Kris The Hammer Von Bonn
Active in XWF
XWF FanBase: Very random (heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)
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Joined: Sat Sep 28 2019
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02-01-2023, 07:42 PM
That meeting, that goddamn awful meeting that we were subjected to.
Mastermind as head of the Misfits brought us all together to tell us that we needed a fresh start as a stable. I knew that talk was coming, and I knew what he was going to say, and I was already in contemplation mode of quitting the Misfits all together.
I think Mastermind knew it too, and I knew our manager Antony the Jerk, felt like I was almost out of the door.
For far too long we have been looked at as a joke of a stable. We were the schlechter Witz of the XWF, I knew it, and Mastermind knew, heck Melanie the crayzee hundin knew it too.
He brought us all together to say that he was changing things up, we needed to do better. I felt angeekelt about the whole thing, and I nearly told him about it. But I told him to his face that this was all about him. He wanted the lime light more than us, and he didn't stick by us but we stuck by us through dick und dünn.
Whenever he was in the limelight, like when he won that Anarchy title it was all about him as champion, we were there to back him up and do our bit for him to keep it.
I also told him it was time to change.
Quote:KRIS: "Lately I've been on the verge of quitting. Not only that but making my own way in the XWF. I know how to wrestle, but I get limited opportunities being a part of the Misfits. I want to do it my own way. Not the Misfits way. But the only thing stopping me from leaving is my respect for you, and what you have achieved. I want what you have achieved. I know I can do that. But I need your help. But I can't go on much longer the way we have been doing things."
To his credit he just sat there listening. Then he told us that whatever we needed he would support us from now on. This is about all of us now. This is about making the stable look better than what it had been in the past.
I knew what I wanted to do, and I knew he wasn't going to like it, so I gave him a heads up. A Blick in die Zukunft (look into the future) so to speak.
"I have a plan, but you are not going to like it, but it's going to be 'pech' for you. Pech means tough luck,"
MASTERMIND: "Okay so what does that mean?"
"For me to stay in the Misfits you are just going to need to trust me in whatever I do. I'm going to create chaos not only against some of the members of the roster but also some key members of your circle that you have close association with, but who are not here. Do you think you can do that? Because if you aren't going to do that, then I'm Ich gehe jetzt. (out of here),
I watched Mastermind think about what I just said and mull it over. He had no other choice but to say:
MASTERMIND: "Fine whatever you want to do, like create this so called chaos, I will back you,"
"Great because the sooner that you stop backing me, I'm done with the Misfits,"
MASTERMIND: "I understand,"
"Good because you better understand, now are you done with me? I don't need to stay here and listen to these two pitch their own ideas if they have ideas?"
Mastermind sort of smirked that infamous smirk of his when he was trying to get a point across or knew what the situation was. He knew I meant business.
MASTERMIND"Sure you are dismissed,"
Boah, danke, I thought. How big of you. So I got up, and left the room, and went to plan my first attack.
Fast forward a couple a weeks, and I was with Mastermind as he competed on the first ever Weekend Warfare. Melanie and Scarlet hadn't come, they were back in Miami. I had joined Mastermind for my own reason. One that he hadn't figured out yet.
sicher genug, he had lost his fatal four-way match, but he hadn't been pinned. But he was close to getting Marf to submit in his Mind Controller, and had Geri not given in first to Raion Kido, then Mastermind would have won. He was just seconds away.
Ohnehin, I was with him when the tag team match was on, and he was recovering from his match, and then the TV title match got underway between Ned Kaye, and Ring Master.
"Remember when you promised me that you'll stick by me, no matter what I do or how I do it?"
"Then follow me, but don't get in my way,"
I made my way out of Mastermind's Locker Room and Mastermind followed me.
I told him to wait not too far away, and I went and hid.
A minute later, Ned Kaye walked into the area after just finishing his match, and then this happened:
Quote:The camera comes back from comercial to focus on backstage, where TV champion Ned Kaye is walking back to his locker room after his successful defense. Suddenly a flying hammer comes out of nowhere and hits Ned Kaye in the back of his head. He hits the floor immediately.
Kris The Hammer Von Bonn walks into view of the camera and up to the fallen Ned. He picks up the TV title, looks at it, and places it down on the back of Ned. He bends over, and whispers to Ned. The camera zooms in to hear:
"I don't want a title challenge Neddy, but I do want a one on one non title match with you sometime over the next month or two. I'll let you know when, enjoy your little headache,"
Kris picks his hammer up, and walks off. Mastermind comes into shot ahead of him, and has a shocked look on his face, as he watches his stable member walk past. He has a good association with Ned, but he has to side with his stable mate. The camera fades out.
Misfits Communication Room
Misfits Gymnasium
Miami, Florida
The camera is turned on, and the camera shows Kris the Hammer Von Bonn standing in front of it, holding his hammer, and slapping it onto the palm of his other hand.
"So here we are, a new Jahr, and basically a new beginning for me. I started things off by going after Ned Kaye, and look what happened. He lost his title to Chris Page, at Snow Job. What a Verlierer. If you are watching Ned, Verlierer means loser in German. Don't worry, I haven't finished with you yet. I'm still coming after you.
Kris starts pacing the room.
"So I place my name in the hat for the King of the XWF tournament where the last four compete at the March Madness Pay Per View, and who do I get? Better yet, what do I get? Another Verlierer. Someone who is even crazier than Melanie, and trust Melanie is pretty crayzee.
"This guy lost his chance of winning the Tag Team Titles at Snow Job. The same place where Ned lost his title. There must be something in the water with these two.
"Michael Graves is my opponent for Round 1 of the King of the XWF tournament starting on the next Warfare, and this guy is not only a Verlierer but he is also blod, living in his own Traum Wort, like a fantasy land, and he just calls out people for their own mistakes, but doesn't understand his?
"He's so deep in fantasy land, that he doesn't even know if he's in this real world. He acts like he isn't.
He acts drunk. He acts like he's living such a bad life. And he just acts. Acts to the point where he is no one else understands what the hell he is on about.
"But you know what I'm going to finish up with Michael. I have a couple of friends who are going to explain to you what I want you to do. It's so simple, it's so clear as day, and all you have to do is find out what each sign means, and then go do it."
Kris stands to the side and the first lady comes out and stands in the middle of the room where she had been instructed to stand and she signs the first word.
She walks off camera, and the second lady walks over to the middle of the room, and signs the second word.
The second lady walks off camera, and the first one returns and steps exactly where she needed to be, and signs the third and final word.
The first lady walks off camera, and Kris returns to the center of the room.
"Michael Graves if you can't work that out, then you really are a Verlierer and blod, and also Verrückt and then I really feel sorry for you.
"Take my word Michael. I am going to win our match because I want this more. Take it or leave it. But for now I think I have finished what I wanted to say, and I'll leave you with this. Watch yourself Michael Graves, because this is coming your way."
Kris throws the hammer at the camera, and the camera feeds suddenly ends as the hammer smashes the camera.
Former X-treme Champion - 1st ever title
From 2nd May 2023 to 14th May 2023
12 Days as Champion.
'Does a Hammer make a noise
while it is in flight?
It certainly does when
it find it's Target!'