Holden Payne
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XWF FanBase: Traditionalists (has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)
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Joined: Fri May 10 2024
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05-26-2024, 05:24 PM
Holden Payne stood in front of the doorway inside the locker room.
The faint hum of fluorescent lights above him the only sound as Holden took a deep breath and stepped out into the gym where the sound of leather gloves hitting heavy bags and the grunts of other fighters now filled the air, but Holden was focused solely on the man in front of him—his trainer, a seasoned MMA veteran who was waiting to test Holden's skills one last time before his in-ring and Pay-Per-View debut for the XWF at The Revelry.
As Holden approached, the trainer stood with his hands on his hips, shaking his head. "Holden, I still don't get why you're wasting your talent with pro wrestling. You've got the skills to go far in MMA—why throw it all away for that circus?"
Holden sighed, knowing this conversation was coming. "I don't think that XWF is wasting my talent. It's more like I'm finding the right place to showcase it. In wrestling, I don't have to worry about rounds or decisions by judges. Wrestling matches typically end with a decisive winner. That suits me better."
"Yeah, sure," the trainer replied, crossing his arms. "but wrestling comes with its own set of dangers. Lots of slippery characters in that profession, then there's no-holds-barred matches, cages, Leaps of Faith, and let's not forget the fact that pure grappling traditionally doesn't tend to fare well against punches and powerbombs."
Holden nodded, appreciating his trainer's concerns. "I know it's a different world, but that's exactly why I want to be there. I want to prove that my grappling can stand up to anything. I want to show that technique and skill can prevail, even in a chaotic environment such as the Xtreme Wrestling Federation."
The trainer shrugged, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Alright, let's see if you're ready for it."
Stepping into the ring, they circled each other, their eyes locks and muscles tensing.
Suddenly, the trainer feigned a low kick, causing Holden to instinctively lower his guard.
With a quick and unexpected move, the trainer chopped Holden in the throat and then, in a swift motion, the trainer had him in a deep guillotine choke.
Holden struggled as his breaths became shallow. Still, he refused to tap and prove his trainer right, and through the pain he fought to escape, but quick enough, the world around him began to blur and Holden's mind flashed back to a distant memory...
A young Holden, no more than ten years old, walked alone down a dusty road with his school books tucked under his arm. His face bearing the marks of previous scuffles as a group of five older boys approached, taunting and laughing at his expense.
"Hey, Payne! Think you’re tough, huh!?" one of them sneered before shoving Holden to the ground.
The others joined in, raining kicks and punches down on him.
Holden curled into a ball, trying to protect himself, but the attack was overwhelming.
"Not so tough now, are you?" the ringleader taunted as the group walked away, leaving Holden lying in the dirt, bruised and humiliated.
Holden lay there for what felt like hours, tears mixing with the dust on his face. Slowly, he pushed himself up, as a fire ignited within him—a determination to never feel this helpless again.
Back in the gym, Holden's eyes snapped open, and he focused on his present situation. Summoning every ounce of strength and technique, he began to twist his body, shifting his weight to relieve the pressure on his neck. He maneuvered his hips and managed to slip his head out of the trainer's grip, and with a swift movement, he transitioned into a dominant side control, locking his trainer in an armbar.
The trainer's eyes widened in surprise as Holden increased the pressure.
Unable to escape, the trainer tapped out.
Holden released the hold and stood up, breathing heavily but victorious. He extended a hand to help his trainer up, both of them sharing a moment of mutual respect.
The trainer rubbed his arm, wincing slightly as he got to his feet. "Nice move, Payne. You dug deep for that one. Maybe you are ready, but I still don't like it. This guy that you're facing, Mark Flynn, I've seen him in action. Great grappler, tough as nails, and craftier than you can imagine. He'll use every trick in the book to get the upper hand. You'd better be prepared for anything."
