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10-26-2024, 05:23 PM
The camera is turned on, with Mastermind standing on an empty road, with no cars, with no people walking around. He just glares into the camera.
“James Shark, I want you to think about this, that our upcoming Warfare match at Silent Hill, is going to be something that doesn’t resemble a match, it’s going to be a battlefield, only I can win. Not you. Just me. So you better not show up for it.
“But if you do, be prepared for a kind of nasty stuff heading your way. After all, we are competing in nasty street fight type scenario, with a nasty downpour of rain hitting us at all times. Can you survive the chasm? Can you survive destroyed cars? I think not. That is why I know I am going to win this thing and go into War Games as the defending XWF Television Champion.”
Mastermind holds up the XWF Television Championship belt to the camera so anyone who is watching can see it closely.
“I’ve held on to it much longer than some people thought I would. After all the first time I had it, I held on to for something like 129 days which at the time was the 3rd longest reign. It will be a month since I’ve held onto it this time around, and boy oh boy James Shark, you won’t be able to stop me.”
Mastermind smirks his infamous smirk and walks on. The camera fades out.
Mastermind thought he was in for a quick trip to England, because he had to get back for Anarchy and then on to Warfare. He had been given a few places where Melanie ‘Crayzee’ Childs might be from a few sources of his, but each time he showed up she had just left.
He was getting more and more angrier at the fact that he was running out of time and couldn’t see Melanie, and feared that he might have to do another trip when all wanted was to go to Germany to speak with Kris.
Suddenly he witnessed a house show where Melanie showed up at a random wrestling event and won her match. But by the time he got back stage, she was gone. The question had to be asked, did she know Mastermind was there for her? He was on the verge of heading back to his private jet to get to Anarchy, when he stopped off at a hotel and found out that Melanie was staying there too, just overnight, to get to Wales of all places the next day.
He found out where she was staying and knocked on her room door. She opened the door, recognized him, and tried to close the door.
MELANIE: “No thank you, go away please,”
Mastermind hung onto the door.
MASTERMIND: “Please Melanie just give me a minute to speak with you,”
MELANIE: “I don’t want nothing to do with you any longer, can you not get that into your thick head.”
Mastermind held up his hands, and let the door shut in his face. But he stood there for a few more seconds.
MASTERMIND: “Fine, Melanie, I’ll go. I’ll let Kris know that I saw you.”
Mastermind went to walk away when the door opened again, and Melanie poked her head out.
MELANIE: “You haven’t seen Kris yet?”
Mastermind stopped dead in his tracks. But he didn’t turn out.
MASTERMIND: “No, but I have seen Antony, Scarlet, and Victor!”
MELANIE: “You have? What did they say?”
MASTERMIND: “They will only rejoin me as the Misfits if, and only if I get the go ahead from Kris,”
Melanie laughed what sounded like a maniacal laugh.
MELANIE: “They didn’t mention me?”
MASTERMIND: “I don’t think they want you back!”
MELANIE: “But yet you do?”
Mastermind turned around to face Melanie.
MASTERMIND: “You and Kris are the focal point of the Misfits, Melanie. You two are the original members. Of course I want you back.”
Melanie seemed to be thinking about what Mastermind was saying.
MELANIE: “You have difficulty matches coming up with Madison Dyson, and one with James Shark for your Television Title.”
MASTERMIND: “I can take care of them,”
MELANIE: “Alone?”
MASTERMIND: “For now that’s what I want, but I need the Misfits back together when I go after Ned Kaye.”
MELANIE: “You still want to face Ned Kaye?”
MASTERMIND: “he’s ducking me, but yes.”
MELANIE: “Okay,”
MASTERMIND: “Okay what?”
MELANIE: “If you manage to get to Kris, and if you manage to persuade him to come back, then I will, but only if you manage to get Kris.”
MASTERMIND: “Thank you Melanie, you won’t regret this.”
MELANIE: “You will regret it. Kris is really angry and he seems to have dropped off the face of the earth. The last time I heard from him, is he does not want anything to do with you.”
MASTERMIND: “I’ll deal with Kris, you just prepare to come back,”
MELANIE: “I still think you are barking up the wrong tree with Kris, but if you do somehow persuade him to come back, and I mean that, somehow, then it’s a yes for me.”
Mastermind turns back around to head back to his room.
