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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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SPOOKY SAVAGE - November 4th 2024
Author Message
Atticus Gold Online
Gold is the New Black
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

11-04-2024, 10:20 PM

11 - 04 - 2024


As Silent Hill warps to reflect you in a spooky way, you have the option to achieve additional bonus points in judging by hitting any or all of the following in your RP: You or your character's darkest fears, deepest desires, dirty secrets or wrong-doings. The bonus points are negligible but could net you a win depending on how close things are in judging.

Latoya Hixx
- vs -
Dick Powers
Bottomless Pit
Match takes place in a ring (somehow) surrounded by an endless void of fog

Johnny Bacchus & David Doe
- vs -
Da Bing Bong Twinzz
Sawblade Match
Match takes place in a ring; each time a tag is made, rows of sawblades drop lower and lower from the ceiling until they make contact with the ring.
The X-Treme Title is not on the line BUT if Bacchus is pinned or submitted the title will change hands
The winners of this match may receive either a X-Treme or Tag title shot

Atara Raven
- vs -
Mystery Opponent (Spooky!)
There was a match here, it's gone now
Match takes place in the halls of a derelict hospital
Pyramid Head will be hunting each opponent

- vs -
"Carvotin" Jake Borden
The Room (not the movie)
Match takes place in a foul-smelling and cluttered apartment
The only door out is heavily padlocked and chained
The winner must escape The Room by any means necessary

Madison Dyson
- vs -
Charlie Nickles
Diner Brawl
Match takes place in an abandoned diner
At random, radio static will play and horrific creatures will enter to disrupt the match

Matthias Syn
- vs -
Adam Garcia
"Buried Alive"
Match will take place in a morgue
The winner must place their opponent on a morgue slab and lock the door trapping them inside

Prince Adeyemi & Ned Kaye ©
- vs -
Lucy Wylde & Aurora
The Otherworld
Match takes place in a tile room rusted by blood and corroded steel
An enemy with long serrated blades for arms crawls around the walls as an additional hazard

Mastermind ©
- vs -
James Shark
15 Minute Time Limit
Match takes place on a ruined street in heavy rain.
There is a large chasm on one side and the other is blocked by destroyed cars
If the time limit is met, the area will flood and both opponents will be swept into the open chasm

Sebastian Everett-Bryce ©

- vs -
Misty Waters
Shattered Memories
Match takes place in a frozen arena surrounded by seemingly endless darkness
Weapons and hazards litter the area, abandoned cars, ruined buildings and frozen people
Visions from the past haunt each opponent at random

RP stips for all matches is 1 rp 4k.
Tag Team Matches can either be 1 team collab at 4k or 2 rps at 2k(one per handler)


Good luck!

[Image: pAYrmd6.jpeg]
DICK POWERS ??? - 2024

Dick Powers was tragically mowed down by a jet ski on the way to Silent Hill


When The Strom is Coming hits Latoya Hixx. they heard a voice laugh in the background and saw blue lights from the entrance and some smoke and rainfall coming down she walked onto the middle stage flexed her muscles walked straight down towards the aisle slapped a few XWF fans got inside the ring and dim the lights in the ring and she flexes her arms once more and spread her arms and climbs on the top rope and yell at her fans and tells them to let's go and climbs down off the ropes and waits for her Opponent to arrive

Dick Powers' corpse is slumped in the corner. It has been there the entire time.

Latoya Hixx
- vs -
Dick Powers
Bottomless Pit
Match takes place in a ring (somehow) surrounded by an endless void of fog

BG: ... Dick Powers is dead. Is this ethical?

JC: He dies like every month, don't worry he has amazing coverage. He'll get better.

BG: ... How!?


Latoya sprints from the corner with a huge clothesline!

And the stamping from Hixx causes Powers' body to slump down more and Latoya's line sails over Dick Powers and she flies over the top rope!

[Image: oeHGL6.gif]


BG: ... What the hell!?

Dick Powers raises an arm in victory!


The zombie formally known as Dick Power comes to un-life and begins doing the Thriller dance!

BG: Oh that's nice, this will be a fun show.

Da Bing Bong Twinzz bust out that back stage bitch like WTF and perp slash pimp walk to the RANG. You feel me?

The lights in the arena cut out as the opening notes of “The Death of Peace of Mind” begin to play over the P.A. On the Tron, a series of images and letters flash:

the letter V, a set of onyx rosary beads,
the letter L, a sigil drawn on a concrete floor,
the letter I, four silhouetted figures

As Noah Sebastian’s vocals begin, two spotlights hit opposite ends of the stage. Beneath one walks David Doe, dressed in an all-black suit and turtleneck, the hood of their jacket pulled up over their head and a white tragedy theater mask over their face. From the other side of the stage and under the second spotlight walks Jonathan Bacchus, dressed in matching attire with a white comedy theater mask over his face and a black baseball bat draped over his shoulder. The lights go black once more, and with each hit of the echoing 808, the spotlights flash to reveal the pair approaching one another. Joined together under an icy blue spotlight, the pair look down the ramp towards the ring. In unison, they reach up to remove the masks from their face..

The lights explode in a strobe burst before coming fully on as the song kicks into its groove. The two stalk down the ramp, both faces masks of quiet intensity and determination.

Announcer: And making their way to the ring, weighing in at a combined 380 lbs…. the team of Jonathan Bacchus and David Doe. They are V.L.I!

At the base of the ramp, they split off and circle the ring in opposite directions as the chorus of their theme explodes over the speakers. Once meeting at the opposite corner, they remove their coats and Jonathan rests his bat against the ring steps. They ascend the stairs and Jonathan vaults himself over the top rope as David ducks between the top and middle to join him. They stalk the ring, eyeing their adversaries with quiet intensity before they take to the corner.

At the corner, Jonathan pulls himself up to stand on the middle rope as Doe removes the turtleneck to reveal his ring attire beneath. Looking out over the crowd, Bacchus takes in the reaction. He pulls off his own turtleneck and discards it to the outside, turning to sit on the top turnbuckle as he glowers at their adversaries. A quiet, confident smile parses both their lips as the lights slowly come on.

Johnny Bacchus & David Doe
- vs -
Da Bing Bong Twinzz
Sawblade Match
Match takes place in a ring; each time a tag is made, rows of sawblades drop lower and lower from the ceiling until they make contact with the ring.
The X-Treme Title is not on the line BUT if Bacchus is pinned or submitted the title will change hands
The winners of this match may receive either a X-Treme or Tag title shot

David Doe and MC C-Munqqquee BathZaltzz start in the ring.


David Doe looks back to Bacchus who gives an encouraging nod as David goes over to MC who dances around in a boxing stance. David throws a right hook and MC is floored immediatly.

"Oh shit! Fuck that hurt bro!"

Doe looks puzzled as MC screams this and rushes to his feet shaking the cobwebs, MC throws a punch which David dodges with ease coming back with a cross chop followed by a back elbow and ending with a rolling savate!

David goes to pick MC up but he calls for a timeout which Doe obliges as C-Munqqquee runs to his corner to tag his brother in.


The sawblades above spring to life as they inch closer. David notices the tag and returns to his corner to tag in Bacchus.


The saws come closer.

JC: Bacchus is in with *sigh* Lil' Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e

Bacchus rushes in and refunds Ca$h with a spinning heel kick to the dome, dropping him and Bacchus follows up with a German Suplex!

Lil' Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e is flung into Bacchus' corner and stumbles up near Doe, Bacchus yells out a command and Bacchus rushes in as Doe hops onto the middle rope and both connect with an enziguri with perfect timing!

Lil' Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e falls forward dazed yelling expletives the whole time as sprints like a wounded dog to his corner and tags in his brother.


"Fuck this bro, those two are swole as all hell!

MC C-Munqqquee BathZaltzz refuses tagging his bro


"Hell nah! I ain't fightin' them, you do it!"

The two continue to squabble and repeatedly tag each in and out.




BG: What a pair of idiots! They're gonna kill themselves!

JC: Good.



Bacchus is in his corner watching and looks up at the blades a foot away from his face, he shrugs tapping Doe's shoulder and motioning to exit the ring.







The camera cut to a shot of Charlie Nickles slouching in a cracked, sticky leather booth at his new favorite diner—a place with years' worth of greased-over stains. The air smelled of burnt oil and fried...something, a scent that hadn’t changed in at least two decades. The low hum of the neon sign outside buzzed like a broken wasp.

Charlie picked at a chipped coffee cup, his knuckles still bruised from old brawls, even though he'd been away from the ring for months. But tonight? Tonight was different.

He looked around the empty diner, scoffing at the flickering light that hung above him. “You know, they probably don’t even remember me,” he muttered, almost to himself, a twisted grin stretching across his face. "The fans, the promoters, the whole damn XWF—all probably think ol' Charlie Nickles just slunk off like the rest. But they're wrong. Dead wrong." He stabbed a spoon into a congealed puddle of ketchup on the table, swirling it absently.

He glanced up, catching his own reflection in the filthy, smudged mirror across from him. His eyes had that wild spark back, the kind only wrestling could give him. "When I get back in that ring, they won’t just remember me. They’ll regret ever doubting me." He chuckled, deep and menacing, like the laugh of a man who knew exactly which bones he wanted to break tonight.

He leaned back, the booth squealing under his weight, and clenched a fist. “I’m coming back TONIGHT, and I’m taking the XWF by the throat. Every title, every belt, every ounce of respect in that ring—they’re all going to be mine.”

The Nickleman cocked his head to the side as the camera began to pull away from him. The scene in the diner slowly fades to black. 

