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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Anarchy Boards » Anarchy Results
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ANARCHY! 02/15/2024
Author Message
Jett Sterling Offline
XWF Management
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

02-16-2024, 02:20 PM

We open high above the Swinney Recreation Center in Kansas City, Missouri. 

CamBots zip around, catching every angle of the action with their cameras. 

The sky lights up with a crazy good pyro show that's so intense, it may fool some locals into believing that the Ruskies are invading! 

[Image: RZ1Z.gif]

Cut to that familiar logo!

[Image: vuE1ZV0.png]

The shot then cuts indoors and pans over to the crowd, showing off all the fans getting into it, waving their homemade signs around, and shouting out support for their favorites:

[Image: Ricky.png]

[Image: jb.png]

[Image: Pariah.png]

[Image: Razor.png]

[Image: SkyKing.png]

TODD: "Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves for an electrifying evening of THURSDAY NIGHT ANARCHY, broadcasting live from the Swinney Recreation Center right here in Kansas City, Missouri!"

BAMA T: "We're starting off with a bang, Todd! The 'King of the Skies' Sean Parker defends his title against the Rickinator."

TODD: "Indeed, Bama, and there's been a lot of discussion among fans as to why The Rickinator is getting this opportunity after losing to Centurion last Anarchy in a match that lasted mere minutes."

BAMA T: "Absolutely, Todd, A lot of people are saying that it should be Centurion in that spot tonight, but instead, he finds himself in a random triple threat tonight. Some are saying that Centurion might be onto something when he claims that the current management is out to get him, but I think Jett's just pushing Rickinator to step up and grab that brass ring, baby!"

TODD: "Or maybe Jett didn't want to overload the champ after his grueling defense against Madison Dyson just a couple of weeks back. Regardless, Centurion has his work cut out for him tonight when he faces off against Ricky Steinberg and Mr. Oz in Triple Threat action!"

BAMA T: "And don't forget the Free 4 All rematch between John Black and the 'American Nightmare' Razor Blade. Razor Blade's technical ability versus Black's ruthless aggression is going to be a highlight of the night, baby!"

TODD: "Absolutely. Razor Blade's been on a tear here on Anarchy, but John Black is never been one to back down, and he's been on quite the streak himself. Expect fireworks."

BAMA T: "Fireworks indeed, Todd. But the match everyone's talking about? Dionysus steps into Anarchy to defend the X-Treme Championship against the enigmatic Pariah in a match where anything goes. Dionysus's unpredictability versus Pariah's mystery—this is going to be chaotic, baby!"

TODD: "Last Anarchy Pariah shocked the world with a victory over the current Anarchy Champion, and tonight that victory is paying off in the form of an Xtreme Title match. Can the mysterious Pariah of Anarchy pull off the upset against Warfare's Dionysus tonight?"

BAMA T: "It's anybody's ballgame, baby! Tonight's ANARCHY promises to shake the foundations of the Swinney Recreation Center, and maybe even the XWF as a whole! From high-flying action to brutal showdowns to potential major title changes, Anarchy's got it all, and it's all going down right here in Kansas City, baby!"


The arena goes dark, and then boom, The Rickinator's music hits.

TODD: "So, here comes The challenger, folks. Can you believe it? After just one win against Barney Green, and a string of losses since, Jett Sterling gives The Rickinator a title shot. Makes you think, doesn't it? Is this all just to mess with Centurion?"

The Rickinator strolls out, cool as you like, with his portal gun and a flask. He's got this vibe like he doesn't care but also like he's about to do something big. He walks to the ring, hands in his pockets, and there's this look on his face that's kinda hard to read.

BAMA T: "Todd, man, you're missing the point. This guy's got tech and tricks we've never seen. He's been to other realities, for crying out loud. Don't count him out just 'cause he's the underdog, baby! Jett see’s something in the kid, and he’s just giving him a chance to unleash it onto the world!"

TODD: "Sure, Bama, but like you said, some fans are thinking this match is more about Jett Sterling trying to get at Centurion than really believing in The Rickinator. The Anarchy GM and Centurion have seemingly been at odds ever since Centurion commented on the lack of competition here on Anarchy."

As The Rickinator gets in the ring, he's all business. He drops his gear and looks ready to go, pacing in the ring.

BAMA T: "Look, Todd. The Rickinator isn't just here to show up, he's here to shake things up and throw Sean Parker for a loop, baby! New Anarchy Champion! I’m callin’ it right here!"

TODD: "We'll see, Bama. It's gonna be interesting, that's for sure."

“Ken’s Theme [Metal Cover]” by ToxicxEternity starts to play throughout the arena.

As the song plays its slow, building intro, Sean Parker appears on the stage in a hooded waistcoat.

TODD: "And here comes the champ, Sean Parker, and he’s here to prove that no amount of interdimensional threats can shake the foundation of a true champion."

