Hunter Payne is looking for his old rival Mr. Radio in an elementary school of all places. He wants to congratulate him on his UFO title win. He is long over due. He thought he spots Radio by the lunch tables where there is a bunch of school boys and school girls. He steps on a fruit roll up... Ewww. Hunter Payne upset that he doesn't see Radio here, he goes to buy a milk from the cafeteria. He counts his change...
La Magistral
pin powerbomb
pin Death Valley Driver
pin Jacknife Hold
pin Spear
Gedo Clutch
pin nip attack
pin Pepsi
pin Coke
pin Dr.Pinper
3 quarters.
Oklahoma Roll
pin California Roll
pin California Victory Roll
That's enough to buy him a medium sized chocolate milk. He then pulls out more money to cover it but it wasn't needed so Hunter Payne buys a victory roll up. He then drops everything because he sees Radio by the school playground...
Hunter Payne runs through the playground like it's an obstacle course. Backslides down the slide. Quickly goes through the monkey bars. sunset flips over the swings. Runs past some bridge looking thing, he is use to doing this diurnal type of workout routine, but he lost Radio again!
Frustrated, Hunter Payne walks back to the lunch tables. Only to find his medium sized Chocolate milk and victory roll up were gone!
"Lil' Bastards!" He says out loud. Hunter leaves dam mad because he didn't get to see Radio. Just then Hunter spots Mr. Radio getting in his car. He has to get his attention and somehow yelling out Radio in an Elementary school might not be the best idea. So he steals a small package from a young school boy.
"Hey!" says the young school boy as Hunter Payne chucks the pretty heavy small package at Mr. Radio. That was a beautiful throw, something like Colin Kapinick or Ben Roethlisberger (shoutout to Pete and Duke lol). The small package hits Radio right in the head, knocking him out. "Damn kid what was in that small package" Hunter Payne said. The school boy just starts crying uncontrollably. Hunter Payne runs over and goes for the pin on Radio.
pin A
pin B
pin C
pin D
pin E
pin F
pin H
ipin I
nip J
pin K
pin L
pin M
pin N
pin P
pin Q
pin R
nip S
inip T
pin U
pin V
pin W
pin X
pin Y
pin Z
(OOC: Good luck bro, sorry I need to win some gold around here. lol.)