Holden nodded, but there was an undeniable glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "I've looked into Mark Flynn since he accepted my challenge at Warfare. I've watched his matches, studied his techniques. He's one of the best technical wrestlers in the XWF today. This is exactly the kind of challenge I've been looking for."
The trainer frowned with a deep concern in his eyes. "Mark Flynn's not just a great grappler, Holden. He relies heavily on underhanded tactics to win. He's not above using low blows, eye rakes, and anything else he can think of to get the advantage."
Holden just smiled in response. "I know. And I'm fine with that too. It's all part of the game, right? If I can handle someone like Mark Flynn, with all his tricks, tactics, and pure skill, then I'll be ready for anything this crazy world throws at me."
The trainer sighed, shaking his head. "Just remember, it's not going to be easy. Flynn's a seasoned veteran. He knows how to get into his opponent's head, make them even doubt themselves."
Holden's expression hardened. "I've been through worse. I've faced bullies, doubters, and obstacles to overcome all my life. This is just another test like the others, and I aim to pass it just like I passed your test today."
The trainer looked at Holden, seeing the resolve in his eyes. He knew that nothing he said would change Holden's mind. "Alright, then. Just promise me you'll stay focused. Don't let him get into your head. Stick to your training, trust your instincts, and be prepared to change it up on the fly. Mark Flynn's a tricky son-of-a-bitch for anyone to pin down, and a hell of a Herculean feat for a man wrestling his first match, but if you manage to come out the other side victorious, they'll be no denying your instant stardom."
Holden nodded firmly. "All of my life, I've been pushed around and told what I couldn't do. What I'd never be. Who I'd never be. I promise—I'll give Mark Flynn everything I've got, and I will come out the other side with the victory clutched firmly in my grip."
The trainer patted Holden on the back. "Good. Now go show them what Ironwood boys are made of!"
Holden smiled, feeling more ready than ever. "I will. And I'll make sure by the end of the night, everyone in the world knows the name Holden Payne."
As Holden walked away, towards the next phase of his journey, the trainer watched, silently hoping that if nothing else, his young protege would come out of this trial sharper and more focused than ever before.
The following day
Holden Payne stood outside of the XWF production office. He was here to speak with XWF Production supervisor and Anarchy announcer, Todd about the details of his promo for The Revelry. Holden spent his youth getting trash-talked far more than talking trash, and as an adult, he found little use for cutting insults and so-called "fighting words". He knew coming in that this would be one area where he would stumble.
Still, stalling wasn't going to get him anywhere.
Holden took a deep breath, straightened his posture, and knocked on the door.
“Come in!” a voice called from inside.
Holden pushed the door open and stepped in to find Todd seated at a desk in front of various monitors, seemingly editing about 10 different promos all at once.
“Holden! Good to see you,” Todd greeted him with a smile and a handshake across the desk. “Ready to go over your promo for The Revelry?”
“Yeah, I’ve put a few words together...” Holden replied, handing over a sheet of paper.
Todd took the paper and quickly scanned it. His brow furrowed, and he let out an, "MmmHmm", before looking back up at Holden. “This is... well, it’s pretty bland, to be honest.”
Holden shifted uncomfortably. “I was trying to keep it straightforward.”
“I get that, but this is pro wrestling,” Todd said as he discarded the sheet of paper into the trash and leaned back in his chair. “You need to grab the audience's attention. Make them feel your passion. Right now, this reads like a grocery list of grappling moves.”
Holden sighed, running a hand through his hair. “To be honest, in the ring I'm confident, but when it comes to the camera stuff, it may be my biggest weakness. So, what do you suggest I do?”
Todd leaned forward, his eyes locked with Holden's. “Just shoot from the hip. Speak from the heart. Forget the script and let your emotions take over. The fans want to see the real you, not some rehearsed lines."
Holden nodded slowly, considering Todd’s advice as he was once again taken back to a distant memory...
It was the day of the school talent show.