He goes down on one knee, his head low as sparks fill the stage area. When the song explodes into life, Sean leaps to his feet, his arms outstretched and his hood falls back behind him.

BAMA T: "NOPE! Sean's had a good run, but it's The Rickinator's time now, baby!"

Sean walks confidently to the ring, running as he gets ringside and slides effortlessly under the bottom rope. He takes off his waistcoat, tossing it into the crowd before he climbs up one of the turnbuckles and fist pumps before doing a backflip back down as his music fades out.

TODD: "Impressive as always, Sean Parker doesn't just enter the ring, he makes a statement. The 'King of the Skies' is in his element, ready to defend his title, but tonight, his opponent is unlike any he's faced so far. The Rickinator's unpredictable, and after that intense promo from him, we know he's here to fight."

BAMA T: "You got that right, Todd. Sean's athleticism and showmanship are top-notch, but The Rickinator… He's unpredictable, he's got gadgets we've hardly seen in action, and most importantly, he's got nothing to lose. Tonight, I think we will see the birth of a new champion, baby!"

TODD: "It's a clash of two worlds here in Kansas City. Dedication and skill, against chaos and unpredictability."

- vs -

The arena was buzzing with excitement as the crowd eagerly awaited the highly anticipated championship match. The atmosphere was electric, with fans on the edge of their seats, ready to witness an epic showdown between the champion and his challenger. The referee signaled for the bell, calling for the match to get underway. Both Sean Parker and THE RICKINATOR circled each other in the ring, eyeing each other with intensity. The crowd roared for both men, knowing they were in for a thrilling contest.

After the bell rang both competitors circled each other in the ring, eyeing each other with intensity. Sean Parker, at 5 foot 10 inches tall and 215 pounds, had a stocky build that belied his incredible agility and acrobatic skills. On the other side, THE RICKINATOR, standing at 5 foot 11 inches and weighing 226 pounds, exuded an imposing and unhinged presence that hinted at his raw power.

TODD: The champion and the challenger appear to be feeling each other out here in the early stages!

BAMA: Feeling each other out? I'm tired of it! I want them to feel each other up, but violently!

The match kicked off with a fast-paced exchange of holds and counters, showcasing the technical prowess of both wrestlers. Sean Parker utilized his speed and flexibility to evade THE RICKINATOR's attempts at grappling, while RICKINATOR relied on the strength of his determination. The crowd was on the edge of their seats, appreciating the dynamic display of athleticism unfolding before their eyes. Sean Parker darted around the ring, avoiding THE RICKINATOR's attempts to take him down. THE RICKINATOR reached out for Sean, but the champion nimbly moved to avoid the grapple. RICKINATOR feigns like he's going for another grapple, causing Sean to sidestep- but he fell for the challenger's trick! Just as Sean Parker goes to sidestep the grapple, he's met with a swift RICKLE to the side of the head!

BAMA: What a kick from The Rick! Sean never saw that headkick coming!

TODD: RICKINATOR is showing a new wrinkle in his strategy tonight, he must have spent the week watching tape on the champion! He seems more prepared for this match than we've ever seen from him!

The kick to the head causes Sean Parker to stumble back into the ropes, which propels him forward. As Sean rebounds, THE RICKINATOR leaps into the air for a dropkick, connecting right on the champion's jaw! Sean Parker is forced over the top ropes and to the outside of the ring, much to the surprise of the front-row audience who collectively gasp in shock!

BAMA: The Rick didn't just come here to lay down for Sean Parker, he came here to take his title away, and so far he's on the right track!

TODD: Sean Parker needs to get back in there and get to work!

Sean Parker quickly recovers outside the ring, rubbing his bruised jaw as he looks back into the ring with determination. THE RICKINATOR, meanwhile, taunts and jeers at the champion with a cocky smugness. Sean Parker glares at RICKINATOR before sliding back in the ring under the bottom rope, only to be met with a slew of kicks from RICKINATOR! Eventually RICKINATOR stops the onslaught and reaches down for Sean, lifting him up to a standing position. RICKINATOR seems to be going for a suplex, but is stopped in his tracks when the champion stomps on his toes! RICKINATOR releases the hold and stumbles backwards, reaching down for his foot– only to be met with a swift uppercut from the champion, sending RICKINATOR sprawling back against the ropes! Propelled forward by the ropes, RICKINATOR charges into the center of the ring: where Sean Parker is waiting for him with a scoop slam!

TODD: It looks like the champion is getting his mojo back!

BAMA: Come on, Ricky Ticky Tock! This is your shot to be on top, you can't be worrying about your little toesy woesies at a time like this, baby!

THE RICKINATOR remains grounded on the mat as Sean Parker leaps up and strides towards a turnbuckle. The champion plays to the crowd for a few moments before performing a moonsault, crashing down upon THE RICKINATOR with great force! Sean Parker seizes the opportunity and lifts the challenger's leg for the pin.




TODD: Sean Parker was close to defending his belt, but he's going to need to do more than that to retain here tonight!

