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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
This Fire Burns
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SokolovxxRed Offline
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08-28-2013, 10:10 AM

Sokolov was wrong. He made it to San Diego in less then eight hours. War Games were in a few hours. This was a big match for him. He could be come a contender for the X-Treme title. Was it not every wrestler's goal to hold gold? To wear it with pride and honor? Did having a title show the world you on top of your game? The answer was yes. This only made Sokolov more determined to win this match. He wanted to show the world he was ready for a title, that he was ready to wear it with pride and honor. The more he thought about it, the more the fire of his soul burned brighter. He was ready for tonight and he knew it.

Since he made it sooner rather then later. Sokolov made up his mind to drop his daughter off at the hotel first then go to the arena. On the drive over to San Diego he got a call from his sister telling him she had made it to the hotel and was getting some stuff done before tonight. Sokolov lightly shook his daughter's shoulder to wake her up. Viktoria slowly woke up, she yawned and rubbed her eyes clean of sleep.

"Hey there sleepy head. We made it with more then a few hours to spare. So I'm going to go drop you off at the hotel with your aunt and then I'm going to go get ready for tonight. I need to get into the zone and focus on my match. I'll see you tonight in the front row right? I need my daughter to cheer me on, to help me over come everything that is thrown at me. Think you can do that for papa?"

"Sure papa! I'll cheer for you. I know you can win. The other team doesn't have you on their side so they are going to wish you were as you beat them up."

Sokolov smiled as he pulled up to the hotel. He leaned over and kissed his daughter's forehead. Natasha walked up to Viktoria's door and opened it to let her out. Sokolov got out and popped open the trunk and got his daughter's bags and handed them to his sister. He was about to speak but he heard someone call out his name. He turned to see Steve Sayors and a cameraman walking up. Natasha took Viktoria by the hand, and without saying a word told her to come with her. The red princess knew what she meant but she broke from her aunt's hand and ran up and hugged her father before leaving with Natasha.

"Sokolov, we have been looking for you all day. We wanted to get your thoughts on tonight's match."

"Sure I can say a few things before I leave to get ready. So as always, ask away Sayors."

"Well I'm sure you have seen the other team's promos and their thoughts on the match tonight. What did you want to say to your opponents?"

"Yes I heard what they have said. Cam Lang is so focus on our captain that he has forgot about me and my other team mates. He'll learn tonight. Smoke Man. I really don't have anything to say to him but I'm sorry that you have Cam Lang as a teammate. Christine Nash. Now I know you're not just a pretty face. I know you can hang with guys and I respect that but I won't hold back on you because you are a woman. No I'm going to give you my all just as I am with all of your team. Jason E Smith. I'll see you in the ring and I'll be ready to trade blows with you. I feel when you and I are standing in that ring tonight. It really is going to be war. I hope you're ready. Last but not least. Their team captain Paradoxica. You have much to deal with. I hope you and your whole team brings their A game. I know this is going to be one hell of a war. I'm Ready. Are you?"

Sokolov didn't even give Sayors time to speak. He turned from the mic and camera and got into his car, turned it on and drove off to the arena to get ready. A fire was burning and a war was about to start. This night was going to be fun


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