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The Big House
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Ring Master Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-27-2022, 12:25 PM

Ringmaster knew he had Charlie Nickels on the ropes. It was time for the rookie to throw the knock-out punch in. It was time to show the veteran what Ringmaster was truly capable of. He heard all the stories this week about how great Charlie Nickels has been. He provoked the so-called "God" and got a perfect reaction out of him. However, Ringmaster knew he had something Charlie Nickels struggled with. He had a huge following and America was on his side. It was time for Ringmaster to show what true faith in a real GOD was like and prove that his ability is God-given. He wanted to speak to all of those who believed in him and even though he struggled to find a place that could hold everybody he finally realized the perfect location. It was a place that had a deep history and reputation made for an event like this. The locals refer to it as "The Big House" and it was located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It was the place to be during college football season. However, this time it was home to the speech that would put the nail in the coffin of the worse title reign in XWF history. Ringmaster spent a week on social media promoting the speech. He reached out to all Michigan media-based companies and even though it was a very cold afternoon the promotion worked. It was a sold-out crowd of 107,601 The crowd was chanting his name as the stadium vibrated. There was a stage at the fifty-yard line. He stood just beyond the tunnel entrance enjoying all of it. The cameras were set up to catch every angle possible when Ringmaster appears on the field walking toward the stage. The crowd erupted once more as Ringmaster walks up the stage steps and the energy inside was fantastic. He stood in front of the mic as an airplane gave the perfect aerial view of just how huge this event was.

[Image: University_of_Michigan_Big_House_m28_large.jpg]

I want to thank everybody for showing up. I know it was short notice and not ideal weather but like Ringmaster you're hardcore and passionate. Now last week I demanded Charlie Nickles to give me his best shot. I begged him to verbally assault me and of course, I waited patiently to see what stipulation he chose. I must admit it was disappointing. For those of you who are not familiar with what was said take a look at the scoreboard. I'm aware that most of you follow all XWF talent on Twitter and have appeared at live events. So, everybody knows just how much talking Charlie Nickels can do. Shall we take a little time and dissect his little speech this past week?

Quote:I got to the pinnacle of this industry because I was the only one who believed in me. Ring Master doesn’t have that luxury, though, because I know he won’t beat me in our three-ringed circus match!

Charlie, are you kidding me right now? Do you really think a three-ring circus match is your advantage over me? You must be dumber than you look. news flash I'm the RINGMASTER. I'm the leader of the damn circus. I'm the one that introduces the people to the entertainment. Is this supposed to make me shake in my boots? If so, you failed but that's no surprise. I'm a master of this business and the ring is my domain. Do you think for one second that I will allow someone like you to humiliate me in a match made from heaven? Absolutely not. You have no idea who I am and what I'm about but those final words will haunt you come Saturday Night. Decision-making is not a strong trait for you so I appreciate the "effort" you made but it's not your day or week.

The first quote disappeared as the crowd cheered while the next quote appeared on the screen.

Quote:You’ve got big balls Ring Master; I’ll give you that. Shame you don’t have half-a-brain to go with em’. Your daddy shoulda’ taught you how to act, then maybe you’d have a future in this company.

I appreciate the compliment but I'm a little disturbed right now. I've never been part of a company where another competitor has a fixation on my balls. How would you know any way you been spying on me in the men's room? That's a little creepy but nonetheless, you aren't lying. I do have big balls. In fact, I'm bold enough to stand here and say I have the biggest balls XWF has ever seen. You might laugh and consider that my death wish but Charlie it's called confidence. It's about believing in yourself and performing at a high capacity. That's something you have never been able to do in the ring and within the privacy of your relationships.

He takes a moment trying to calm himself down for a moment.

Charlie, I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. You might be an asshole but I never thought you would make this personal. You can threaten my career and give me all the trash talk in the world but everyone knows that the business code is never bringing family into this. It shows your true colors and lets the world see that you truly are a "God" of hatred but nothing more. It's an ugly trait for someone who speaks highly of himself. New flash Charlie God doesn't like ugly and I certainly will defend my father to the day I die. He made me the tough son of a bitch I am today. Hell, he could lace up the boots right now and compete in the match for me and the result WILL be the same. I'm sure you are loving the fact you can get under my skin. I just use it for motivation to expose you. Everybody in the crowd today is going to witness the change in the XWF. It’s vital that I do this for each of you because he is cancer spreading slowly and suffocating the company from within. Then this man wants to insult my intelligence. Are you serious right now? I thought personally the fact I confronted you and got a match with you made me a smart guy. You said it yourself that you're a fighting champion and I didn't wait for you to seek me out. I'm assertive and go for what I want and right now that's the gold you’re carrying around your waist.