BAMA: THE RICKINATOR is no joke, Todd! He's an inter-dimensional bio-enhanced wrestling machine. Of course a simple moonsault isn't going to keep him down for the count!

Sean Parker doesn't waste any time in pressing his advantage. Sean lifts THE RICKINATOR up and slings him into the corner. With lightning speed, the champion darts in, executing a series of quick strikes to the body, wearing down THE RICKINATOR. Parker unleashes a flurry of kicks, sending THE RICKINATOR to a seated position. The crowd rallies behind Sean Parker as he moved towards the center of the ring and began playing to the audience.

As the champion played to the crowd, THE RICKINATOR attempted to regain control of the match. Slowly but surely, RICKINATOR climbed the turnbuckle unbeknownst to the champion. Just when Sean Parker turned around to readdress his opponent, THE RICKINATOR soared through the air with a high-flying maneuver from the top rope. However, the champion was prepared. With incredible timing and precision, Parker caught THE RICKINATOR in mid-air and transitioned seamlessly into a fireman's carry! The pair of men fall to the ground, nearing exhausting, as Sean Parker goes for another pin.




TODD: The defending champion almost had him there!

BAMA: The defending champion?! We just about had a new champion after all that gloating and lollygagging Sean was doing!

Sean and RICKINATOR both lay on the mat, tired and battered, until both men begin stirring to their feet. Sean Parker uses the ropes to help him back up, but THE RICKINATOR has alternative methods. We see sparks and blue energy coursing through RICKINATOR's bio-spine, energizing him and lifting him straight up to a standing position as the exhausted champion looks back at him in awe.

TODD: Wait, what's going on here? What's happening to the RICKINATOR?!

BAMA: His BIO-SPINE is activating, Todd! He's a wrestling machine, and now, the machines are kicking in!

The RICKINATOR slowly begins taking strides towards Sean, his bio-spine activated and ready to go. The bio-spine begins to emit something that seems to be causing Sean Parker mental exhaustion and psychic pain, causing THE RICKINATOR to grin. The RICKINATOR then reaches out for a weakened Sean, looking to end things- until the bio-spine begins malfunctioning! A short-circuit runs through the bio-spine and then the energy and sparks immediately cease. Rick looks around in confusion, letting go of Sean's body as he tries to restart his spine's mechanical engineering.

TODD: Uh oh, something seems to be going wrong with that 'bio-spine' of his!

BAMA: RICKINATOR, you can't work on your mechanical engineering right now, you have a champion to dispose of, baby!

As The RICKINATOR is distracted by his malfunctioning bio-spine, Sean Parker cracks a grin. He knows what he must do. When RICKINATOR finally quits trying to fix his bio-spine, he turns back around to face Sean Parker – only to be smacked in the face with the BLADE OF MIQUELLA (spinning hook kick)!

THE RICKINATOR drops to the mat, seemingly unconscious as his bio-spine continues sparking and short-circuiting out of control! The Champion calmly places a boot on the challenger's chest as the ref counts the pin.





TODD: Despite his other-worldly enhancements, Sean Parker puts away THE RICKINATOR for his second title defense!

BAMA T: The Rickinator got screwed by shoddy 5th dimensional engineering, baby!

We see the X-Tron come to life, and we see "John Black" name shot up with the .38 special and we see him at the stage in a black and white setting as he is standing there taking in the mixed reactions.

TODD: "It’s a Pay-Per-View rematch between ‘The American Nightmare’ Razor Blade, and this man, John Black!"

Then he walks down to the ramp, and he gives them some high fives, then he climbs on the steel steps and enters the ring, and he raises his fist in the air as he pounds his chest around the ring as his theme cuts off.

BAMA T: "John's been around, seen it all. He says he’s gonna play gatekeeper tonight, and he's not just talking big, baby – he's planning to back it up!"

The lights goes out and hear a voice saying Wrestling has one royal family and when Kingdom hit's fireworks burst open and Razor Blade comes out wearing a American nightmare outfit and left his arms in the mid air and fist pumps in a fake air.

TODD: “And here comes Razor Blade, the 'American Nightmare' himself. Last time at Free 4 All, he couldn't secure the win against John Black, but tonight, he looks ready to turn that around.”

BAMA T: “He may look ready, Todd, but let's not count our chickens before they hatch. John Black's not the kind of opponent you can just bowl over. Razor's got his work cut out for him if he thinks he's walking out of here with an easy win tonight.”

He saw a kid wearing a Blake shirt and he takes off his American nightmare belt off his waist in hands it to the XWF fan and climbs up the steps in hops on the turnbuckle and raises both arms in the air and more fireworks burst once again and he gets inside of the ring and climbs on the top rope taunts some more and gets down and takes off his American nightmare jacket and prepares for a fight.

TODD: "Absolutely, Bama. He knows what's at stake tonight. A win here doesn't just even the score– it propels him forward, erasing the setback from Free 4 All."

