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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Snow Job RP Boards 2023
Traitor in the Mix: Part Two
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Chris Page Offline
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XWF FanBase:
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-21-2023, 11:44 AM


It’s a word that everyone fears regardless of what facade is put up by anyone on the face of the planet. It’s also something that is a forgone conclusion for everyone or everything that possesses a pair of lungs. Many emotions flood throughout your body every time someone or something you love ceases to exist from husbands or wives, children, family, and friends, to even our pets. It’s tough to comprehend just how much something meant to you until it’s gone. We all have our way of coping, and when you deal with tragedy there isn’t a timeline. This weekend we are on the cusp of CCPE vs The World; a night that is the ultimate put up or shut up of CCPE’s existence. It’s on this night that the first round of this Trilogy/Saga bullshit begins because your own resident hero Raion Kido will stand on the opposite ring of yours truly.

What happens when he’s crushed? How do you pick your jaws up IF what you deem impossible happens and Chris Page stands tall? I mean, he is your heavy hitter, right? Does it kill Theo’s hopes and dreams? Not yet, but it does start collapsing one of the lungs. The second one starts collapsing at Snow Job. It’s my understanding that I left some of you a little butt-hurt with my fuck off message, and I wish I could tell you that I cared but the truth is I don’t. I refuse to live under the blinders that Theo Pryce puts over all of your eyes with the notion that the XWF isn’t in dire straights and not a joke to anyone else outside of those that continue to swim in shallow waters. You can continue to believe the XWF is the BEST PLACE to apply your craft yet they’re our simping for people to compete in a March Madness Tournament that had a whopping 8 people participate last year. Dismal-FUCKING-returns.

Man, I wish I had to resort to ASKING for people to come over and play on my television when the result is the polar opposite, I tell them no thanks.

I initially told this place to fuck off, and yet I am STILL booked by a guy that will take to Twitter behind a keyboard while trying to convince you I’m not worth shit. Actions speak louder than your words, and what better way to further stick to this federation than by showing up and taking away the only piece of gold Theo’s short bus riding army has in its camp? You kept my name on the card because you know that I’m old school and will show up, but that makes me question if you realize sacrificing two of your pieces this early in the game only is going to make it that much easier for checkmate.

The only things the XWF has going for it are Mark Flynn and Peter Vaughn.

I’m sorry that the rest of you suck, I’m sorry the rest of you are unreliable, I’m sorry the rest of you are foolish enough to drink the kool-aid, I should know… I drank it for three fucking years.


A Traitor in the Mix: Part 2
Continued from:

January 21, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
CCPE Arena @ The Velvet Rabbit Las Vegas

[Image: CCPE_arena.jpg?width=809&height=606]

In just twenty-four short hours the open bell for CCPE vs The World is set to take place. It’s a night that is going to forever go down in infamy when some of the best from all corners of the World are looking to shut the mouths of the most dominant group of talent to ever be assembled. As every second passes the more the anticipation builds, but that’s not why we are here.  The scene fades into the office of Chris Page.

[Image: 360_F_345297641_IpDgsxyCtUtEioc5r7flQqzRl0SU7gxF.jpg]

We find Chris Page at his desk deep in thought. His attention is taken by a knock on the door causing him to check the Rolex on his wrist. Chris looks over toward the door.

CHRIS PAGE: Come in.

Chris stands as the door to his office is opened and in walks Bam Miller. Chris greets Bam with a handshake.

CHRIS PAGE: I’m glad you could make it, Bam. Please take a seat.

Chris motions for Bam to sit while he takes his seat behind the desk. Bam sits across from Chris as he states.

BAM MILLER: What’s up?

CHRIS PAGE: There is something that we need to discuss.

Bam sits back in his chair as Chris continues.

CHRIS PAGE: For months I’ve sat back and watched CCPE and those involved with it, and I’ll be the first to admit that something isn’t right, but I never thought that there was a rat.

Bam interjects himself in a defensive tone while exclaiming.

BAM MILLER: It isn’t me!

Chris quickly calms Bam down knowing his approach might have been off.

CHRIS PAGE: I never said it was you. I know you hired Sherlock.


CHRIS PAGE: Yes I do because he came to see me.


Chris nods his head up and down several times.