Before he continues the next statement is something that shocks most of those in attendance.

Quote:I guess you probably never did have a father, did you? I bet that’s why you never learned how to be a man. I bet that’s why you don’t know how to act right.

This is not only racist but a stereotype and you truly should be ashamed of yourself. Here we are in 2022 and you pull this act. All because I'm black does not mean I grew up in a fatherless home. I'm the strongest black man you will come across and it scares you I get it. You see I have respect for just about everybody but not you. I already know you sit around your home with a confederate flag blanket praising Hitler and the KKK. It's funny you mention my father because clearly your family never taught you what respect is. They did not teach you what love is. Most importantly they did not teach you how to function in a society where everyone is EQUAL. Blacks have fought too hard to let a racist bigot like yourself change things. You want WAR Charlie you got one.

He takes this time for an intermission. He felt himself getting worked up and his emotions were running high. The crowd to his surprise doesn't leave their seats. They chant his name as tears form in his eyes. The love being shown was incredible to him. During the intermission, a three-ring circus is performed as everyone laughs and enjoys themselves. He grabs some water and stands as the circus exits the field. He grabbed the microphone and walked off stage wanting to walk the field to interact with everybody.

Let's see what Nickelman had to say next.

Quote:Ring Master, because I suspect even YOU don’t know who you are, what you value, or what you seek. Your bloodline seems to be a mystery to all….to all except The Nickleman.

Hmm, interesting words even for you. I know exactly who I am and what I am all about Charlie. I am constantly evolving into a stronger version. It's what we do as competitors. We don't stand there looking like a dumbass and proclaim that we're the best but yet never do anything to improve. If you were truly the best, wouldn't you be the Universal champion? So, you need to sit your ass down and really get your priorities in check.

He chuckles to himself. He just points as the next quote appears.

Quote:Did he even see me brutalize Ruby and Centurion at March Madness, or was he too busy with Rampage in the showers? Did he even see me ruin Reggie Estrada, or was he too busy leaving voicemails on daddy’s phone?

Here we go once again proving your homosexual desires. You are absolutely fascinated with the male anatomy. Why are you worried about other men and what we do? Are you jealous of the attention we get compared to you? I wonder if you get off on hearing shower stories and wanting to join? Did you not see how I took over my match at March Madness? Did you not see how I absolutely destroyed Rampage without breaking a sweat? I can ask you those same questions. I saw your matches Charlie because I am a fan first and I saw the worry in your eyes. Everybody here in attendance saw that you were prepared to lose the title. Somehow though you pulled another rabbit out of your ass. You can try and wear rabbit ears, dress like a bunny whatever you need to do for luck but it won't be enough. I promise you this Charlie you will be lucky if I don't beat you within an inch of your life. I think you're jealous that you don't have a daddy in the same way I do. Do you want me to be your daddy and show you discipline on a whole new level? Do you need to learn the error of your ways? Ringmaster can do that for you.

He begins shaking hands with everybody in the front row. Ringmaster was joyful to say the least knowing he was getting a chance to preach and let the crowd know all about the deceptive acts of Charlie Nickles. Once he reaches the stage a picture of Charlie appears on the screen and the crowd boos loudly. Some even have a few choice words for him. He turns and looks at the picture as he spoke.

This is an image of Satan, not a God as he has claimed for a while now. The image itself has not altered in any way if you look into his eyes, you see a soulless man needing direction and approval from all of those who come in contact with him. Why else would he brag about what he has done to others? It's all for show and nothing is going to change. This man mentions the three-ring circus because he wants to be the leader and the one in charge but I'm the greatest entertainment walking God's green earth. No one has ever had the guts to say this about Charlie so prepare yourself.

