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06-17-2022, 08:07 AM
After Anarchy
The Parking lot
After the brawl that followed The Bam and Elijah Martin match, a hot head Bam Miller was seen pacing through the parking lot of the Rose Bowl Stadium where Peter Vaughn and Elijah Martin were close by him. Bam continues to pace for a moment and then stops and lights up a cigarette and takes a few puffs, then blows the smoke out in O-shaped form, and then turns and looks at Peter and Elijah Martin.
Bam Miller: I really want to crack someone over the head right now, like I really want to bust one of those FUCKERS across the face!
Elijah looks at Peter to deal with the hot-headed Bam, Peter nods his head and walks over towards Bam.
Peter Vaughn: I'm upset too, bud. So is Elijah. Trust me. We would have loved staying out there and breaking a few more bones. It would have been great to make them have to find a replacement at the last minute. But there’s nothing we can do about it right now. All we can do is wait for June 22nd and the six-man tag-team match. You’ll get your chance for some bloodshed and cracked skulls then, okay? Now, how about we go get ourselves a beer or three and chill out for the rest of the night?
Bam Miller: I’m always down for a beer but right now my mind is just stuck on those bastards Larry Tact and Jason Cashe, I don't give two fucks about Ned he's just a robin and barley at that. I probably crush him over the head with a brick and watch his body slump over.
Bam keeps pacing back and forth while he still puffs on a cigarette.
Bam Miller: I'm just saying that bitch Larry Tact got the nerve to come at me after I and Elijah had a hard-hitting match that's probably going down as a classic but Larry decided to show up and steal our shine but it's okay I'm going to come to his house real soon maybe even before our six-man match. Might walk on Level Up TV and give him a brick to the face and drink a beer while I stand over his worthless ass.
Peter Vaughn: You ever think of starting your own masonry business? I’m sure you could make a fortune.
Bam has no response to this, as he’s still agitated. Elijah shakes his head and steps in.
Elijah Martin: Handle your business Bam, you know I got no problem with the way you get down, especially after our match. I got real respect for you and you are a tough motherfucker and we can run it back whenever.
Bam nods his head in agreement.
Bam Miller: We definitely going to run it back one of these days but first we need to show Cashe, Tact, and Ned that we are not the ones to disrespect and joke around with. I'm tired of these Twitter games where Cashe Tweets away with soft Twitter fingers looking for a reaction. I'm tired of Tact thinking I'm someone he can play around with, he needs to respect my name, and Ned, well I don't even know why he is in this, to be honest, but he’ll get his ass whoop too. None of them are safe.
Peter smiles and laughs a little.
Peter Vaughn: Glad you’re fired up about this match, Bam. It’s always good to have some healthy aggression to channel towards your enemies. Just make sure you don’t burn it all out before our match, as we’re going to need that fury to burn up these guys. Now, if you’ll excuse me, gentlemen, I’ve got my own business to take care of this week. I’ll see you both later.
Peter gives a nod to both Bama and Elijah and heads off to his truck, Elijah walks up to Bam and daps him up.
Elijah Martin: I got to go myself but if you go to Level Up make sure you don't do anything I wouldn't do…
Elijah Martin gives a wink and places a brick in Bam's hand and then walks off with a smirk.
Bam Miller: Yeah they understand me completely, CCPE or not I would go to hell for those two, and that's why we are going to win on Warfare.
Bam takes a puff from his cigarette as he walks through the parking lot and then proceeds to get on a black Harley Davidson and takes one last puff then tosses it as he rides off into the night and the scene goes dark.
Late Night Comedy Show
The scene opens up to a local Comedy Club in downtown Columbus Ohio, Bam Miller sits at the bar alone as he keeps taking back-to-back shots of Jack Daniels's whiskey. The Bartender stays close by to keep the drinks coming and Bam was tipping well but he was slightly annoyed by the local comedian who was stinking up the joint with his act. After the last couple of bad jokes, Bam can't take it anymore and throws his hands up toward the bartender.
Bartender: Need another shot, sir?
Bam Miller: Naw take this to cover my bill, I'm getting out here, this comedian is terrible and I hate bad jokes, If I stay any longer I'm going to have to go on stage and take a brick to his face.
