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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Anarchy Boards » Anarchy Results
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ANARCHY 09/05/2024
Author Message
Jett Sterling Offline
XWF Management
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

09-05-2024, 05:57 PM

The camera zooms over the crowd at the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Florida. The arena is alive with excitement as fans wave MAGA banners and cheer. 

Suddenly—pyrotechnics burst across the stage as the Anarchy logo on the screen.

Todd: "Welcome to ANARCHY! We are live from the sizzling sands of Daytona Beach, Florida, and despite the show only just beginning—this crowd is on fire tonight!"

Bama T: "You got that right, Todd! And you know these fine DeSantis voters didn't just come for the action, they came to support the only brand that cares about American—ANARCHY—and we've got a lineup that’s hotter than the Florida sun!"

Todd: "Kicking off tonight’s action, Matthias Syn, the Syn City Saint, is set to defend the Revolution title in a match where he gets to choose the stipulation!"

Bama T: "And what a stipulation he chose, baby—BURIED ALIVE—Tonight, that fake patriot that call's himself the "American Nightmare" will face his own nightmare face on as Matthias Syn leaves him suffocating six feet under, baby!"

Todd: "I know that Matthias is looking to hold on tight to that belt leading into Relentless, but I feel like Razor has a wild card up his sleeve and is ready to make his mark on Anarchy!"

Bama T: "And speaking of making marks, Summer Page and Cameron Parker are both set to throw down in a singles match that’s all about building momentum. Both are hungry to climb the ranks, and tonight, it’s anyone's ballgame!"

Todd: "Then there’s the score to settle between Mastermind and Marisol Vilaro. Last Anarchy, they both walked away winners, but tonight, sharing isn’t on the menu. It’s every superstar for themselves as they look to prove who's really superior in a battle between big brains and big gains!"

Bama T: "And let’s not forget about our main event, Todd! After the beating he took last week, Micheal Graves teams up with his quirky crew—Peter Parkour, who thinks he's got some of them spider-powers, and Miss Furry, the fox-tailed bearded wonder—to take on none other than Anarchy Champion Madison Dyson and her partner, Xtreme champion, Misty Waters—collectively known as—THE MAGA POWERS!"

Todd: "Micheal Graves is gunning for Madison Dyson at Relentless, but him and his crew have to survive the night first. It’s going to be a wild ride, and with Relentless just around the corner, you can bet everyone's bringing their A-game!"

Bama T: "You said it, partner! Buckle up, because ANARCHY starts right NOW!"

The lights goes out and hear a voice saying Wrestling has one royal family and when Kingdom hit's fireworks burst open and Razor Blade comes out wearing a American nightmare outfit and left his arms in the mid air and fist pumps in a fake air and he saw a kid wearing a Blake shirt and he takes off his American nightmare belt off his waist in hands it to the XWF fan and climbs up the steps in hops on the turnbuckle and raises both arms in the air and more fireworks burst once again and he gets inside of the ring and climbs on the top rope taunts some more and gets down and takes off his American nightmare jacket and prepares for a fight.

The opening riff of The hangman's body count by Volbeat starts to play throughout the arena as the lights dim. Several red and purple laser lights envelope the stage as Matthias Syn casually walks through the curtain. As he steps onto the stage, he stops and acknowledges the crowd by stretching both arms forward while touching his balled up fists together. After several seconds he begins to nonchalantly walk down the ramp towards the ring, not allowing the fans to touch him. He slides under the bottom rope, jumps to his feet and poses on the ropes. As he drops down from the ropes he takes off his red leather shearling coat, hands it to the ring girl and sits on the middle turnbuckle awaiting his opponent.

- vs -


Razor wastes no time charging at Syn. Matthias grins as he raises his guard and braces for impact.

Todd: "The clash begins!"

Razor Blade unleashes a fury of punches and chops. With Syn off balance, Razor snatches him up into a snap powerslam, and then springs off of the ropes with a moonsault that draws some cheers from the crowd.

Razor tries to drag Matthias Syn out of the ring, but Syn kicks him off and fights free, countering with equal ferocity as he connects with a sharp superkick, following up with a flying leg lariat, and then firmly landing a tiger suplex that leaves the 'American Nightmare' rocked.

The battle quickly spills outside the ring. Razor grabs a steel chair, swinging for Syn’s head, but Syn drops low to avoid the blow, He quickly springs back up as Razor readies the chair for a second attempt—a sharp superkick from Syn sends the chair crashing into Razor’s face!

Bama T: "Matthias has feet of steel, baby!"

Razor stumbles backward, giving Matthias Syn just the opening he needs. Syn lunges, grabbing Razor's arm and yanking him back into the ring. The crowd is on edge as Syn sets Razor up and delivers the SYNthesis. 

Struggling to his feet, Razor clears his head and starts to rally. He sidesteps an incoming attack from Syn, snapping a quick elbow into Matthias’ jaw.

Not letting up—Razor unloads a flurry of punches that drive Syn back against the turnbuckles. Razor hooks Syn's head under his arm and slams Syn's face to the stage floor with a bulldog. Razor then scales to the barricade as the crowd comes to their feet!

Razor launches himself into the air and Syn instinctively rolls away. Razor hits the stage hard, and Syn, wastes zero time, grabbing his head and twisting him into a punishing SYNTheory. Razor writhes and gasps as Syn tightens the hold.