"And my glorious returns begins tonight, where Madison Dyson's demise will televised for all to see. I'll be waiting for you, don't be late!"

Atara Raven
- vs -
Mystery Opponent (Spooky!)
There was a match here, it's gone now
Match takes place in the halls of a derelict hospital
Pyramid Head will be hunting each opponent

Atara Raven is seen walking into the empty Emergency Room in Silent Hill. Nurses twitch and spasm as she glances around in horror.

JC: Atara has entered the hospital!

BG: She has!

Atty glances around, looking for her opponent, when suddenly, Pyramid Head is seen!

It chases Atara out of the ER and down a long hall!

Atara runs into a cafeteria. The signs of dust and rotted food are everywhere. She hides under a table.

Pyramid Head grips the table and throws it, bringing the giant knife down on her!


Atara rolls out of the way and continues to run!

She rushes to a door and enters, slamming it shut behind her…

…finding herself in the morgue.

Pyramid Head kicks the door open, and stalks Atara.

JC: No!

BG: Where is…

Suddenly, Bobby Bourbon bursts through the wall, Kool-Aid man style. He grabs Pyramid Head by the throat, and hoists it, pinning it against the wall. It writhes and struggles, dropping the giant knife. Bobby spins and gives it the EMC onto a gurney! Bobby pushes the gurney into the cold locker! He turns and looks at Atara.

Fuck this shit, brosis, let’s go get some breakfast!


When the show comes back from commercial, Borden is inside The Apartment. He tries resting a hand on a dresser so he can stretch his quads…

But, then, a cockroach runs across the dresser! Jake gets spooked, withdrawing his hand, while still holding his leg and ends up falling backwards on his ass.

JC: ‘Cavortin’ Jake Borden coming off his first win last Anarchy, teaming with Dominick Strife and Latoya Hixx! Can he extend this into a two-match win streak!

BG: If he can, it’ll be a black mark on the entire roster!

Jake stands up, looking around to ensure no one saw that.

Roger emerges from the adjacent bathroom, holding two sparklers to demonstrate that sparklers no longer frighten him!

JC: It’s been seven long months but ROGER the RELENTLESS! Roger the X-Treme! Is back home in the XWF!

BG: …Should he really be holding open flames in an enclosed space like that apartment?

Roger strikes a pose with the sparklers that is daring…

One of the sparklers touch the curtain behind him which catches on fire…

BG: See, that’s *exactly* what I was afraid of!

Roger’s eyes catch the growing fire and he tries to smack it with the sparkler’s unlit end…

Naturally, this catches the other end of the sparkler on fire.

JC: Oh dear! Things are getting worse before they get better!

Jake jogs up to help! Roger holds up the sparkler as the two blow on the opposite ends of the stick!

…Behind them, the raging curtain fure suddenly turns to ash… And spreads into the air!

JC: …Spooky!

Roger and Jake, having successfully blown the sparkler out… turn to handle the curtain fire… But it’s gone!

That moment, a clock in the room strikes 12…

The Witching Hour…

- vs -
"Cavortin'" Jake Borden
The Room (not the movie)
Match takes place in a foul-smelling and cluttered apartment
The only door out is heavily padlocked and chained
The winner must escape The Room by any means necessary

JC: Rules of this match are simple, Brody! First one to escape the Room wins! But, the door is held by chains and heavy padlocks!

BG: Being stuck in a room with either Borden OR Roger is a fate worse than death. Imagine being stuck in there with both of them… Yeesh!

Roger and Jake meet at the center of the Apartment.

Roger waves at Jake…

Jake turns around, checking who Roger is waving at… Before he realizes Roger is waving at him!

Quickly correcting the misunderstanding, Jake casually waves back at Roger… Who doesn’t notice because he was actually waving at his own reflection in the mirror behind Jake.

JC: …A little confusion between Roger and Jake in the early-going.

BG: I’m confused myself! How do either of these guys have JOBS?!?

Jake, noticing Roger is distracted waving at his own reflection, sees his chance! He crosses the Room directly toward the front door!

…Roger, with his incredible intuition, notices his opponent doing the one thing that would make him lose the match… And steps in Jake’s way!

JC: Oooh! Roger, taking on a defensive stance! Looking to block Jake from advancing toward the door!

Roger bends his knees and extends his hands, like he’s guarding someone on a basketball court…

Jake is surprised by Roger’s surprisingly deft perimeter defense, before latching Roger in a collar-and-elbow tieup!

BG: OH MY GOD! Some wrestling! What a concept!

Jake neatly secures Roger into a side-headlock… He wrenches his grip around Roger’s scalp, trying to twist Roger closer to the Apartment’s dusty floor!

…THWUNK. Roger’s head pops neatly out of Jake’s side headlock… He straightens his hair, before walking for the door!

JC: Oh my Gosh! Roger slipped out of Jake’s hold as easily as if he was taking off a sweater! What just happened, Brody?

BG: Roger has a notoriously thin neck, Jacko. Jake squeezed as tight as he could, but that quarter-inch gap between his chest and bicep allowed Roger to slip out, smooth as butter!

Jake continues squeezing, trying to whip his opponent to the floor with a side headlock takedown!

Except no one is there, so Jake just throws himself onto the Apartment’s dusty floor…

Meanwhile, as Jake wrestles no-one… Roger tip-toeing for the front door…

Roger puts his hand on the front door’s doorknob…

However the doorknob is clearly covered in various padlocks, chains, latches and other such analog security measures.

JC: Now, here comes the real challenge… The padlocks! The chains! How can Roger possibly unlock his way to freedom?

Roger jiggles the handle…

And the door opens!

JC: …Oh.

BG: Someone on the ring crew is getting fired for that one.

Jake, back on the ground, is asking Roger if he want to say ‘uncle’, squeezing his grip around…

He looks at his arm… And realizes he’s holding onto no one.

Jake looks up…

And sees Roger slipping the door open…

…When he’s distracted by the candy dish by the front door… He checks his stomach…

…Yeah, he can afford a sweet. He grabs a Ferrero Rocher and goes to step through the door..

JC: The only thing sweeter than victory is a Ferrero Rocher!

BG: And it looks like Roger might get both right now!

Roger’s foot hovers over whatever’s outside the room…

When Jake springs from the floor! And latches onto Roger’s ankle with his hand!

JC: Jake hanging on for dear life to stay in contention!

BG: Get your eyes checked, Jacko! Jake’s hanging onto Roger’s ankle, not dear life!

Roger squeezes the handle and the door opens… Roger smiles and walks thr-

Walks through th-...

Roger realizes, despite his best efforts, he’s not making forward progress through the door…

Roger looks down, wondering if he stepped in gum… Or wet concrete…

But, instead, it’s “Cavortin’” Jake Borden, clinging onto Roger the Relentless’s heel!

JC: Roger, realizing he can’t *quite* drag Borden across the finish line! He’s gonna have to free himself of Jake’s grip if he wants the win here!

Borden desperately clamps onto Roger’s foot…

Roger lifts his other foot… And stomps Borden in the face!



JC: Roger showing off why he’s called Relentless! He’s relentless stomping Jake Borden’s square in the face!

Borden’s grip starts to weaken… Roger looks back at the open door, so close…

Borden, looking woozy from all the face stomps, reaches his other hand over and…

Ties Roger’s shoelaces together!

JC: A desperation play by Borden!

Roger turns back toward his opponent, aiming for one last face stomp…

But, when he goes to lifts one foot…

He accidentally raises the other and ascends up!

JC: Roger goes up!

BG: He really doesn’t look moving that way!

Indeed, Roger ascends…

And trips over his own shoelaces, landing back away from the chair on his face!

Borden, rubbing his jaw after Roger’s surprisingly effect stomps, turns toward the door… And goes to crawl out, arm over arm…

Roger struggles to make his way up to his feet… He grabs the curtain in the window, to try and pull himself up…

But the curtain tears off the wall!

Roger, with his feet still tied together, rolls backward, flopping against the couch in the center of the Apartment and onto the floor!

Borden, meanwhile, has crawled his way up to the doorknob… He uses the knob to pull himself back upright, closing the door as he does…

JC: Borden is now right at the front door! All he has to do is walk through!

Borden smiles uneasily, looking back at Roger, who is flopping like a catfish out of water on the Apartment floor, as he twists the kn-

Borden twists the knob an-

…Okay, *somehow*, closing the door set all the latches and locks into place…

JC: …How?

BG: Jake Borden, ladies and gentleman. Only guy I know that could fuck up walking through an unlocked door.

Borden tugs desperately at the doorknob… No go! He exasperatedly leans over the locks and chains to get them unstuck…

Meanwhile, Roger is pulling himself up by the arm of the couch onto his bound-together feet!

Borden, meanwhile, has just finished undoing the chain… It dangles around his wrists, as he begins to undo several door latches in sequence… As his wrists move, the chains twists around his wrists…

Roger is… back upright!

…No, wait, he’s teetering, he swings his arms desperately!

YES! He’s back onto his feet!

JC: Amazing! Roger has found a way to stand upright!

BG: …You say ‘amazing’ like other people couldn’t do that, Jacko.

Meanwhile, Borden has finished cracking the three-digit number padlock… which as you can imagine, was ‘666’

JC: Spooky!

BG: Oh shut up.

The padlock drops to the floor! Borden breathes a sigh of relief, and reaches to give himself a pat on the b-...

Nope! The chain Borden untangled from the door first has completely tied his hands together!

BG: Again, I say… Jake Borden, ladies and gentleman.

Borden wriggles his chained arms, trying to shake himself free…

…When his ears perk…

He hears…

Hopping coming from behind him…

[Image: Roger-Hopping.gif]

Jake, like a deer staring down an oncoming Ford F-150 is frozen in shock as Roger comes at him, hopping mad! And also hopping literally!