He pauses for a moment

You can proclaim bringing me judgment as a God if you wish Charlie. On Saturday Night Savage I will prove to everybody who still believes your lies that even God bleeds. I might have two matches under my belt in XWF but I've already shown the entire roster that Ringmaster belongs. I don't need a marquee victory over you to boost my ego like you. I am going to make you run for your life on Saturday Night. It will get so bad that not only will I take your Television Championship but you will quit on the spot because you're a spoiled brat who is full of crap. That could be because you need your diaper changed or the fact you believe that you can't be touched. Hell, it might be both but it is time to tear down the walls and show just how ugly you really are. It's time to continue your inspirational quotes so get this man off my screen.

The image disappeared replaced by multiple quotes.

Quote:I could have knocked that boy’s head back last Savage when he came down to my ring. I know that’s what everyone was expecting me to do, I know everyone was waiting for the Devil Hook Drop to come.

You know damn well you weren't going to touch me. The moment you tried I would have been charged with attempted murder and you'd be forced to relinquish that title in the most humbling way possible. Karma has caught up to you that's what scares you. There is no denying that the great Charlie Nickels is sweating bullets behind the scenes. If you think competing on Warfare is going to help you with this match making you more seasoned, please come again. Warfare is a great brand with a respectful history they have a purpose unlike yourself. Interesting name for a move considering your godly status. Truthfully, I could care less what you call it I'll be the guy to kick out.

Quote:If I would have dropped Ring Master’s ass then and there, I would have bruised his ego and dented his skull so permanently that he’d never be able to show his face around here again.

Compared to you buddy my ego is non-existence. I would have loved for this man to dent my skull because I would still show up and beat the holy hell out of him. According to Nickels I have half a brain so in reality, I am half the man he is. What will your excuse be when I beat you? I'm sure you will have something to say because it would truly bruise your ego to admit you were beaten by a guy who doesn't meet your standards.

Quote:The Nickleman is the best there is. He’s the TV God, he’s the longest-reigning television champion you’ll ever meet. He’s going to Leap of Faith to beat the dogshit out of Alias, and then he’s going to make love to his championship belt on live pay per view.

This is the final quote of the day. It's clear that Charlie Nickels does not take this battle seriously. He is looking forward to Leap of Faith. Is that really a smart move for him as champion? I think not. A truly dedicated fighting champion is able to focus on what's in front of him and never ahead. It is a bad habit to break but I don't think XWF appreciates the disrespect toward the competition. You want to be famous Charlie Nickels and it will be a pleasure making that happen. Then I get the pleasure of watching you be owned by a guy who is the best in every aspect of life compared to you. It's been a pleasure speaking to everybody and I encourage you to watch Saturday Night Savage to see the TV God turned into dust and bow down to the Ringmaster. It doesn't matter to me if your Mr. Pickles. Mr. Nickels or Mr. Dickles I'm coming for you so sleep well as life will be hard to handle after Saturday Night.

He drops the microphone as he looks around and everyone gets up and slowly makes their way to the exits. Ringmaster felt good about himself going into the match and hopefully, the management gives him what he wants but if not, the objective remained the same. Ringmaster stood on the stage for about twenty minutes as the stadium emptied as he helps the stadium crew remove the stage from the field. He walks back out to the field and picks up any mess he left behind as he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes when he hears the crowd outside the stadium chant NICKELMAN SUCKS. He walked near the crowd and greets everybody thanking them for coming. A limo pulls up after an hour and the crowd is gone. Before sliding into the limo Ring Master closes his eyes taking in the silence.

Charlie, I can feel your heart beating. Its rapid rate tells me you're restless and uneasy. That's the way I enjoy my competition. You have no answers for me and that bothers you. All your life you've had the easy road and never had to worry about survival until now. I don't need your respect. I don't need your soul. I just need that damn title that is being occupied by you. It's the one thing I can take that will destroy you. Hold that title close and keep it warm for me because the games are over. It's time for yours truly to back up everything I've said and I dare you to stop me!

The cold evening ends with snow showers as Ring Master slips into the limo and it drives off. He was ready to take on his opposition no matter what. The speech was strong and showed why he deserves to be the leader. It disappears into the Michigan night as the scene fades into black.

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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (04-28-2022), Charlie Nickles (04-27-2022), Raion Kido (04-27-2022), Vita Frickin Valenteen (04-28-2022)

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