CHRIS PAGE: He gave me a lot of evidence he collected, and all of it has been substantiated.



Bam jumps up from his chair throwing his arms up in the air and celebrating feverishly as he screams out with glee.


CHRIS PAGE: Well it does not cause for celebration.

Suddenly Bam realizes that he is going a little overboard. He gets himself under control and sits back down to intently listen to Chris.

CHRIS PAGE: Tomorrow night is supposed to be the biggest night in the history of CCPE, and yet knowing that we have someone in the mix that isn’t CCPE is bothersome.

BAM MILLER: Do you know who it is?


BAM MILLER: Well then it’s easy. We take them out tomorrow night.

Chris lets out a deep sigh while leaning back in his chair

CHRIS PAGE: It’s not that simple.

BAM MILLER: The fuck it isn’t!

CHRIS PAGE: I called you in because you had the first inkling, but as it stands right now we have the advantage in this situation. We’re going to use them to help us get across the finish line for CCPE vs The World, and when the time is right the hammer is going to drop. In the meantime, you’ve more than proven your loyalty to me and CCPE. This is why I want to make sure that tomorrow night you eliminate Jason Cashe while I eliminate Raion Kido before moving on to Snow Job and dealing with Ned Kaye. We have the chance to slit the throats of this “supergroup” before it even starts.

Ned Kaye, first let me congratulate you for making it this far because I thought for sure you would have choked by now. You should consider yourself lucky to be in this position because we all know Mr. King should be standing where you are but he isn’t under the umbrella of Theo Pryce, now is he? I guess you and Raion have that in common when the boss shows you preferential treatment not only on the booking sheets but in the win/loss column.

You and I aren’t strangers.

We stood across the ring from each other several years ago, and while I did defeat you I’m not foolish enough to think that you haven’t evolved over the years, or have you? Back then you rocked with Robert Main as the low man on the totem pole as a part of a faction and fast forward to now the only thing stopping you from being in the same position with Theo’s deal is Jason Cashe. I mean, at least you can win a match here and there. You stand before me as my next piece of business. I fully intend on walking into Snow Job with wins over Matt Knox, Finn Wheelan, The Wolves, some PWS talent, and Raion Kido… all of them former World Champions while you have got an incredible victory over Rampage. The reason I’ve elected to give you some of my time isn’t that you’re a part of the group that is a thrift store version of what I have built but because you boy Theo is such a puss and will NEVER get in the ring with me one on one is to take another one of his Championships that YOU happen to hold.

… that and who else would get a crack? The same five people that always do?

BAM MILLER: I thought you told the XWF to fuck off? You’re still going?

CHRIS PAGE: My name is still on the card.

Chris then states.

CHRIS PAGE: I don’t no show up.

Not only do I not no show I can’t help but revisit Green Bay and Lambeau Field because it’s been two years damn near to the day that I stepped foot on that same field, at this same event, and stood across the ring from a guy defending his Universal Championship that I wasn’t supposed to beat.

… but I did.

That seems to be a trend, doing what others claim I can’t.

History should be going to repeat itself when I leave Snow Job claiming yet another Championship around my rocking waist, and do it at Ned’s expense. You’ve been a decent Champion to fill a spot while the adults have been away conducting other business but now is the time for me to banish you from the thought that you have what it takes to deal with me. Ned, I understand you’re probably looking for revenge over your shortcomings, but just because you’ve grown as a performer doesn’t mean the result is going to change. I don’t have to tell you what I’ve been out doing because everyone else will. It’s not my fault that you were never good enough to be approached to take part in this incredible run that we’ve been on… But I do want you to know that I don’t expect you to lay down because for you this is the ultimate test of your skill, and dare I say quite possibly the biggest match of your career. You are walking onto Pay-Per-View defending a strap of gold against the living legend.

You can no sell me, that’s okay. Most do.

Doesn’t change that I move the needle, that I have already walked through an Elimination Chamber to get here while beating FOUR of the FIVE people involved, and it sure as shit doesn’t change that YOU have the bullseye between those eyes that my fist is going to wear out like Gravy’s vagina.