Todd: "Matthias Syn has that SYNTheory locked in, Bama! This could be it for Razor!"

Bama T: "Dead men are easy to bury, baby!"

Razor, however, doesn’t have quit in his vocabulary...

He finds an opening and fights his way out of the hold with some targeted strikes. Syn grabs a fist full of Razor’s hair as he fires off a few shots of his own that leave Razor dazed. Syn pulls Razor to his feet, but Razor suddenly fires to life and rocks Matthias with a series of rights before springing off the barricade and hitting the Diamond Blade to take Syn off of his feet!

Todd: "Razor quickly turned things around, but he’s unable to capitalize!"

Razor is the first to his feet. 

He pulls at Syn, but Matthias has used his time on the floor gathering every ounce of his strength and cunning. 

Razor pulls at his arm to raise him to his feet, but Syn counters with a SYNthesis! The crowd erupts as Syn scrambles to his feet.

Bama T: “SYNthesis outta nowhere, baby!”

Dragging the dazed Razor towards the grave, Matthias shoves Razor into the pit, shovelfuls of dirt following, each one a nail in the coffin of Razor’s hopes.

Bama T: "Matthias Syn is burying Razor Blade alive! The grave claims another!"

With one final, decisive shovel of dirt, Razor Blade is buried, the referee calling for the bell.


Matthias stabs the shovel into the dirt and raises his arms in celebration.


Todd: "Matthias Syn retains! In a match as dark as the grave itself, Syn proves why he is the Revolution Champion. What a monumental defense!"

Bama T: "Absolutely, Todd. Despite his partner not being here tonight, Razor Blade brought the storm, baby. It’s just that Matthias Syn weathered it pretty darn well!"

“Raising Fighting Spirit” plays over the speakers! The X-Tron lights up with the words “The Fighting Spirit”!!!

Suddenly, out runs Cameron Parker all hyped up, smile wide on his face as he looks out towards the fans! He sprints down the ramp with enthusiasm, giving as many fans as he can a high five!

Todd: "Cameron Parker has definitely turned heads since making his Anarchy debut! He won his debut match against A Literal Gorilla… AND found a way, with current Anarchy champion, Madison Dyson, to calm the American Storm and secure a victory!"

Bama T: "Correctamundo, Toddy, baby! But he also couldn’t beat Summer Page when they tangled one-on-one… He got tossed out by his one-time pardner in the Anarchy Title Battle Royal… And he ate the pin last Anarchy in his fatal 4-Way match!"

Todd: "A mixed bag so far for the Fighting Spirit! But his can-do attitude makes one thing clear… He will NEVER give up!"

Parker stomps up the steel steps then slips inside of the ring!

He marches up the turnbuckle, raising one finger in the air as he looks out towards the fans! Then, he hops down and walks toward his corner to wait for the match to start.

S&M By Rhianna blares throughout the arena! The crowd cheers while ‘Spoiled’ Summer Page walks down the aisle.

Summer gets to the ringside and walks up the ring stairs.

Todd: "Speaking of great debuts, ’Spoiled’ Summer Page came from Monday Night Madness to Anarchy and took out a very game Cameron Parker! It was so impressive that it set up the ‘Spoiled’ one for two straight title shots!"

Bama T: "And she couldn’t convert either time, Toddrick! She got two eliminations in the Anarchy Title Battle Royal, but was the first out of the final four! And, while she came within inches of taking the Revolution Title, she ended up failing to stop the Matthias Syn Revolution!"

Todd: "But, Page has made clear she has the stuff! Both championship opportunities she came within a razor’s edge of snatching championship gold! She acknowledged that she’s starting from scratch here… Can she secure another win over The Fighting Spirit? Or can Cameron Parker even the score between himself and The Spoiled One to one victory each?"

Summer reaches the bottom of the ramp, looking out at the crowd and raises her arms out to the crowd as the crowd cheers louder. Summer turns her attention to inside the ring where she motions to the referee to open the bottom and middle ropes so they can enter.

Summer walks over to the closest ring corner and climbs up to the middle turnbuckle.

- vs -

The bell rings!

Parker rushes in to the center for a collar-and-elbow tie-up…

But Page surprises The Fighting Spirit with a hip check straight to his ribs!

Parker doubles over… And Page backs up a step… Then delivers a HIGH KNEE straight to the jaw, knocking Parker onto his back!

…Parker scampers back up to a vertical base, as the smaller Page surprises him with a shove back against the turnbuckle…

Bama T: "Toddy, how the hell can Camo let Summer Page shove him around the ring! He’s got almost a 100 pounds on the lil’ lady!"

Todd: "A big chunk of that size advantage can be mitigated with confidence! And Summer Page has confidence out the wazoo! She carries herself like a superheavyweight and sometimes that’s all it takes!"

Parker covers his face looking to break up Page’s series of strikes… But Page grapples his wrist, locking him into a front-facelock…

Bama T: "Oh c’mon! You can have all the self-esteem in the world, ain’t no way Summer Page can lift Cam-"

Page yanks Parker a step out of the corner…



Todd: "Summer Page in top form tonight!"

The crowd is amazed by the surprising strength of Summer Page!

Page then drops Parker gut-first onto the ropes… He bounces off!



Todd: "A Perfect 10 for execution!"