BAMA T: "True, but remember, Todd, John Black has been through the wringer and come out tougher on the other side. Razor might have the hunger, but John's got the grit and experience. This rematch? It's John's chance to remind everyone just why he's been a force in XWF for so long, and maybe find a little direction, baby!"

- vs -

The bell rings, and immediately, John Black takes center stage with his powerhouse style, throwing Razor Blade off his game with a series of heavy suplexes that rock the ring. The crowd roars in approval, divided but fully engaged, as John demonstrates why experience often trumps youth.

Razor tries to bounce back, using his speed to land a quick succession of dropkicks and a beautifully executed crossbody that briefly turns the tide. The fans are on their feet, cheering for Razor's comeback, appreciating the back-and-forth action unfolding before them.

TODD: "John Black is showing no signs of slowing down, but Razor Blade's resilience is something to behold!"

BAMA T: "Resilience? Todd, it's going to take more than that to topple a veteran like John Black. He's been in this game too long to let a few flashy moves shake him, baby!"

As Razor gains momentum, attempting his signature Disaster Kick, John counters with a perfectly timed DDT, halting Razor's progress and drawing gasps from the audience. John capitalizes on this, stomping Razor and locking in a crippling Boston Leg Lock.

Razor's fans rally behind him, chanting his name in an attempt to will him back into the match. Razor, feeding off this energy, manages to escape, rolling out of the hold and hitting John with a desperate moonsault that earns a near fall.

TODD: "This match is a rollercoaster, and Razor Blade's fighting spirit is keeping these fans on the edge of their seats!"

BAMA T: "Gotta admit, Todd, the kid's got heart. But John Black? He's got the kind of grit that only comes from years in the trenches. Razor's going to need to dig deep if he hopes to win this."

The climax arrives as Razor, fired up, climbs the ropes for a high-risk move. But John catches him in mid-air with a devastating Real Raw, turning Razor's own momentum against him. The impact is so fierce, a collective "Ooh" echoes through the arena.

Without missing a beat, John sets Razor up for Tha Underground Noise. He hits it with precision, the crowd rising to their feet in anticipation of the outcome. John goes for the pin, and the referee counts:




It's over. John Black stands victorious, his arm raised as the crowd's mixed reactions fill the arena.


TODD: "What a match! John Black has done it again, using his mix of raw power and ring savvy to secure the win over Razor Blade!"

BAMA T: "I told you, Todd. John Black isn't just a fighter, he's a survivor. Razor Blade gave it his all, but tonight, experience won out. This is a victory John Black earned every step of the way."

As the arena dims and the familiar strains of Centurion's entrance music blast through the speakers, the crowd erupts in anticipation.

TODD: "Here comes Centurion, folks, and you can feel the intensity. After his victory over The Rickinator last week, many thought he'd be next in line for a rematch with Sean Parker, but as we saw earlier tonight, ‘The Sky Assassin’ hit his mark in his second defense against The Rickinator, while Centurion is forced to contend with two guys who haven’t exactly been on the top of their games here lately."

BAMA T: "Todd, I hear what you're saying, but you're missing the bigger picture. Jett Sterling isn't holding Centurion back, he's sharpening steel with steel. Centurion's been at the top before, and if he's going to get there again, but hotshotting the match doesn't make a lick of sense, baby!"

Centurion strides down the ramp.

TODD: "Hotshotting? Come on, Bama! After everything Centurion has accomplished, being THE former champion who only lost the title because of a fun house match that was open to anyone and left him with no way to prepare… I mean, how can you REALLY explain The Rickinator, who was clearly out of his league, and who Centurion defeated in a very decisive manner just last Anarchy… How do you explain HIM getting a shot at the title earlier tonight and not the man entering the ring?"

Bama T: “Well, baby… Jett saw something in th–”

TODD: “You can’t, Bama! You just can’t, and when you really look at what’s been going on lately, doesn’t it feel like he's being sidelined or something?

Inside of the ring, Centurion surveys the arena like a gladiator who knows the battleground well.

BAMA T: "Sidelined? No way, baby! This is strategic. Centurion is a fighter, a former champion. Every match, every challenge Centurion faces, he's getting sharper and more focused, maybe even a little angry — Jett knows what he’s doing, baby!."

TODD: "And here comes Oz, making an entrance that's as imposing as the man himself. This isn't just a walk to the ring, it's a declaration. Standing at 6'8" and weighing in at 326 pounds, Oz embodies power and agility, a combination that's both rare and deadly."

People begin to bang on drums as they play his entrance music. It seems as if Oswald has literally paid for an entire orchestra, just to play him to the ring. After the first round of singing ends and the drums start off once more, Oz starts to walk to the ring, dressed in a large white cloak covering his body. However, instead of entering the ring first, he waits. He stands there near the ring floor next to the edge of the ramp. He slowly pulls off the cloak, folds it and then places it on the edge of the ring, next to one of the posts before climbing onto the apron and over the top rope where he goes to his corner, sitting down as he waits for the bell.