Roger leaps!



JC: Indeed! Roger might’ve just caved in Borden’s chest with that strike!

Jake gets BLASTED into…

NO! Through the door!

BG: Oh my God! Huge miscalculation

JC: Did Roger just give Jake Borden the match?!?

Jake rolls outside!

And back… inside?

JC: …What the?!?

Through the other side of the apartment, Jake falls backward, landing on the hardwood floor…

…Jake sits looks around… And scratches his head (with his still chained hands).

Didn’t he just leave this place?

Roger looks back and sees Jake confused on the floor!

Now’s Roger’s chance!

Roger hops through the front door!

And hops out from the back door back into the apartment…

Jake looks up at Roger… Very confused… Looking from the front door to the back door, trying to figure out what’s going here?

Roger sees that Jake is confused!

Now’s Roger’s chance!

Roger hops like a madman from the backdoor…

And through the front door!

And hops out from the back door back into the apartment…

BG: Jacko, what the hell’s going on around here?

JC: It seems The Apartment is some reality-warping malevolent space?!? Holding both Roger and Borden within its grasp! Trying to leave out one door just puts one back in the room!

Roger hops in place, trying to figure out why it’s taking so long to leave the room…

Meanwhile, from the floor, Jake sits up, his hands still chained…

His finger weaves through the air, trying to do some mental math…

He points at the front door… Then the back door.

…Eureka! He smiles! He points at the back door, THEN the front door!

JC: Ah! Did Jake figure it out? Is the secret instead walking through the BACK door?

Jake walks through the BACK DOOR…

And comes back out…

The Back Door.

Jake is absolutely dumbfounded.

BG: …What the Hell?

JC: …Well, I guess… It must be…

JC: …No, now I’m really confused…

Roger senses that the commentary team is confused!

Now’s Roger’s chance!

Roger hops like a jackrabbit through the front door!

And hops out from the back door back into the apartment…

JC: …Um… Yeah… How do these two get out of this, anyway?

BG: Beats me, Jack. It seems like Roger AND Borden have no idea how to escape what appears to be a pocket dimension apartment. This is scientifically groundbreaking and shattering to anyone’s confidence in the continuity of what we perceive to be reality.

BG: But, I’m getting word that we’re running over our scheduled time for this match, so, we’re gonna have to leave these two!

JC: Don’t fret! We’ll check in when we can and keep you posted as things develop!

We return from the break, and the camera opens up on a dimly lit, abandoned diner.

The walls are peeling, the tables and chairs are overturned, and dust coats every surface.
Flickering neon signs cast a spooky glow through the broken windows, and cracked tile floors reflect the neon like a murky pool. And sitting there in a booth, looking right at home, is none other than Charlie Nickles. An eerily stoic expression on his face, like he’s sitting in a frozen chapter of his old life of depravity, ready to do battle here.

The commentary sounds over the scene from a remote location:

JC: Up next folks, one of the more highly anticipated matchups on this incredible card here tonight!

BG: You’ve got that right, just based off everything we’ve heard from these two in the lead up, we’re in store to watch a real reckoning unfold here in this diner tonight.

JC: Just look at Charlie Nickles, think about his career here in the XWF… think about his life! He’s on a quest to turn things around, but tonight he has no choice but to embrace the very violence he’s trying to evolve beyond!

The door to the diner swings open, flinging a bell at the top of the door. Madison enters with a smirk, taunting Charlie, a ref following behind her. Charlie cracks his knuckles, rises from the booth and steps forward, his eyes cold and focused.

The ref throws his arm between the two of them, then flings it back up, signaling the start of the match!

Madison Dyson
- vs -
Charlie Nickles
Diner Brawl
Match takes place in an abandoned diner
At random, radio static will play and horrific creatures will enter to disrupt the match

Madison begins with mind games, circling Charlie and sneering. She darts in, then dips back when Charlie flinches. She raises her hand, twiddling her fingers for a test of strength, and as Charlie obliges her, Madison pulls her hand away, flipping Charlie the bird.


Charlie throws a quick jab, but Madison ducks! She counters with a sharp kick to his knee to destabilize him.
You’re a fucking LOSER, Chucky. Always have been- she spits, while kicking him again, and again, and again, always will be! Madison lands a stinging slap across Charlie’s face.

JC: Dyson made it very clear that she doesn’t respect Charlie Nickles in her promo, and now she’s doing it in person!

Charlie raises his head, his face beat red, but not as red as the fire in his eyes. Madison looks shocked and before she can respond HE responds with a big boot that sends her crashing into a nearby table.

BG: And the Nickleman is making it clear that he’s not going to take that disrespect lying down!

Nickels dives onto Madison and begins pounding her forehead with a series of elbows, while Madison’s legs fling and kick from under him. He yanks Dyson up by the air, and swings her around back into his arms, scooping her up into powerslam onto another table, which cracks under her weight. Charlie crosses the diner over to a metal bar stool and climbs it like turnbuckle.

JC: A big momentum shift for Charlie, and now it looks like he’s ready to capitalize!

He dives off from the stool with an elbow drop!


Charlie further splinters the already broken table, it’s jagged edges piercing into him. Though he’s hollering in pain, he stands right back to his feet- ONLY FOR DYSON TO CRACK HIM IN THE HEAD WITH A METAL NAPKIN HOLDER!

Charlie staggers back just before eating a steup enziguri from Dyson!

She falls on Charlie from the pin!




The nickleman kicks out! And is already rising to his feet!

But it’s Dyson who’s assisting him, flexing with her hands gripping his air. She tries spinning him around into an airplane toss, but Charlie stops the momentum and gets all the way to his feet- so Dyson takes the opportunity to bash his face into the bar counter!

The thud is nasty, but Charlie still rebounds right away with a back elbow that catches Dyson right in the nose.

Charlie turns and charges Dyson, hitting her with a series of body punches and an uppercut that sends her sprawling onto the tiled floor. He drags her up and slams her onto an overturned chair with a sidewalk slam, leaving her wincing in pain!

Charlie covers!




Charlie rises off of her quickly, and sends a series of powerful kicks to her ribs, softening her up. He leans down to grab her head- BUT DYSON RAKES HIS EYES!

Charlie stumbles back, temporarily blinded, and Madison stands, wielding something- a sugar dispenser! She smashes it against Charlie’s head as turns back, sending glass everywhere, slashing both her hand and Charlie’s forehead open!

Dyson hits a sitout jawbreaker and Charlie falls backward tumbling into an old jukebox. Dyson is up charging at him, and pins him against the jukebox, slapping him repeatedly with open hands before strangling him around the throat, thrashing his head back and forth when suddenly, the jukebox powers to life. Emitting a loud burst of static, filling the diner with disorienting noise.

BG: Whoa! I don’t think that bad boys been on since the Fonz was was slapping it!

JC: What in the heck is that awful sound?!

BG: How dare you talk about Elvis that way!

Both Charlie and Madison are leaned over, clutching their ears but as the static fades, something even more terrifying than that Elvis rendition emerges. A grotesque figure resembling a decaying chef shambles out from the kitchen. It lets out a death rattle groan and reaches for both Charlie and Madison with it’s decaying fingers.

BG: It’s awful how these restaurants treat their cooks. That guy clearly needs a day off and some rest!

JC: That “guy” has clearly been resting for a long time, and whatever that sound was just woke him up from the grave!

The zombie chef grabs both Charlie and Dyson by the hair as they’re recovering. It has inhumane strength. It begins slamming their skulls together.

Look- wh- -what- you did, dumbass! Madison screams at Charlie as the two thrash into one another over and over Shut up bitch! IF we don’t stop this thing he’s going to kill us both! Madison reluctantly agrees. The two kickforward in stereo, pushing back and using their legs to pry themselves away from the chef monster- each sacrificing fists full of hair to this frightening beast.
When they land on their feet, Charlie waves at the zombie, distracting him, and Madison executes a swinging neckbreaker on the zombie!

BG: Are these two actually working together?!

JC: This match isn’t just about winning, it’s about survival, redemption, and proving who can overcome their past!

Charlie grapples the zombie to its feet, while Madison assists him up on a nearby table where Charlie… PILEDRIVES THE ZOMBIE THROUGH THE TABLE! TEARING THE ZOMBIE'S HEAD FROM IT’S SHOULDERS!

Charlie stands with his arms raised, excited that the duo was able to come together to take down the beast- but it’s short lived! A low blow from behind from Madison leaves Charlie clutched over. Madison grabs him by the back of the head, and picks up some momentum, running Charlie toward a wall- BUT CHARLIE REVERSES! And he whips Madison across the diner into a cracked mirror, shattering it on impact!

Madison flings back, and Charlie blasts her with a clothesline, flipping her onto the counter. He’s taking control now, mounting and choking Dyson. Madison’s legs are kicking as she desperately grabs onto Charlie’s wrist, trying to get some separation between her throat and his palm. But Charlie frees one of his hands and bashes Madison in the forehead with an elbow. He then climbs up on the counter, pulling Dyson up with him and…


JC: Uh oh! Charlie has some real momentum here! He’s taunting Dyson now!

BG: and I think we know whats coming next!

He picks Dyson back up, hooking her arms, with her head down, aimed toward the floor.

JC: He’s about to drop her from that counter! This will finish Dyson off!



Dyson slips out and drops Charlie with a facebuster on the cash register!

Dyson drapes an arm over Charlie!




Charlie refuses to quit!

