits him with a bulldog. Asmodeus goes for a quick cover...




Asmodeus rolls over and gets to his feet. He begins to stomp on Baa. Asmodeus flexes for a booing crowd, and turns back to Baa. He is then met with a stiff right hand from Sean Falcon. He then takes a dazed Asmodeus and lifts him up for a powerbomb!

Lightning: "He just powerbombed Asmodeus on top of Baalberith!"

Falcon then places a hand on top of each man, going for the easy cover on both.




Meyer: "Falcon has eliminated both Baalberith and Asmodeus!"

Lightning: And just like that, were down to eight."

As Falcon rises from the mat, we now see Captain Extreme with a Boston Crab on Austin. Austin is slowly pulling himself towards the ropes, as Juan is tossing Mr. XWF over the top rope to the floor below. Falcon sees his opening and rushes towards Juan. He grabs Juan as he is yelling at Mr. XWF on the outside, spins hit around hitting a snap DDT. He then heads up to the top rope, sizing up a knocked out Juan, before jumping...

Meyer: "Falcon Elbow Drop!"




Lightning: Juan is still in this!

Juan rolls onto his stomach, as Falcon sits up to the shock of not getting the three count. He turns to Juan as he is still face down. He then goes over to him, putting him into the cobra clutch. As Juan struggles, Falcon begins to lift him up to his feet, maintaining his hold on Juan. He manages to get Juan to his feet, when he hits him with the Three Rivers Plunge! He immediately goes for the pin....




Juan barely gets his shoulder up before the count of three. Falcon is now beside himself, but is more then determined to take Juan out of this match. Then, he gets blindsided by a kick to the back of the head from Mr. XWF. He has come back to the ring, now with all three members of the XXX Listers.

Lightning: "I think these four plan on working together, from the looks of it."

The XXX Listers proceed to walk over to Captain Extreme and picks him up from the mat. They lift him up, leveling him with a triple powerbomb. They then step aside and allow Mr. XWF to pin Captain...




Mr. XWF then motions to John Austin, who is now coming towards them. NPH smacks Austin across the face, followed by a low blow from Jim Parsons. Travolta starts to spin around like a top, but I'm sure he thinks he's a helicopter. He clinches both fists, and hits Austin with shot after shot until Austin drops to the mat. Mr. XWF signals for the XXX Listers to give Austin a Party Bomb!


Falcon levels Parsons with a violent spear. He then jumps up and sends Travolta into the ropes. NPH attempts to get to Falcon, but gets a overhead elbow from Juan re-entering the match. Mr. XWF begins to back towards the ropes, and slides underneath. Falcon then hits Travolta with a heavy clothesline. He then makes a cover on Travolta...




Juan, meanwhile, has NPH in the corner. He gets onto the middle rope, and begins landing punches into the side of NPH


Juan drops down, as NPH wobbles forward and drops to the mat. Falcon then rushes up and hits Juan from behind sending him over the top rope. Juan lands on the floor below, just in front of Mr. XWF. Seeing an opportunity, Mr. XWF begins kicking Juan across the mid-section repeatedly. Kick after kick after kick lands hard into Juan's gut, causing him to let out a few painful moans. Falcon turns his attention back to NPH, and moves him towards the middle of the ring. He heads back to the corner, climbing up, and launches off to lands the Falcon Elbow Drop. He rolls back over to NPH to get the cover...




Meyer: "We are now down to 5...oh wait!"

John Austin has gotten back into it with Jim Parsons in the ring. Austin hits Parsons with a left boot to the leg. Parsons drops to one knee, as Austin kicks him in the back. He then drops to both knees, as Austin shakes his right leg off before...


Horrific kick to the back of the head of Parsons. Austin then goes for the cover...




Lightning: "How did Parsons kick out of that one?"

Meyer: "I don't know, but it was a damn near close fall."

Lightning: "That is very true."