BAMA T: "Todd, you talk about making an entrance, but Oz, he makes an arrival, baby, and I don’t mean just his physical presence, which is imposing enough, but also the threats of murder he's made for tonight!

The crowd pops — before realizing that despite the music, this isn’t Roger.

TODD: "Ricky Steinberg and his brother Scotty have faced more than their fair share of challenges since arriving on Anarchy, with a string of losses to the Thugs that have tested their resolve. Tonight, Ricky steps into the ring under unique circumstances. Despite those matches, this feels like his true in-ring debut, given the Thugs' underhanded tactics in the past. There's a lot on the line for Ricky tonight, and a victory over veterans like Centurion and Mr. Oz could be the turning point he desperately needs."

Rick walks out onto the entrance ramp and barks all the way to the ring. Only stopping to bark in fans' faces. Once in the ring, he runs around in a circle before sliding onto all fours and biting the bottom rope.

BAMA T: "Absolutely, Todd. You've got to remember, the Steinbergs haven't had the chance to show what they're truly capable of, thanks to the Thugs blindsiding them at every opportunity. That means Ricky's still somewhat of an unknown in this equation. He's been waiting for this moment, to step into the ring without any ambushes, and show the world what he's made of. Tonight, against the likes of Centurion and Mr. Oz, Ricky could shock everyone with a win. This is his moment to shine, to prove that the Steinbergs are here to make a statement in Anarchy, baby!"

- vs -
- vs -

As the bell rings to signal the start of the triple threat – Centurion, Mr. Oz, and Ricky Steinberg stand ready, each sizing up their competition. The air is thick with tension, the crowd buzzing with anticipation for what promises to be an explosive confrontation.

TODD: "Ladies and gentlemen, buckle up! We've got Centurion, the crafty veteran, Mr. Oz, the unstoppable monster, and Ricky Steinberg, the wild card, all vying for supremacy tonight."

Right out of the gate, Mr. Oz asserts his dominance, using his sheer power to push back both of his opponents. Centurion tries to use his experience to outmaneuver Oz, while Ricky dives in with a series of heavy hits that seem to barely faze the giant.

BAMA T: "Look at Mr. Oz go, Todd! He's an absolute juggernaut in that ring, baby! Centurion and Ricky are going to have to dig deep if they want to take this mountain of a man down."

Centurion, realizing the direct approach won't work on Oz, starts to focus on Ricky, catching him with a Smart Bomb that sends the crowd into a frenzy. However, Mr. Oz is quick to intervene, breaking up the pin attempt with a thunderous leg drop that shakes the whole ring.

TODD: "Mr. Oz is just dominating the ring right now!"

As the match progresses, the action spills outside the ring. Mr. Oz showcases his terrifying agility for a man his size, executing a corkscrew suicide dive over the top rope onto both Centurion and Ricky, leaving the crowd in awe.

BAMA T: "Did you see that, Todd?! A 326 lb giant flying through the air like that is something you don't forget, baby!"

Back in the ring, the battle rages on. Ricky, showing his resilience, lands a Diving Bulldog on Centurion, but before he can capitalize, Mr. Oz pulls him away and lands a devastating "I Failed You" on Ricky, murmuring apologies as he applies the Mandible Claw. It looks like the end for Ricky as he quickly fades, but Centurion blindsides Mr. Oz with a vicious V Trigger, knocking the giant out of the ring.

TODD: "Centurion's timing is impeccable! He saw his moment and took it. Mr. Oz is out of the equation and Steinberg is defenseless!"

With Mr. Oz momentarily neutralized outside the ring, Centurion turns his attention back to Ricky, who's still reeling from the Mandible Claw. Seizing the opportunity, Centurion locks in the Fall Of Rome. The pressure is too much, and despite Ricky's desperate attempts to reach the ropes, Centurion drags him back to the center of the ring.

BAMA T: "This could be it, Todd! Centurion has Ricky right where he wants him!"

But instead of continuing with the submission, Centurion senses Mr. Oz starting to stir outside the ring. Quickly, he releases Ricky from the hold and hits him with the Fabula Nova Crystallis, the devastating One Winged Angel.

Centurion covers Ricky!



THREE!!!—JUST as Mr. Oz slides back into the ring, a fraction too late to stop the pin.


TODD: "He's done it! Centurion pulls off an incredible victory!"

BAMA T: "That's ‘experience’ for you, baby! He outsmarted and outlasted two formidable opponents tonight."

As the referee lifts Centurion's hand in triumph, the arena is alive with the roar of the fans. However, Mr. Oz begins to slowly stalk towards Centurion.

TODD: "What's this? Mr. Oz isn't finished yet. Look at him, slowly closing in on Centurion. What's going through his mind?"

Centurion, still catching his breath from the hard fought victory, notices the looming shadow of Mr. Oz. Turning to face the giant, he squares his shoulders, ready to defend his hard won victory if necessary. The two stand there for a moment, locked in a silent confrontation.

