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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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LJ Havok Offline
The Chose One

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-22-2013, 05:12 PM

"It was a hard fought battle, but only one man could win. That man was none other than John Madion due to an interference by Eli James IV. All hell broke loose at the closing up the match and John Madison retained. But then there was a sudden emergence of the Extreme Revolution. They threw Gimour out of the ring. Troy Turner appeared to be going after LJ Havok. Havok ran past Troy and kicked King John Madison in the throat. After making their intentons clear, they all stood together with their arms held high after the closing of the show..."

the following Announcement
Has been paid for by the Leaders and sponsors of

[Image: er1_zpsb7b00e15.jpg]

*After the ER logo flashes on the screen and the video ceases. Havok is shown backstage with a big grin on his face.*

All I have been hearing is one word...WHY. And it several sentences usually follow the word. Such as "How could you betray the XWF?" , "You had a bright future", and this one is my personal favorite "Why allign yourself with such shady characters?" I have answers for all three questions. And I am proud to keep answering them. It's pretty simple. So I am going to answer it with what I have been saying all along. I said a change was coming and that I was going to save the XWF. Now really think about it. I am saving the XWF through destruction all the while creating a new era in the company. Many people want to label us as the bad guys. But what's so bad about it? When you think about it, I think Eric Bishoff said it best. Controversy creates cash. I live by that. I will die by that. When Troy Turner approached me my initial reply was a no. The more I thought about it the more it started to eat at me. I had dreams about it. It was somewhat of a back-up plan. See cause I figured if I couldn't get that crown away from John Madison, I could still rule with a band of brothers. These brothers are the Extreme Revolution: Cam Lang and Troy Turner. It's been said that we are nothing more than a bunch of rookies. Yes we are rookies. But we are rookies in THIS company. This is not our first time getting in the ring.

*He walks towards his locker room as the camera-man follows him.*

I was going to take time off after losing the Kill The King match Monday. Ultimately I decided against it. Madness is on hiatus for a week, so I guess we really shook Heyman up. But never fear ER fans. Yours truly, will be on Warfare. And if everything pans out I will be in the Wargames match. Following that, I am going to make my very first appearance at Shove-It in the Thunderbowl a brain child of Lightening. That is two chances to prove that the ER does not fuck around.

*He opens his locker room door, goes in, and sets down.*

So Matt Lennox, I hear you loud and clear. You doubt us. But like I said there are greater forces at work here then just "Three rookies" as you so kindly put it. (laughs) And,Casey Jones, I hate to break it to you buddy but this will go through. You can't doubt it. It is a change coming not only to Madness, but to the whole XWF. Yeah we haven't come through on our promise dominance through championship gold, but we damn sure have people talking. I kicked your King in the throat and stood over him with my wolves in dominance. So my warning to you is don't let yourself get caught in the in forest alone. The wolves easily smell your fear and blood. And you and everyone else are stuck in the wilderness with three wolves surrounding you. They are hungry...They are starving.

*Havok stands up and looks a bit annoyed.*

And now we have that Wargames match coming up. Thing thing that confuses me is that the guy that chose me for his team...well... I kicked his friend in the throat at the closing of Madness. It really confuses me knowing that his people are supposed to hate my guts. Our team has some power, granted not nearly as powerful as Angelus's team. But a powerful team nonetheless. It's no secret that me and Death Merchant beat the unholy hell out of eachother a couple weeks ago, and that I don't particularly care for Casey Jones. The kid has a big head and I feel like he needs to be put in his place. But maybe not. Maybe for this match everyone can keep their priorities intact. That meaning that everyone needs to focus on winning the fucking match and not their own personal vendettas.

*Havok smirks cockily.*

It's funny, because Troy and I already talked about the possibility of us being put against eachother in the Wargames match. We came to an agreement. We will bring it when in the ring with eachother, like real men do. But if and when shit goes down we will have eachother's back. Wanna know why? It's because we are brothers of the same cause. Also I will say one thing about Eli. He seems like a real stand up guy in a roster full of cowards. Alligned with John Madison or not, it is an honor to be on the same team with him..But I will say this Madison is holding you back from greatness..You are the only reason he is still king....One last piece of business before I kick the camera-man out of here. Peter Gilmour, much respect. You brought it in the match just like you said you would. If it had not been for Eli, you would have probably walked out King. That's not saying that if you ever cross me and my family I won't beat you down mercilessly. Because I will...They will. The new era is upon us. If you are against it...well it sucks to be you.

*ER LOGO flashes on the screen as it fades to black*

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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(08-24-2013), Cam Lang (08-22-2013), Mystica (08-22-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-22-2013), TroyTurner (08-23-2013)

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