Dyson rolls off, and falls from the counter to the floor. As she recovers, her eyes fall upon a broken chair. A look of malice washes over her bloodied features.

She pulls herself up to her feet, and grabs ahold of Charlie who has just rolled off the counter to the floor himself. She drags him over to the broken chair and forces Charlie to bite the edge. She takes a few steps back, then runs forward with a dropkick to the back of his head!


Blood and teeth scatter across the floor as Charlie writhes in pain!

BG: AMERICAN HISTORY YIKES! The same move that Maimed Mr. Oz!

Madison is about to go for the pin falls when the jukebox crackles to life again, this time louder and longer. And now this time, a horde of horrifying creatures converge on the diner. Mutant diner patrons, servers, cooks emerge from all sides, shuffling toward Charlie and Madison. The creatures attack with freakish mindlessness.

Madison gets bitten on the neck, as Charlie gets shaken out of his unconsciousness by being bitten on the forehead. Madison forces the biter off of her neck, shoving it back. Charlie, meanwhile, throws his palm up into the mutant’s nose, where it disappears into it’s skull.

But the crowd of mutants grows, encricling the competitors amidst their brawl. Madison hits one with a step-up enziguri, while Charlie hits another with a big boot, knocking it into a wall. 
As the creatures continue to close in, Madison and Charlie manage to escape, making their way to the back of the diner, in the kitchen.

The room is rotted, and grimy, with rusty utensils and an industrial fryer. Both are battered and bloodied, but determined to finish each other off. They work together briefly to block the entrance of the kitchen with an old fridge. But just like before, the teamwork is short lived. Charlie bashes Madison’s head into the fridge door.

Charlie lifts Madison for another sidewalk slam, but she slips out, desperately grabbing a spatula to jab him in the throat, buying her enough time to catch her breath.

JC: This fight is coming down to the wire now, an absolute war with no true advantage for either!

BG: Well, it’s gotta’ be hard to build any time of an advantage when mutants keep interrupting!

Charlie retaliates, grabbing a fryer basket and swinging it into Madison’s midsection. Madison doubles over, gasping, but, with a last burst of energy, grabs a cast-iron skillet and smashes it across Charlie’s head ins a horrifying scene, and now he’s unconscious on his feet. She whips hims so hard back into the fridge blocking the door, that it partially collapses through back into the main diner, where we can hear the awful sounds of mutants on the other side.

Charlie wobbles back into the waiting arms of Dyson

JC: This one is over!




Out of pure instinct, Charlie quickly plants Madison’s head on the unforgiving floor!

Though knocked completely out, Charlie’s arm drapes over Madison





JC: Where in the hell did the ref go!

We hear a horrible scream from the front of the diner

BG: Holy shit! They left the ref out there with those zombies!

The fridge pushes back through the door and falls forward as we see the ref clawing into the kitchen, being pulled back by the mutants.

As the fridge falls, Dyson’s eyes pop open, with just enough time for her to roll out from under Charlie.

The fridge falls over ontop of Charlie and Dyson leaps onto it.






WINNER: Madison Dyson


Madison rises slowly, bloodied and exhausted but victorious,

BG: Madison barely pulled it out!

JC: We have to give credit where it’s due, Dyson may have won tonight, but Nickles was just moments away from winning this thing himself.

Madison limps away as the eerie sounds from the jukebox cease and the mutants vanish, leaving just Charlie motionless under the fridge, and a half eaten ref lying in the kitchen doorway.

JC: Folks, this feels like as good a time as any to check on that Borden versus Roger… Maybe they’ve made progress on their way to an escape!

Borden has grabbed the candy dish from the front door area… And has opened the front door. Borden winds up his chained arms a jawbreaker in his hands, looking to toss it out the open door…

Meanwhile, Roger sneaks up behind Borden…

And snatches the jawbreaker, popping it into his mouth!

Borden looks back at the backdoor… Roger spinning to stay behind him.

But, nothing comes out!

Borden scratches his head…

He turns back around…

And sees Roger, cheek puffed-out, sucking on a  jawbreaker…

…Borden frowns, telling Roger to watch the backdoor.

Roger does as commanded, hopping to the backdoor, watching it intensely..

Borden takes another jawbreaker…

Winds back…

And tosses it!

It comes through the backdoor!

And flies straight into Roger’s open mouth!

Borden turns around, trying to catch the jawbreaker…

But just sees Roger with both cheeks puffed, sucking on two jawbreakers…

BG: They’re gonna die in there, Jacko.

JC: ...Let's go back to commercial.

BG: Folks, this next match is going to be an all-out WAR!

JC: No doubt there, Brody! Matthias Syn is the Revolution Champion and has declared war on anyone who tries to stop him from his rightful place at the herald of a new age! But, Adam Garcia… The Mad Bull! Is one of the hottest new stars in the XWF!

BG: It’s two men enter, one man leaves… Literally! Because one man is about to be BURIED ALIVE!

Medical Examiner: Forensic autopsy report, November 4th, Two-thousand Twenty-four. Silent Hill Memorial. The following match is scheduled for one fall and is a “buried alive” match. The match will continue until one and only one cadaver is locked in the vault. Two patients, both identified as male. Both appear in their early to mid twenties. Extensive history of lacerations/abrasions apparent. Toxicology report pending. COD undetermined… yet. Introducing first:

The opening riff of The hangman's body count by Volbeat starts to play throughout the morgue as the lights dim. Several red and purple laser lights envelope the room as Matthias Syn casually walks through the door. As he steps into the morgue, he stops and stretches both arms forward while touching his balled up fists together.

Medical Examiner: Patient A hails from Las Vegas, Nevada. He stands at 6 feet 3 inches tall and weighs in tonight at 235 pounds. He is the “Syn City Saint” MATTHIAS SYN!!!

After several seconds he begins to nonchalantly walk around the medical examiners table in the center of the room, eyeing the place carefully. He takes off his red leather shearling coat, hands it to the Medical
Examiner and squats in the far corner awaiting his opponent.

Medical Examiner: And his opponent…

The morgue lights slowly dim until the room is in deep darkness.

Rage Against The Machine's "How I Could Just Kill a Man" starts to play. The lights turn a golden yellow and crimson red as Adam Garcia slowly makes his way to the examination table, after hitting it he quickly turns and looks into the camera, where he holds his hand in a "rock" position imitating the horns of a bull to his heart, then to his lips and finally to the sky.

Medical Examiner: Patient B hails from Málaga, Andalucía, Spain. He stands at 6 feet 1 inch and weighs in tonight at 217 pounds. He is the “Mad Bull of Professional Wrestling” ADAM GARCÍA!!!

As he waits for the bout to start, he hands his coat and glasses to the Medical Examiner.

The ME has a steel bedpan in one hand, and a bone saw in the other. He rings the pan to begin the match.


Matthias Syn
- vs -
Adam Garcia
"Buried Alive"
Match will take place in a morgue
The winner must place their opponent on a morgue slab and lock the door trapping them inside

The two men meet in the center of the morgue and there’s some jawing going on between them. Garcia is the first to throw a punch, and Matthias is keen to reciprocate. Neither man backing down from the other, but it is Garcia with a european uppercut that sends Syn backpedaling into the wall. Garcia goes for another closed fist strike but Syn blocks and follows up with a toe kick to the stomach. Garcia stammers backward and the Revolution Champion follows up with a flurry of closed fists shots of his own. Garcia eats three shots before finally burying his knee into the midsection of Syn. Syn doubles over and The Mad Bull grabs him by the back of the head and slams him face first off of the surface of the metal examination table.

JC: Absolute brutality from Adam Garcia!

BG: Would you expect anything less? Garcia is an absolute MONSTER!

The table rings out as Matthias' forehead bounces off of it. Garcia has a bit of a smirk as he follows up with precision elbow strikes to the point of impact. The Mad Bull did not come into this match intimidated and he wants blood to prove it. With Syn against the far wall he starts to lay in the kicks to the midsection until Syn slides down into a seated position on the floor. Garcia follows up with stomps to the side of the head, partially blocked by Syn’s arm, but The Mad Bull follows with some bootlace rakes across the face, punishing his opponent. Garcia grabs Syn by the head and pulls him back up to his feet. He scoops him up looking for a slam on this unforgiving floor but Matthias is able to slide down the back of his opponent and shove him straight into the X-Ray examination illuminator.

JC: Ooooh, Syn perhaps trying get a good look at some of the damage he’s doing by kicking Garcia into an X-Ray machine, huh, Brody?

BG: This is no laughing matter, jacko! That machine is a very sensitive piece of equipment! And I’m not just saying that because the XWF had to rent some of these spooky accoutrements!

The glass cracks as Adam puts his hands out to block. Syn comes in behind but Garcia catches him with a backward kick to the ribs. He grabs Syn by the back of the head and tries to slam him face first into the cracked glass, but Syn throws his boot up into the wall to block it and comes back with a back elbow that catches Garcia on the jawline. Syn switches with Garcia and with a firm grasp on the back of his head throws him face first into the cracked glass of the illuminator, shattering it. Garcia stumbles away clutching his face.

JC: Insane! Syn tries to break either the Illuminator or Garcia’s face… And the illuminator broke first!

BG: Well, there goes our deposit…

Matthias sees what we see, and he takes a moment to grab a sharp shard of glass out of the illuminator before stalking his opponent. Garcia hears the footfalls coming up behind him and, when Syn goes to swing the glass shard, The Mad Bull explodes into a counter, trapping the outstretched arm and dropping him down into a crossface submission! Garcia with a crimson mask, screams and pulls back on Syn’s head with all of the strength and force he can muster! Syn is trapped in no-mans land in the Iberian Lock and he cannot tap, nor is there any ropes he can reach to break the hold! Garcia knows that he has Syn in a lot of trouble here, that is until Syn takes the glass shard and stabs Garcia in the leg!