Bam slides the money to the bartender and takes a shot of his last drink and then starts making his way through the club but The Comedian on stage notices him and points him out.
Comedian: Hey buddy where are you going, the show just started.
Bam with annoyed looks on his face gives the comedian the middle finger.
Comedian: Now that's not a nice buddy, real mature….. Wait wait wait I know you, everyone looks at this guy, Hit the spotlight on him. Bam Miller, a pro wrestler who's going to be wrestling down here on XWF Warfare on the twenty-second in a six-man tag team match, isn't that great.
Bam, looking even more annoyed, gives a little acknowledgment to the crowd and proceeds to walk off again but the Comedian stops him again.
Comedian: Wait Bam, come up here on stage let's tell some jokes together and talk some wrestling.
Bam once again walks back off ignoring the comedian but again he yells towards Bam.
A hush comes over the crowd and Bam immediately comes to a stop and starts shaking his head as his fingers twitch a little before turning in the direction of the stage and talking out loud.
Bam now walks toward the stage with a sinister smile on his face as he continues to repeat a phrase.
Bam Miller: I’ll tell you a joke… I'll tell you a joke… I'll tell you a joke.
Bam Miller now steps on stage and walks up towards The Comedian who now looks scared as hell as Bam approaches and just like we all thought Bam Miller just punches The Comedian lights out. Bam Miller stands over him and yells out.
The crowd just looks on and it's almost as if Bam notices they were there as he turns his attention towards them and grabs the microphone on stage.
Bam Miller: Well its looks like your entertainment for tonight has been canceled but I won't send you home disappointed because I once used to be a man of the people but that came to an end a couple of weeks ago on IIW Monday Night Mayhem when the fans booed me for getting some payback on a guy named Adam the Monster who had thrown me off a stage on the Monday Night Mayhem prior, you see fans are fickle and that's when I realized they've been holding me back, so just how I gave this Comedian the finger I gave those same fans in IIW the finger when I beat Adam The Monsters ass in a street fight in Dublin Ireland and the statement did not stop there. I tossed him in a Dumpster with help from one of my Tag team partners that I will be teaming with on the twenty-second down here on Warfare the Supercontinental Champion Peter Vaughn, Now after we tossed him in that dumpster just as my parents did me when I was born, I sprayed liter fluid on him and with a flick of my lighter I turned him into a dumpster fire.
Bam laughs
Ba,m Miller: You see the relevance of that is to explain what kind of man you'll get to see in action, it doesn't matter who you are they can line them all up and ill bust them up, beat them down then Slay them for the, one, two, and three. So when I stand side by side with Peter and Elijah to take on Jason Cashe, Ned, and most of Larry Tact that's exactly what I'm going to do because just how the jackass that lays knocked out behind me motivated me to do that the same stupid mistake has been made by Larry Tact and Jason Cashe.
Bam puts on a confident smirk.
Bam Miller: Those two continue to run their mouths and add more fuel to the fire that burns deep inside already but their partner Ned has the smarts to not engage with me because he knows what kind of man I am and he is just along for the ride like he has always been. Word on the wrestling streets is that Ned jumps from one group to another never really able to stand on his own. If he really wanted to change his career trajectory he would have hired Chris Page and got CCPE but not our loss. He's nothing to lose sleep over and now that he has chosen his side he can stay there with them.
Bam pauses for a moment as he checks on the comedian and then smirks after checking his pulse.
Bam Miller: Yeah that Jackass is still alive don't worry about him he's just a little knocked out and soon Jason Cashe is going to end up just like that because out of the three of them it's almost a lock that he's the main one that needs his jaw rocked and a humbling beatdown experience because you see Cashe is a successful pro-wrestler whos been a Champion just about every company he's competed in and he's always given it his all just like me. Our style is almost the same when it comes to be hard-hitting and aggressive in the ring not to mention we both like to talk shit but my problem with Cashe is that he simply doesn't know when to shut the fuck up. You see his mouth and Twitter fingers keep building a mountain of bulletin board material for me to look over and to remember when we step into the ring, so when I'm slapping him around and beating his ass in the ring I'll make sure to recite back all the garbage he's spoken over the last couple of weeks and I know he feels confident because he's had some success against some people walking into this match but Cashe has never been in the ring with a dawg that bites back because see I don't do all that talking, and going back and forth I just show up with a beer, a brick, and these fists and I go to work.
