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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Part Two
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Matt Lennox Offline
I cry like a baby

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08-18-2013, 06:27 PM

OOC: Continuing from my last promo.

Matt and his new lady friend pull up at the hotel Matt is staying at. They get out and Matt escorts her to his room. He excuses himself to the bathroom while she waited. When he returned back she was only in her bra and thong.

Matt- Wow, alright. Now I see your intentions.

Without saying a word the woman gets off the bed and grabs Lennox and throws him to the bed as the camera fades. The words "The Next Morning" appear on the screen and the camera shows Matt opening the door as the woman leaves the room with a big grin on her face. He shuts the door and sits at his table inside his room sipping on some coffee.

Matt- Now this is the life, I knew deciding to be a professional wrestler was the right decision.

Suddenly Matts cell phone begins to ring as he picks up his phone.

Matt- Hello? Oh hey, whats up? Shit that's today. Okay I will be there as soon as I can.

Matt leaps up out of the chair and gets into his suit and hauls over to where they are filming an XWF commercial. He walks into the building and sees green screens everywhere.

XWF Official- Hey Matt, forget about today?

Matt- Nah, I didn't forget. I just had a long night.

XWF Official- Yeah I heard about your little bar fight. You are gonna be getting fined so watch out for that alright?

Matt- Alright. So what are we filming exactly?

XWF- We are just filming a new commercial for XWF. As you know we are blooming into quite the wrestling business and we need to start doing better advertising. So first I want you to go over to that green screen and I want you to say whatever is on the card.

Matt- Alright.

Matt begins making his way over to the green screen. First he looks at the card that he has to read. It says " and the home of yours truly Matt Lennox".

Matt- Really? That doesn't even make fucking sense!

XWF Official- Matt, it is going to be thrown into the commercial. We are having certain wrestlers come in and the commercial is going to be kind of like "Watch XWF we have Andrew Aldway, John Madison, Peter Gilmour," and so on. We decided to have you come in and simply do that. Get it?

Matt- I guess.

The director yells action.

Matt- And the home of yours truly Matt Lennox

Director yells cut and that he liked it. Matt walks away from the screen.

Matt- What else do I have to do?

XWF Official- Just a couple pictures for the programs they give out. The last program still has you labeled as "The Incredible One" and that you are from Canada.

Matt- Oh yeah, I am glad that shit is over with. I am a proud Marylander.

Matt walks over to the photographer and gets a couple pictures taken with him in different poses. After he's done he says bye to everyone and walks out of the building. As soon as he walks out he is bum rushed by several fans wanting autographs and pictures. He signs almost every one of them and does a couple pictures with a few. Finally the fans break away and he makes his way to his car. One last fan comes to him and it is a little girl and her father.

Father- Mr. Lennox, me and my daughter are huge fans and we would really appreciate it if you would sign a picture for her and maybe take a picture.

Matt looks down at the little girl and smiles.

Matt- Alright, I can do that. Are you a fan of mine?

Daughter- Yes.

Father- She is a little shy but yes she is a huge fan of yours. She has a couple posters of you and a shirt of you.

Matt- Well for a special fan like you, I have something special. Are you going to the show on Monday?

The little girl nods.

Matt- Well, lets see what I have in my car. I have a hat for you and I couldn't get my family to the show. So how about these two backstage passes to Monday Night Madness?

The little girls face lightens up as Matt signs the hat and gives it to her. The two then take a picture and he shakes the fathers hand.

Father- Thank you very much Mr. Lennox, it was a pleasure meeting you. Hey, you had a question for Matt didn't you?

Daughter- Are you going to beat that mean man John Austin?

Matt- You know what, yes I am. I am going to go out there and I am going to win. Especially now that I know I have the best fan in the world backstage cheering me on.

Daughter- He said mean things about you. I really want you to beat him up.

Matt- Ha, I know he said some really mean things about me but he isn't such a bad guy. He just has his moments. But I guess if you want me to beat him up real bad I will.

The father and daughter walk off and Matt gets into his car and heads onto his next activity to do before he heads to the arena for Madness.
Scene Over

[Image: 311kzti.jpg]

1 time XWF Xtreme champion
2 time FTW UFO E1999 champion
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