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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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Razor Online
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

01-11-2024, 11:03 PM

The American nightmare Razor was in the back getting prepared for his next match at Warfare until Marv Smegma came outta nowhere and see's Razor stretching in the area while talking to him
Marv Smegma: Pardon me Razor. but last Thursday at Anarchy you where about to fight with Mr Oz. until Harmon Gray son Hayes came out during your match but instead he went ahead and attacked you and Mr Oz when you two was about to face each other in the same ring and then the three of you will fight each other in a triple threat to see who comes out as the winner on Anarchy at XWF care to explain Mr Blade.
XWF cheers for Razor Blade in the backstage area when talking to the XWF Universe
American nightmare|Razor Blade: Harmon Grayson Hayes. just jealous cause i had a match with Mr Oz. and he didn't and that's why Jett Sterling made the match between of three of us and make it an triple threat for next week's match at Anarchy on XWF.
Marv Smegma: and what about your Opponent Dionysus. when he defend his XWF X-Xtreme Championship against you on Warfare at XWF.
American nightmare|Razor Blade: Dionysus. better keep his Championship warm cause I'm leaving out as the new XWF X-Xtreme Champion and if HGH or Mr Oz. ever interfere in my match oh I will get thrm both next week in our triple threat match at Anarchy on XWF.
Marv Smegma: can you even defeat Dionysus. this Saturday at Warfare.
Razor leans and finish of his last promo to Marv Smegma
American nightmare|Razor Blade: only if Mr Oz or Harmon Grayson Hayes better not come out and ruined my chance of me becoming the next XWF X- Xtreme Champion when I remove it away from Dionysus. this week on Warfare at XWF.
Marv Smegma: Razor. is there anything else you like to say to your XWF.
Razor steps up closer and speaks the truth about Dionysus
American nightmare|Razor Blade: Dionysus. you may be the XWF X-Xtreme Champion but hang onto it cause I'm walking out of Houston as there new XWF X-Xtreme Champion when we have our Xtreme rules at Warfare this Saturday night on XWF and I will be seeing you inside of that ring real soon Dionysus.
(Razor walks back to his locker room when Marv Smegma continues talking)
Marv Smegma: thanks for the support Razor. and good luck on Saturday at Warfare.
Marv Smegma: we hope that Razor. can win his first ever as the new XWF X- Xtreme Champion when they both compete in the same ring and in a Xtreme rules match this week at Warfare on XWF and who will walk out of Houston as the new or still XWF X-Xtreme Champion at Saturday night Warfare on XWF.
Camera fades when Razor goes searching for his Opponent before the match begins this Saturday
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