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Dionysus Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-16-2024, 09:37 PM

Good news; none of my tires were slashed, nor was the car keyed up in any way.

Bad news; I'm pretty sure Jacob stole my CDs.

...Oh well, not like any of them were of sentimental value. I'll just replace them later...or listen to them some other way, I suppose.

I brought it to the mechanic for routine maintenance, but by the time I had returned to the cities they were just closing up. Leaving the car in the lot, I called a cab and was brought to my apartment in the cities. With all the travel I do, and the vineyard being too far of a drive from the airport, I needed a place I could crash while I hopped planes. It was cheaper in the long run than constantly chartering, after all.

The apartment wasn't anything fancy; it was a one-bedroom built from a renovated warehouse. It didn't offer much of a view, which was dominated by one wall of Target Field and not much else. It had high ceilings, but aside from the bathroom, the walls didn't connect from top to bottom, making it less than ideal for company. But for what I was using it for, as a space to stay while I waited to travel, it served its purpose well.

And I still made it my own home, of course.

I kept a few sentimental photos in this apartment. Nothing as precious as film; if any of it were damaged I could replace it easily. But the photos themselves, the memories that they represented, was what mattered the most. The three that stood out were of William and The Many Faces out at the vineyard, my mother and her husband Benjamin at their wedding...

...And a picture of myself and my father, hours before I left Cambodia.

I wonder if he actually decided to make the move...I really should-

Before I could finish my thought, there was a knock at my door. Confused, I checked my watch for the time.

10:28 PM.

I had some music playing quietly in the background, and for kicks I was burning some incense to help me relax. Maybe one of the neighbors decided to pick a fight now that I was here. Well, I'm not going to let them ruin my relaxation time.

Preparing myself to face off against an annoyed resident, I took a glimpse through the peephole to see who was at my door.

To my surprise, I saw Elli, dressed in loose-fitting jeans and an old t-shirt.

I unlocked and opened the door, saying, "Hey, I-uhh..."

I stopped talking as Elli quickly ran inside. Without putting up an argument, I shut the door and locked it, then went into the kitchen. "Do you want tea? Coffee? Water?" I asked loudly. With no answer to follow, I filled two glasses with water and walked over to the sofa. She was sitting there with her legs tucked in under her chin. I set the glasses on the coffee table and sat beside her. She was nervously rubbing her legs and realized she was probably cold.

"Did you...get my messages?" she finally asked.

Panicking, I checked my phone and saw a dozen missed messages. "Oh, I'm sorry; I'm traveling soon for work and I needed to finalize my arrangements tonight. I didn't mean to-"

"No, its okay," Elli assured, sad as she was. "Its probably better to talk it out anyway."

"...Yeah," I replied. "You're probably right."

Despite our agreement, we spent the next few minutes in silence. Then, she said, "Jacob, he...he threw me out."

"Why did he do that?"

"Take three guesses, D," she replied understandably snide. "Or better yet, you can tell me what happened between the two of you when you left for Rome." She stared daggers into my eyes, saying, "He told me about your conversation at the station. Want to tell me what that was?"

I sighed loudly. I wanted to have this conversation sooner, but I figured, given the circumstances, she would have been told eventually. "Jacob has it in his head that we're more than just friends. He confronted me about it while walking me to the station."

"Well, what did you tell him?"

"What could I tell him, Elli?" I pointed out in frustration. "The guy thinks we're secretly lovers and nothing I was going to say in that moment was going to change his mind. He ambushed me with his questions and unfortunately, I hadn't quite made it to a notary to get my sworn affidavit signed."

"You don't need to joke about this, you know."

"You're right, I don't, but you know he's being ridiculous with all of this," I added. "He's letting his own inadequacies and doubts about your relationship affect his thinking, trying to find some thing or someone to blame other than himself. It isn't something I'm just gonna sit down and take on the chin, especially after-" I deliberately cut myself off.

Elli tilted her head, asking "Especially after what?"

I rubbed my face with my hands. "Especially after...we talked." I turned to face her, continuing, "Look, whatever happened after that chat, that's my fault. Something about us being close friends makes him upset. And I'm not going to force anyone to choose between me and someone you also care about. But you have to admit," I paused, gesturing at the apartment, "You showing up here otherwise unannounced probably isn't selling the idea to him."

Elli and I simply stared at one another for another uncomfortable beat of silence. Finally, she sighed and nodded, saying, "'re probably right. I just didn't know where else to go, and...well..."

