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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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Peter Vaughn Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-17-2023, 10:41 AM

The Road So Far:

Leopards, Vultures, & Monkeys: A Zoological Mystery

Spiders, Snakes, & Worms - A Mystery Solved

A Family Long Divided...

A Family Reconnected...

~We come into the shot with the sight of a large tire in front of us, spinning away rapidly as it grabs for traction on the asphalt below. The camera slowly zooms up, almost like a film, to show that we're currently looking at a city bus. The shot now shows us inside the windows, passing through to reveal two men sitting there. One, Peter Vaughn, is looking down at the ground, deep in thought. Next to him is his half-brother, Thomas Hill, who appears to be staring worriedly at the ceiling.~

Thomas Hill: Hey, bro. Two questions for you.

Peter Vaughn: *Sigh* Sure, Thomas. What's up?

Thomas Hill: First, why did we have to take the bus again?

Peter Vaughn: I told you, Gabriela had a bit of a hitch to her when we returned, so I don't want to drive her until I get under her hood.

Thomas Hill: We really need to discuss your truck's name.

Peter Vaughn: ... And your other question?

Thomas Hill: Well...

~Thomas looks away from Peter, staring upwards once again.~

Thomas Hill: Is that a dead body?

~Confused, Vaughn looks up as well at the luggage rack area of the bus.~

[Image: goth.jpg]

Peter Vaughn: Oh, right. No, they're not dead. I saw the leg move earlier. They're just being dramatic.

~The teenager, dressed all in black, looks down on them with scorn.~

Goth Teenager: I'm my own individual. Conformity leads to death! I choose to be me no matter what!

Peter Vaughn: Uh huh. I bet your back is hurting, isn't it?

Goth Teenager: ... It's killing me.

Thomas Hill: Then come down from there and just sit in the chairs!

Goth Teenager: Never! I refuse to be normal!

~The bus suddenly pulls off, coming to the next stop with a jolt. Vaughn, noting that it's their stop, gets up.~

Peter Vaughn: Suit yourself. You're just making yourself look like a damned fool.

~Thomas hurries after Vaughn, as the goth stares after them. They start to sit up but realize that a foot just got caught on the railing.~

Goth Teenager: Umm, a little help?

~Neither Vaughn nor Thomas stop, stepping off the bus. They look around, as the bus closes the doors behind them and drives off. We can see the teenager, upside down, trying to free themselves, through the window as it leaves.~

Thomas Hill: So where to now?

Peter Vaughn: Sammy said she'd meet us at Smokey's Bar, over there. In fact, that's her truck, right? Damn, I wanted to beat her here.

Thomas Hill: *mumbles* Bet she doesn't have a stupid name for her truck.

Peter Vaughn: What was that, Thomas?

Thomas Hill: Nothing, we'd better get in there.

~Thomas hurries ahead, as Vaughn watches him with narrowed eyes for a moment. He then shrugs and moves to catch up.~

Some people just feel the need to be different.

I fully understand that feeling. I'm probably one of the most unique wrestlers in the world today, due to my work background and willingness to do anything to win. I always want to stand out. I always want to be exceptional.

Is that the same for you, Gothy? Is that what you want? To stand out?

Congrats, by the way, on winning your first tournament match. Ring Master looked pretty out of it, didn't he? Weak ass performance by him, giving you an easy slide through to face me. Of course, nothing you could do about that. The damn wheel made its choices, not us. So yeah, props to putting down a disinterested wrestler. I'm afraid this time it's going to be the real deal.

As hard as it is to admit, Gotham, we've got a few things in common. We've both been champions elsewhere, making our marks as all-time greats in a few places. We've both come to the XWF, one of the top wrestling organizations on the planet, to make our mark. We both badly want to come out victorious in this tournament and prove to the world that we're better than them.

That said, I guess we could say your run here has been a little shaky at best, hasn't it?

It hasn't been a total loss. You got a few wins under your belt here and there, enough to keep yourself relevant to the bookers. They've definitely wanted you to succeed, feeding you people like Mercy and old man Centurion. You did beat Kaye and Kuhn, so welcome to that club, at least. I really need to make up some t-shirts.

But, I mean, you've been here seven months, and you haven't even won a single championship, right? Hell, I don't think you've ever gotten a PPV win. Atara kicked your ass in the Xtreme Title match at Relentless, Myst pinned you at Bad Medicine, and, well, there she is again, Myst taking you down at Snow Job. That's pretty tough there, Gothic. It kind of makes it seem like you can't handle the pressure in the XWF.

But that's not true, right? Right? Because I guarantee the pressure's going up at Warfare next week. We're building to an amazing PPV, which means that every match matters now. You're no longer facing a has-been like the Ring Master, either. You're facing the man many would call one of the best in the world currently, and they wouldn't be wrong.

That puts the odds against you, boyo, even if you DID get an autograph from Chris Page recently.

Sure, some will think I'll go easy on you now that you've joined up with CCPE. They are clueless, because I tend to fight HARDER when I think it's someone worthwhile, and CCPE does raise your stock a little. There's a reason I've sought out fights with Mark Flynn, Mac Bane, Page, and the rest of the signees.

Getting signed up means that you've gone on my radar, Gotti, and it's not where you want to be.

