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The Past, The Future -- A Nauseating Garish Reality
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TactilizingOne Offline
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(the perfect heel; hated even by the fans who usually cheer heels; pisses off internet fans too)

02-18-2023, 08:59 PM

“There are many perceptions about wrestlers, especially with how many subculture branches have been borne from the tree that sprouted wrestling’s genesis. Within each of those branches is a pocket dimension all of the makings of two parties: The visionary who launched the company, and those who inhabit it. From that blend of talent and leadership, for better or worse – the company’s culture is created. It will never be static, morphing and shaping based on the evolution of the company. Once more, that evolution could be for better or for worse…”
Turning, we see the clear visage of the Tactilizing One, himself – Larry Tact.
“Everyone understands The Denzel Porter Invitational was created to bring those pocket dimensions together, and in doing so, set an example to the world of what we can achieve together. Denzel hasn’t been all talk, either. To his credit, he has stepped up and set example after example of his own – be it a rankings list, inviting us to see his show previews and rundowns, covering “BREAKING NEWS,” and it goes on. You could make a list of ‘The Top Ten Ways Denzel Porter Set The Example For Wrestling To Follow…’ and why?”
He gives a short but affirming nod.
“Because there are more than only ten.”
His golden blonde hair cascades in a wavy, sheen curtain a bit past his shoulders. Typically, he would tie it back, but he has left it loose this afternoon.
“And so it goes, we have the second annual – at this point, you should all feel confident and comfortable in following my example, to support the man to cement this Invitational as such – Denzel Porter Invitational. You may think I’m crazy to say it, but there are always malcontents who will seek to tear down what wrestling as a whole has worked to build. We were not where we are today twenty three years ago. While it’s clear there is still a great deal of toxicity in this industry, it’s important to also take a moment to acknowledge where we’ve come from. At this event, there will be representatives from so many of the pocket dimensions I mentioned earlier. Yes, it’s thanks to Denzel and his team to network and collaborate with those who have agreed to step through the ropes. Let’s not allow it to slip past, however, what will also be seen: Not only representatives of company’s, and those who lead them, but so many backgrounds and identities and orientations. It’s a great deal of progress from twenty three years ago, AKA the year 2000. That’s not to say there isn’t work still to be done. For the love of the ring, there’s plenty people will need to do long after many of us are gone. It’s figuratively and literally a constant and ongoing struggle… in other words, It’s evolution, people.”
The blinders have been raised from the floor-to-ceiling windows along one wall, allowing the sun to bathe the office of Tact Enterprise’s leader, the backlight empowering the light blue pinstripes of his navy blue suit. A triple-striped tie of three green shades brings out the olive in his eyes.
“This is the way wrestling evolves. We pick up and live in a time and place where those who struggled previously have placed it. We will leave it in a time and place for the next generations to decide where they need to pick up from. It will never become static because that’s the nature of the wrestling industry. So do take a moment to appreciate where we each started, and don’t constantly look to battle over where we should go next. That’s disrespectful to those who brought us to this point, through their own struggle. It’s a disservice to those living now, who cannot enjoy and appreciate the time and place we are privileged to compete in. It can be a miserable existence if you never stop looking towards what lies ahead, and truly see what lies before you.”
With that, Larry turns and strides over to a set of plush taupe-colored seats surrounding a meeting table that can seat four, but he passes it a takes a seat on a matching sofa, crossing a leg horizontally.
“Of course, I don’t expect most of you to heed much of my advice. Hell, it feels like this industry moves so differently than when I started – also in the year two thousand. There’s practically a news cycle now! I took six years off from any active presence in professional wrestling. I devoted myself to my family and firstborn child. When I returned in 2021, it was like a prisoner reentering the free world. It was a shock to my system. Now, I’ve adjusted to the machinations of this new wrestling world. However, I’ve still yet to return the favor, and shock the existing system.”
He draws his fingers together under his head tilted so his chin is about level with them. The daylight kept his countenance a reflection of solemnity to this point, but there is a little less blasting daylight in this area of the room. We begin to see the toll the ring has taken on the man, inside a couple years’ shy of his fortieth birthday.
“Don’t worry, I practice what I preach. In the time since I returned, much like the fifteen or so years before it, I appreciated what we inherited. I think I appreciated it too much, freely moving and competing to my heart’s content. I never truly wanted to stop, but I made a decision that had to be among the most difficult in my life. There was no injury that forced me away, no heartbreaking story of a fallen man. I walked away voluntarily. That was the moment when I did look to the future, but not simply for wrestling. For the whole world, I decided I would make the selfless choice of raising my son like a proper father. I decided to do what I needed to do to give the world a son who embodied everything they didn’t want to appreciate through my own struggle. So I would pass on my strengths, alert him of my mistakes, and if the world didn’t accept him then they never deserved to find goodness.”
He abruptly leans back in his seat.
“The result is to be determined, of course. He’s hardly been released to the world. But I certainly haven’t had complete influence over him, either. That’s a story for another time, and none of you deserve to hear it anyway. In fact, you’re here for someone else entirely, aren’t you? The reason I’m getting… admittedly, elevated attention from the wrestling journalists and dirt sheets is because they all want to hear my comments on who I’ve been set to face at the Denzel Porter Invitational. One Amber-Bane Ryan.”
The exterior toll of his tenure in the industry has shown itself mostly as now-faint scars on Larry’s body. Scars of remembrance will be the toll wrestling has taken upon him, as he wouldn’t otherwise have the years of trauma logged on and within his body. Save for a few deeper ones, he sees those scars as emblems of pride and esteem, fuel for his maintaining passion and excellence.