"Hey, its alright, really," I assured, placing a hand on her shoulder. "My doors are always going to be open to you."

She smiled thinly. "Thanks, D. You're too good to me."

"Do you have anyone else you can stay with while you guys sort this out?"

"Well, Uncle Johannes lives about an hour away from here-"

"You're telling me he commutes?" Well now I feel even more like shit; I tried scheduling early morning meetings just so I could avoid having to cancel last minute for a flight. I should probably thank him in some way.

"Yeah, but he doesn't mind...but for my job, I have clients I also meet very early in the morning. I need to be down here with plenty of time to go see those clients."

An idea then hit me. "Why not stay here?"

Elli blinked. "B...but you just said-"

"No, what I mean is," I explained, "I'll be traveling for a bit and could use a house sitter. Those plants are atrocious and in some dire need of tender loving care."

"...I dunno, D; it doesn't sound like-"

"It'll just be for a few days while I'm away. That should give you some time to make other arrangements if you want to." Elli tried speaking again to object, but I cut her off by holding a hand up. "Really, its no trouble. I have a spare key and I'll let you know when I get back."

Elli's expression changed from tormented to relieved. She slowly set her feet on the floor, and with a look of quiet appreciation, she said to me, "I'm really glad we're friends, D. You're always there to take care of me when I need it most." She leaned over next to me, wrapping her arms around me for a hug. "Thank you so much."

"Y-you're welcome," I replied, stammering out of the unexpected hug, but returning it all the same. I felt the full weight of her pressed against me; it seemed like she was squeezing her stress away...not exactly how I wanted to learn just how strong she was, but I could think of worse ways. As we pulled away, I said, "How about a movie? I just got some bad kung-fu tapes not too long ago."

"How about one of my favorites?" Elli said, exaggeratedly blinking.

I sighed. "Fine. Cool Hand Luke it is."

I woke up to the dull glow of the television.

I guess I had slept through the movie. And I sure as hell needed the sleep.

Looking at the clock, it was 3:36 AM. I groaned; I hated waking up in the middle of the night.

I tried getting up off the couch to move, but I felt a weight on my chest. As I looked down, I saw the top of Elli's head. I guess we fell asleep together on the couch. The haze from my drowsiness quickly dissipated; I didn't want to disturb her sleep, but I also didn't think it would be a good idea for the two of us to spend the night like this. Her relationship with Jacob was already strained; I didn't want to make things worse than they already are.

"Hey, Elli," I whispered, lightly shaking her shoulder.

"Mmm..." she stirred, grabbing onto me tighter and making it that much harder to get off the couch.

"Elli, come on," I urged.

She yawned and looked up at me. In her half-asleep stupor, she said, "You're comfy, D."

"Yes yes, the ginger is a good pillow," I joked quietly. "Now come on; you can take my bed and I'll sleep on the couch."

"Whaaaaaa? Nooooo, Ima gueeeest," Elli said while fighting her drowziness.

"Joke's on you," I replied, "The couch is more comfortable." She propped herself up as I slid off the couch. "Are you able to stand?" I asked, holding a hand out.

She took a hold of it, and I helped her to her feet. She stood, waving slightly and saying, "Yeah...I think I'm go-"

She let out a small yelp as she stumbled into me. I rolled my eyes, saying, "Alright, I'll help you out," and without warning, I scooped her up into my arms. Surprised, she wrapped one arm around my shoulders so she wouldn't fall. "But don't tell anyone about this, you hear?"

" most gallant knight," she mocked.

"Har har," I said with resignation. I slowly carried her through the apartment into the bedroom, setting her down in front of the door. "Think you can make it there?"

She nodded sleepily, but did not go into the room. "Look, I get it isn't the most pleasant smelling room in existence, but-"

She shook her head. "D...could you...stay with me tonight? I don't want to be alone."

I will admit, for a split second, the offer was tempting. In not the first moment in my life, but the first in most recent history, someone has asked me to sleep in the same room as them. And as tempting as that offer was...I knew it would be a huge mistake. I gently placed my hands on her shoulders, saying, "Elli...we both know that's a bad idea."

Elli nodded, disappointed. "Yeah...I know..."

I couldn't help but notice she was rubbing her foot on the back of her opposite leg.

I don't think she's deliberately trying to get me to come to bed with her. She looks half-awake and maybe doesn't realize what she's saying.

...Unless that's what she wants me to think...

