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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Snow Job RP Boards 2023
Iron Sharpens Iron
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Raion Kido Offline
The Lion


XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

01-26-2023, 04:01 AM

“Strike a nerve, did I?”


It seemed that Mark Wright had felt disrespected, even though the Lion had no such intent. But there was little to do about it now - battle was joined, and at Snow Job, there was nothing else to do but win.

“No matter! I did not come all this way just to lose at the anniversary of my first year - and I’ve had enough of lingering in the middle of the pack!”


And for his part, Raion Kido did not mean for his year anniversary in the XWF to end in anything more than victory. Nor would March Madness - this time with 32 people - find him unprepared. This was, more than ever, the time to seize victory.

“And if Mark Wright cannot handle my words, he’s definitely not going to withstand what I mean to do at Snow Job. For iron sharpens iron, and I bring a very sharp blade.”


Sparks fly and metal cries as the young Saint of Athena rubs a metal blade over another, and soon the sword on which Raion is working begins to show its edge. The Benson Designs workshop in Green Bay is host to a blacksmithing school, and it is there the Lion is located, clad this time in a simple cotton black T-shirt and work jeans, sharpening the blade he has just forged into shape. Soon the shop’s owner approaches to see the Lion’s work.

“Ahh, our guest is hard at work it seems. Thank you very much for finding the time to come here, Raion.”

“Not at all, sir! Thank you most kindly for your invitation as well - I always have a great time teaching people.”

Raion then holds up the blade for the master smith to see, and the middle-aged man takes it, and weighs its balance in his hand, sighting down the edge.

“Magnificent! It is plain and unadorned, of course, but it’s clear it’s fit for its purpose!”

The Lion nods.

“That is because, above everything else, a blade needs to be sharp. It can be made beautiful later, but one must never forget its purpose is to cut.

But let’s now show them how to finish the job!”

“Okay people, pay attention! Our guest is going to show us the final step!”

The rest of the class - aspiring blacksmiths of all genders and ages - gather round in front of the Lion and the master smith.

“But of course, we’re still not done here, friends. There is one more step before this blade is finally ready.”

The teacher hands the blade back to Raion, and the Saint of Athena soon dunks it into a barrel filled with water.


Mists of metallic steam billow from the barrel, filling the hall and raising the temperature as the morning passes. After a while, the Lion picks up the blade once more.

“And now, ladies and gentlemen, it’s finally done. If I may demonstrate…”

The master smith nods and brings up an iron rod that he holds before the Lion.

“In my country, in ancient times, a blade was made by beating iron into shape, then quenching it in cold water. That way the iron hardened into steel, which was what made a sword so deadly. Because at the end of the day, iron is strong, yes, but ultimately brittle. If pushed hard enough, it will eventually break, the same way you would snap a twig. As you’ll now see… HYAH!”


The Lion holds up the blade in two hands, and slashes the iron rod the master was holding, making a very clear cut that splits the blade into two halves.

“As you can see, the blade is very hard, but it’s not hardness alone that made it cut like this. In order for any blade, from a sword to a simple knife at the table, a blade must be sharpened into an edge, which we do with a grindstone, or by rubbing the blade with another.

Iron sharpens iron, by opposition to one another, by putting the metal through exertion and adversity, so that its strength finally emerges, and it is fit for the purpose it was created.”

And at this point, the Lion cracks a winning smile.

“But this proverb isn’t valid just for metalworking, friends. This is also true for life.

Because this Sunday, you shall see me face someone that, despite whatever glory he might have earned in the past, still needs to learn this lesson.

One that I shall very gladly teach.”


“It is said that iron sharpens iron. This is a known proverb, and true to life in the working of metal. And the essence of this proverb, as it is in life, is that for something to prove its strength, it requires opposition, for that way weakness is purged.

Is that not, in fact, the very reason we wrestlers do what we do? Is it not because we recognize the value of putting ourselves in opposition’s way just to come out stronger? And aren’t those accomplishments we earn, those titles we win, the proof that we have, in fact, been sharpened - as iron sharpens iron?

Why is it, therefore, that you started rambling and raving like a true exemplar of your moniker, Mad Dog?”

So the Lion begins, amidst the fires and the rumbling of the forge at his back, in his left hand an iron rod, and in his right hand the steel sword he has just forged.

And as the forge burned, so did his cosmos.

You of all people, Mr. Wright, should know exactly that of which I speak. After all, you’ve prospected coal in the mountains. You should be no stranger to adversity, to opposition, and you should know more than anyone what it is to defy fate. And here you are, in what could be - and probably is - your biggest match in the XWF, and you’ve chosen to be offended.