“I understand Amber Bane-Ryan has quite the following. I don’t need to go into it much with you all, and so, I won’t. Needless to say, she has never taken such a break as I did, so thoroughly devoting herself for so long to something else in her life. Why is that? She simply cannot. The reason? She is simply not talented enough to do so. For whatever talent she has is largely embedded in the skills she has developed in the ring. She has been in SCW for so long, it’s practically her company by default. Maybe that offends her husband, Mac? I doubt it, since he knows the truth is that Amber is the more talented wrestler of them. It’s no shame, only the reality. Maybe that’s why Mac allowed her to be eliminated from Level Up Wrestling’s ‘The Last Of Us, Part Two”… by a rookie wrestler. It was a gauntlet extravaganza, which drew an audience outside of Level Up’s general audience, thanks to the rich prize, and the glory of being the sole survivor of that raucous gauntlet. Mac Bane, somehow, failed his wife at that particular moment of 2022. About a year ago, Amber was eliminated by a rookie wrestler named Paul Freedom, and it was a telltale sign of Mac trying to cast a certain perception. I believe otherwise, and that’s one reason why I wanted to challenge Amber Bane-Ryan to this match. While it’s true I may have fallen to Mac at the CCPE versus The World spectacular, I’ve got another shot lined up. I had meant to start my 2023 wave off the backs of them both, but I suppose I’ll have to settle for using the wave that’s double in size. Figuratively speaking, of course.”
He chuckles at that, and we see the trademark smirk that creeps up the corner of his mouth.
“Amber, I know you are not the one who will back down to any adversity. I’m aware that even injury has not made a strong enough case for you to pursue other ventures in the world. You’re so obsessed with the rush of being in wrestling that you find a way to hang in there. We are so entirely different, you and I. Think about what I said, the decision I needed to make. It was the toughest decision of my life, but it wasn’t one I regratted at all. I’m going to share with you why. It’s because I have something you’ve convinced the wrestling world you either possess when it matters most, or don’t need at all. Regardless of which, it’s a lie. You have the choice of what you contribute to the evolution of wrestling, and adding to the fabric of where it will be left when you’re done and dusted – and sooner or later, it will happen, even if by your demise. It’s inevitable. What isn’t so defined, however, is whether you ever could have the quality I’m naming…”
He places his crossed leg back down onto the carpeted floor, and releases his entwined fingers, resting his hands on his knees, relaxed and comfortable as he continues.
“Your obsession betrays your weakness, Amber. While you’ve defined yourself and your brand, much like your jackass of a husband, you both still possess at least one shared quality, and that’s hanging onto what your talent has allowed you to do in the ring. You may indeed continue to be a great talent for years to come. It’s possible you’ll be able to be sent into retirement, someday, with most of your talent intact. But you will be sent to , not decide on, retirement. No one with two functioning eyes believes you’ll be able to walk away from the wrestling industry on your own. I don’t really look forward to it, even. I can appreciate your husband’s suffering in perpetuity, but you haven’t really slighted me on a personal level. The point I’m driving home is that you need this. You need the wrestling ring. You need to succeed at it, ultimately. Because if you can’t succeed at wrestling, you have nothing else you’re as talented at. Yes, you’ve struggled with confidence and it means you cannot pull yourself away from wrestling, so you’ll never truly be able to cultivate any other talent to the same degree. This is it for you, and when I best you at the Denzel Porter Invitational? It will show that much more how, regardless of what setbacks may come my way, I have the confidence to overcome. Even when it’s against someone who supposedly makes magic and steals shows. I happen to be a show stealer of my own. What do you think that means for the caliber of this match? The world will know, soon enough.”
He stands and cirlces around to the back of the sofa, firmly placing his hands on the back cushions and leaning towards us from the short distance of the drone camera.
“You and I aren’t that far apart in our total years of actively competing in the ring. But like Novak Djokovic, I took some time off to make the best decision for myself, and it’s already paid dividends. I am molding a pocket dimension spawned of the wrestling tree alongside the Game Changers, in Level Up Wrestling, where I also set records as Power Champion. I main evented one night of their two-night, biggest event of the year, Final Fantasy. I’m on a course to take down the seemingly indefinite Thunder Pro Wrestling Duos Champions, the brothers Malvados, alongside Buster Gloves, introducing them and everyone else to Critical Hit.”
Larry straightens his posture and strides back to the side of the office where daylight has began to wane, but has yet to disappear behind the slice of Manhattan skyline near his office.
“This year’s Denzel Porter Invitation will be marked by even bigger matches, rivalries being cemented or even sparked, and the cream of the wrestling crop coming out to support what the Auteur of Breaking News has brought together. What you’ll see in the match between Tact and Bane-Ryan is a true clash of styles, and clash of personalities. We’re going to put on a clinic that is purely our interpretation of fine art. Because neither of us wants to work as fine artists. We’re wrestlers who want to represent the styles that have made our careers thrive and granted us invitation to this grandest of stages.”
He raises his hands to his suit lapels, grasping them.
“In the end, though, with this battle of confidence versus confidence in crisis, Amber and her fans will discover a most humbling Tact Fact. You will not overcome the obstacle I present, when I bring a nauseating and garish reality to the forefront of our match…”
“I represent everything you cannot be, and your brilliance will burnout under the cold breath of my might.”
With a tug of the lapel and smirking face, we fade to black.
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