Bama T: "And for ‘Pain Inflicted’, I’d give her… a 12 and three-quarters!"

Page floats into a cover!

The official counts!




Parker narrowly kicks out shoulder off the mat!

Todd: "The Fighting Spirit somehow finds the wherewithal to keep going…"

Bama T: "But after that cockamammie maneuver, he’s certainly worse for wear!"

Page rolls onto her feet with ease.

Parker struggles to get back to his feet… The air driven out of his lungs by the whiplash from Page’s suplex…

Page moves to the ropes, sizing up for a finishing blow…

Parker gets back on both feet…

As Page suddenly turns sideways…

TOTAL KNOCKOUT! (superkick)

Bama T: "KAY! OH! BAYBEE!!"

Page’s boot catches Parker straight in the throat! The Fighting Spirit is BROKEN, landing flat on his back…

But, Page is NOT done! Instead, she moves to the apron, climbing up to the top rope…

Bama T: "Daggum! Page is tryin’ a putta WHUPPIN’ on this boy!"

Todd: "Remember, Bama! Page fought Parker once before! She knows how hard he was to keep down in their first match! It seems like she sees an opening and is looking to finish things with a killshot, rather than let the Fighting Spirit recover!"

Her back to her opponent, Page points both fingers into the air…



Bama T: "BAH GAWD! What a gul darn moonsault! I feel like I’ve just seen a real circle for the first time in my life!"

Page poses, resting an elbow atop Parker’s broken body as she lounges across her opponent like an Egyptian Princess.

The official counts.





Page pops off her opponent, raising her arms in the air! Parker cradles his chest, crushed… As Page places a boot onto her fallen opponent’s chest!

Bama T: "Well, this sequel wasn’t as close as the original… But, a star is born. If you want proof why Page got those two title shots back-to-back, look no further than the clinic she just dropped on Cameron Parker!"

Todd: "Not Parker’s strongest outing this Anarchy! Hopefully the Fighting Spirit can retool, recover and reclimb the ladder! But, tonight, there is a clear winner! And it is ‘Spoiled’ Summer Page!"

A figure is seen walking out from the back wearing a black hooded sweatshirt on. The hood was over his head so he couldn't be seen, and his head was looking down.

He stood in a stance.

As his signature song continues to hit this is my Brutality he takes off his hood to reveal himself to be Mastermind.

Todd: "Mastermind has been on a quest! A mission! The man is 50 years old, he’s giving the XWF one more run! With the knowledge that it might be his very last."

Bama T: "Mastermind has gotten more than a career’s worth of ribs and jokes at his expense… But the fella IS an XWF Triple-Crown Cham-PE-YAWN!"

Todd: "And since starting this run without his typical backup crew of Misfits… He seems more determined! To prove he can go it alone! He’s been requesting a one-on-one match for weeks… And after winning his last match, he’s secured a singles match tonight!"

Bama T: "After co-winning* his match, ya mean, Toddy Boy!"

Mastermind walks to the ring, alone.

The synthesized beat of Shake it Off By Taylor Swift plays over the PA!

The fans boo as lights flash!

I stay out too late
Got nothing in my brain
That's what people say, mm-mm
That's what people say, mm-mm

A spotlight iluminates the entrance ramp! First out is none other than the legendary Snarktopus Nessa Wall, who smiles brightly before trash talking the fans. She claps twice, and a couple of stage-hands to come out they each have a mirror in hand they face the entrance ramp… From the back, La Marvillosa herself Marisol Vilaro.

Bama T: "There she is, baby! Marisol Vilaro! The Vilaro System Ambassador! And the TRUE winner of that Fatal 4-Way last Anarchy!"

Todd: "Both Vilaro AND Mastermind were winners of the Fatal 4-Way last Anarchy, Bama! …And sharing the win seemed to piss BOTH of them off! They both demanded a match with each other, to prove who is truly the best between them!"

I go on too many dates
But I can't make 'em stay
At least that's what people say, mm-mm
That's what people say, mm-mm

Marisol stops to admire herself in each mirror posing and showing off, what her hard work has given her and mouthing about how she’s the inspiration these out-of-shape people need. After a few moments of posing she brushes right past, giving her manager/mentor a hug before they head off with Nessa leading the way taking the time to give the fans at ringside a hard time for even trying to touch them.

But I keep cruisin'[/size]
Can't stop, won't stop movin'
It's like I got this music in my mind
Sayin' it's gonna be alright

Marisol herself takes the time to pose some more showing off her muscle, and trying to sell them on the VilaroFit mission, and how they need it to improve themselves, As the devious duo soon make their way toward the ring side area Nessa soon goes up the ring steps and takes the time to bark orders at the referee, showing him exactly how lower the ropes for herself, and her client, after being lectured by the Ambitchous one, the referee complies doing it exactly as Nessa demanded enters the ring and motions for Marisol to go up the steps, as she climbs up the steps she takes each moment to keep shilling her products, which doesn’t endear her to the fans, as she soon enters the ring under the rope and soon she rudely brushes past the referee as Nessa presents her to the booing fans as she raises her arms high in the air soaking in the boos, and catcalls.

Todd: "...This entrance is going on for a little long, huh, Bama?"

Bama T: "Hey, when you pay the MASSIVE licensing fee for ‘Shake it Off’ by ol’ TEE Swift’? You play the whole gol-durn song. Getcha money’s worth!"

