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HONORED GUEST: Here For Cross-Branded Event "Deathproof" Corey Black
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02-17-2023, 04:14 PM

Corey Black

[Image: king-red.png]

Wrestler's Real Name:
Corey Black

Wrestler Age/Date of Birth:
38 - June 6th, 1984




Alignment (Face? Heel? Antihero?):
Legendary (will be cheered basically no matter what he does)

Pic Base:
Robb Flynn from Machine Head

Backstory/Important Character Details:
Corey Black wrestles because he wants to be the best. That's it. Full stop. He's dedicated his life to it, he's put relationships aside for it, he's sacrificed everything to get into the ring and battle.

Wrestling IQ, durability, willingness to win.

Three on one assaults, powerbombs, stables.

Entrance Theme Music (Provide YouTube link as well as name and version):
Raining Blood by Slayer ()

Ring Entrance (PLEASE write one out for use in match/show writing):
The lights in the arena fade slowly to black. The crowd begins to buzz as the tron lights up a crimson image.

Voice: Even kings die. But he is..

A bell tolls. Again. A third time.

[Image: MOSHED-2022-6-12-13-52-7.gif]


The crushing sound of Slayer's "Raining Blood" blasts over the speakers, sending the crowd in attendance into a fit. Headbanging, horns in the air, the whole nine. They scream out the lyrics as on the stage emerges Corey Black bathed in a white light, red ones circle the arena, wearing a hooded black denim vest that has metal band patches all over it. Corey stands at the top of the ramp, looking out into the frenzy, nodding his approval. He makes his way down the ramp, taking his time to survey the carnage around him and get himself a good look at the ring before him. As he reaches it, Corey slides in under the bottom rope and pops to his feet, unleashing a roar and throwing the devil horns into the air toward the hard cam. He takes the vest off and drops it to ringside before heading to his corner and crouching down, waiting for the match to begin.

In-Ring Style (Technician? High Flyer?):
Strong Style (strikes, head drops, deathmatch mostly)

10 or More Standard Moves: Strikes:
Elbow strikes (to head, face, chest, knees, legs, arms etc), knee strikes (same), most kicks (super, roundhouse, drop, front, side, spinning, heel, big boot, Yakuza Kick etc), discus clothesline, open hand slaps - Corey doesn't really punch.

Suplexes (t-bone, gargoyle, vertical, exploder, german, half nelson, tiger, dragon etc), DDTs (normal, jumping, running, Asai etc), Slams (body, side, spike uranage, STO, etc), Neckbreakers (sitdown, spinning, Stunner, Cutter)

Yakuza Kick, Busaiku Knee Strike, Dropkick, Pump kick, Clotheslines (normal, flip, leaping etc), Forearm strike, spear, leaping double stomp (CD will either run at or catch a running opponent in the chest/head with both feet and forcefully stomp them down to the mat. Requires CD to leap high and bring his knees up to get the kind of height needed)

Elbow drop, leg drop, moonsault, springboard variations (from middle rope, top rope, outside to top to inside, etc) Splashes (normal, twisting, 360, shooting star) Sentons (back, flip), Double Stomp (normal, moonsault to, front flip to)

Tornado DDT, running Yakuza Kick, running dropkick, middle/top rope versions of other moves listed

Dragon Sleeper, Triangle Choke, Single Leg Boston Crab, Cross Arm Breaker

Trademark Move Name(s):
Fisherman Brainbuster
Backdrop Driver
Lariat (running, spinning, charged from standing base)
Powerbomb (stiff as fuck and can be done to much larger opponents)
Reverse Rana
Destroyer out of nowhere (counter move mostly)
Falcon Arrow
Orange Crush Bomb
Death Valley Driver
Tombstone Piledriver (normal, sitout, spinning, off the middle rope, through tables, on a chair, sometimes called the Dunekiller)
Shining Wizard
V-Trigger knee strike
Penalty Kick (running punt type kick to the head/chest of a seated opponent)
Rolling Elbow
Frog Splash
450 Splash
Shooting Star Press
Coast to Coast Dropkick

With the opponent laying on the mat, Corey runs toward the ropes and leaps up to the middle rope like he was going for a Lionsault. Instead, he springs backward while rotating forward, executing a springboard imploding 450 Splash to the opponent.

Corey will spring off the middle rope and fly backward while rotating forward in an imploding flip - only this is to a standing opponent. As he comes back he clutches the head of the opponent and executes a Cutter/RKO. Used as a finisher while under the mask in Japan, there it was named the Kiryu Cutter.

"Taking The Ransom" - Corey will pick the opponent up onto his shoulder and clutch their head behind his back in an Air Raid Crash/White Noise/Belly to Back Piledriver hold. From here, he'll pull their head forward and drop to one knee, dropping the opponent neck/head first onto his leg while being held upside down.

Finishing Move Name(s):
"For Victory or Death" - Repeated elbow strikes to the side of the opponent’s head while holding the opponent in a modified seated abdominal stretch. Either KO or submission.

"The Beheading" - Corey maneuvers the opponent to a position where they are on one knee, "bent knee before the king" if you will, usually done with a superkick to the knee. From here Corey will charge in, be it a couple steps or bouncing off the ropes, coming in at the rear of the opponent with a swinging elbow strike to the back of their head. Absolutely devastating move.

Burning Hammer

Phoenix Splash

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots:
Loves to jump off high stuff. Uses weapons uniquely, like putting a light tube down the shirt of an opponent before hitting a backdrop driver. Utilizes a machete if in very dire need.

Additional Notes (What are some things that they would ALWAYS do? Or would NEVER do?):
- Will flip out of moves and land in the "superhero landing pose" to annoy opponents, making them charge in and get caught with a counter move.
- Delivers strikes to the back of the head, seated, or kneeling opponent in an attempt to end a match.
- Commonly does moves into the turnbuckle. Suplexes, powerbombs, slams, etc.
- Strings moves together to end a match. Superkick, superkick, discus lariat is a common combo but anything and everything is possible. Triple rolling brainbusters? Sure. Of course.
- Flash roll-ups are not an uncommon occurrence.
- Sometimes kicks out at 1 after a big move late in the match.
- Does moves onto the apron either for more damage or as a punctuation.
- Very good at creative reversals.
- Will absorb strikes and stare at the opponent before unleashing a massive strike of his own, normally a lariat.
- Rarely showboats, usually does moves quickly and with purpose.
- Not the best at submissions, but can maneuver out of most due to years of training.
- Doesn't spend much time outside the ring when a count out is in effect. Will dive onto opponents, but doesn't waste time brawling.
- Utilizes various colors of the "Asian Mist" as a last resort tactic if the opponent will not go down.
- Won't cheat.
- Will never attack testicle region unless in a blood feud.

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