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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
My So Uninspired Star Wars Piece
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Tommy Wish Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

05-02-2024, 09:01 PM

[Due to Tommy not being involved with the Star Wars theme setting/promo situation, we simply see him in the basement of JB’s crib where he’s been chilling in for awhile. He managed to watch some star wars type of flicks on his spare time, still not getting it. Then he hears a knock on the doorbell, and he opens the door to see his long lost girl Jonee. He looked at her with wonder as she looked glum.]

T: Um, hey Jonee… what you doing here?... how did you get here?

Jonee: Well, hey there buddy… you know that I contacted JB and he told me you are living in his basement. So I had to do something with you, since JB’s old manager had an unseen “accident”.

T: What do you mean by “accident”?

[Jonee was not honest with that statement, and he lets her into his house. Then they head into the basement where he paused one of the star war films. She noticed all the DVDs on the couch.]

Jonee: So Tommy, i see you are into the Star Wars films.

T: Nah, not really… i only got them due to me going to outer space. You know some crazy shit like that.

Jonee: Well, I guess that’s cool… look Tommy, the reason why I came here… is to make amends. You know…. I wanted to come back to you.

T: I thought you are married to that dude? What happened exactly?

Jonee: Well… you see, I had him killed off…. You see, I needed to be able to get away from him. He cheated on me, and he had to go.

[Tommy then looked at her with shock, and he didn’t even want to see what else she did. So he decided to ignore what she said and continued his star wars marathon on the TV. As he continued the film, he looked at Jonee with worry as she was fidgeting.]

T: Um… why did you do it?

Jonee: I don’t know really… but hey… i just wanted to let you know, so if you decide to snitch on me, then you’d go down with me.

T: Hey hey now, I don’t need all this heat.. what ever you did, is your business… I don't condone it  but hey you do you.

Jonee: Okay Tommy… anyways, what are you watching now?

T: I think clone wars or some shit… i am just watching it as background noise. You see, although my sister is a huge star wars fan, but i wasn’t into it.

Jonee: What do you mean? This is a huge franchise… you need to keep up on your lore within Star Wars!

T: Ehhhh…. I won’t be able to get into it in depth, I know it might count against me. Hell a Gorilla i'm facing is more inclined with Star Wars lore than me. Fuck, I should have not vouched to be apart of this show, man i am out my element.

[From that point on, they watched all the Star Wars films throughout the day until it was night. Then after they finished the last film, they sat in silence. Tommy looked at Jonee, feeling like there’s something odd in the air. Jonee looked at her phone, and smiled as she texted from a far.]

T: Hey I know that it’s none of my business but… who are you texting?

Jonee: Don’t worry about it, it’s an old friend of mines.

T: Uhh cool, because as we were watching the films you were talking under your breath about killing someone…. Kinda worried me.

Jonee: Oh T you worry too much… just don't mind alright. How about this, how about I leave, and we can meet again later?

T: Well… i guess so.. I don’t know where you based at tho’

Jonee: I’m around the area, so yeah… ill be going now.

[Then he escorts her upstairs to the front door, and sees her off in her uber. After she left, he closed the  door and was still shook with how calm she is for admitting for a murder. The next morning, we see T and JB at the gym working out. After an hour, they finished their gym session and headed outside to catch some fresh air.]

T: Man, that was a good work out session JB.

JB: Yeah man, you were killin on that punchin bag.

T: I had a lot of issues to let out on that punchin bag, so many issues!

JB: I know man, on that note how was your Star Wars marathons last night?

T: You know about Jonee?... she came over last night and well…

JB: Well what?

T: She told me that….she killed E-Dogg!

[JB wasn’t shocked about that, and T looked on with worry.]

T: Hold up you aren’t shocked about that?

JB: Well sadly no, she told me herself that she did it. The man had it coming.

T: What you mean he had it coming?

[Then they enter JB's car, and they drive off from the gym. As they were driving on a sunny day in B-Mo, they reach at a stop light, and they see Jonee in the street in hooker clothing tryin to get money from different tricks. As soon as she looked at them, the green light came on and JB drove past her.]

JB: Damn shame… damn shame…

T: Like i said, E-Dogg had it coming? You startin to scare me dude.

JB: Look E-Dogg wasn’t a good man to us or to her, so i don’t agree with murkin but… you know what… its none of my concern. She called me few days ago as a confidant and she wanted to know where you at.

T: Why did you think it was good idea to tell her i was living with you?

JB:  Don’t worry about that… T, just think of this as your second chance with her.

T: I don’t know man… i don’t know… i rather stay away from her. Too much issues on her front, and plus she’s into trickin to now?... fuck she fallen hard.

JB: She is down bad, but she’ll come back up into something good. Just think about what you want at the end, because I am thinking something good will happen.

T: Whatever man…. Let’s get go to Dennys im up for a eggs and steak plate.

JB: Really?... king of proteins… alright man, lets go.

[Then from there, half a mile later they head to  Denny’s for brunch and from there it fades to elsewhere. Now it shifts to Tommy holding a purple light saber behind a green screen with a stock image of Star Wars characters beside him, after waving the saber around against air, he then looks into the camera as he holds his saber.]
T: Clearly im a sucker for a purple lightsaber due to Samuel L Jackson’s appearance in one of the films with it. I thought it was cool so I decided to buy this on ebay for 200 dollars. Yeah, i know it’s a rip off but i don’t really care. I guess watching the movies has given me some type of appreciation of what the imagination can do, and I feel like this movie is what makes people want to distance themselves from reality into a fantasy world.

Well now, here I am having a chance to live out a fantasy world on my tour of the X-Treme title defense. I made some plans with this belt, and I hopefully can fulfill my own quota with this belt I got again from Corey Black, I mean, I kinda thought he would kickout of the measly attempt but ehh, I guess Baumhouer’s Rap God got him all lifted up high. To be honest, I had no idea I would have three reigns with this championship at all. I guess it was fate for me to hold this belt once again.

I guess this belt is child that I have to defend in a consistent basis if I have too, and now here I am having to go against A Literal Gorilla in space, man I have no idea that my first defense would be against one of the rejects of Planet Of The Apes, that even one of the characters would have said “no” in their language to not even be in their presence. AL, yes imma call the gorillaz AL, you know full well that I can make you go extinct with either my purple lightsaber on some Mace Windu shit, or on my Harkore shit with my Kendo Stick like if I am The Sandman in 1995.

The main difference is I don’t need to stall in the crowd, because we are taking this shit on a bridge!... an Death Star Overbridge to be exact, and unless Theo can afford for me and AL to be there on location, i'm not holding my breath if I find out we are fighting in studio lot 54 to save on cost locations.

But on the serious note, AL, you might be a primate who might be feared by all the people in the XWF land, but to me you anit shit from the bottom of my boots. You see AL, you might have this perception that im a gorilla and i crush you, but be lucky that the guy from Tarzan who hung himself isn’t the one who wants to beat you, and sell your remains to the highest bidder in Africa. Oh no….

No no no no….

It’s going to be me AL, who will beat the living hell out of you that they won’t recognize you AL, and you might want to retrate back to your ape village before I have to send you there in a box Wakanda style. AL, I know you might be thinking that you will come out as the champion, but you don’t know what it takes to be X-Treme.

Maybe you will never get to be X-Treme as me… but honestly, may the best primate win in the overbridge this coming Saturday Warfare.

[From there we see Tommy just wailing his lightsaber against makeshift Star Wars type enemies as it shifted towards the XWF logo.]
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