'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off (hoo-hoo-hoo)
Heartbreakers gonna break, break, break, break, break
And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off (hoo-hoo-hoo)

Marisol then does a series of poses once again before turning around and gracing the other side of the area raising her arms high in the air and then doing a similar series of poses showing off her physique and how in shape she is. While Nessa claps her client before they head into their corner, and Nessa is getting Marisol psyched and going over the game plan as the official prepares to call for the bell.

Nessa slides under the bottom rope, delivering a confident thumbs-up to her client…

- vs -

The bell rings!

Mastermind lifts his arms in the air, aiming for a decapitating axe-handle strike… But Vilaro ducks under the blow, sliding past her opponent!

Bama T: "Dag GUM! Marisol Vilaro’s quicker than a jackrabbit’s hiccup!"

Nessa’s ears peak, as she speed-walks in her heels over to the commentary table and slides a sheet of paper onto the desk.

Todd: "...Uh… thanks… *paper shuffle*...Apparently, Vilaro’s 40-yard dash time is 4.4 seconds… And her favorite cheat food is NONE!"

Sensing he’s left an opening, Mastermind tears off a desperation back fist…

But, with exacting precision, Marisol Vilaro slides past Mastermind’s fist and latches his arm behind his back, securing him in an abdominal stretch!

Todd: "A little early for submission moves, wouldn’t you think, Bama?"

Bama T: "Toddy, boy, any gym rat worth his salt knows you stretch before strenuous exercise! First, you stretch yourself… THEN, you stretch your opponent! You don’t want them pulling something… like a win outta nowhere!"

Marisol Vilaro forces The Master of Minds into a deep abdominal bend!

And one!

And two!

And th-

CRACK! Mastermind cradles his lower back, falling to his knees, as Marisol neatly transitions into a surfboard stretch!

Todd: "Ooof, I think the fans in the back row could hear that disc shift!"

Bama T: "MM’s no slouch, but he’s still fiddy years old, baby! His spine ain’t got the cushion cartilage it once got!!"

Mastermind grits his teeth as Marisol Vilaro yanks his arms behind his back, driving a knee into his spine!

The official approaches MM, asking if he’d like to continue…

MM’s face twists, teeth gnashing in pain… As Marisol Vilaro adds additional torque to his spine!

Todd: "Mastermind is in a lotta pain here!"

Bama T: "As they say in the Vilaro System infomercials, No Pain? NO GAIN!"

Vilaro raises her knee into the air, aiming to drive it straight into Mastermind’s spine…

When all at once, MM powers his arms forward and HEAVES VILARO UP AND OVER HIS HEAD, onto her well-toned ass!

Snapmare Takedown!

Bama T: "Great Horny Toads! That’s no easy feat, the counter MM just pulled!"

Todd: "This may be Mastermind’s last run, but he’s truly never looked stronger!"

As Vilaro sits on the mat, stunned by Mastermind’s counter, MM hits the ropes…

Bounces off…

And connects with a boot straight to the back of Vilaro’s head!

She flops facedown onto the mat!

Mastermind drops into a cover, driving his elbow into Vilaro’s face!

The official counts!



THR-NO! Vilaro does an abdominal crunch with perfect form, driving her shoulders off the mat, pressing the larger Kiwi off!

Bama T: "Perfect crunch technique! That’s the Vilaro System in ACK-SHAWN!!"

Mastermind, getting frustrated with his opponent treating this like just another workout, stands up, yanking his opponent’s arm above her head… and delivering a PUMMELING FIST to the back of her neck!

Vilaro’s vertebrae crunches as she seethes in pain from that strike!

Bama T: "Dag nab! The ol’ Mastermind woulda… i dunno, pulled some weird prank! Or called his henchmen to do his dirty work!"

Todd: "Mastermind is going it alone and it is working tonight!"

Mastermind scoops his opponent off her feet by the scruff of her neck… He hoists her off her feet…

Aaaaaaaaaand SIDEWALK SLAM! Marisol’s back gets CRUSHED under the weight of the Triple Crown Champion!

Mastermind hooks the leg, stretching Vilaro’s leg against her prone body!

The official counts!



THR-NO! Once more Vilaro sits up! Mastermind shoves her back against the mat, clearly frustrated at Vilaro’s stamina and conditioning!

Todd: "The Vilaro System calls… *shuffles papers*... three hours of cardio a day… And they are paying off tonight! Vilaro’s engine has no quit!"

Bama T: "But, how long can she hang on with Mastermind mastering his offense?!"

Mastermind pulls Vilaro by her yoga pants’ waist up off the mat… Bending at the waist in pain…

Mastermind points to the sky, signalling for a BIG strike move!

Nessa looks away from her compact mirror long enough to see her client in trouble!

Mastermind backs toward the ropes… He boun-

Nessa reaches in and grasps at the Master of Mind’s ankle!

Todd: "Interference from the Vilaro camp!"

Bama T: "Oh, tweren’t nothing, Toddrick! Nessa just saw Mastermind’s poor running form and couldn’t help but coach him!"

The crowd rains down boos, as Mastermind spins around, seething menacingly at his opponent’s manager who terrified releases his ankle, backing away with both hands defensively…

With Mastermind’s back turned, Vilaro leaps across the ring like a pouncing lion… Latches onto the Kiwi’s back…

And yanks him to the mat AGAINST HER KNEES! BACKSTABBER!