BAMA T: "This is it, Todd. It's about to go down. Centurion's not backing down, but what's Mr. Oz planning? He promised murder, baby, and I think we’re about to see it first hand!"

Then, in a moment that surprises everyone, Mr. Oz nods to Centurion, and without another word, Mr. Oz turns and exits the ring.

TODD: "Did we just see that? Mr. Oz just showed a sign of respect to Centurion. I never thought I'd see the day."

BAMA T: "Todd, that's the thing about respect, it's earned in the heat of battle. Tonight, Centurion earned Mr. Oz's respect, and maybe, just maybe, we saw a different side of the monster, baby?"

As Centurion watches Mr. Oz leave, there's a brief nod in return before Centurion raises his hand again and steps through the ropes to the apron—

Jett Sterling stands confidently on the stage, microphone in hand, as he addresses the cheering crowd and a visibly tense Centurion standing on the apron.

"First off, let's hear it for Centurion, folks! What a victory tonight!" Jett claps, prompting a wave of applause and cheers from the audience. He waits for the noise to die down before continuing.

"Now, Cent, I know there's been a lot of talk about getting your hands on Madison Dyson, exacting a bit of... Revenge, shall we say."

The crowd instantly reacts with boos at the mention of Madison's name, showing their support for Centurion. Centurion's expression darkens, clearly irritated by the mention.

"But… I've got some news. Madison Dyson has moved on from Anarchy since failing to capture the Anarchy title at Free 4 All."

Boos and chuckles fill the arena, with Centurion offering a dismissive shake of his head, clearly not surprised by the turn of events.

"Now, now, don't see that as a bad thing, Cent – because, while you won't get your chance at vengeance, you are in the running to face Sean Parker for the Anarchy title at March Madness!"

The crowd erupts into cheers!

"But," Jett adds, a hint of seriousness in his tone. "Just like you said, Cent, nothing comes for free. You're in the running, sure, but there's still plenty of time between now and then. And let me remind you, Anarchy is still looking to fill our ranks with fierce competition, and I’m still signing checks!"

Jett's tone shifts to a more sarcastic edge, clearly enjoying the suspense he's creating. "ANNNNNNND, since I know how much you love surprises, your opponent on the next Anarchy will remain a mystery! But, I'll give you a hint," he says, pausing for effect. "Much like you, Cent, your opponent is a former Hart champion!"

The arena erupts at the revelation, with fans speculating and buzzing with excitement. Centurion, however, remains hard to read, his frustration at the announcement is evident, but he also seems intrigued by the challenge. Jett soaks in the excitement from the crowd for a moment before returning backstage.

TODD: "Jett Sterling laying down the gauntlet for Centurion. A mystery opponent, a former Hart champion. This is going to be interesting."

BAMA T: "Jett's playing games, but it's clear he's setting up something big for March Madness. Centurion's got his work cut out for him, and I, for one, can't wait to see who steps through those ropes to face him."

As Pariah's music hits and he emerges from the back, the crowd's reaction is a mix of awe and unease, reflecting the dark intensity of his earlier words.

TODD: "Well, Bama, Pariah's chilling message earlier in the week... He's here to fulfill what he sees as a destiny against Dionysus for the Xtreme title."

BAMA T: "Todd, you hit the nail on the head. Pariah's not playing by the usual rules. He's making it clear that tonight's about more than just a match. It's about tearing down what Dionysus stands for, and doing it with a smile on his face, baby!"

As Pariah strides down the ramp, his focus is unbreakable.

TODD: "Pariah’s looking to dismantle Dionysus's legacy piece by piece."

BAMA T: "Absolutely, Todd. But remember, Dionysus isn't one to take lightly. Pariah might think he's got Dionysus's number, but the Xtreme Champion didn't get where he is by folding under pressure. Tonight, we're going to see if Pariah can back up those big words or if Dionysus will write another chapter in quest for a case!"

As Pariah enters the ring, the air thick with anticipation…

The lights dim as multiple spotlights rotate throughout the arena. As "Zenorus" begins to play, the spotlights all point to the stage, illuminating a velvet red curtain. As the orchestra dies down, vines creep from around the edges of the curtain, and rose petals begin to fall around the arena. Then, on the entrance of the choir in the music, the curtain is drawn open, revealing the imposing figure of Dionysus, holding a Thyrsus in his right hand and a shield on his left arm. He clashes the staff against his shield to rouse the crowd to clap with him, then roars, raising the Thyrsus above his head.

TODD: "And here comes the Lord of the Vine himself, Dionysus. If Pariah's entrance was a journey into the heart of darkness, Dionysus's arrival is like the dawn breaking through.

BAMA T: "Todd, you can feel the confidence oozing off Dionysus, baby!"

"Making his way to the ring, from Minneapolis MN, weighing in at 270 lbs, he is The Catalyst, DIONYSUS!"

