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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A father and his daughter
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SokolovxxRed Offline
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08-28-2013, 08:07 AM

Sokolov's record was standing at 2-2. In football he would be a .500 which wasn't bad but it wasn't the best. His sister thought he should be four and zero but not everything can go your way. As Sokolov drove he turned to his daughter and smiled. She wanted to go see her father's match. This Wednesday was not a normal Warfare, no it was War Games which was a big deal in the XWF. It was a great opportunity for rookies and veterans alike.

"So princess are you ready to see your father kick some ass tonight? You're in for a real treat. This match isn't a normal one.

"Of course papa. Aunty Natasha and I are going to be cheering for you when fighting, but why isn't a normal type of match? What's the difference from other tag matches?"

"Well for one it's five on five and the winning team gets to face the X-Treme champion at a later date. So even if you win you end up facing your own team mates later but that's okay. I can use this match to watch my team and study them. That will help me, I'll know my what I'm up against, but only if we win. So we all have to work together then fight each other later."

"Oh wow papa. So even if you win you'll have to face later but you can do it! I know you can. You're my papa and you're better then anyone on your team."

"Now now little princess. You must never think you're better then anyone. They are my team mates this time, so I'll work with them. Plus my team is pretty boss. I mean our captain Peter Gilmour and he is no push over, then we got JTC, I beat him two weeks ago at Madness but he was not easy to beat. He may be an ass but he as well is no push over. Then there is "Lionheart" Mike Harrison. I would but him as a wild card. I don't know how he will do. I've never faced him but I'm sure he will bring his A game. Then there my last team mate Jack Kronus. I've heard about him and he can hold his own. So my team looks good going into this match."

"But what if one of them tries to back stab you? I've seen it happen before. You can't trust anyone on your team."

"But I'm going to have to and if one of them steps out of line then I'll just kick them in the head. How's that?"

Viktoria nodded with a smile. She was so happy that she was going to see her father wrestle and she was going to be in the front row with her aunt Natasha.

"So little princess. Who's your favorite wrestler in the XWF. I don't count seeing that I'm you're father but I know you always watch Madness and Warfare. So I wanted to know who catch your eye."

Viktoria thought for a moment before answering her father.

"Well my favorite male wrestler is LJ Havok. He should have won on Madness in that kill the king match but no that dumb king guy had to win it. As for my favorite woman wrestler is Alexandra Callaway. She's the daughter of The Undertaker and Taker is my favorite wrestler of all time."

Sokolov chuckled. She made some good picks. He couldn't tell she had made bad ones. Sokolov looked at the dashboard clock. They were going to be there at the arena in about eight hours.

"Okay Viktoria, take a nap. We have a long road trip. So take a nap and by the time you wake we might be there or close to the arena. So get some sleep and I'll wake you if we make it before you wake up."

"Okay papa. Night night."

"Get some good sleep princess. Night night."

Viktoria leaned back in her car seat and soon fell asleep.


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