Ten-year-old Holden stood nervously behind the curtain, clutching a sheet of paper with his poem written on it. He had spent weeks preparing for this moment, wanting to share something personal and heartfelt with his classmates. Wanting to use his creative platform to convey how he felt to them. Despite his fear of public speaking, he had convinced himself that this was his chance to shine.
As his name was called, Holden stepped out onto the stage.
The auditorium was filled with students, teachers, and parents.
He took a deep breath and began to recite his poem.
"I've faced many trials, but I stand tall...
Through every struggle, I've given my all...
Though life has been tough, I will never fall...
With courage and strength, I heed the call...
From sunrise to sunset, I strive to be strong...
Even when everything seems to go wrong...
I push through the pain, to where I belong..."
Before he could continue, a loud, mocking voice interupted him from the back of the room. "Hey, Payne! Are you gonna cry up there?" The taunt was followed by laughter, and soon, others joined in. Holden's heart raced as he tried to push through, but the jeers of his peers grew louder.
"Nice poem, LOSER!" another voice shouted, and a wet toilet paper ball hit him square in the chest.
Holden’s vision blurred with tears as the audience's laughter echoed in his ears. His confidence was instantly shattered, and he froze, unable to continue. The bullies stood up, mocking and mimicking his words.
Overwhelmed, Holden dropped the paper and ran off the stage, the sound of an auditorium full of laughter chasing him down the hallway. He hid in the bathroom, tears streaming down his face, feeling utterly humiliated and exposed.
The experience left a deep scar, making him feel like any future attempt to express himself would be met with ridicule, so he never did.
We rejoin Holden in the present where Todd seems uneasy over the uncomfortable silence.
"You good, man?"
As soon as Todd spoke, Holden snapped out of his daze.
"Shoot from the hip... Got it..."
“Great!” Todd said, clapping his hands together. “Let’s do a run-through. Imagine the cameras are rolling. Just let it flow.”
Holden took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a moment to center himself, and then opened them with a newfound determination. He imagined the lights, the cameras, the crowd watching his every move.
“I’ve been waiting for this moment. My entire life has led me to this point. Every struggle, every fight, every moment of doubt—it all comes down to this. The Revelry is my chance to show the world what I’m made of.
Mark Flynn, you’ve accepted my challenge, and I respect that. But don’t think for a second that I’m intimidated. I’ve studied your moves, watched your matches. I know you’re a great grappler and a master of slipping dirty tactics past the officials. But none of that matters once you step into that ring with me.
I’ve fought my whole life to be here, to show that pure skill and determination can overcome any obstacle. So bring everything you’ve got, Flynn. Cheat, scheme, do whatever you think you need to do. It won’t matter. Because when that bell rings, you’ll see why they call me Holden Payne.”
He finished and looked at Todd.
"...It could use a little work... But don't fret! There's still plenty of time for you to figure out what you want to say!"
Holden took a deep breath, his mind racing as he processed Todd's feedback. "Thanks, Todd. I guess I'll keep working on it..."
Todd nodded with a reassuring smile on his face. "You’ve got the right idea, Holden. Just keep that intensity and let your true self shine through. The fans will connect with your passion, trust me."
Holden left the production office, feeling a mix of anxiety and excitement. He knew he had a lot of work to do, but he was determined to overcome his past and prove himself in the XWF.
Holden spent the next few days refining his promo, practicing in front of a mirror and recording himself to review his delivery. Each time, he focused on channeling the emotions he felt during his childhood talent show, using that pain to fuel his passion.
On the day of the taping, Holden arrived at the XWF studio ready to give it his all. The crew set up the lights and cameras, and Todd gave him a thumbs-up from behind the monitor.
“Alright, Holden. Let’s do this!” Todd called out.
Holden took his position. He closed his eyes for a moment, centering himself, then opened them with a determined glare.