...No. If she's being deceptive that's bad on her, and I know she wouldn't do that. And if she really is half-awake, I don't want to run the risk of her thinking I took advantage. "I'm sorry...its just, with things the way they are, y'know?"

"Yeah, I...I get it," Elli said, stifling a yawn. "Well, I should get some real sleep. Good night, D. And thanks again."

"Any time, Elli," I replied. "Oh, and make sure you don't wear those jeans to bed; wouldn't want you to overheat."

"Hmm...that would be a good idea. Do you think you could-"

"Shut the door so I don't need to see you change? Of course, GOOD NIGHT," I said rapidly before I closed the door on her. Even half-awake, she could still be a spitfire.

Chuckling to myself, I stumbled my way back to the couch. As my eyes readjusted to the darkness, I stared at the pictures on the mantle.

There I was, sitting with the memories of the people I care most about...with another in the room next door.

And I finally understood what peace was.

I didn't need to show off for anyone anymore. No need for extravagant riches. I had everything I ever wanted in this one place.

Now I can do things just for me. And it felt...good.

That thought carried me back into unconsciousness.

The days of wine and roses seem so far off these days.

The pressure of standing out.

The longing to achieve my goals and dreams.

I will admit this to you all; these are the moments where resolve can easily waiver.

The moments where man or woman would sink to any level they possibly could, simply to see the results they truly crave.

I am a firm believer in shaping my own destiny. I feel no obligation to prove myself to anyone. Not in XWF. Not in this entire business. Only one person is owed this obligation.

And that is to myself.

The only thing I acceptance.

But what does that mean, acceptance?

Is it the praise and adoration that comes with stardom? Is it having a devout following that will hang on your every word, right or wrong?

Perhaps it means less than that. Perhaps it is simply enough to achieve the respect of your peers without even getting closer.

An entire industry where we are isolated.




It is the same feelings you feel, isn't it Aurora?

Back from the edges of humanity, chasing a similar high to my own. We share that similarity.

However, that is where it ends.

I wear my heart on my sleeve. I hide nothing of my motives or intentions from others. When I say I am The Catalyst, I mean it. The only problem with this, I have discovered, is that being the start of something does not mean you are also meant to carry that momentum on. It is passed, like a torch, from one group to the next.

And as I continue to chase the proof of my proclamation, you come along, shrouded in a pointless mystery.

"Who are you?"

"Why are you here?"

All meaningless, in your eyes.

You can claim to have all the skill in the world. You can even claim to be a veteran of the ring, if that title suits you.

But there is one thing I have that you lack.


It is a simple-minded goal to only pursue the path of violence. It amounts to so much of our body of work, after all. No one gets into this business not expecting to have to dish out punishment.

But that energy becomes misplaced...if a goal is not attached to it.

And this is where you struggle.

You are juggling with the idea of what your identity means to you. Is it enough to abandon everything you once were? To simply be a mindless machine of melee mayhem?

Or does another soul live beneath that iron mask of yours?

Something that yearns to come out. That same praise and adoration. The high that comes when our arms are raised at the end of it all. You still want to cling to your experiences in the past, all while tossing aside what made you who you were to begin with.

Its that split-headed thinking that leads me to conclude your lack of conviction.

Violence for its own sake will get you nowhere. Especially not with me.

I have worked too hard to better myself. To find my weaknesses and shore them up to the best of my ability. It is not easy, but it is honest work, something I am more than capable of doing.

Even when I stumble and fall, I can get back up and keep moving. I don't need to bind myself to one moment in time to see how success has blessed me and my gifts.

To hold those thoughts in my heart and mind is what puts me a step ahead of so many others.

It is a hard lesson I had to teach myself.

And one I am happy to beat into you.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I am determined, now more than ever, to show the world just what weight the name Dionysus carries. It is unfortunate that this proof has to happen to you in a moment where you are simultaneously returning to the ring and debuting in Warfare all at once.

So don't think of this match as once you absolutely need to win.

Because you won't.

So relax.

Enjoy yourself.

Use the time in the ring to figure out who you truly are.

And when I'm done with you, there is a phantom of my past that I must reconcile reclaim what I once made my own.

A man can only be humbled so many times.

Now, it is your turn to be humbled.

[Image: Many-Faces.png]
1x XWF Xtreme Champion (November 2023)
2x XWF Television Champion (May/August 2023)
2x RP of the Month (March/October 2023)
2023 Rookie of the Year
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