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08-05-2013, 11:35 AM
I came in here looking for a fight, it looks like all you bitches just saying you might. I get it you're scared you don't want to step to me, but when I win title after title don't watch me on your TV. You might as well face me now while you have the chance, after all this could be your last dance. I'll take anyone on, but when I bust that ass, don't become a peon.
The born and raised irish airbourne
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08-05-2013, 11:43 AM
I'll fight you
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08-05-2013, 11:45 AM
Oh we got a shit talker. Hell I'll fight you.
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08-05-2013, 12:52 PM
Hey both you mother fuckers can take me fight me, but when ya get ya ass kicked don't run around crying to mommy.
The born and raised irish airbourne
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08-05-2013, 01:06 PM
Sorry dude I just signed up for a match with someone with a little potential, sorry little clownfish, but I'm sure SoKo here will happily oblige you
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08-05-2013, 01:39 PM
Exactly what I though, we got a little pussy. Get the fuck out of here before I you push me
#MemeQueen Luca Torchwick
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08-05-2013, 01:47 PM
"A shit talker? A pretty shitty shit talker, if you ask me."
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Unknown Soldier (08-05-2013)
The born and raised irish airbourne
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08-05-2013, 01:51 PM
Before I you push me? Hmm a little fish who can't speak scary. Nemo if your so desperate for this Ill gladly sign up to take you on any time after Wednesday, ask yourself why everyone knows who I am and I haven't had a match yet and then think
He gets straight into Nemo's face for this
Is this really the guy you want to be in the ring with the night you have to impress the world? You see you are unknown and untested, me I'm just untested. Really really think about this little fish, someone has actually called me a contender for Madison's title, I'm not saying they are right, they aren't, but if that's what someone is saying then that's what I have to live up too. You gave this little shout in a room with 3 people in it, when I did exactly what you are doing here today I did it in a locker room with some of the most dangerous men and women in this company just after they had all gone through hell. AND I AM STILL STANDING HERE UNSCRATCHED, try it for yourself mate, see if your so lucky
LJ Havok
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08-05-2013, 01:59 PM
*LJ Havok stands in the corner looking amused and suppressing laughter every time Nemo opens his mouth.*
Ya know you, Nemo, are the type if ignorant fool I have been talking about..You have more guts than brains..and lets be honest with each other, you don't look like you can hurt a fly. I am not answering your challenge. I am simply telling you to watch your back..People here are more vicious than you and probably more talented... You have been warned my friend.
The born and raised irish airbourne
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08-05-2013, 02:22 PM
Now thats coming from 2 people no further in the door than you, maybe you should pay heed and listen before the real wolves come barking
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08-05-2013, 03:21 PM
Soklov rolled his eyes at the male."Listen. I'll take you on. Kick your ass then send you to the back to get patched up. Seeing that I'm such a nice guy and all."
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Prototype45 (08-12-2013)
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08-12-2013, 07:12 PM
(As prototype still trying to shove his foot down his throat and his head sooo far up his ass he's near to wear he's almost sniffing his own crack) hey nemo need help?