The red light on the camera blinked on—
“I’ve been waiting for this moment my entire life. Every struggle, every fight, every moment of doubt—it all comes down to this. I didn’t enter the wrestling business to take the easy road. I came here to test myself, to prove that my skills can stand up to the best. That’s why I issued an open challenge, right out of the gate. I didn’t want a soft introduction or a string of easy victories. I wanted a real fight, a real challenge.”
Holden paused, his eyes narrowing as he continued. “For a week, that challenge lingered in the air. No one stepped up. I thought maybe I was asking too much, maybe the veterans of this business weren’t interested in giving a rookie a chance. Maybe they were all scared of the unknown? And then, Mark Flynn cane along at the midnight hour and accepted. Mark Flynn, the ‘King of the Mid-Carders’, the ‘Most Hated Man in XWF’, the man who very likely thinks this will be an easy victory over a nobody rookie.
He's half right, I am, in fact, a nobody rookie."
Flynn, I’ve studied your matches. I know you’re a great grappler. I also know that you’ve built a career on exploiting weaknesses and using every trick in the book to get the upper hand, but here’s the thing—you’re not facing just any run-of-the-mill nobody rookie.
You’re facing Holden Payne.”
Holden’s eyes drilled into the camera. “I grew up in a tough, blue-collar family in Ironwood, Michigan. I’ve faced bullies, doubters, and obstacles my whole life. Every punch, every kick, every insult has all made me stronger. Pushed me to the gym. Led me down a path. Prepared me for this moment.
Mark Flynn, you might think you can intimidate me with your threats of kicking my ass, but I've had my ass kicked plenty enough times to no longer fear the prospect.
You might think that because I’m new, I’ll be an easy target.
But then you'd be discounting the decades I've dedicated to the art of grappling.
I’ve studied you. I know how you operate. You thrive on mind games and underhanded tricks, but those won’t work on me. You're going to need to out wrestle me, because if you don't, I'll have you tied up and begging for it to end before you can find your fake mustache to call an objection.
For me, the Revelry is a proving ground. It’s my chance to show the world what I’m made of. I didn’t come here to play games or to take easy shortcuts. I came here to wrestle, to fight, and to prove myself, and that's exactly why I was ecstatic when it was you who accepted my challenge.
You see, Flynn, you’ve been at this for a long time. You’ve built a career on being the guy who can slip through the cracks, who can use every loophole to his advantage. But that’s not wrestling. That’s not fighting. That’s surviving. And while you’ve been busy surviving, I’ve been training. I’ve been honing my skills, perfecting my craft. I’ve been preparing for this moment.
You might be a great grappler, Flynn, but you’re not invincible. You’re not unbeatable. You’re human, just like the rest of us, and you’re going to find out that all the dirty tricks and mind games in the world can’t save you from someone who’s willing to go the distance, who’s willing to push past the pain and keep fighting. Someone who can stand toe-to-toe with you.
You're a hefty challenge, but I’ve faced bigger challenges than you in my life. I’ve been knocked down more times than I can count, but I’ve always gotten back up. I’ve always found a way to keep going. And that’s what I’m going to do at The Revelry. I’m going to keep going, no matter what you throw at me.
I’m not afraid of you, Flynn. I’m not afraid of what you can do. Because I know what I can do. I know what I’m capable of. And when that bell rings, I’m going to show you and the entire world just what that is.
At The Revelry, I’m going to show you and everyone else that I belong here. I’m going to show you that no matter how many tricks you have up your sleeve, it won’t be enough. Because I’m ready for anything. I’m ready for everything. And I’m not backing down.
Mark Flynn, you’ve built a legacy on being the guy who can find a way to win no matter what. But that legacy ends with me. Because I’m Holden Payne.”
He paused, letting his words linger. “You might be the ‘King of the Mid-Carders,’ but I’m here to take the throne, and when that bell rings, you’re going to find out just how wrong you were to underestimate me.
You’ve made a career out of being the guy who can manipulate every situation to his favor.