BG: All fair’s in love, war, and Buried Alive matches, Jacko!

Garcia releases the hold and slides the bloody shard out of his flesh. Cursing in Spanish, Garcia uses the shard to gouge Matthias in the forehead, slicing him open at the point of attack. Now both men are bleeding from the forehead area, Garcia with his face covered in his own blood, Syn with an active wound pouring down over his left eye area. Garcia drops the shard and follows up with some mounted forearm smashes on the open wound. He drags Syn back to his feet and drills him with a vertical suplex onto the Medical Examiners table!

JC: Oh dear… that Medical Examiner’s Table is no man’s land for both of these competitors!

BG: Absolutely, Jacko! You want to avoid ending up on the slab and that table is the last stop before going straight to storage!

Syn bounces off ribs first and slides back down to the floor head first. He’s clutching his lower back in serious pain. The Mad Bull goes over to the Morgue body lockers and opens one of the stainless steel doors up and slides out the body slab. Syn is back up to his feet and charges from behind with a clubbing blow, sending Garcia doubling over the slab, the force of which slides it back into the vault. Syn grabs the door and tries to slam it on Garcia but the Mad Bull Blocks and counters with a knee lift. Garcia goes for a half and half suplex onto the floor but Syn counters with a desperation japanese armdrag. Garcia lucha rolls back to his feet and charges Syn but Syn catches him with a reverse STO sending the Mad Bull face first into the medical examiners table at the expense of sending his own back into the edge of the table a second time.

A smear of a blood splatter now across the top of the table as Syn struggles to pull Garcia’s body weight up. He rolls Garcia onto the examination table in the center of the room and drapes his head over the edge so he can follow up with a running knee strike. Boom, it connects, and Garcia rolls over toward the center of the table. Syn pushes himself up onto the table but slips on the blood slightly as he does so. He needs to regain his balance and that’s just enough time for Garcia to sweep out the legs and to send Matthias bouncing off of the surface back first and back down to the floor below. Garcia pulls himself up and turns to leap off the table with a picture perfect standing moonsault splash down onto Matthias Syn on the floor. For a second Garcia almost looks as if he goes for the cover out of muscle memory but instead he’s hooking the legs looking for the Liontamer!

JC: Garcia! Going for a submission! That cannot end the match!

BG: But if Syn can’t feel his spine, Jacko, Garcia’s gonna have a much easier time loading him into one of those vaults!!!

Syn knows that it’s now or never and uses his core body strength to twist and flip Garcia out of the liontamer attempt that wouldn’t have lost him the match directly but damn sure wouldn’t have done him any favors. Both men to their feet, Syn looking for a side russian leg sweep onto the edge of the Examiner’s table but Garcia blocks and counters with a snapmare. Huge penalty kick to the spine of the Revolution champion and the damage to the small of the back is starting to add up. Garcia is in complete control now, he waits for Syn to rise to his feet and feints a stomach kick before smashing him with a step-up enzugiri. Syn stumbles over to the body cold storage lockers, smacking the facade face first and sliding down leaving a trail of blood in his wake.

JC: This could be it for the Revolution Champion!

BG: The Mad Bull is looking dominant! Syn’s gonna have to play matador and start rolling and sticking if he wants to start turning this one around!

The Mad Bull Adam Garcia stomps over to his prey as Syn reaches up for a handle to one of the locker doors to pull himself up. Garcia bends at the waist to pick Syn by the noggin but Syn takes the open door and flings it backward smashing Adam in the bridge of the nose. Garcia stumbles backward, all the way to the center of the room where the exam table is. He slams his fist down on the table while he uses his other hand to reset the bridge of his nose. With a little popping sound the nose is straight again, however blood does trickle out. Out of the corner of his eye he catches Syn charging at him but Garcia ducks and lands a massive back body drop that sends Matthias back first up onto the metal exam table. Syn yells out once more. Garcia up now on the table as well. He pulls Matthias up by his hair and calls for the Grand Finale (Blade Runner), but Syn is able to twist out of it back to a vertical base. Leaping knee strike by Syn catches Garcia under the chin! Syn leaps for a floatover DDT but Garcia throws him up and into the examination lamp above the table! Matthias busts at least half of the bulbs with his face and sparks and a shower of shattered glass momentarily rain down on the two men. Garcia then drops Syn back onto his feet just long enough to hoist him up and nail him with a michinoku driver dead center on the exam table!

JC: Oh MY GOD That thud was sickening!

BG: That exam table is sold steel, Jacko! Syn might be out cold after that maneuver!

The match might have been over right here if it were a standard match, but Garcia doesn’t appear to want to stop the punishment either. He stands, albeit a bit wobbly on the table surface, and takes Syn by the legs. He looks to put him in the Liontamer but with the bloody stainless steel being so slippery he has to settle for a deep boston crab instead. Syn screams out in agony for a good ten or fifteen seconds before hes finally able to grab the table’s edge and slide himself over it. The weight of Syn dropping causes Garcia to have to break the hold. Garcia looks over the edge of the table to see Matthias down on the floor clutching his ribs. Garcia is thinking about another splash from off of the table, possibly the Ira? No way! It’s crazy, but they don’t call him The Mad Bull for no reason. After carefully placing his feet, Garcia leaps off for the phoenix splash but Syn gets his knees up in time! Garcia now up to a vertical base, clutching the ribs, when Syn kicks him back into the edge of the table, getting a two for one on his opponent's midsection for a change.

Syn pulls himself up and hoists Garcia up for a GTS but Syn’s back won’t allow him to finish the move, he drops Garcia back down onto his feet. Garcia with a 12-6 elbow down to the back of Syn’s head staggers him. The Mad Bull follows up with a big chest slap but Syn charges through it and hits a huge high knee that sends Garcia stumbling back towards the table again. Syn hooks the head and, using the edge of the table as a launching point, swings around and snaps off a massive Tornado DDT that drives Adam’s head straight into the ground. Syn feeling pretty bad on the back end of that one as well, but he grits his teeth and fights through the pain.

JC: Holy Hell! How are either of these two men even able to stand?!?

BG: Spite! These guys are running on pure adrenaline and FURY! They’re willing to push their body to the limit if it means breaking their opponent!

JC: But something’s gotta give! Which of these two is going to break first?

Matthias crawls over to the body lockers where once more he uses the handles to pull himself up to his feet. At about waist high there’s an open door where he grabs the sliding body slab and pulls it out. He turns to find Garcia still on the ground and scoops him up by the head. He pulls the Mad Bull over to the body slab, but when Garcia sees it open, he pulls himself out of Syn’s grasp and smashes him with a weak side forearm. Syn follows up with a forearm shiv of his own which has Garcia staggering back. Syn pulls back for a haymaker but Garcia fires back with a massive European uppercut that sends Syn dancing back into the outstretched body slab. With his back against the slab, Garcia charges and hits a massive Helluva Kick - Estampida right across the side of Syn’s face!

It sends Syn up onto the slab, but Garcia’s on the ground after losing his footing to gain the height for that kick. He pulls himself up by the handle on the slab itself. Somewhere, some XWF fans are cheering him on to slide Syn into the body vault and finish the match. By the time Adam is back up, he waves goodbye to Syn and starts to push the slab into the vault. Syn reaches out and pull him in to the SYNTheory! Syn’s up on the slab and he’s got Garcia in the arm-trap triangle choke! Garcia rushes and pushes the slab into the vault, sending Syn into the cooler but still locked in the chokehold. Syn yanks Garcia up onto the slab with him, and even though Garcia fights the hold, now both men are up on the slab in the vault together!

BG: They’re both in the vault! What does that mean! Is it a draw?!?

JC: …I’m receiving word from the higher-ups. This match cannot end in a draw! THINGS MUST CONTINUE!

The Medical Examiner moves over to the vault and shrugs. Indeed, both patients can’t be buried alive together, so the match must continue.

Inside the vault, it appears as though Garcia is fading, but it’s not like Syn has an opening to get himself out from under his opponent and, beyond that, out of the vault. He releases the hold but maneuverability is tight in this space. He rains down on the top of Garcia’s head with elbow strikes until Garcia slides back off of the slab and out of the vault. Syn places a hand on the edge of the vault to pull himself out, but Garcia slams the door on his fingers! Syn’s screams can once more be heard, this time muffled from the vault, but the door did not technically close all the way. The bloodloss plus the chokehold has Garcia stumbling back onto his ass landing on the broken glass under the X-ray illuminators. Syn pushes the door open and rolls out onto the floor, clutching his hand.

JC: These two men have given so much blood! So much flesh!

BG: It all comes down to this!

Syn clutches his hand, struggling exhaustedly to rise back to his feet….

Garcia rapidly blinks, as he pushes himself up to his feet… It’s clear the bloodloss is starting to affect him…

Syn gets back to a vertical base… Then collapses back against the slab…
JC: Oh no! Did Syn lose his footing!

BG: Disastrous timing!

Garcia see his opportunity! blood streaming down his back… Running on fumes…

He charges! Looking for a spear!

But Synn sidesteps… And opens the slab!

Garcia dives!


And Synn slams the door shut!


Syn collapses facedown… Covered in blood and bruises!

JC: He hardly looks like a winner tonight, Brody! But, somehow, some way, Matthias Syn dug deep enough to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat!

BG: Don’t make it sound like luck, Jacko! Syn was machiavellian in that last sequence! He appeared weak until his moment to strike was nigh and he earned the win!

