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Who cares about titles?
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Mastermind Offline
Active in XWF

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Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

07-29-2024, 07:39 AM

The live feed to the camera is turn on, and we see pitch black. The camera can’t tell where it is. Suddenly a figure fills the dark screen.

“First of all I hope none of you is afraid of the dark, or dark corridors, or the shadows.”

The figure laughs menacingly and the feed is cut.

A few moments later the feed resumes, but the scene is somewhere else, dark. Very dark, and once again a figure fills the dark screen.

“This is my very first match of 2024. For now I am alone. There is no other Misfits about. They will come back to me all in good time.”

Once again the figure laughs, one again it is menacingly, and once again the feed cuts out.

A few minutes later the feed resumes, but once again it is somewhere very different. Once again it is dark. The figure once again fills the screen. He looks at the camera like he is looking up and down, and then sideways.

“I told XWF management that I wanted to return, but in my own way. I didn’t want to be a part of no title hunt, yet. I didn’t want to be a part of any action outside of just one and one. But yet again, management defies me. Yet again management goes beyond it’s scope.”

“I am placed in a title hunt for the Anarchy belt, my very first match back. Oh of course I have.”

“I am a former Anarchy champion, so I know what to expect when it comes to the Anarchy title. So very few of you, don’t. Don’t know what it is like to be an Anarchy champion.”

The figure laughs manically again, and the feed cuts.

When the feed resumes once again we are a different location, even though the scene is pure darkness the camera can tell it is a different location. Once again the figure fills the screen with a intimidating smile.

“Let’s look back before we can move forwards. Of those currently put in this match by management, only three people, Centurion, Mr Oz, and myself have held the Anarchy title aloft, while the rest of you could only stand by, and watch.’’

The piercing eyes pieced through the darkness much harder.

“And out of all those people, I want so badly, is Centurion. I have never beaten him. But I am due a win against him so badly, and if he thinks for one second that he can laud it over me, then….. DON’T. Is all I have to say about that.”

“Centurion, you think you are the high and mighty then think again. You think you have what it takes, then come into the darkness, and peel back the layers to catch me, because you won’t be able to.”

“As for the rest of you competing in this Over the top rope Battle Royal thing, Summer Page, Cameron Park, Mr Oz, Big Preesh, Razor Blade, Misty Waters, Dick Drizzle, Madison Dyson, Marisol Vilaro, and who ever else wants to join like this other Mystery Entrant then think again.”

“I don’t fear anyone, I don’t fear any of you so called agents of paradise. You will all be wrong. Because you all don’t see it. I’m standing right in front of you, crazier of all mother fookers, and when I’m through with each and every one of you, you will all realize that the Master of Minds is back in the XWF. At the moment because I chose to be, by myself, trapped in the shadows, trapped in the waste lands that is called no man’s land, letting you all be trapped and having tears running down your face.”

The figure comes out of the darkness, and takes off his hood, to reveal himself to be none other than Mastermind. He smiles at the camera.

“I have proven myself these last ten years, but it’s never enough. I compete hard, and everyone that is everyone expects to lose. To lose more than I win, well this round it will be different. Very different. Same old Mastermind, but very different Mastermind.”

“I don’t care anymore, I wish I did, but I don’t. That says to me you will all find the new Mastermind hard to compete with. It’s time, it’s time.”’

“Come at me all you want and get me over the top rope, but I’m not going away any time soon, and you all will come to regret it.”

“Because I am the demon of your dreams, and I will be very brutal about the way I act.”

Mastermind smirks his infamous smirk before turning back and heading back into the darkness, and disappearing. The camera feed switches off one final time. Is it going to be the last?

Overall - 64 Wins 107 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 4 Wins 5 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 4 Wins 5 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals

February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month

Former 2x XWF Television Champion
Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020

50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020

100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023



Check out my page for victories and losses


[Image: misfits.png]

[Image: Misfits2.png]
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