You’ve become the master of the shortcut, the king of the underhanded tactic.
But let me tell you something—those shortcuts have a price—they make you weak!
They make you dependent on things outside your control.
When you rely on trickery and deceit, you forget the essence of what wrestling truly is: a battle of skill, endurance, and heart.
Three things that I have in spades.”
He paused, reflecting on his journey to this moment.
“You see, I’ve spent my life facing challenges head-on. I’ve never taken the easy road because I know that’s not where real strength comes from.
Real strength comes from pushing through adversity, from facing your fears and overcoming them.
And that’s what I’m bringing to The Revelry. Real strength. Real determination. The kind you can’t fake, the kind that can’t be taken away.
Flynn, you’re stepping into the ring with someone who has nothing to lose and everything to gain. You’re stepping into the ring with someone who’s been fighting his entire life to prove himself.
I’ve faced the bullies, the doubters, the naysayers who said I’d never make anything of myself, and I’ve proven them all wrong just by making it here.
Every single one of them.
You’re just the next one on that list.
You think you can get into my head with your silly video acceptance?
Think again.
Your mind games don’t scare me, Flynn.
They remind me of why I’m here, and why I’m not going anywhere.
I’m bringing a new era to the XWF, one where honor and skill triumph over deceit and treachery.
You’ve had your time. You’ve had your reign.
But that time is over.
It’s time for a new king to take the throne. A king who fights with integrity, who earns his victories through hard work and dedication to his craft.”
He raised his fist, clenching it tightly. “This fist represents every struggle I’ve faced, every battle I’ve fought. It represents the spirit of my home town, Ironwood, Michigan, and at The Revelry, this fist is going to be the one that knocks you down. Because I’m not just fighting for myself. I’m fighting for everyone who’s ever been told they couldn’t, who’s ever been pushed down and told to stay down.”
Holden’s voice shifted into a roar of defiance. “I’m fighting for the underdogs, the ones who never got a fair shot. I’m fighting for those who believe in honor, in skill, in the true spirit of professional wrestling.
And I’m fighting to prove that no matter how deep you dig into your bag of tricks, it won’t be enough to stop me.
Because I’m Holden Payne, and I’m here to change the game!
He paused to take a deep breath. “At The Revelry, I’m going to show the world that honor and skill can overcome any obstacle. And I’m going to show them that Holden Payne is not just another rookie. I’m the future of this business, and my future begins with ending your mid-card reign, Flynn."
Holden smirked as he thought of Flynn's recent troubles. "How do you expect to beat me when you can’t even keep your own mind in check? You think playing lawyer makes you interesting? It makes you a liability. It shows the world that you’re not focused on the fight.
You called Dionysus a relic, trying to insult him by saying he’s valuable yet ready to be put on a shelf. But Flynn, you’re the real relic here, and it’s time someone put you on the shelf."
You love to talk about how you’re the best wrestler in the world since day one.
But here’s the reality: if you were truly the best, you wouldn’t need to resort to dirty tactics. You wouldn’t need to hide behind your lawyer alter ego or your metaphysical crises. You’d face your opponents head-on, with honor. But you don’t. Because deep down, you know you’re not the best. You know you’re just another washed-up has-been trying to hold on to whatever shine remains from that time you once ruled the world.
You said words matter, that how you speak is how you think and how you wrestle.
Well, Flynn, your words reveal a scared little man who’s more concerned with keeping up appearances than facing reality.
You’re all talk and no substance.
You’ve built your career on being the dirtiest player in the game, but at The Revelry, Flynn, you’re tricks meet their match.
Get ready to face the toughest fight of your career.
Get ready to face Holden Payne.
Because at The Revelry, I’m not just going to beat you.
I’m going to outwrestle you."
With that, Holden had said everything he needed to say, and now it was time to back it up in the ring. The Revelry was just around the corner, and Holden Payne was ready to make his mark in the XWF.