JC: Well, Adam Garcia absolutely SAVAGED Syn, absolutely put his opponent’s body through TORMENT and TORTURE… but Syn proved that it’s not about who hits harder… It’s who can survive the other! And tonight, Matthias Syn survived![/white]

JC: Well, folks, we’re most of the way through the show now, let’s check in on Roger and Jake Borden… Who we pray have found their way out of that ghoulish Apartment!

Borden is grinding his chains against the wall…

Roger is hopping across the room to see what all this grinding is about…

CLINK! Borden frees himself! The long chain clatters to the ground!

Borden breathes a sigh of relief… as Roger leans down to pick up the chain…

He scratches his nose… And points in the air! Eureka!

Roger hands Jake one end of the chain and points to the front door…

Jake scratches his head, but follows Roger’s instruction…

Roger takes the other end of the chain and walks to the back door…

Roger holds it up, hooking it around the door frame… and looks back at Jake…

Jake holds it up the same way…

Roger’s hand reaches out the backdoor…

And through the front door!

And Roger ties the ends of the chain together!

Roger reaches down, unties his shoelaces (which he could have done at any time)...

And ties it around the chain…

He gets a running start…



In the back door!

Out the front door!

In the back door!

Jake scratches his head, watching Roger go…

As Roger passes by…

Jake leaps on!

And the two zipline in tandem!

JC: They may not have found a way out… But, you know what they did find?

JC: Friendship.

BG: … I hate you, Jack.

JC: Ladies and gentlemen, we have seen some truly haunting moments here tonight, but we’re in store for next, might just take things to a a new level


We’re brought into a haunting, blood-stained tile room with corroded steel walls that appear to have decayed over decades. Rusted pipes line the walls, dripping with unknown substances, and dim, flickering lights cast erratic shadows across the floor.

On one side of the room, we have the challengers, Aurora and Lucy Wylde

JC: This is a most unlikely alliance, Brody, of tested competitors who have quickly risen up the ranks here in the XWF. But it’s an alliance built on trust, honesty, and a hard-won understanding. They’re coming for these titles, not as individuals, but as a team united by both their fears and their strengths.

BG: Well, that was absolutely poetic, baby. But are you forgetting what’s facing them on the other side of the room- the longest reigning tag team champions in XWF history?

We see Ned Kaye and Prince Adeyemi, each paying a sign of respect to their golden belts as they remove them from their waists and hand them over to the ref,

JC: There’s no denying it, Brody. For Prince and Ned, these tag titles are more than just belts, they’re symbols of redemption, purpose, and a hard-fought bond. The Crucible is here to purify, to elevate the tag team division with a reign forged in fire.

With that, the ref calls for the bell!

Prince Adeyemi & Ned Kaye ©
- vs -
Lucy Wylde & Aurora
The Otherworld
Match takes place in a tile room rusted by blood and corroded steel
An enemy with long serrated blades for arms crawls around the walls as an additional hazard

The match starts with all four competitors squaring off at once, with Prince Adeyemi and Lucy Wylde quickly locking eyes and charging at each other. Prince uses his strength advantage to press Lucy against the wall, landing a series of brutal boxing combos.
Ned Kaye and Aurora engage on the opposite side of the room. Ned goes for a quick takedown, aiming to assert control, but Aurora counters, sweeping his legs and hitting a knee drop to the head, keeping him off balance.

JC: Whoa, and we’re off to a fast start here!

Lucy fights back against Prince, using her speed to slip out of his grip and deliver a scissored armbar, grounding him briefly until he powers out, sending her rolling across the floor. Lucy is back up quickly, giving Prince no time to regroup. She hits a well times spinning heel kick to the champions mouth- but Prince is very much battle tested! He eats the shot and flys back at Lucy, taking her down with a slingblade to the tile floor.

Back on the other side, Ned and Aurora are trading strikes and counters. Ned hits a sweet superkick dazing Aurora. She manages to stagger back and counters with a spinning heel kick of her own, connecting with his jaw. He falls over, and quickly Aurora goes for a cover!



BG: No way the champion is going to go down that easy!

JC: You’re not wrong, but getting pinned, no matter how early can rack up a mental toll on an opponent. If you get used to feeling your shoulders, eventually, you could get comfortable there.

There’s no boundaries or corners to tag into in The Otherworld, and this match is building with frenetic pace. All four competitors in constant motion, trying to outwit and outlast one another.

Ned grapples Aurora as he climbs back up from the pin, arm dragging her down to the floor while holding onto the arm. He leaps up and plants the challengers face back down with a leg-drop bulldog- going for the cover!

But Lucy, seeming to feel her partners peril, disengages from Prince and out runs him over to Ned and Aruora







JC: Ned Kaye suggested that Lucy Wylde is a woman who can’t be sure she was the first pick in wargames because of her skill. But it looks like to me that she very confident in her abilities here tonight!

But from behind, Prince locks Lucy in a sleeperhold, pulling tight and lifting the smaller woman up from the floor, before slamming her back down, face first, while keeping the hold locked in. But Aurora is up now, she leaps onto Prince’s back, mounting him with forearm strikes to the back of the head forcing him to break the hold. But that doesn’t stop her, she keeps hammering away with violent intentions. Lucy is able to slide out of the chaos while Aurora goes crazy, bashing Prince’s face into the floor, over and over.

JC: Lucy and Aurora have the momentum now!

But suddenly a weird static sound fills the room, and the flickering lights reveal a horrible creature with long serrated blade arms crawling along the walls.

BG: What in the heck is that thing?

JC: I don’t know Brody, but given everything we’ve seen tonight, we can assume it’s not here to help any of our competitors

Its appearance temporarily halts the fighting as the challengers look up, their eyes widening, and their focus forced to shift on this new threat.

As it crawls toward them, Lucy and Aurora exchange a quick look. Aurora runs over to an opposite wall from the creature and begins banging on the pipes, yelling at the creature, distracting it. It crawls along the ceiling over to the other side of the room. Aurora retreats back to the opposite wall as the creature nears and bangs on those pipes

JC: She’s going to tire herself out doing this, Brody!

BG: Maybe so, but those pipes are getting loose!

As the creature follows again, Lucy runs over to the first set of pipes Aurora was working on, and begins striking them as well, breaking one of the pipes loose. As Aurora lets the freakish beast converge on her, climbing down the wall, Lucy runs back across the room and smacks the monster in the head!

It lets out a horrible sound and falls to the floor. The beast stands back up and swings one of its bladed arms at Aurora, she ducks under and Lucy strikes the beast in the head with a superkick! The monster falls back toward the wall where the pipe was busted loose, where Aurora runs in and follows up with an Entropy Blade! The running knee pushes the monster into the pipes, one of them piercing into its back. Again the monster howls and retreats back up the wall after freeing itself.

With that sequence only lasting for a few, very intense moments, Lucy and Aurora try catching their breath. But Prince and Ned have recovered! They launch a double attack on the challengers, each of them grabbing one of the women and launching them into the steel walls. They smack off the walls and crash to the unforgiving tile floor with a sickening thud.

Ned and Prince are relentless, Prince grabbing the steel pipe and bashing it over Aurora’s back as she climbs to all fours, driving her back down. Ned crashes down on Lucy with a knee drop to the back of her head. Aurora takes another shot with the pipe across her spine, she screams out but still tries to reach up and fight back, reaching for the pipe in Prince’s hands. Prince jerks it away, a look of disgust on his face. He steps back to let Aurora stand, and he swings at her head like a baseball- but Aurora ducks!


Prince pins the challenger!




Aurora kicks out!

JC: Amazing showing there by Aurora to fight through there!

BG: Well, it’s a good thing, because her partner is no position to break free and help her, Ned Kaye is giving Lucy all she can handle!

Ned and Lucy continue to battle near a leaking, broken pipes, he bashes her in the face with a  forearm. He stakes a few steps back as she staggers forward, showing her his own handspring skills with COFFIN NAILS!


Side stepping and hitting a quick nightmare sleeper! wrapping her legs around his waist to drain his energy. She squeezes tight trying to take him down, but Ned remains vertical. He fights through the hold, slamming her back-first into a wall to break free.

On the other side of the room, Prince is brutalizing Aurora. Thrashing her against the wall over and over.

JC: It was Aurora who claimed that Prince Adeyeime only lives for his title. She said it was all he’s got! But right now, the tag team champion has Aurora, dead to rights it appears!

Aurora is staggering, swaying toward Prince, out on her feet. He punches her in the gut, crippling her over before dropping and uppercutting her- lifting her into the air!


Prince covers Aurora again!




Prince is incensed. Pounding his fists into the floor!

JC: I know it’s frustrating, but Prince has to be careful here. He can’t lose focus!

But it’s too late! He didn’t notice that Aurora clutched ahold of the pipe, as he goes to lift her back up ash bashes it right over his head, and then swings again with force, cracking it against his shoulder. Prince hollers out in pain, and Ned rushes over. He pushes Aurora back, and struggles trying to pry the pipe out of her hands- pushing her all the way into the steel wall.

But here comes Lucy!

She spears Ned to the ground from behind just as Aurora is able to break free from Ned’s push. Ned’s face collides with brutality against the steel wall, and as Lucy mounts her knees into his back, she spots some chain dangling above them. She stands and pulls them free from the pipes. Lucy wraps the chain around Ned’s arm before locking in a modified version of her nightmare sleeper again, pulling back on the chain with extra leverage.

Ned screams out- prompting Prince to run over- but Aurora intercepts!