Mastermind rolls onto his front… His hand reaches up to cradle his aching back…

Todd: "Marisol continues to work over Mastermind’s spine!"

Bama T: "Can you blame her, Toddy? He’s a fiddy year old man! But, if he starts on the Vilaro Back-and-Arms system, in six short months, he’ll have the spinal health of a coll-e-gee-ate athlete!"

Todd: "...Bama, are you reading advertising copy right now?"

Vilaro smiles, circling her opponent as the crowd boos for her unsportsmanlike ambush!

She grabs Mastermind’s wrist… And SHOVES her boot against Mastermind’s jaw!

She yanks his back off the ground… THEN STOMPS STRAIGHT ONTO THE KIWI’S FACE!


…She raises her leg above her head!


The VilaróFit Facial!!!

Mastermind’s head rebounds off the mat, as he lays back exhausted…

Vilaro grins confidently, planting a boot onto MM’s chest, flexing her biceps as the crowd boos! Nessa snaps a picture for the Vilaro System social media Instagram!

The official counts!



THR-NO! Mastermind rolls his shoulder off the ground, refusing to quit!

Todd: "Incredible wherewithal by Mastermind, staying in this contest after that vicious onslaught of stomps from Marisol Vilaro!"

Bama T: "And Vilaro does not look happy about it!"

Indeed, Vilaro seems miffed that her opponent wants to keep fighting… And that her just ruined her Instagram post by kicking out when the camera flashed!

Vilaro wrenches Mastermind off the mat by his back, giving him no time to recover…

She hooks him into a front face lock… hooks the Kiwi’s leg into a knee bend…


Vilaróizer! (Fisherman’s suplex)

Vilaro bridges her back into a perfect arc as the official drops to count!



THRE-NO! Mastermind narrowly shoves his shoulder up, surviving once more!

Todd: "Mastermind digs deep and finds another kickout inside of him!"

Bama T: "But how much longer can he hang on against the full-body thrashing he’s getting from the Vilaro System!!"

Vilaro stands up, clearly frustrated that she hasn’t already won this match…

She stands up and STOMPS Mastermind in the stomach!

…Then, she grins to herself, like she’s got an idea!

She points at the top rope!

Todd: "Oh my! Vilaro looking to end things in the high-risk, high-reward district!"

Bama T: "Oooooooh, she gonna stomp that Kiwi into fruit juice!"

Vilaro quickly ascends the top rope as her manager, Nessa, claps approvingly!

She points to the sky… As Mastermind struggles to rise, with his back aching…

VILARO LEAPS, aiming a double-footed stomp STRAIGHT THROUGH MM’s chest…

BUT! MM rolls to the side out of harm’s way!

Vilaro’s feet hit nothing but mat!

She cradles her ankles… Rising to her feet…

But Mastermind grabs her from behind! And wraps a bicep around her neck!



Bama T: "BAH GAWD! Mastermind snatchin’ control! Like a possum layin’ in wait!"

Todd: "Vilaro held all the cards just a few moments ago! And now she’s in deep trouble!"

Vilaro’s arms shake, trying to fight out!

Mastermind tightens his grip!

Todd: "*shuffles papers* Marisol Vilaro allegedly has the lung capacity twice that of a non-Vilaro System user!"

Bama T: "But even she has to breathe, Toddy!"

Marisol’s arms… start to go limp…

This could be it!

Wait! Nessa leaps onto the apron with her compact mirror…



Bama T: "Or experimental corrective eye surgery!"

The official dashes over to get Vilaro’s manager off the apron!

As MM covers his eyes from the light… loosening his grip on the sleeper!

Vilaro gets a lungful of air…



Nessa drops back off the apron, and the official turns around…

Just as Vilaro hooks MM’s arms over his head in an underhook front facelock..



Bama T: "What athleticism! What poise! What a winner Marisol Vilaro is!"

Todd: "You mean, Cheater! She and Nessa just played the numbers game on Mastermind!"

Vilaro rolls the Kiwi onto his back, hooking the leg…

The official counts…



SOMEHOW, Mastermind gets a shoulder-up!

A nano-second too late!


Nessa leaps onto the apron, stepping under the middle rope, clapping excitedly for her client!

Vilaro has her arm raised by the official, before she flexes like a bodybuilder for the disapproving crowd!

Todd: "Mastermind chose to go it alone! And he came within inches of stealing a huge win! But the damn numbers game got h-"

Bama T: "Oh HUSH, Toddy! Tonight is about TOTAL SUCCESS! The Vilaro System Works! And it worked like a charm tonight! There is only ONE winner in this match! And it is Marisol Vilaro!"

The arena erupts as a blast of red, white, and blue pyrotechnics lights up the stage, signaling the arrival of the MAGAPOWERS. 

Todd: "Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves! The arena is absolutely electrifying as the MAGAPOWERS make their grand entrance!"

Bama T: "That's right, baby! Just look at Madison Dyson, soaking up the adoration with every step—she’s a queen in her own right here on Anarchy!"

Madison Dyson confidently struts down the ramp, waving regally to the cheering fans.

Todd: "And there's Misty Waters, never one to be outdone!"

Close behind, Misty Waters charges out, her own robe trimmed with red, white, and blue tassels.

