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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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Vynl Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(crowd reaction varies; dips between face & heel)

08-18-2013, 04:19 AM

We are at an upper end apartment looking over a beach in California. The room has beer bottles and pizza boxes everywhere. Lay on the couch, half clothed is Vynl, still unconscious and doesn’t look to be getting up anytime soon.

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

Vynl still lies there, no motion in his body. He obviously has been partying harder than he could handle even though he has his first match at XWF in less than one week.

A louder and stronger knock occurs on the door until we hear a rattling of keys. The door unlocks and a man, 5”5, stodgy build in an unbranded tracksuit walks into Vynl’s Appartment. He sees Vynl lay on the couch, motionless, breathing heavy and a weird rhythm snore. The man shakes his head in disgust as he leaves the room and enters the kitchen.

On his return, he has with him a glass of water, which he pours over Vynl’s head.

Man: “Get up you horrible peace of work. What have I told you about this all-weekend benders you’re having. They have to stop. You think you’ll be able to survive in the ring against the best when you’re out drinking all the time. You can think again. Now get up and get ready. We have training to do!

Vynl brushes his hair with his hands as his eyes boggle wide open, looking around the room at the mess that has been left from his weekend of partying.

Vynl: “Pete, what you doing here? And how on earth did you get in my apartment?”

Pete: “Remember the last time this happened, in the last company you were in? They didn’t take too kindly to you walking in drunk, unable to perform. Remember? You gave me a key so I could stop this from happening. We’ve spoke about this before. I thought you cleaned your act up?

Vynl: “I have. I promise. This is the first time in 6 months that I’ve been on such a crazy bender, probably just excitement about my debut next week on XWF.”

Pete: “Well this stops now. Go get showered so we can hit the gym. You’ve got a big match Wednesday. You need to be ready.”

Vynl walks off stumbling to the bathroom. After a few minutes the shower turns on. Pete shakes his head in disbelief but as he waits, he turns on Vynl’s 42” inch television, where some breaking news is coming over the local news channel.

Reporter: “News just in! Two young adults have been found tied up and looks to be held hostage in a building on the east side of California. Reports are coming in that on the walls of this building, the word “Vynl” has been written in want seems to be red paint.”


Vynl rushes out of the bathroom.

Vynl: “What’s up??”

Pete: “Where have you been all weekend? You see what’s on the news? Now, I’m not saying you did it but it’s not like there’s many Vynl’s who live in California!”

Vynl: “Not sure what you’re on about Pete, but I’ve been at that bar I go to, on Imperial Beach. You know…the one with the pretty ladies…”

Pete: “Look at the news”

Vynl stares at the television. Going across the news channel’s vidprinter “BREAKING NEWS: 2 young adults found tied up in abandoned house. Red paint with the word Vynl on the walls”

Vynl: “Why on earth would I kidnap two scrawny kids when I were having the time of my life?”

Pete: “You tell me? It’s your name on the wall, not mine…”

Vynl: “Come on Pete, You know me better than that. This is just sick joke. I tell you what. I bet it’s that Baalberith. I’ve been told he’s an odd guy, something creepy about him. He’s doing this because he’s scared to face me.”

Pete: “Really? That’s the best you can come up with?”

Vynl: “You got any better ideas? Cause, I know it wasn’t me!”

Pete: “Ok…Ok. Let’s just keep calm about this.”

Vynl: “I am Calm. I never did it. I can even prove it. I’ve been with the chick I pulled two nights ago all weekend after Steve left me.”

Pete: “Steve?”

Vynl: “Yeah, Steve Sayors…He works for XWF, did a quick interview for him. Anyways got that chicks number, I’ll give her a ring.”

Vynl picks up his phone and rings his mystery woman. The conversation goes on for over 5 minutes when Pete shakes his hands over at Vynl…”Well…?” Vynl passes the phone over to Pete. Pete is direct and straight to the point. He just wants to know where his friend was over the weekend. After a few minutes of back and forward questions, Pete looks happy at the outcome. He throws the phone back at Vynl, who ends the call quickly.

Pete: “Well it does look like someone is playing some horrible prank. Hopefully this will be the last of it. I mean this is your big break. Can’t let something stupid like this get in the way”

Vynl: “Tell me about it…I finally get my big break and my name is all over someone else’s wall? Crazy stuff.”

Pete: “Right, we have 4 days till your debut match. It’s time we get you to the gym and get you prepped.”

Vynl: “Good Shout!”

Vynl changes the channel on the tv to Kerrang, Metallica – Enter Sandman is playing. He turns on his sound systems and ups the volume.

Vynl: “What a classic!” (Starts singing along)

Pete: “Just go get ready! We’ve wasted enough time as it is”

Vynl starts rocking is head up and down as he heads towards his bedroom, getting louder as the chorus kicks in. He’s quick to get changed. He grabs a black sports bag and returns back to the living area. He picks his keys up from the table, switches off his TV and sound system and he and Pete leave…
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(08-20-2013), DeathMerchant (08-18-2013)

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