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PlaceMarker Devil Without A Cause
Author Message
HGH Offline
Active in XWF

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05-09-2024, 11:00 AM

The scene opens with a thunderstorm, as the thunder and lightning roll. The camera starts panning down. There we see a dim light in the distance and we see a silhouette as the camera gets closer.

”Nine months. Nine whole fucking months! That's how long I've been away from this place. This, this peaceful place, the silence, the serenity. Thunder cracks in the distance. The last time I laced my boots, I was to face Mastermind, but in a not so shocking turn of events I was taken out by his goons. The thing is…I'm not even mad. He did what I would have done. That was then, and now here I am.”

”I've had nine months to regain my focus. Nine months of staying in the shadows just waiting for just the right moment to strike. Mr.Parker, your time will come and I WILL collect what is mine.”

As the thunder crashes and the lightning flashes. HGH appears from the shadows into the light.

”Thursday, May 9th, 2024, I make my return to an XWF ring. Surley, I thought that maybe, just maybe I would get some type of challenge. Boy was I right. Razor Blade, the American Nightmare. Holy fucking shit. This will be a huge challenge indeed. A challenge to stay the fuck awake. Now, I will admit you may be good, kid, but let's face it. You are not even close to being good enough to share a ring with me.”

”You see, nine months away from the ring and this is the best they give me? What could you possibly think will happen come Thursday? Let me put it to you this way. The end result will be me having my hand raised in victory. You? Well, you don't even stand a chance.”

”Razor Blade, I don't care what you have done, hell I don't even care what you think you will do. You are nothing more than the next sacrificial lamb being led to slaughter. You may think you're ready, you may even think you've seen it all. I'll tell you one thing princess.. a nightmare you will never be. To think you call yourself the American Nightmare, but come Thursday, when you step into the ring with me. Well…that's when you will truly know what a nightmare is.”

"You see, to me Razor Blade, you're nothing more than a guy that pops off the mouth. However, bad news for you sweet-cheeks. I'm going to destroy you inside that ring Thursday. Make no mistake, even with nine months away you are absolutely nothing compared to me. I've been to the mountain top, and by god I WILL make it back there. Again, for you, you're just the first victim for the second coming of HGH! That's all you are and all you will ever be in my eyes. I have had to sit at home and listen to the likes of you doing absolutely nothing but running your mouths and doing dick all about it."

The camera moves closer to HGH as he steps further into the light. The camera zooms in on his face.

"Can you feel it? Do you feel the despair in your future Razor Blade? Thursday, May 9th, 2024, Wildwood, New Jersey, I will reap your soul Razor Blade. Don't even try to fight it. The pain that I will inflict upon thee, will be pain of which you have never felt before. I have been in the shadows for far to long and I will stop at nothing until you are left just a shell of your former self. I have been in the ring with far bigger and greater names than yours, and I'll be damned if I will lose to the likes of you!"

"I know what must be done, I know the depths to which I must go. The question is Razor Blade, do you? Do you have what it takes? Can you do whatever is necessary? When the light shine on you Razor Blade, will you be the knight in shining armor? No! No, you won't. Once I am done with you dear Razor Blade, all of your hopes and dreams will die. Your fairy tale will come to its end. However, as ironic as it will be. Your nightmare will truly begin. You see, I am a creature with an insatiable hunger. I am a creature of the darkness. I am what nightmares are made of. I assure you, when I am through with you, you will never be the same again. I am a devil without a cause and Razor Blade you will see soon enough."

HGH looks into the camera and begins to speak lyrics of  song.

"You knew that I was coming 'cause you heard my name, but you don't know my game and never felt my pain.
Can't read my brain but you read my lips and got scared when you heard that I was coming with hits.
Now don't even trip, be a man instead give thanks I'm alive when I should be dead.
I'm in the red cause my mind's distortin' people claimin' that they know me, but they only know a portion.
I'ma move mountains and touch the sun don't get scared now, you knew this day would come.
So hold your bids, all bets are closed and fuck all you hoes."

HGH smirks at the camera.

"Thursday, Razor Blade, everything you have worked for, everything you have accomplished, will all disappear and right before your very own eyes. It's no secret, when I made my return last Anarchy, I did so with one thing in mind. Domination! I came back to dominate and to reclaim what IS rightfully MINE! You, Razor Blade, you're the appetizer and not much of one. This match of ours, it won't be for the faint of heart. I will show no mercy, at the end of the day I will prove that you should've just ran the other way."

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Jett Sterling (05-09-2024)
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(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

05-09-2024, 11:07 AM

OOC note: We are making an exception for HGH to post his roleplay after the deadline due to unforeseen technical issues that prevented him from submitting on time. HGH attempted to post his entry 4 minutes before the deadline, but was unable to do so because his account was mistakenly listed as inactive, which removed his ability to create a new thread. He has provided screenshots demonstrating that he was online and attempting to post before the deadline.

Given these circumstances, I believe it’s reasonable to allow him to submit his roleplay. We strive to ensure all participants have a fair chance to compete, and technical difficulties should not penalize a player who made the effort to comply with the rules. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation
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