Austin looks at Parsons, all but knocked out, and shakes his head. As he rises up to his feet, he comes face to face with Falcon. They stare each other down, as Falcon looks down at Parsons. He looks back at Austin with a look of disgust. He shoves Austin, and Austin shoves Falcon back. Falcon swings at Austin who blocks the punch, before delivering his own that connects with Falcon's temple. Falcon tries another strike, with a similar result. Austin lands several more successive shots, causing Falcon to lean on the ropes for support. Austin winds back and spins around with a kick sending Falcon flipping over the top rope. He ends up landing on the apron. Thinking on his feet, he runs to the opposite ropes, and on the rebound lowers his shoulder towards Falcon. Then, out of nowhere, Mr. XWF pulls Falcon off the apron causing Austin to sail between the ropes and hits the barricade hard, knocking him out cold. Mr. XWF starts landing punches on Falcon, now laying on the floor below. He then sees Juan sliding into the ring, going to pin Parsons. Mr. XWF slide back into the ring and drops onto Juan before the ref can begin the count. He then begins stomping on Juan, as Parsons begins to get to his feet. Mr. XWF then brings Juan to his feet and restrain his arms behind him. He nods to Parsons to start striking into Juan. He lands some left and right punches, with a few chops mixed in. Mr. XWF then drops Juan onto the mat, and signals Parsons to the top rope. As Parsons climbs the ropes, Mr. XWF kneels down to speak to Juan...


Parsons stands atop the turnbuckle, and reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a small vial filled with a white substance. He proceeds to pour the contents of the vial onto the back of his hand. He then snorts the substance up his right nostral, while pinching his left. He pinches his nose and lets out a crazed yell. He points to Juan on the ground and jumps roughly ten feet into the air for a frog splash!


Juan puts his legs straight up, with Parsons landing square into his extended legs. Juan's legs buckle, and stretch back out. He shoots Parsons into the air and sends him careening into Mr. XWF, who flies through the ropes landing on the floor below. Juan then rolls over to pin Parsons.




Mr. XWF quickly gets back into the ring as Juan is just getting the three count on Parsons, and stands up. He measure Juan up as he rolls off of Parsons, runs at him...

Lightning: "He just punted Juan Madison!"

Mr. XWF drops for the pin...




Lightning: "We're down to the final three."

Meyer: "Yes one of these men will walk out of here with a new chance to become champion!"

Sean Falcon and Austin return to the ring, as Mr. XWF returns to his feet. They stare each other down for a few moments. Then, Falcon and Austin look at each other before staring down Mr. XWF. Mr. XWF has a stunned look on his face, before attempting to escape the ring. Austin runs and grabs Mr. XWF and whips him towards Falcon, who hits him with Greetings from the Steel City. Mr. XWF drops to the mat and Austin drops to go for the pin.



Falcon pulls Austin off of Mr. XWF. Austin jumps up and gets into Falcon's face. Falcon indicates he should be getting the pin. Austin pushes Falcon, to which Falcon hits Austin with an uppercut causing Austin to stumble back. Falcon then hits Austin with another uppercut. He then grabs Austin and sends him into the ropes. He follows directly behind him and clotheslines him over the top rope. Falcon stands there taunting Austin as he reels in pain on the floor below...

Meyer: "ROLL-UP!"




Lightning: "Mr. XWF gets the pin on a roll-up on Falcon!"

Meyer: "We are now down to Mr. XWF and John Austin!"


Lightning once again rises from his new announcer's table, "Table", to address the arena.

Lightning: "Congratulation you two for reaching the finale of the first ever ThunderBowl! This is the last stretch of the match, where we are now under Last Man Standing rules. The last man to beat the count of ten will win the ThunderBowl and the 24/7 briefcase! Now ring that bell!"


Just as Austin makes it to his feet, he sees Mr. XWF standing in the ring. He looks at his surroundings, and instantly reaches under the ring. Mr. XWF slides outside the ring and attacks Austin before he can retrieve a weapon. He pulls him up and strikes him in the head. Austin falls to the floor. Mr. XWF then reaches under the ring himself, and pulls out a ladder. He slides it into the ring. He then grabs a table and slides that into the ring as well. Finally he takes out a chair and sizes up Austin, before hitting him in the back, causing him to drop back down to the floor. Mr. XWF returns to the ring, and begins to set up the table and ladder for use. During this time, the ref begins the count on Austin...


Austin makes it to his feet, and slides back into the ring. Mr. XWF wastes no time to get back on the offense onto Austin and drops him back to the mat. He then pulls him back up, hitting a Rock Bottom, just not through the table.