Bam smirks a little.
Bam Miller: You see Jason Cashe is a Top guy in XWF and all of professional Wrestling and I'm the guy that comes and take them out because I'm a Slayer, it doesn't matter if you consider yourself a Top Guy, a GOAT, a King or any other entitled nickname I will come and end your reign and give you the reality check that you desperately need and Cashe needs it so much, he needs someone like me to expose him from the front he puts on. Cashe would like you to believe he does things on his own and he doesn't like authority but yet he got in bed with the biggest authority figure in XWF Theo Pryce hows that for irony, but unlike him I would never sell out like that, but no matter Cashe will find out soon enough his mouth and Twitter fingers have Tweeted him a check he can't cash!
Bam pulls out a Newport Cigarette and lights it up with a black and skull lighter and takes a few puffs.
Bam Miller: That's better, now they say you save the best for last and I guess you can say that about Larry Tact he's arguably could be the best man on his team walking into Wednesday Night Warfare but before the twenty-second, I and he will be involved in another match on Level Up programming because after Anarchy I couldn't really wait to get my hands on him and I know it only a day earlier but it's still an extra day for me to kick his ass before The Cannabis Cup and now we have two chances to give each other and the fans a sample of what is to come and there can be no excuses either. We both get a match on each other's homecourt before the final battle but I'm not looking to split or go down three times but I am looking for a sweep during this run I'm on because you see Larry I understand you don't respect me inside the ring, I understand since we came into the pro wrestling business you have had way more success and I recognize that and nothing I say can take those accolades away but at the same time you must realize that Championships do not make the man and I am damn sure an elite competitor with or without a damn Championship belt.
Bam's facial expression turns serious as you can almost see the fire burning in his eyes and the hate as he continues to speak.
Bam Miller: You see Larry looks at me like I'm just a fly buzzing around in his ear that's annoying him and thinks he can just swat me to the side and I will just go away but in reality, I'm a very starving hungry pitbull that is ready to strike. So Larry can keep underestimating me and thinking he's passed me by but he’ll find out it's a lot harder to put me down than he thought. When he gets a glimpse at me in action, his heart will beat fast and he’ll tell himself this guy is no joke just like everyone else before him. He will know that he must prepare for not the biggest match of his career but the most physical and energy-demanding match of his career and just like I will at The Cannabis Cup when I pin him for the one-two three, I will do the same on level Up and I will do the same on June twenty-second and I'm confident that we will because my team is a family.
Bam pauses for a moment
Bam Miller: You see CCPE isn't just a business, it's family if you align yourself with the right people in it, and I'm going to say it's all good all the time because like a real family we give out tough love when necessary and hold each other accountable, they don't have that on the other side of the ring they probably don't even respect each other. The only reason they're teaming together is because they hate our success that much and I'm talking about CCPE as a whole. They hate to see us dominate the media circuit, they hate hearing Chris Page boost about his glory and success because they could never duplicate it themselves so guys like Cashe, Ned, and Tact believe that every win they get over us, is a way to bring us down but that will never happen because we are so far ahead of everyone else on the mountain that a little slip will never be the fall it would be for one of them.
Bam takes one last puff from his cigarette and then tosses it towards the crowd.
Bam Miller: Now one last thing before I go, Tact, Cashe and Ned make sure to show up to the Nationwide Arena on June Twenty-second at your very best! Because I don't want there to be any excuse at the end. I don't want to hear you didn't get enough reps in at the gym or you didn't get a good night's sleep. I want all three of you to bring the best version of you so you can know it wasn't a fluke with CCPE kicked your ass and took you to MIller Time and turn you into three bitches that talked big but got smoked like some cannabis, now tighten up boys its Miller Time!!!!
Bam Miller tosses the microphone on stage and starts to walk off, as he passes the comedian that starts to wake up he sticks a few dollars in shirt pocket and grabsa Miller Lite beer off someone's table and chugs it as he walks out of the building. And the scene comes to an end.