~The two men walk into Smokey's, which lives up to its name right away. Vaughn waves a hand in front of him, annoyed by the thick cigarette smoke, as Thomas squints, trying to see inside.~

Thomas Hill: Damn, it's dark in here.

Peter Vaughn: Definitely not my usual hangout. Let's just find Sammy and figure out what we're doing today.

Thomas Hill: That anxious to see your half-sister again, huh?

Peter Vaughn: You're the one who was desperate to tag along, even though the connection between you two is insignificant at best...

Thomas Hill: Hey, I always wanted a sister, don't take this away from me...

~Thomas moves forward into the bar, with Vaughn reluctantly following, still frustrated by the smoke locked in with them. Thomas moves down past the bar, looking at the tables in back. He spots a longer-haired individual and heads there, leaning in to give a hug from behind.~

Thomas Hill: How you doing, sis?

Voice: Who the hell!?!?

~The person shoves Thomas off of them, with Thomas, shocked, stepping back as they turn. The woman, clearly not Sammy, glares at him, with Thomas raising up his arms.~

Thomas Hill: Whoops, sorry, my mistake!

~Thomas tries to turn around, but a large man is suddenly there, blocking his way.~

Large Man: So, you just like going around feeling up girls, huh?

~Thomas shakes his head, ready to deny it, but the man is in a punch-first, ask questions later mood, so he drops Thomas with a shot to the gut!! As Thomas slumps over, the large man turns towards Vaughn, glaring at him.~

Large Man: You a pervert too?

Peter Vaughn: Nah, just an asshole, or so I've been told.

~Vaughn reaches to the side, grabbing a bottle and breaking it to create a weapon. The large guy doesn't look intimidated, as he steps forward... and then he falls, groaning, with a pool stick pointing out from between his legs where it landed. Behind him, we see Sammy standing there with a smirk.~

Sammy Mitchell: Really, guys? Starting a fight without me already?

~Vaughn shrugs, smiling at his newly-discovered half-sister. The woman from earlier then jumps in, grabbing Sammy from behind about the neck! But Vaughn reacts instantly, lashing out with a heel kick that knocks her off, sending her flying. Sammy coughs for a second, then straightens up.~

Sammy Mitchell: Thanks.

Peter Vaughn: ... Welcome to the family.

~Sammy and Vaughn both grin, with eerily similar expressions. They turn to face another group of "bar warriors" who have decided to test their luck. Thomas can be seen behind them, quickly crawling under a table, as Sammy and Vaughn set themselves back-to-back. Vaughn braces himself for the fight... still looking pleased at this turn of events.~

There's nothing like a good brawl to get the blood pumping, is there?

I'm hoping that's what you're going to give me at Warfare, GottaCatchEmAll. I already wasted my first round match against Callyboy, so I need this one to count as I head towards my inevitable confrontation with Raion Kido. No offense to Mastermind, but it'd be a huge upset for him to take Kido out of the equation.

Just as it'd be an upset for me to lose to you.

While I've had a bit of a rollercoaster in the XWF, I've proven I deserve to be here. I've held the Universal Title and the Supercontinental Title, and I can't wait to add the Television Title to my credentials soon enough. I'm building that XWF Hall of Fame resume piece by piece, and crushing you to move forward will get me another connection added to the list... putting me much closer to glory than you currently are.

I've tried looking more into your background, but you keep it a little bit dark there, too, don't you? Do you really consider yourself a Goth, by the way, or is the name just a fun moniker you decided to name yourself? Is it some sort of short form for Gerrit? I mean, I can't really judge that by the clothes you wear or the way you get pinned. It has to be more of a personality-based thing, right?

Actually, I just remembered, someone sent me this test. Let me just input your information in, make it as truthful as I can make it...

[Image: goth2.png]

Well, would you look at that? You ARE Goth. I mean, it trends a little closer to "nerd" than "jock", but that could just be how I answered the questions. After all, it's not like we've spent much time together, have we?

They say you get to know a person better once you've punched them in the face. Hopefully that's true in our case, as it'd be a shame to waste a perfectly good punch. Then again, if it gets me closer to moving on in the tournament, what does it matter, right? Really, that's all that matters when it all comes down to it. I want to make my way into the Elite Eight, adding another accomplishment to my resume, even as I add Goth to the List of the Vanquished.

It's a very distinguished list. You'll enjoy the company you keep there.

So you bring all the talent you can muster, Goth. You bring your top moves, your twenty years of brutality in the ring, and your newly-laminated CCPE membership card. I'll bring my unbeatable finishers, my dominant strategic mind, and my lack of mercy for anyone I face. And at the end of the night, once you've been Plunged, you'll realize that you just fought someone you can tell your kids about.

I'll even sign your cast afterwards, if it comes to that.

Enjoy the ride.

[Image: mechanicposter.jpg]

CWF Paramount Champion
GCWA Hardcore Champion
Outsiders Champion (x3)
OCW Craze Champion
OCW World Champion
TPW International Champion (First-Ever) (x2)
PW Valor World Heavyweight Champion
XWF Universal Champion
Level Up Game Genie Winner
XWF Supercontinental Champion
WGWF West Coast Rumble Winner
WGWF World Heavyweight Champion
SCW (Sin City) Roulette Champion
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