Bama T: "Just look at her, baby! Misty Waters embodies the energy and flair that makes the MAGAPOWERS such a crowd favorite!

Madison ascends the steps as Misty leaps onto the apron, pointing triumphantly to the sky.

Inside the ring, they stand back-to-back, each gesturing grandly to the crowd. 

As the arena lights dim, the familiar eerie metal tune kicks in, and lime green lasers slice through the darkness, setting the stage for 'The Dark Warrior' Micheal Graves. Except tonight, the sinister ambiance is undercut by an unmistakable air of satire.

Todd: "You know, Bama, something's off tonight. Last time we saw Graves, he was in pretty bad shape—gravely injured, and wasn’t there a... clown involved with some gruesome antics post show too?"

Bama T: "Absolutely, Todd, but you're missing the crucial part! Graves is known for coming back from the dead, baby! Now, if you ask me, losing a few organs might just explain why our 'Dark Warrior' looks a bit... shorter tonight."

Micheal Graves strides out with an exaggerated tiptoe. The XTron flashes its usual montage of haunting visuals as Miss Furry and Peter Parkour follow out, their presence almost an afterthought.

As they make their way down the ramp, Graves' overly dramatic clutching at the air and lunging at imaginary foes turn the entrance into a slapstick parody of itself.

Upon reaching the ring, Flynn flings his cape as if it were about to reveal a flock of bats flying from underneath—but it just falls limply to the floor.

Todd: "I don’t know, Bama—since when does Graves try to spook his foes with tiptoes and cape theatrics?"

Graves hops over the top rope and begins stalking around the ring, trying to emulate the typical menacing demeanor of his entrance. He throws taunts towards the MAGAPOWERS lingering at ringside.

Bama T: "Adversity breeds innovation, Todd! Maybe he’s just adapting his style to his new... dimensions. Either way, he’s giving those MAGAPOWERS a piece of his mind, even if he is a little less of him than before."

Meanwhile, Miss Furry and Peter Parkour awkwardly shuffle into their corner, mostly unnoticed.

- vs -


Misty Waters and Miss Furry start this contest!

Miss Furry tries to intimidate with her quirky furry antics, but Misty looks utterly unimpressed. With a smirk, Misty quickly sidesteps an awkward swipe from Miss Furry, countering with a swift and precise dropkick that sends Miss Furry stumbling back into the ropes.


Misty pounces Miss Furry in the ropes, delivering a crushing spinning back-fist that knocks the bearded cat-lady silly! Misty continues her assault, whipping Miss Furry into the corner and following up with a running knee. Miss Furry collapses into a heap, and Misty stands over her, shaking her head in disdain. Instead of ending the match, she gestures at Graves, wondering if this is really the best his student can produce.

Todd: “Misty doesn’t seem very impressed with Miss Furry and she’s letting Gravy know it!”

Misty hauls Miss Furry over to the lower turnbuckle, and sets her up for, "American History Yikes." As she positions Miss Furry's head against the turnbuckle, preparing for the devastating curbstomp, she pauses, giving Graves a mocking wave.

Todd: "Misty’s setting up for one of Madison’s trademark moves, presumably to send a message!!"

With a running start, Misty delivers the "American History Yikes"!!!

Madison is overjoyed on the apron as Miss Furry crumples to the mat, writhing in pain as crimson blood stains her beard.

Graves steps through the ropes, but the official is right there to order him back to the apron.

Misty nonchalantly places her foot on Miss Furry’s chest, staring defiantly at Graves the entire time.

The official slides into position!



But before the three count, Misty lifts her foot, breaking the pin herself. She isn’t done yet.

Bama T: "She pulled her up, Todd! Misty’s looking to make  a statement or something, baby!"

Misty drags Miss Furry to her corner, tagging in her teammate with a smirk.

Todd: “Here comes the Anarchy Champion, Bama!”

Bama T: “The most regal–AND–easy on the eyes champ ever, baby!”

Madison Dyson enters the ring with a arrogant strut. She grabs the groggy Miss Furry by her matted bloody beard, dragging her to the center of the ring. With exaggerated disdain, Madison slaps Miss Furry across the face, over and over again, challenging Graves to watch his protege's dismantling.

Todd: "This is almost painful to watch!"

Madison whips Miss Furry into the ropes and on the rebound, executes a perfectly timed swinging neckbreaker. Miss Furry hits the mat hard, clutching her neck. Madison covers for the pin, her smirk never leaving her face.





As Madison recovers from the shock of the impact, Peter grabs Furry’s arm and drags her into their corner, where he steps through the ropes and reaches for the tag—CLAP!!!

Todd: “Peter Parkour is the legal man!”

Madison, now back to her feet, smirks as she mockingly begs the “Spider-Boy” to “Bring It”.

Peter doesn’t hesitate. First, he launches himself into the ring with a springboard arm drag that sends Madison hurling across the ring. As she recovers and charges towards him, Peter counters with a nimble backflip that dodges her attempted clothesline, drawing cheers from the crowd.

Todd: "Look at Peter Parkour go! It’s like watching a superhero movie come to life!"

Bama T: “Hold on, hold up, hold the phone and my bologna sandwich too—GRAVES TRAINED THIS GUY!?!”

As Madison turns to face him, still off-balance from her missed attack, Peter uses the ropes again, this time with a springboard moonsault that flattens her to the mat. He quickly follows up with a series of agile, acrobatic kicks, each one snapping sharply as it connects with Madison’s shoulders and head.