CHRIS PAGE: I’d like you to be in Green Bay because I need a pair of eyes watching my back, a pair that I know I can trust. This isn’t going to be taken lightly, because I have it on good authority that the move is going to be made under the lights of Lambeau Field.

BAM MILLER: Of course, I’ll be there, I got you.

CHRIS PAGE: I want to make it clear that you do not make a move unless something goes down, but if it does you have my full permission to shatter as many bricks across as many skulls as necessary.

Bam starts to smile like the Cheshire cat

BAM MILLER: Music to my ears.

CHRIS PAGE: Tomorrow night we take down the word, next weekend we take down a traitor, add more gold to CCPE’s trophy case, and change the fucking game… again.

To be continued.


Death comes in many different forms, and in the case of Ned Kaye, that form is Chris Page. I refuse to lend the XWF my name value, my drawing abilities, or anything of any merrit without taking away something they hold dear their Championships. We already know coming out of Snow Job that CCPE’s Mark Flynn or Peter Vaughn will be wearing the Universal Championship… unless Raion does the ULTIMATE villain thing to do and cashes in that briefcase. So why not take the TV Title away from them too?

It’s fitting the narrative perfectly, at least for me.

Now, we know Ned is the epitome of a follower. It would surprise me to hear whispers from others feeding him information, or trying to steer him in a direction seeing as the only card in this entire equation he holds is the card that allows him to dictate the terms of his impending failure. If Ned is a smart guy he’d stay as far away from Professional Wrestling seeing as that is something that is my bread and butter, especially since the only other time we met he got taken to school while eating a beating for Robert Main.

Now you eat a beating for Theo Pryce.

Ned, you’re the red-headed stepchild in this dysfunctional family that is going to get taken to the woodshed and reminded why I am the guy that has made more waves in our industry while you’ve been leaching off others, sticking in the background because your talent doesn’t quite measure up. Need proof of that statement? When was the last time you challenged for the Universal Championship? Haven't you been around longer than most yet the man that YOU follow hasn't given you a crack but LSM is perfectly fucking fine? I'd be insulted. Tell me when were the last people that say they believed in you and put you in a position to succeed?

New Flash.

You’re not.

You can try to convince yourself that this is your redemption, you can listen to those careless whispers, and you can pretend that I’m not the reason that you’re wrestling third from the top but my star power can only carry you so high without any help from those opposing me; well, you in this case. The last thing this story ends is on a positive note for you, kid. You’re still outclassed, you’re still outmatched, and you’re still outgunned by someone that is now and forever will be simply better than you.

Nedski, you sit at the table with petty bitches that want to be me.

That’s your choice.

That’s your nature.

But by the time I get to you, names are already going to be crossed off my list of misfit toys that so desperately are looking to make a statement but can’t hang with me. I am in a league of my own, and you know how dangerous this threat is when it comes to taking away the only thing you THINK you have to covet. Your Championship is secondary to your pride, Mr. Kaye. Beat you is a no-brainer, beating you on your terms is priceless. I hope you think long and hard about what kind of position you want to put me in because sometimes the best-laid plans have a way of backfiring. For everyone else living here in Lala Land known as the Xtreme Wrestling Federation, I want you all to pay very close attention to how this is going to work. You’ve all had a hall pass while I’ve been out establishing my Empire, and now I’m going to come here and roost. Has anyone asked Theo how I’m able to be here? I’d love to hear the answer for why he is paying a guy he claims is the ass end of a jackass to show up and carry the upper card of his Pay-Per-View. Actions and words are speaking the complete opposite since I did lose a loser leaves the XWF match. Mr. Pryce, I hope you’re paying close attention as opposed to talking out of your ass. You’ve ducked me one on one, for years you’ve made any excuses, and you’d rather not sell and downplay me rather than admit that I’m what YOU fear the most… I’m the guy that can put you out of business.

Death can be a liberating thing.

… and in this case, it’s becoming more and more fitting.

Your hypocrisy shines brighter than the sun but the cardinal truth is you are looking at the next XWF Television Champion… from there I’ll see ya once a month or so to defend it, and I’ll give you the same thing most of your roster gives you now so it shouldn’t come as a surprise, prick. It’s shocking to me that it took a Michael Graves promo to make giving you this much of my time worth it…

And ya know… he was right.

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//R.I.P Tater Tot

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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