TODD: “When did Anarchy hire a ring announcer?”

BAMA T: “Tig’s? She’s always been here. Looks like she finally woke up from her Xanny nap, baby!”

Dionysus sets the Thyrsus and shield next to the ring apron and rolls inside, running to one of the turnbuckles and climbing up to rally the crowd behind him. He then hops down and limbers up, awaiting the start of the match.

TODD: "The stage is set, Bama. Dionysus, the reigning Xtreme Champion, versus Pariah, the challenger shrouded in darkness."

BAMA T: "You're right, Todd. Dionysus called himself inevitable, but in this ring, it's all about proving it. And tonight, we'll see if Pariah can disrupt the narrative or if Dionysus will continue his reign as the unchallenged Lord of the Vine, baby!"

- vs -

The bell hasn't even cooled off and Pariah is already on Dionysus like a hawk on a mouse. He's throwing everything but the kitchen sink at him, big punches, big kicks, and even a sneaky slap to the face that gets a rise out of the crowd. Dionysus isn’t just standing there taking it, though. He fires back with his own set of moves, clotheslining Pariah so hard you'd think he was trying to knock him into next week.

TODD: "And we're off to a rocket start! Pariah's not wasting any time getting up in the champion’s grill, but Dionysus is giving as good as he gets!"

BAMA T: "You got that right, Todd. This isn't just a wrestling match – it's an Xtreme brawl! Dionysus might have the size, but Pariah, that guy's got tricks up his sleeve, baby. It's gonna be one wild ride!"

The two are locked in a dance as old as time, or at least as old as wrestling. They're trading blows back and forth, neither man wanting to give an inch. Dionysus manages to grab Pariah for a moment, thinking to slow things down with a hammerlock, but Pariah isn't having any of it. He wriggles free, ducks under Dionysus's arm, and lands a cheeky elbow drop that has Dionysus wincing.

TODD: "Look at them go! It's like watching a high speed chess match with fists!"

BAMA T: "Chess match? More like a street fight, Todd. Pariah's keeping Dionysus on his toes, but don't count our champ out yet. He's got that look in his eye, baby!"

Just when it seems like Pariah might be gaining the upper hand, Dionysus catches him off guard with a spinebuster that shakes the ring. The crowd goes nuts, cheering and stomping their feet, loving every second of it.

TODD: "What a move by Dionysus! He’s in control now!"

BAMA T: "Pariah's gonna need to dig deep if he wants to keep up."

Just when the match seemed to be swinging in Dionysus's favor, Pariah shifts gears and rolls out of the ring, his eyes scanning the floor for anything that might give him the upper hand. The crowd watches with bated breath as Pariah grabs a steel chair, a devilish grin spreading across his face.

TODD: "Oh, here we go. Pariah's bringing in the hardware. This match just turned into a whole different beast."

BAMA T: "It's Xtreme rules, Todd. Everything's legal, and it looks like Pariah's about to take full advantage of that."

Dionysus, still in the ring, sees Pariah with the chair and readies himself, but as he approaches the ropes, Pariah slides back in and swings. Dionysus ducks the first swing, but Pariah's second attempt connects with a sickening thud against Dionysus's back. The crowd gasps as Dionysus falls to his knees, and Pariah, not missing a beat, hit’s him a few more times before tossing the chair aside and laying into Dionysus with big elbows, targeting the spot he just hammered with the chair.

TODD: "That's gotta hurt! Pariah's using every trick in the book to take Dionysus down."

BAMA T: "And why not, Todd? It's all legal here. Pariah's showing he's not just about mind games, he's willing to get his hands dirty too, baby!"

With Dionysus down, Pariah takes a moment to taunt the crowd, soaking in their boos with a smirk, but he's not done yet. He rolls out of the ring again, this time pulling out a table. The crowd's reaction is mixed, half excitement, half concern for what's to come. Pariah sets the table up outside the ring, then turns his attention back to Dionysus, who's starting to get back to his feet.

TODD: "A table now? Pariah's pulling out all the stops."

BAMA T: "This is what Xtreme rules is all about, Todd. Pushing the limits, taking it to the edge. And Pariah, he's looking to push Dionysus right off that edge."

Pariah drags Dionysus towards the ropes, attempting to suplex him through the table he just set up. But Dionysus fights back, landing a few desperate punches. For a moment, it seems like he might turn the tables on Pariah. The crowd is on their feet, unsure of who'll end up going through the table.

TODD: "This is tense! Dionysus isn't going down without a fight!"

BAMA T: "That's the heart of a champion, baby!"

In a shocking twist, Dionysus manages to escape Pariah's attempt at throwing him over the ropes, landing on the apron, barely avoiding disaster. The two exchange blows, teetering on the edge, until Pariah rakes Dionysus's eyes, blinding him. With Dionysus disoriented, Pariah sees his chance. He smashes Dionysus face first into the turnbuckle, then unloads a series of strikes, leaving Dionysus dazed on the ropes. Pariah steps back in and charges the ring, spearing Dionysus through the ropes, sending both men crashing through the table to the outside.

