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Shark Speaks Out: Loss, Rivals, What's next
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JFRESH Offline
Active in XWF

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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-08-2025, 01:13 AM

[Image: 96PkC3LT.jpg]

The scene opens up backstage in the Mack Sports Complex in New York. The small venue was host to an indy wrestling promotion. The show had just wrapped up, and one of the rising stars, trained out of Slaughterhouse NY—a gym owned by James Shark—had been on the card tonight. Shark had come to support her, but his presence had attracted far more attention than anyone anticipated.

The reporters swarmed him and had him cornered against a wall, cameras flashing with phones and microphones shoved towards his face. Some reporters could be heard asking him about his loss on Warfare. 

“Ay man, look, if y’all followed my career y’all already know what it is. I ain’t ever made no excuse for none of my losses. If I was afraid of eatin’ my words then I wouldn’t be out here talking no shit to begin with. 

This one gonna sting for a minute cuz I couldn’t get one official defense on that bitch but it is what it is. It’s still Shark 2025 we just taking a lil detour is all…. Shout out to Garcia, I’ll see his bitch ass again one day soon.” 

As soon as he’s finished speaking, another round of questions start getting thrown his way. Shark hears Peter Principle’s name and instantly frowns. 

FUCK Peter Principle. I never met a bigger dork in my life. He sure as hell got what he wanted, right? Double Champion James is no more. Bro was out there preaching the rules and policies then had the balls to come out to my match and grab my TV Championship. Y’all gonna tell me there wasn’t no rule surrounding that?? That goddamn dweeb got 48 hours to gimme my fuckin' Championship otherwise I will grab that man by his undies, throw it over his face, dump him into a public toilet and give bro a swirly like he will never believe. 48 hours Pete, don't fuck with me." 

Shark shakes his head as another flood of questions come in. It’s hard to make one clear question out but Shark listens carefully to see if he can hear anything that is worth answering. 

“Charlie impressed the other night but y’all need to understand something. That man is my son. I am his Daddy, feel me? I beat homie at his own game. I imagine he takes his right to the TV Championship and tries to see if he can trade it for the Xtreme Championship or somethin’ because… y’all, that man don’t want to face me again. Trust.” 

More questions come in, he hears Cypher’s name and instantly makes a face and turns to look at the reporter that name dropped him. 

“Don’t nobody give a shit about no Cypher. Bro keeps coming at me on X because I refused to be a tag team partner with him hahahaha, seriously, look it up, that’s how it all started. Little hacker boy ain’t nothing without his mouse and keyboard. What that man needs to do is hack into and change the record books to include his name on everything because I’m tellin’ yall right now his career is nothing but a pile of shit and Latoya Hixx is more of a threat than he’ll ever be.” 

Shark laughs then hears some reporters ask about Latoya. 

“She keep name droppin’ me in all her promos. She don’t want my TV Championship y’all, she wants ME. Let’s get that straight.” 

Shark turns to one of the cameras and looks directly at it. 

“Latoya, baby, just slide into the DMs. I got you. You bring them delicious abs and I’ll bring the jar of nutella. Shit. Gunni will bring the camera.” 

He winks then laughs out loud and shakes his head. He hears a reporter jokingly ask why Shark doesn’t slide in her DMs instead and Shark instantly begins to wave his hands out as if to say “No”. 

“The last time I tried to slide into some DMs I thought I was professin’ my love to Aurora and turns out it was an impostor that went all Karen on me. I ain’t doin’ no more DM slidin’, yall about to get me into some fuckin’ trouble. But if the real Aurora will please stand up tell her that February around the corner and she finna be my valentines for real, for real.” 

Shark chuckles and begins to push his way past the reporters. He hears some of them ask him what’s next. He answers them as he is on the move. 

“Snow Holds Barred. Y’all already know. Tatiana Jolee is the number one contender to my Championship so I gotta make an example out of her on home turf.  The only way to move past my loss is to break my foot off in her ass.” 

He starts to walk away when he hears multiple questions about his ongoing criminal case, the court date, his ex wife, his daughter. He freezes in his tracks. Luckily none of the cameras capture his face however he just stands there for a moment before slowly turning around. He briefly commented on social media about the situation after being baited to by Cypher but he decides no words is probably best. He quickly turns around and walks off.

[Image: Shark-Sig-1.png]
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