Flinging a handful of rusty, corroded dirt into Prince’s eyes. She swings at Prince again with the pipe, but somehow, instinctively, or out of pure luck, he dodges and throws another discus elbow, completely blinded and still striking Aurora as they both fall to the floor. Lucy tries to take advantage, yanking on the chain to tighten the sleeper hold, but Ned struggles free with a hard elbow strike to her ribs, and then bashes her head into the wall.

JC: This is an unbelievably competitive match, Brody! The Crucible had their unity questioned by Lucy and Aurora, but Ned and Prince have been determined to prove they’re still every bit the standard of teamwork in this federation, and the same for Lucy and Aurora! The tag champs thought that their team would be fragile, and prone to collapse, but so far tonight, neither team seems ready to falter!

Suddenly static fills the room again,

BG: Not this again!

The creature reappears, its serrated blade arms swinging wildly as it climbs down the walls, rushing into the battle.

It swings at Ned, who luckily rolls out the way.

It turns at Prince who has just stood again, still partially blinded. Ned yells “DUCK!” and Prince does just that, just in time, as the monster's bladed arm nearly decapitated him.

Ned picks up the pipe and starts banging it against the tile floor, yelling at the monster who turns away from the still compromised Prince. Ned starts circling ready to dodge the beast as it hurls toward him. The creature swings at Ned again, and again the champion rolls out of the way- and from behind

Ned and Prince work together to avoid the creature, using quick ducks and rolls to evade its attacks. From behind in a moment of bravery, or stupidity, Prince uses his strength to hook the monster by the arms holding him in place. Ned has to act quick, he bashes the monster in the head, causing it to howl. He bashes it over and over when suddenly - -


Aruror has climbed up the pipes, nearly reaching the ceiling.



The flying elbow attack wipes out Ned, Prince AND the monster! Everyone is wiped out and the monster crawls away again, significantly wounded now.

The competitors lie scattered, taking a brief moment to catch their breath amidst the blood-stained tiles
As the moments pass, desperation sets in for both teams.

Lucy and Aurora regroup first, both battered but still standing. Prince and Ned stand to face them. These four warriors standing feet apart before charging one another- except Lucy runs in the opposite direction of Ned. He chases after her and she springs off from a part of the pipes and the wall hitting the Wylde Liberation!

She covers while Prince and Aurora are tied up!




JC: What resilience! I thought that was over!

But Lucy’s big move is short lived, as Prince, who got the upper hand on Aurora, runs over and leaps into the air, spinning with a Crown Shatterer!

He covers Lucy!




Aurora came out of nowhere and hit the running knee just in time!

She helps her partner to her feet. They’re exhausted but determined, realizing they have an opportunity to end the match. But before they can even think about closing the deal, static fills the room once more. The creature reappears, now angrier and more aggressive. It lunges toward the competitors, who desperately dodge its bladed arms. Aurora pulls Lucy out of the way, avoiding the beast. Prince stands dazed and confused, and right in harms way!
The creature's arm slashes through the air, aiming for Prince, who stands immobilized by shock, right in its path.

JC: He's a sitting duck! Someone get him out of there!

But in a moment of sheer instinct, Ned throws himself in front of Prince, his arms stretched wide as he shields his partner from the beast. The monster's serrated limb catches Ned on the side, sending him crashing into the wall, where he slumps down, a fresh line of blood dripping down his face.

BG: Ned just put his body on the line for Prince! That’s TRUE loyalty

JC: But at what cost, BG? Look at him; he's barely conscious!

The creature is satisfied with the damage it’s dealt. It retreats again into the shadows, it's bladed arms scraping across the blood-rusted walls.

Seeing her opening, Lucy Wylde locks eyes with Aurora, a silent understanding passing between them.

Aurora gives Lucy a quick nod, clearing the way as Lucy scrambles up a corroded pipe, her fingers finding tenuous holds on the jagged metal. With every ounce of her remaining strength, Lucy steadies herself at the top of the pipe.

BG: Now Lucy’s climbing too? No way!

Lucky lets out a scream and launches herself into a double rotation, her body twisting through the air! She hits Ned with her Calamity from the Skies moonsault, the impact echoing through the room as Ned's body jerks from the force.

JC: Lucy just leveled Ned Kaye with that moonsault! That could be it!

Ned lies motionless as Lucy scrambles to make the cover.








The referee signals the end of the match, and Lucy rolls off of Ned, as all four of these competitors lay gasping for air.

JC: Lucy and Aurora were on a quest to breathe life back into the XWF tag team division, and they’re going to get their opportunity- because a new era is upon us, folks!

BG: And say what you will about Ned and Prince. If Lucy and Aurora are able to carry those belts as successfully as those two have, then we’re possibly looking upon another all-time great tag team in the XWF!

JC: Without a doubt, a gutsy performance by both teams tonight! WHAT A MATCH!

Lucy and Aurora share a nod, barely able to stand, the referee raises their hands in victory and lays the tag team titles in their laps.

JC: XWF Universe, it’s been quite a show. We’ve seen some truly shocking matches tonight… And we’re about to check in on one that still hasn’t ended. But, god willing, Roger and Borden *have* to be close to escape now…

The Room is…


BG: Oh my God! They’re gone! One of them must’ve gotten out, right?

The Piano Riff from Old Time Rock ‘n Roll kicks in…

And Roger slides from in the backdoor!

The Riff kicks in again…

And Borden slides in behind him!

They both laugh and clap, feeling like that was the coolest thing anyone’s ever done…

They, then jog back to the front door…

The Piano Riff repeats…

Roger slides in!

And Borden slides in!

…They jog to the front to do it ag-

WHAM! The front door is kicked open!

And who is there… But Warfare GM Peter Principle!

PP: What the Hell are you two doing?!?!

Roger and Borden look at each other, shrugging and pointing at the other.

PP: We only rented this spooky apartment for the hour! GET OUT!

Roger and Jake bow apologetically, both stepping out of the apartment at the same time.

They exit the apartment… Entering daylight and bro-hug, commemorating an amazing day!

JC: An absolutely amazing adventure for Roger and Jake Borden!

BG: What are you talking about?!? ‘Amazing adventure’? It was over AN HOUR! They didn’t find the exit!

JC: But they both found a kindred spirit! And that makes them winners!




Mastermind ©
- vs -
James Shark
15 Minute Time Limit
Match takes place on a ruined street in heavy rain.
There is a large chasm on one side and the other is blocked by destroyed cars
If the time limit is met, the area will flood and both opponents will be swept into the open chasm

A custom version of BEAST by Tech N9ne begins to blast on the arena's speakers accompanied by the reaction of fans in attendance.

Insanity at it's finest
Fire starter,
Riot maker,
Moon stricken,
Animal need,
Bad seed,
Untamable beast!

A cloud of ocean blue smoke fills the top of the ramp, as the special lighting shines down upon the smoke it gives off the appearance of waves.

Everybody around me always think they know what's going on inside my mind
think I'm Mr. Trash Talk all the time
How they say on Diary 'You think you know, but you have no idea'

As the music kicks in, Shark jogs out of the curtains on cue. The chains around his neck sparkling into the camera as he's wearing a T-shirt that insults his opponent. He stands at the top of the ramp with his hands on his waist as he looks out into the crowd and takes a moment to look around at the packed arena. He nods his head with his typical cocky smile stretched from ear to ear. Before heading down the ramp he closes his eyes and spreads his arms out with his hands open, absorbing the mixed reactions of boos, cheers and screams coming his way.
He sings along to the music as he walks down the ramp, taking off his shirt on his way there and throwing it into the crowd without looking. He slides into the ring and begins to bounce off the ropes before shadow boxing. He then walks around the ring mouthing out something to the crowd about his opponent, the insults continuing but the broadcast is unable to pick it up.

A figure is seen walking out from the back wearing a black hooded sweatshirt on. The hood was over his head so he couldnt be seen, and his head was looking down.

He stood in a stance

As his signature song continues to hit this is my Brutality he takes off his hood to reveal himself to be Mastermind, and he walks to the ring, alone.

The skies open up and rain pours down from the sky hitting the concrete as Mastermind and James Shark glare at one another.

Chaz Bobo opens up an umbrella and holds it over his head before calling for the bell.

BG: James Shark should feel right at home here.

JC: Why’s that?

BG: Because he’s a shark… And there’s… Water.

JC: This is gonna be a thing the whole match isn’t it?

BG: Oh yeah!



James Shark sprints down the road kicking up water as Mastermind waits and calculates, as Shark reaches his target clothesline but Mastermind counters with a powerslam! Shark is on the ground as Mastermind tries to hook Shark’s arm but James manages to break loose and throws an elbow into Mastermind’s head.

MM stumbles back and Shark sweeps the leg and leaps on top of the champ with a fist drop; he keeps going with mounted punches left and right, rocking Mastermind until he manages to catch an arm and twists the hold around with a wrench. Mastermind lifts himself to his feet, keeping Shark in the hold and getting him in a bowing position before Mastermind boots the challenger in the nose!

BG: That’s how you stun a shark in the wild!

JC: … With an arm wrench and kick to the face?

BG: Quit being a smartass.

Mastermind follows up aiming for a leaping cutter but James Shark throws Mastermind to the ground; MM gets a mouthful of water as the rain batters down. Shark rushes in for a knee into MM’s shoulder and lifts Mastermind up to his feet with marching knees until Mastermind is back up and James Shark lets loose with a right hook to the ribs!

Mastermind gets his guard up but Shark sneaks in a straight left!

Right kick to Mastermind’s knee crumples Mastermind’s leg and James Shark capitalizes with a spinning back fist and finishes off the combo with a spinning back elbow!