So tell me, if you cannot take a single speech of mine in stride, what exactly are you doing in an XWF ring? Do you think I have not been talked down worse than I could ever have done to you? Did I not say you were booked against me on the premise that you could very well shock the world? Newsflash, genius - that was me giving you credit, because that is what I did when I made my debut.

You had the first chance to do that when going against a former Universal Champion and you failed; now you’re given another one to beat another former Universal Champion, and you’re already failing again - at measuring who stands in front of you, at the very basic interpretation of my words, and at going into a match without breaking down at the first sign of adversity.”

A clenched fist and a steely gaze follow Raion’s words. If Mark Wright wished - inadvertently or otherwise - to make a fool of himself, let him. But that would not deter the Saint of Athena from doing his duty.

“For you want to claim I have disrespected you, but I made certain to give you a credit you still have not earned, something that, by the looks of it, shall remain the same after Snow Job. Two straight losses and no wins, but don’t worry, Mad Dog - I’m sure your family shall still think you’re proud, and I’m sure you’ll still hold your job. Seems to work well enough for Geri Vayden and Marf Swaysons, whom I just so happened to beat last show and put in less effort than you do.

And speaking about effort, you might want to try to scare someone else with your previous achievements. I did not have that argument when I first came here, nor did I need it to make my way through the XWF Universe. Even former XWF Champions and certified XWF Legends cannot wield their accomplishments against me - go look at my earliest matches, and see how Centurion fared. You may claim to have held gold everywhere you have been, but Xavier Lux tried to tell me the same thing upon my debut, and the only thing he achieved was to be given his first loss by a replacement.

Because that’s exactly what I was when I made my debut here, Mad Dog. There was no hype train, there was no previous fame, there was nothing but my words and the skills I was going to show - those same skills that you cannot hope to match - and mark my words, you cannot. Not here, not now. Maybe we’ll face again, some time in the future, and we may put that to the test again. But at Snow Job, you’re going to find out that there is nothing a Mad Dog might have of which a Lion doesn’t have exceedingly.”

Now the Saint of Athena bares his teeth, his canines now on display. Let the Mad Dog slobber and froth at the mouth - in the end, the Lion’s bite would tear out his throat.

“The only thing you seem to have is shouting to the four winds about how hungrier you are than me, and while I do not doubt your sincerity, I can tell for a fact that you don’t know the depth of your own words. Speak to me about hunger once you’ve held, and lost, the XWF Universal Title.

Speak to me about hunger when the world thinks of you as one of the very best and something happens at the very end that allows someone else to take an accomplishment from you. Speak to me about climbing when you win the Leap of Faith briefcase I now hold.

That very hunger I know, is the reason that has kept me going forward without anyone being able to derail me from my path, and at Snow Job, the road ends with you. Next is the March Madness tournament, and in Athena’s name I shall finally get it right, and you’re going to be the message I send to the XWF Universe - that a well-forged, honed, and sharpened blade may never be turned aside.”


Putting all of his strength into the move, Raion drives the steel sword through the table, burying it almost to its hilt.

“As for you, Mr. Mad Dog, you’ve already said it - it’s back to the grindstone. Iron sharpens iron, but without the temperance and honing required for it to reach its full potential, iron is as brittle as dried reeds, and so it is for you. You face a Gold Saint of Athena whose fist is plated in steel - and against that, there is but one single possible outcome when you face the Lion’s fangs!”


Letting out a primal roar, the Lion snaps the iron bar, which breaks in two as if it were no more than a twig. The broken iron fragments clatter as they hit the solid ground, and a smirk appears on Raion’s lips - a smirk that contrasts the ferocious glint in his eyes.

“Just. Like. That.”

At this point, the Osaka wrestler makes a swift point towards the camera, almost as if its fingertip were to make contact with the lens.

“I’d advise you to be careful, because if there’s no change for you after our meeting, you’re going to be there for a very long time.

Oh, and one last thing - the only thing this outburst of yours has shown is that underneath that blue collar, hard-working everyman you portray yourself to be, your mettle is weak. So be very careful once you put your nose to the grindstone, Mad Dog…”

Drawing his fist back, the Lion lets out an explosive punch, the swift thrust of his fist cutting the very air about him.

“.. because at this point, the only thing you’ll do is break.”

Fade to black.

2000 words (

[Image: yfesfA4.jpg]

Signature courtesy of Atara Themis!
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