The crowd erupts in a mix of shock and excitement, chanting "This is awesome!" as both competitors lie amid the wreckage of the table.

TODD: "Oh my god!"

BAMA T: "No limits, no mercy, baby! Pariah's showing he'll do whatever it takes to win. Dionysus is in trouble here."

As officials and medical staff rush to check on them, it's clear this match has turned into a war, with both warriors willing to go to any length to claim victory in this Xtreme rules showdown.

A few moments pass, and Ignoring the concerned medical staff swarming around him, Dionysus pushes them away with a grunt of determination. The crowd roars in approval as he staggers to his feet, refusing to let the match end like this. Despite his unsteady stance, the fire in his eyes is unmistakable—he's not finished with Pariah, not by a long shot.

TODD: "Look at Dionysus! The man's a beast, refusing medical attention. He's got that look in his eyes, Bama. He's far from done here."

BAMA T: "That's the spirit of a true champion, Todd. You can knock him down, but you can't keep him down. Dionysus is about to bring the pain to Pariah."

With the crowd firmly behind him, Dionysus and Pariah both stumble towards each other trading shots. Dionysus rocks Pariah with a right hand and tackles him into the steel steps. Dionysus fights to get back to his feet and struggles to shove Pariah back into the ring. Back inside of the ring, Dionysus launches a fierce assault, unleashing a barrage of clotheslines and a spine jarring spinebuster that rattles the ring.

TODD: "Dionysus is on fire! He's taking the fight to Pariah with everything he's got. This is the comeback we've been waiting for!"

BAMA T: "This is what makes Dionysus so dangerous, Todd. Just when you think he's out, he comes roaring back, more ferocious than ever. Pariah's got to be wondering what he's got to do to put the champ away."

Dionysus sets Pariah up for his signature move, the Grapevine. The crowd rises to their feet, sensing the end is near. But Pariah, ever the opportunist, wriggles free at the last moment, rolling out of the ring to catch his breath and regroup. Dionysus follows him to the outside, determined to keep the pressure on.

TODD: "Pariah's trying to escape, but Dionysus isn't letting him off the hook that easily. The fight's spilled outside the ring again!"

BAMA T: "It's no holds barred, Todd. Dionysus knows he's got Pariah on the ropes, and he's not about to let up now, baby!"

The battle rages on outside the ring, with both men exchanging heavy blows, using the arena's environment to their advantage. Dionysus seems to gain the upper hand, hurling Pariah into the barricades and following up with a devastating On Your Shield, sending Pariah crashing to the ground.

TODD: "What a move by Dionysus! Pariah's down, and this might just be the opening Dionysus needs to finish this match!"

BAMA T: "Dionysus is in control, and if he keeps this up, we might be looking at the end of the road for Pariah."

As Dionysus reaches down to pull Pariah back to his feet, aiming to bring the fight back into the ring, Pariah suddenly springs to life, revealing he's not as incapacitated as he seemed. In a desperate but calculated move, Pariah spits a blinding golden mist directly into Dionysus's face, temporarily blinding the champion and turning the tide in an instant.

TODD: "Oh no, Pariah's just unleashed The Golden Flood! Dionysus can't see a thing!"

BAMA T: "He's always got an ace up his sleeve, baby, and this time it's a face full of that infamous golden mist!"

Blinded and disoriented, Dionysus staggers back, trying to clear his vision, but Pariah wastes no time. Pariah grabs Dionysus, smashing his face off the apron and rolling him into the ring. Pariah stalks Dionysus who is still blinded from the Golden Flood. Striking like a snake, Pariah executes The Golden Drop, driving Dionysus headfirst into the mat with a double arm spike DDT that leaves the champion motionless on the mat.

TODD: "The Golden Drop! Pariah hit The Golden Drop! This could be all she wrote for Dionysus!"

BAMA T: "What a comeback by Pariah! Just when it looked like he was down for the count, he turns the match around!"

With Dionysus still reeling, Pariah goes for the pin. The referee slides into position, counting:





The bell rings, and the arena falls into a stunned silence before being filled with negative reactions of the crowd. Pariah slowly gets to his feet, his arms raised in victory, having just secured one of the biggest wins of his career by defeating Dionysus for the Xtreme Championship.

[Image: f608dbb1fa4e1b2edc7a9fda42a9eff5.gif]
[Image: PariahX1.png]

TODD: "I can't believe it! Pariah has done it! He's defeated Dionysus and is the new Xtreme Champion!"

BAMA T: "It was cunning, it was ruthless, and it was effective. Say what you will about Pariah's methods, but tonight, they earned him the Xtreme Championship. Dionysus gave it his all, but in the end, tonight was Pariah's night, baby!"

As Pariah celebrates his victory. Dionysus is helped to his feet by the medical team, visibly frustrated and disappointed.

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