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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Debuting in War - Finale
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Smoke Away

XWF FanBase:

(can't get crowd reactions; awkward; probably going to be fired soon) 

08-27-2013, 05:08 AM

The camera fades in and moves out from around a corner, looking down a long, wide and open hallway. It is empty. The walls are a creamy colour, and to one side are large construction-like pipes running through the wall. The other end of the hallway opens right into a larger hall, where there are sounds of construction going on, very loudly. The other wall is completely plain, save for a couple of doors with blue signs on them, which are unreadable due to the camera's angle.

Smoke Man is walking down the hallway toward the camera. Looking down at his phone. He appears to be texting. All of a sudden his phone starts vibrating, and his ringtone echoes down the hallway. It's just a that goes of once. But it's loud and, in fact, cuts off the construction work in the background for a moment. Smoke jumps at this, yet the phone keeps vibrating. He dives into one of the doors. The camera quickly gets up and gives chase, and as it turns toward the door we see it says 'Male W/C'.

The camera pushes the door open, yet Smoke Man is no where to be seen. The last stall's door is still swinging, however, so the cameraman creeps over, and slightly nudges the door ajar, peaking in, although it can only see the stall's wall. The phone is still vibrating.

Suddenly, it stops with a *boop*.

SMOKE MAN: Heyheyhey, yeah, yeah, I'm here, I'm here. Sorry, it's a new phone, touch screen. Couldn't figure out how to answer the bloody thing.

He coughs up a nervous laugh but stops soon after. A voice can be heard... must be the other end of the phonecall. It can be heard but not understood, it was too quiet for the film crew to pick it up.

Uuh, yeah. Yeah actually. Er, I was just calling you because I wanted to know whether you got my Email or not. ... Yes, yes. Yeah I'm sure of it, yep. ... Not really, no... But what does that matter? I'm willing to do this, and there's no reason for me not to do it! ... Because it'll make things easier for you! You have one less guy to worry about now, and- ...

A pause. This time no one is speaking on the other end.

...Hold on.

The camera, still pointing at the stall's wall, sees a shadow slowly coming into shot on the wall. Slight footsteps are heard. There's a slight muffling in the audio and then all of a sudden the footsteps are even quieter.

The shadow then raises a leg, and kicks the door while the camera is still poking through it.

The film cuts, but the audio continues playing, noticeably quieter than before.

Okay, I'm back, where was I? Oh yeah, you don't have to worry about sorting me out anymo- ...

This time during the pause, the other person is only very slightly heard.

... Alright, yes, yes thank you.

Smoke exhales air noisily from his mouth.

You do not know how much this means to me! You'd given me as good a chance as is by putting me in this match already but now, awh, I mean jus-

The camera is back up and running. It is now pointing at the door of the stall instead. A couple of guys can be heard talking behind the boom-mic.

Yes ... Yes I know. I understand you're busy but I'd- Yes. Okay, okay. Big day on Wednesday, now thanks to you. ... Yes bye, thank you Mr.-

The call has finished. There is a light tinkling noise, and the heavily flush of the loo. It seems the door is about to open when:

The door to the bathroom barges open with a tremendous thud. The camera quickly turns to see Steve Sayors barging in with his own film crew. The film cuts to the other camera, and from it we can see the other film crew clearly annoyed. They start to depart. The camera crew take their positions in more-or-less the same place as the other crew, except with Steve Sayors using the bathroom stall as his backdrop.

STEVE SAYORS: Ladies and Gentlemen, I have received word that the man I had interviewed on Wednesday, Smoke Man, is in this very cubicle-.

He turns and points at the cubicle.

-on a phone call to an unknown acquaintance.

He moves his hand up to his ear piece. He be just receiving this information only now, from the other camera crew.

There is word that he was talking about the War Games match this up-and-coming Wednesday, which is also his debut match.

Steve is really getting into this role. He must love reporting breaking news. Shame he's bad at it.

In addition to this, I like to lick Peter Gilmour's shit-dick with a razor pierced through my tongue, while Ion cleans out my rectum with a vacuum cleaner.

A roll of laughter can be heard off shot, from the outside of the bathroom's door. That line was delivered by Steve with such a convinced attitude that it became very clear he had no idea what's going on right now.

Steve remains smiling at the camera as if nothing happens, but twitches for a second and rubs it off. Or he tries to anyway. He half turns to the cubicle's door.

They're still laughing outside...

Now, Smoke Man, the cat's out of the bag, you may as well come out.

Smoke does as he's told, as he's soon standing beside Steve in interviewing position.

Please don't tell me that Ion was the one that found the cat, Steve.

Smoke's clearly been laughing his ass off. His face is a bright red and he's still chuckling.

All kidding aside, it must be nostalgic for you being in here, considering you must've started your career interviewing bums in the toilet.

Steve's clearly had enough. He thought he may as well do his own comeback. He nervously chuckles.

Heh, fitting, considering I'm interviewing you.

Smoke Man snaps his head around to face Steve. His face is incredibly stern and angry, and it looks as if his eyes are about to pop out.

Steve just gulps.

Smoke slaps him heavily on the back in a 'friendly' manner. Returning to his usual happy attitude.

Hahaha, I'm joking dude! What did you want?!

Yes. Um, Smoke Man. I've heard from some of my co-workers, that you were phoning someone in this very cubicle. What the XWF wants to know, is who was it, and what was it about?

Smoke looks around the room for a few seconds. He focuses his attention on Steve, and then grasps his arm with his hand. He didn't do it hard, nor was he now, but Steve still jumped.

See, the thing is, Steve, I would, but I'm not sure if I want to, y'know? I don't think the other guy, as important as he is, really cares whether I spill the beans or not, but I don't want to. It is pretty big news, in regards to the War Games in fact. And let's just say it'll give me the chance I was hoping for.

Was it by chance 'protection' in the match? You were swinging it with a higher-up to get what you want?

What!? No! No, nothing like that. Tomorrow, when I step into the cage, I do it on my own, because I need to prove what I can do. Being handed a championship isn't really anything noteworthy of any merit.

Oh, so you accept that the championship was given to you?

Yes, yeah of course. Everyone knows it and what's the point in denying it? I was in the right place at the right time and got the belt, simple as that.

Steve seems to be at a loss for words. It's clear that whenever he interviews Smoke, he expects to easily out-maneuver him, but Smoke Man managed to answer all the questions with ease.

I'll tell you what, though. Whatever I rung him for will be apparent tomorrow. So you'll just have to wait and see, won't you?

Smoke Man turns and walks off. The camera gets closer to Steve, and he turns to look at it.

Well, that was Smoke Man, ladies and gentlemen. What does he have in store in the War Games match this upcoming Warfare? I have a feeling it will be apparent as soon as he appears.

This is Steve Sayors, signing off.

The film cuts.

[Image: logosmoke_zpsfca57577.png]

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