Meyer: "Why not do that through the table?"

Lightning: "He knows he needs him out cold."

Mr. XWF did know this, and begins to pick up Austin and place him onto table set up in the ring earlier. He then begins to ascend to the top. He makes his way slowly up the ladder, as the exhaustion begins to catch up with him. He eventually makes it to the top, but looks and notices that Austin is no longer on the table. He then looks, and see Austin dead in front of him on the top turnbuckle. Austin jumps from the turnbuckle, landing at the top of the ladder as well. Mr. XWF strikes at Austin, but Austin comes right back with a right hook of his own. The continue trading punches, until eventually Mr. XWF gains the upper hand. He then wraps his arm around Austin's neck attempting to suplex him off the ladder. He gets him up, but Austin manages to keep from going over. He tries to lift him again, but Austin stops him again...

Lightning: " What the HELL!?"

Suddenly, we see Jim Parsons running down the ramp in nothing but a tube sock covering his penis. He runs down yelling and flailing his arms around. He soon loses his sock, and all his glory, and continues running around completely nude. He circles the ring a few times in his coked-up rage. Then slides into the ring, bouncing on the ropes. He then spots Austin on the ladder, but fails to notice Mr. XWF on the other side. Parsons points at Austin and scream out...

Parsons: "MY LITTLE PONY!!"

Parsons then runs towards the ladder and lifts is into the air, with both Mr. XWF and Austin on top, sending them flying off...

Meyer: "LOOK OUT!"

Both men sail through the air and crash through the new announcer's table, "Table".


The ref begins the count on both men, as they lay motionless in the wreckage of the table.


Austin and Mr. XWF begin to stir....



Mr. XWF reaches for the barricade, as Austin begins to crawl away from the table, still on the ground.


Mr. XWF starts pulling himself up, as Austin reaches the the apron of the ring. He begins to pull himself up.



Mr. XWF nearly to his feet, as is Austin. But then Austin slips and falls back to the floor.


Austin starts pulling himself up again, nearly getting back up....

Parsons: SEXY XWF!

Parsons dives onto Mr. XWF just before he makes it to his feet, dropping back down to the floor.

.........Austin makes it to his feet..............



Meyer: "What an incredible match. This has been one hell of a night. You should definitely do this more often."

Lightning: "You know what, I just might have to do that."

As Austin walks towards Lightning, as cheers begins echoing throughout the arena. Lightning grabs his mic as Meyer grabs the briefcase.

Lightning: "John Austin, on behalf of the XWF, Urban Meyer, and myself; I would like to award you with this, the 24/7 briefcase. You now hold the opportunity to challenge any champion in the XWF. Congratulations!"

Meyer hands Austin the briefcase, as he shakes hands with Meyer, followed by Lightning as Austin's music comes on as Shove It comes to a close....

Camera fades out on Austin hoisting the briefcase above his head.

OOC: Thanks everyone for you patience and support. Hope you all enjoyed this Shove It and good like to Jessie this week!

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[Image: 11038946450a12998492046l.jpg]
When there is a storm...Lightning strikes!
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[-] The following 7 users Like Lightning's post:
(09-02-2013), Archie Lawson (09-02-2013), John Austin (09-02-2013), John_Black (09-01-2013), Mr. Radio (09-01-2013), Mr. XWF (09-02-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (09-02-2013)
Captain Extreme Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Super Face

(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

09-01-2013, 08:22 PM

Good show, though I would like to point out one mistake. My side character (D-Ballin James) is not Lebron James nor associated with him in anyway
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Jessie-ica Diaz Offline
Only to find it again.

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-01-2013, 08:23 PM

There was a character who never showed, whose name was LeBron James and was, well yeah you know. He wasn't using your side character.
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Captain Extreme Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Super Face

(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

09-01-2013, 08:41 PM

Oh, lmfao. I feel stupid now
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-02-2013, 02:32 PM

good stuff dude

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Lightning (09-02-2013)
"The Phantom" Jack Kronus

XWF FanBase:
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09-02-2013, 03:39 PM

Great job Lighting!
[-] The following 1 user Likes "The Phantom" Jack Kronus's post:
Lightning (09-02-2013)

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