Mastermind drops into the street and pushes himself up quickly, as the rainwater is now ankle high, and the champ spits out a mouthful of water. Shark rolls his neck and picks up Mastermind by the neck but Mastermind throws an elbow back into Shark’s gut and James doubles over and MM follows up with a stunner!

Shark recoils like a spring and drops onto his back as Mastermind scrambles for the pin!

Chaz Bobo reluctantly gets into the water for the count!




BG: Shark gets a fin up just after 2!

JC: Will you stop?

Mastermind kneels up and whips James to his feet and sends him sailing into a car; Shark hits the hood hard and keels on top of it and Mastermind sprints forward and grabs Shark’s head along the way driving it into the car with a running bulldog!


Mastermind takes a breather as water rushes past him and he gets up on uneven legs as James Shark forces himself up and slaps his face to get rid of the cobwebs. Mastermind makes his way to Shark and boots him in the ribs, kicking him down the street closer and closer to the chasm.

Shark gets to a knee quickly and catches Mastermind with a right jab! Mastermind stumbles back and returns with a right of his own!

Shark’s head snaps back and comes back laughing giving shit to Mastermind for a weak hit!

JC: Shark’s asking for more!

Mastermind sneers and strikes again!

BG: And Mastermind’s delivering!

Another strike and Shark keeps laughing as his nose bloodies!



James Shark goes to tackle Mastermind to the ground but his foot slips with the rainwater and Mastermind drops Shark with a DDT and quickly transitions into-


Mastermind locks in his signature Boston Crab and reels back trying to break Shark’s spine as James’ head is buried under the rushing water!


BG: You can’t drown a shark J-



Shark is flailing wildly in the hold trying to push his head out of the water, managing to get nostrils above but the rain keeps coming and the water keeps getting higher as Mastermind forces back more and more!


Water unlodges from the barricade at the other side of the street and a wall of water pushes down dislodging debris and cars as it hits our competitors and forces Mastermind tumbling forward!

Shark is swept with Mastermind, free but barreling to the chasm ahead he manages to stop himself by grabbing a piece of rebar!

Mastermind almost falls in the chasm but hits a car and steadies himself!

The rush of water passes and Mastermind breathes heavily looking down into the chasm in front of him, he breathes a sigh of relief and turns back.


JC: PAID IN BLOOD!!!!!!!!!

Shark’s Superman Elbow connects and James latches onto the car to stop himself from falling as Mastermind is knocked out cold and falls limply into the chasm!


James stares into the chasm watching Mastermind disappear from sight and a smirk enters his face as he turns around with his fists raised in the air as the rain begins to stop. Chaz Bobo enters the scene awarding James the championship.

BG: James Shark smelled blood in the water and took a bite out of Mastermind’s run!

JC: Mastermind put up a great fight but lost to mother nature and a brutal elbow. Congratulations to a debuting, let me repeat that, DEBUTING James Shark! Excellent showing!

Mastermind’s body falls down with the waves of rainwater and the former Television champion disappears into darkness.

The water falls into a light stream into the empty void and drips down further and further until we see nothing but blackness as we only hear drops.




Until we spiral through the pit and land on a frozen landscape, the droplets hitting the icey ground over and over and over until they transition into footsteps.

Dolly Waters enters the arena; she looks at the quiet surroundings. The iced over cars, the debris scattered around that fell from the pit above, the ruined homes coated in frost. Dolly kicks a rock as she shudders.

The rock glides across the ground until stopped by the foot of Sebastian Everett-Bryce who gives a smirk to Dolly, the Universal Championship folded over his shoulder. Seb takes the belt off his shoulder and looks at it briefly, Dolly’s eyes don’t leave him as he moves to a stop sign planted in the ground and drapes the belt over the sign and gives it a pat before readying himself.

JC: This is… Intense.

BG: It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for! The renewed Dolly Waters versus the unbeatable Sebastian Everett-Bryce! ONE MATCH FOR THE UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP AND WE CAN FINALLY GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS HELL HOLE!

The pair stare at one another for what feels like an eternity as a frozen corpse in a referee shirt moving like a marionette meets the pair in the middle. He raises up an arm and throws it down to begin the match.

Sebastian Everett-Bryce ©

- vs -
Misty Waters
Shattered Memories
Match takes place in a frozen arena surrounded by seemingly endless darkness
Weapons and hazards litter the area, abandoned cars, ruined buildings and frozen people
Visions from the past haunt each opponent at random

Both competitors rush each other swinging an arm back and both fists collide with one another's jaws!

The two break and shake the cobwebs as Dolly reels back a leg and strikes Sebastian in the ribs; Seb slides with the blow along the ice and contorts his body into a spinning heel kick which lands hard against Dolly’s shoulder! Waters takes the blow and fights back with a nasty right hook into Seb’s temple and follows up with an axe-handle into the champ’s gut!

Dolly leaps forward with a high knee but Bryce dodges back and the knee barely misses; Sebastian grabs Dolly in mid-air and slams her down into a spinebuster!

The ice cracks under the force as Sebastian goes into a mount and throws a fist down but Dolly moves her head out of the way and wraps her legs around Seb into a body scissors and reverses the mount to get herself on top and immediately drops a forearm into Seb’s mush!

Sebastian's eyes widen as Dolly goes for another strike and counters, trapping her arm and kicking his legs out from under Dolly pushing her forward and Seb locks in a chokehold!

BG: Sebastian with a reversal is trying to wear Dolly down.

But Dolly still has a lot of fight in her still wildly swinging her head into Seb’s face, she breaks the hold and kips up to her feet before taking a beat and flipping back into a Pele Kick as Sebastian starts to get up and Waters’ foot domes Seb!

JC: Dolly giving Seb hell right now!

BG: She’s born again, JC!

Dolly takes a second to catch her breath as Sebastian shakes his head as he begins to crawl up to his feet. Dolly stands to her feet and walks over to Sebastian and rips his head back before twisting her body around and dropping an elbow down on Sebastian’s neck and goes into a quick cover! The ref unnaturally shifts to count the pin!



Sebastian shoves Dolly away and scrambles to his feet turning around into a one-legged dropkick from Dolly!

Bryce is knocked back into a car and the alarm begins to blare loudly.

JC: Sebastian is on the proverbial ropes!

Dolly sprints in again for a big chop but Sebastian dodges and Dolly’s hand smashes through the window, glass shattering. Waters holds her hand with a shock of pain as blood trickles down her arm.

Dolly turns as Sebastian rushes in!


Seb’s single leg nails Waters in the face and Dolly drops to the ground!

Sebastian covers!!






Sebastian is in disbelief as he looks to the ref who stares back with a hollow face. Sebastian pins again!




Her shoulder pops up as Sebastian seethes in anger, he grabs Dolly’s head and smashes it into the ice!

And again!


Until the ice cracks and something takes over Sebastian as he stares at the freezing water under the newly created hole.

Sebastian grabs Dolly and dunks her under!


BG: Drowning her! That’s what he's doing!

Sebastian holds Dolly’s head under the water as she struggles, her arms flailing wildly but Seb keeps putting pressure down until. The car alarm blurs into a drone.

“Go on, Sebastian, kill ‘er.”

Sebastian stares at the figure mere inches from his face in horror.


Bryce releases Dolly and crawls back in fear, he looks wildly at his hands as Dolly pushes herself out of the water and retches, coughing up clear bile.

JC: Looks like Sebastian saw a ghost!

Sebastian wipes sweat from his brow and steels himself as he gets back to his feet; he grabs Dolly’s shoulder but Waters whips around and throws a right hook into Bryce’s face!

BG: Dolly’s hand is still covered in glass! She’s using glass knuckles!!

Both hiss in pain as glass digs deeper into Dolly’s fists and shards stick into Bryce’s perfect cheekbones. Waters steps up and sprints forward and throws up a leg but Bryce ducks under which Dolly telegraphed!

She plants two feet on the car and springboards back!


Bryce is knocked flying by the springboard European uppercut and Dolly lays on the cold ground gassed.

Dolly crawls forward slowly.

Inching towards Sebastian and gets a hand on Bryce!







Dolly is in disbelief as she looks up to the referee.


Dolly Waters gets to her knees and a smile plants on her face!


Dolly looks down at Sebastian’s prone body who laughs manically.

His head snaps to her.


Misty Waters appears from thin air and grabs Dolly by the neck!


Dolly thrashes out and the apparition vanishes!


Waters looks around and turns!












Sebastian kneels up, wiping blood from his face. He looks down at a dazed Dolly and gives her a stern nod before standing.

JC: What a rollercoaster! I thought Dolly got the pin!

BG: She did get the pin! Just not on Seb apparently, but goddamn Bryce does it again! He went through hell to get the win here.

JC: Both of our competitors tonight did. We all did!

BG: Right! Let’s get the fuck out of this town. Sebastian Everett-Bryce’s reign continues! And from everyone here at Warf- … SPOOKY SAVAGE! Thank you and goodnight.

Peter Principle
Barry Masterson
Atticus Gold

Charlie Nickles

And everyone who RP'd!

[Image: ESXHYMB.jpeg]
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[-] The following 9 users Like Atticus Gold's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (11-06-2024), Atara Raven (11-07-2024), aurora (11-05-2024), Da Bing Bong Twinzz (11-05-2024), Dolly Waters (11-05-2024), GarciaWrestling (11-05-2024), Matthias Syn (11-05-2024), Prince Adeyemi (11-05-2024), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (11-05-2024)
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Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-05-2024, 07:46 PM

We catch up with Bobby shortly after the show.

Whoo, gotta say, I took the Cool Hand Luke 50 egg omelet challenge and I gotta say, well played, Denver, you know how to omelet!
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