MASTERMIND: “Like I said, leave Kris Von Bonn, to me,”
MELANIE: “Sure thing,”
Melanie disappeared back into her room, and Mastermind returned to his.
The camera turns itself on showing a misty highway, and it’s raining heavily. A figure is seen walking towards the camera. It’s Mastermind. He is holding the XWF Television Championship belt.
“So here I am fans of the XWF, having what may turn out to be a good look at my upcoming Warfare match for the XWF Television Title against the one, the only, stupid name James Shark. What are going to do to me? I want to know! Our match is not only your average street fight but also have to compete with downpours and battered and shattered cars.”
Mastermind stops and looks about. The rain is falling harder. He’s about to disappear into the middle of it.
“James Shark. I 100 percent think that you are going to blur the lines when you think you are going to talk about facing me. You are going to stir that so called wooden spoon into making me sound like a nut job, and then you are going to blurt out what you think are lies about my career. I think not. I will run roughshod over you, and you are going to think that you should have done all of that.”
Masterminds tries to get the camera to refocus itself on him, so that it could see him, but his clothes are real wet now, because of how fast the rain is coming down. He wants to give in, and find shelter, but he still has a promo to continue.
“When I’m through with you James you are also going to try to understand if this is all real or not, and then maybe, just maybe you’ll think nothing is real, and then you’ll be lost.
“I hope that I have confused you even more now, those thoughts that are running around that pretty little head of yours, what kind of thoughts are they? Sucky thoughts? Ridiculous thoughts? Nothing thoughts? I hope you really do have nothing going through that head.
“Don’t trust me James, you should never trust me. Because I don’t trust anyone at all in the XWF that come up against me. You are a big failure. People can keep breaking me. You can try and break me, but you won’t, because I know you can’t. but others have in the past, but here I am, still standing, still competing hard. I am the XWF Television Champion after all in just my second reign,”
Mastermind smirks again, and takes a few step. His hat soaked. His hair soaked. Off camera his people are telling him that he shouldn’t be even in this rain, but Mastermind doesn’t look like he’s listening.
“James I really hope I deceived you, I really do, because you are going to face me at my screaming best as I defend this title from you. You are going to bleed. You are going to wish you would never meet me. You are going to bashed from ear to ear when I have finished with you, and by the time I am finished with you, you might not be able to hear me, feel me, see me, or anyone else for that matter. I have a job to do, you are going to wish that it wasn’t against me.”
“Should I wash my hands of you? I think so. When all is said and done though that will be the right time. I’ll save some time and out wrestle and hurt you. Then and only then will you wake up and think to yourself who did you just come up against, and I don’t want to compete against him ever again.
“I will be your tormentor in this match, you will only scream not to be tormented but I will. I will also defeat you really fast and play games with you after I know that I have the match won. Because after all I am the demon of your dreams, and tormenting you will be a pleasure.
“After all is said and done James, you are going to be so tired of being in the same match as me. Your fears would have gone but they will be deep inside me, as I hammer you from pillar to pillar. You are going to wish that you could just leave this match right in the middle of it, because I have your number James Shark. I really do.
“I will walk out and head to war games with a strong presence yet you will not even make it to War Games. You will wish to have no more matches in the XWF. Your wounds will not heal, because I will make damn sure to give you so bad a wound that they will take forever to heal. Your pain will be surreal. Just mark my words.
“I know that you are going to cry to try and save yourself. I know what fears you will have. I’ll take those fears from you, and scream everything away. I really hope that you have been captivated by what I have said because the time is coming to bound you up into a ball, and to destroy you.
“I want to walk into War Games without thinking about you and I will. You will never be the one who will haunt me. Because that is my job when it comes to you. I hope you can sleep as well as you can before our match, because you won’t be able to afterwards. I am done with this rain. I am done with you. I will be done with you. But I will tell you this now… I will be very brutal in the way I will attack you during our match. I will win this match. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again I am the demons of your dreams. Why can I say that you may ask… because it’s my time to shine, and my time… is… NOW!!!!!”
Mastermind looks at the camera and has had enough walking in the deep rain which has been splashing him like the ocean, and he is completely wet. As the camera fades out people can be seen bringing umbrellas from all different angles to help Mastermind stop getting wet.
Overall - 64 Wins 107 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 4 Wins 5 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 4 Wins 5 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals
February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month
Former 2x XWF Television Champion
Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020
50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020
100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023
Check out my page for victories and losses
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