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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Don't piss the Angel! Part 3 (TA #3)
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Christine Nash Offline
The Twisted Angel!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-28-2013, 08:00 AM

After going off the radar for a while to really focus and train, Christine and Matt show up at the arena for Warfare where Christine was in the 5 on 5 war games for the chance to face the X-Treme Champion on a upcoming show. Christine wasn’t known to work well with others that she didn’t know nor trust but she knew if she wanted a chance at this title… she had to work with these 4 guys. 4 guys that she didn’t quite trust but was willing to give it her all to help them in the end. She looked over at Matt as then walk into her locker room.

Christine: You know… I am the one they are going to target first cause one, I am the only female in this match and two… they all think I am weak and done deserve this. I have busted my ass in every match. I have given everything I have everytime I enter the ring. No matter if I am 100% or not, I have faught my ass off to what I have to do to win each match and if I lose… then I learn from it and try even harder the next time to not make the same mistakes.

Matt: I know baby. You will do this prove that these guys are just taking you lightly.

Christine: I hope your right. Right now… I have the nickname of being your bitch.

Matt: You're not my bitch, and even if you were… I know you can take names and take each one of those men down. Besides… you have kicked my ass twice now in this company alone. I know you can do this. I also know… I need to help you get her out.

Christine: Yes, it is time for the Altar to come out. It is time that the Angel comes out and that she shines. It is time, that she takes this match… and works side by side with these guys and she shows these little boys that she isn’t someone to take lightly.

Matt: I know baby. I will be here when it is all over. I will take care of you when it is over. I am going to give you a lot of TLC baby.

Christine: I know. Thank you. OK, lets me change and then you can bring her out.

She gives him a kiss and whispers I love you to him knowing that when the Angel comes out… she is going to go after Matt. She then heads to her bag… grabs her ring gear and changes her clothing, fixing her makeup and and hair before walking out to give Matt one more hug and kiss before closing her eyes as he starts to talk about everything that would piss his girlfriend off enough to bring out the Twisted Angel.

Matt: Do this baby, think about Daisy Styles… my ex that wanted to take Brooklyn and Caleb from us. Think about Jason Stratus and what he did to you. Wade Barrett and how he tried to do the same as Jason. Think about Vince Chaos and how he did do what Jason did. And how I was stupid enough to fall for Micah and turn on you.

She throws her head back as she made fists and then slammed one thru a table beside her. She opened her eyes looking at Matt and before he could react… her hand was around his neck pinning him to the wall.

Twisted Angel: So I see the piss ant is back. Let me guess… you want to support me as I try to win this match. As I help these for boys to win this War Game. And when I am done… I am going to have fun with you. I will own your ass… I will own the ass of the 5 men my team is facing… and I will back up each and everyone of these little boys. Not going to like it and I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks about me. I will kick ass… and I will beat the living shit out of Peter Gilmour, I will help take care of "Lionheart" Mike Harrison and Jack Kronus, I will take pleasure in assisting in dominating JTC and I will prove to Sokolov Red I am not just a pretty face and I can kick his ass as well!

Matt tries to pull her hand away and can’t. She gets in his face, slightly bites his nose and then looks in his eyes.

Twisted Angel: I can’t get rid of you cause of her… but I will own your ass. Just as I will dominate the other team with my team I am on… I will dominate you as well.

She smirks as she then bites his lip causing a little blood before letting him go and stepping back.

Twisted Angel: Don’t go anywhere… cause I am not done with you.

She then pats his face a little hard before walking out of the room leaving Matt a little dumbfounded as he deals with the bleeding lip. She walks down the hall and around the corner as she heads to the door that lead to the roof access. One of the two places she felt at home in. One of the two places… she felt that she could be herself in. One of the two places she could gather her focus. The Twisted Angel perched up on the ledge and looks down as she watches the people walking below. She took a few deep breathes.

Twisted Angel: The time draws nigh, and the darkness will rise. Rise, Rise and Revolution as this team headed by Paradoxica will go out there and we will make our move and we will dominate and destroy each member of the other team. Forcing the team captain Peter Glamor or whatever the hell his name is… is forced to watch as it will end up 5 on 1 in the end with nowhere for him to run and hide. The war will end the moment your little pathetic body falls at the hands of the better team. And I know… you all have me as your first target. You think I am sense I am a female… that I will be easy pickings.

She cocks her head and smirks.

Twisted Angel: I hope you are ready for this team to divide and conquer… I hope you are all ready for us to destroy your chances at winning this match and going on to face the X-Treme Champion for that title. I hope you are ready to feel your fate and your hopes and dreams DIE! Tonight… the Angel will fly and I will fly high with this team as we defeat your asses 1...2...3… in that squared circle. Are you ready to meet your maker? See you all in the ring.

With that… she jumps off the roof and disappears into the darkness.

1 team win

DTA - Don't Trust Anyone!!!

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(08-28-2013), Cam Lang (08-28-2013), LJ Havok (08-28-2013), MattWard (08-28-2013)

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