Bama T: "He’s flippin’ and flyin’ all over, baby! Madison can’t pin him down! Who knew Gravy had it in him to breed a champion, baby!"

Madison tries to regain control, but Peter’s speed is overwhelming. He leaps onto the middle rope, spinning around to face her and nails a stunning tornado DDT, driving Madison into the mat. The crowd erupts as Peter kips up, feeding off of their energy.

Seeing her partner in trouble, Misty rushes into the ring, aiming to stop Peter’s high-flying assault, but Peter catches Misty with a drop toe hold that sends her face first into the second turnbuckle. He then quickly rolls her up with a schoolboy pin, but the referee explains that he has to pin Madison.

Peter releases Misty, not wasting any moment, and turns his attention back to Madison, who is slowly getting to her feet. Peter climbs to the top rope, the crowd’s going nuts. He signals to them, and then leaps for–presumably–his finishing move, the Arachna-Splash!!!

Bama T: "Here it comes! This could be it!"

But as he springs into his leap, he loses his footing. His body twists awkwardly as he falls, missing Madison by more than a few feet, and crashing face first onto the mat.

Todd: "Oh no, that looked bad, really bad. Medical might need to check on him!"

Peter lies there motionless as the referee leans in to check him out, but Madison, being impatient, shoves the referee out of the way and pulls Pete to his feet.

Bama T: "You hate to see this, Todd. Let’s hope it’s not as bad as it looks."

With a sneer, Madison drags the limp Peter to his corner, throwing him down at Graves' feet like a sack of potatoes. She smirks at Graves as she taunts him to enter the match.

With his eyes locked on Madison, he reaches down to tag Peter's hand.

Todd: "And here comes 'The Dark Warrior'! Graves is finally entering this match, but what’s his odds look like now that his handicap advantage has seemingly flipped?"

Bama T: "I’m not liking Gravy’s chances, Todd—Madison and Misty have been running a clinic out there tonight, baby!"

Graves storms into the ring with a sharp Knee Lift, catching Madison off-guard as she doubles over and stumbles. With the smooth transition of a seasoned fighter, Graves quickly follows up with the Atomic Drop.

Todd: "Graves seems to be working outside of his usual repertoire!"

Bama T: “Maybe we got this backwards—MAYBE Peter Parkour has been training Gravy!?”

Without a moment’s hesitation, Graves steps to the apron and lands a brutal Knee to the Skull. Madison clutches her head, visibly shaken by the unexpected onslaught from Micheal Graves.

As Madison tries to shake off the effects, Graves doesn’t let up. He grabs her from behind for a Greco-Roman Neckbreaker. 

Bama T: "That’s a signature Flynn move there! Graves is really benefiting from taking him on as a student! Hey—maybe THAT’S who’s been raising everyone’s game!?!"

The impact sends Madison sprawling, and Graves quickly covers for a pin.



Madison kicks out, but Graves maintains control, pulling her up only to set her down again with a perfectly executed Inside Cradle, showing off his sudden and deep understanding of wrestling mechanics.

Graves hoists Madison up and delivers a Pulling Piledriver and hooks her leg for another pin attempt.



Again Madison kicks out!

Todd: "Madison Dyson is tough, but Graves is on fire right now!"

Before Graves can continue, Misty Waters sneaks into the ring and delivers a sneaky Low Blow!!! The illegal move goes unseen by the referee, giving Madison the crucial seconds she needs to recover.

Bama T: "Dirty move by Misty, but it’s all about survival now for Gravy!"

With Graves temporarily incapacitated, Madison quickly regains her footing. She launches into a series of sharp leg kicks, targeting Graves’ knees. With Graves hobbled, Madison circles back, lashes out with a Step-Up Enzuigiri, catching Graves squarely on the back of the head.

Madison doesn’t pause, dragging the reeling Graves towards the center of the ring. She sets him up and launches herself into the ropes, coming back with a punishing Hair-Pull Airplane Swing that sends Graves spinning across the mat.

Bama T: "Madison’s back in control, baby!"

With Graves reeling, Madison pulls him up by the hair and hooks his head under her arm, preparing for her lethal finishing move, the "Dead Bitch Walkin'" Cross Slam.

Todd: "Madison's setting it up! This could spell the end for Graves!"

With a powerful heave, Madison lifts Graves, but just as she's about to slam him down, a commotion at ringside draws the crowd’s attention. Members of the January 6th crowd that the MAGAPOWERS radicalized are hopping over the barricade. But instead of causing chaos, they're bizarrely calm, pulling out phones to snap selfies and even approaching the commentary desk for handshakes.

Bama T: "What in the world? They're supposed to be here to 'Stop the Steal,' not start a meet and greet!"

The referee, noticing the disruption, steps to the ropes to try and gain control over the intruders. Madison executes the Cross Slam and goes for the pin, but there’s no referee to count. She screams in frustration, her face turning a shade of red as she slams her hands on the mat.

Todd: "Madison’s got the pin, but where’s the ref? Oh, no count tonight!"

Madison gets up furiously and starts shouting at the referee, pointing at the interlopers who are now casually chatting with Todd and Bama at ringside. As she argues, Misty Waters springs to action, sliding out of the ring and confronting the rioters as she tries to herd them back over the barricade.

Bama T: "Misty's playing security now! This isn't what they expected when they called for backup!"

Meanwhile, Madison continues to berate the referee, her attention split between the official and the unwanted guests. She turns back to Graves, intent on finishing the job, unaware that he’s slowly pulling himself together after the slam.

Todd: "Graves isn't out of this yet! Madison better turn around fast!"

As Misty attempts to manage the chaos at ringside, the rioters seem more interested in capturing the spectacle on their phones than participating in any sort of disruptive behavior. They're waving at the cameras and even asking for autographs from the stunned ringside staff.

Bama T: "I think these folks got the wrong memo, Todd! They think it's fan appreciation night!"

Madison, still seething, yells at the rioters before returning her focus to Graves. However, her frustration has cost her precious time, and Gravy is back to his feet!

As Madison Dyson prepares to re-engage with Micheal Graves, the crowd's attention is suddenly diverted to the entrance ramp. A figure that radiates pure evil appears in the bluest of pantsuits, with microphone in hand—and her eyes blazing towards the ring with the red hot fury of 1000 suns.

Todd: "It's Hillary Clinton! Micheal Graves former employer!"

Bama T: "Wasn't Gravy trafficking children through the Clinton Foundation at one point!?"

Todd: "Yes..."

Bama T: "...Damn, baby..."

With a commanding and powerful point towards the action, Hillary shouts into the mic, "Enough of these violent insurrectionists! 


At her command, a wave of Antifa "soldiers" bursts through the curtain—armed with molotovs, ball-bats, and crowbars. 

They surge to ringside and into the crowd, not just targeting the Jan 6th intruders but causing havoc in the crowd as they fight with MAGAPOWERS fans as well.

Todd: "This is turning into a full-scale riot! Somebody's gotta stop this madness!"

Bama T: “It’s ANARCHY, Toddrick—THIS IS FINE, BABY!!!”

The sounds of screams and breaking glass filling the arena. Misty Waters, who was previously trying to manage the Jan 6th rioters, finds herself caught in the melee, as an Antifa member swings a crowbar dangerously close to her head as she ducks away.

Inside the ring, Graves and Madison continue their battle. Madison unleashes a flurry of aggressive strikes that leave Graves rocked. She lands a vicious eye rake that blinds him, followed by a series of leg kicks, pushing Graves back against the ropes. She sets him up for another "Dead Bitch Walkin'" Cross Slam, lifting him high into the air.

Todd: "Madison's not letting the riot at ringside distract her one bit!"

Bama T: "She's a champion because she knows how to keep her eye on the prize, Troddrick!"

But before she can execute her finisher, an ANTIFA member slips through the ropes, unnoticed by Madison or the referee who's distracted by the literal riot outside. 

With a vicious swing, the soldier cracks a glass bottle over Madison's head. Madison drops Gravy, who falls to a heap as she crumples to the mat, stunned and disoriented.


Graves shakes off the cobwebs and sizes up the vulnerable Madison. He grabs her, hoisting her up in his arms before spinning her around and slamming her to the mat with a picture perfect "Graves Consequences"!!!

Todd: "Graves Consequences! He's got her!"

Graves hooks both legs as he mounts a suggestive pin. 

The referee, finally turning his attention back to the ring, slides into position for the count.





Not Graves, but Oswald's music hits, no orchestra this time....

TODD: "Hold on, Bama! What now?!"

From under the ring, Oz emerges, surprising everyone. He immediately starts wreaking havoc, charging at Graves with a ruthless lariat that flips the "Dark Warrior" inside-out! He then turns his attention to Miss Furry and delivers a massive forearm blast that sends her sprawling across the mat.

Peter Parkour is still ded from earlier...

BAMA T: "Oswald is cleaning house, baby! Nobody's safe tonight!"

He looks at both Madison and Misty as they watch on, before charging after them, only for them to slide under the ring and he follows suit. 

The two run away from Oswald, who eventually catches up to them, with Misty diving out of the way as Oz hits Madison with a powerful pounce, throwing her so hard she flies off the stage into the crowd!

TODD: "Madison was just hit by a freight train! Oh my god, what a pounce!"

BAMA T: "That’s gotta hurt, Todd. Madison just took a flight courtesy of Oswald!"

Oswald, standing back up quickly, turns his attention to Misty Waters, who gets up and tries to land a couple punches at the giant mountain of human standing before her.

TODD: "This is not looking good for Misty!"

He grabs her by the throat, only to place his other hand on the inner left thigh and throwing her up into the air, only to catch her and hit her with a Samoan Drop onto the ramp!

BAMA T: "Oh man, a Samoan Drop on the ramp! Oswald is a one-man wrecking crew, baby!"

Oz stands up, admiring the carnage he left upon the group, watching as security try to contain him and some keeping the crowd and rioters away from Madison.

TODD: "Security's got their hands full trying to contain this mess!"

At the top of the ramp Oz grins wide, before letting out a loud a triumphant roar.

BAMA T: "Oswald might have just declared war on everyone tonight, Todd!"

TODD: "Absolute chaos here tonight, folks, but we’re out of time. Tune into—”


Matches—Mark Flynn

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09-06-2024, 06:53 AM

This is a win for Demopublicrats everywhere!

This is why we can’t have nice things, idiot.

I had a nice thing once 😭
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