LIVE from the Cross Insurance Arena!!!!
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HHL: "Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Saturday Night Savage! We're here LIVE at the Cross Insurance Arena in Portland, Maine and we are just a few short weeks away from the road to March Madness IV!!
PIP: "That's right, Heather! And on that night, we'll be crowning a new King OR Queen of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation... There's so many questions to be asked right now... How many competitors will be in the tournament? How long with the tournament last? Will we see the Elite 8 meet at the pay-per-view like they did last year?! I can't wait!!"
HHL: "Try to contain yourself, Pip... We have to get through tonight before we head down the road to March Madness... And what a night we have!"
PIP: "Right? Everyone here will have the treat to witness the return of the Essence of Excellence, himself, Cadryn Tiberius! He'll look to take down the newcomer Calvary!"
HHL: "We also have a returning Alias AND Unknown Soldier, Pip! Two former Universal Champions.... And they're both meeting in the main event!!! How does that happen?! We'll also see Thunder Knuckles in action taking on Vita Valenteen, Micheal Graves versus the Chameleon, and Barney Green making his return in the opening match to take on Erica Marie!"
PIP: "Let's get in on that action!!"
"Realize" By AC/DC starts to play as the fans start booing. Out walks Barney Green, dressed in his garbage man uniform. He slowly walks out and starts arguing back with the fans. He reveals his trash can and dumps a bunch of trash out of it onto the fans. He slowly enters the ring as fans start throwing garbage back at him. He waits in the corner as the music fades.
"Tonight" by Seether plays as Erica Marie steps out from behind the curtain with her skateboard in hand. She throws it down before leaping on it and riding down the ramp. She kicks it up at the end and sets it beside the steps before climbing in.
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The bell sounds as Barney rushes towards Erica Marie. She backpedals before reaching the ropes and yanking them down. Barney goes charging over the top. Erica Marie sees the opportunity as she clambers up to the top rope. Barney turns around just in time to see her diving off with a huge crossbody!
But Barney catches her!
HHL: Uhoh! She’s in trouble now!
PIP: There’s only one way to go from there, and it’s not fun!
He turns around and hoists her up onto his shoulder before running forward and dropping her with a running powerslam on the hard pavement outside of the ring! He quickly gets a handful of her hair to lift her up before rolling her into the ring. He covers her quickly trying to make it a quick job!
NO! Erica gets a shoulder up!
HHL: Thank god for her that she kicked out.
PIP: Can you imagine? Losing to only one move? How fucking embarassing.
Barney grabs her up by her hair once more, but Erica fights back with punches to the gut followed by a rake to Barney’s good eye! He staggers backwards clutching his face before Erica hits the ropes and bounces off. She leaps into the air and wraps up the head of Barney underneath hers.
Utilizing Barney’s weight against him as she quickly covers him!
TWO-NO! Barney powers up right at the two count.
Erica hits the rope right as Barney is beginning to get up before bouncing back with a diving dropkick! The impact sends Barney back down, but only for a moment. He begins getting up again as Erica swing with a spinning heel kick that catches him on the back of his head. He’s staggered by this as Erica tries to grab him for another spike DDT. But Barney pushes her up into the air as she comes up.
PIP: Oh her poor throat!
HHL: Probably still feels better than Barney’s.
PIP: On account of all of the tobacco?
HHL: On account of all of the tobacco.
PIP: Aren’t you supposed to be the nice one?
HHL: I just call em like I see em. Let’s get back to the action.
As she comes down, she catches a punch right to her throat! She slams to the mat in a heap clutching at her throat. Barney quickly grabs both of her legs and rolls her up.
NO! Erica got a hand on the bottom rope to break it up!
Barney begins to celebrate, but the referee tells him that the match is still going. He storms towards Erica, but she grabs him by the tights and pulls him down into a cradle with both of his shoulders pinned!
TH-NO! Barney kicks out at the last second!
Barney comes up firing as he nails a headbutt followed by a second and a third! Erica falls to her knees as Barney grabs her and lifts her up. He grabs her arm and neck and begins to pull in different directions!
HHL: That crossface chickenwing is nasty!
PIP: He could snap poor Erica in half if she’s not careful!
Erica Marie is falling! She’s fading fast! She’s reaching out for the ropes, but she’s just out of reach! Barney yanks back on the hold as Erica Marie screams out in anguish before reaching out one more time!
Barney staggers to his feet clutching his neck as the referee grabs his hand and raises it high into the air.
The scene opens up to a segment that was shot earlier at a Rage Room in Portland, we see Reggie in a pair of jeans, a long sleeve shirt, with a helmet on head as he was smashing things in one room. Then it shifts to a montage of him breaking things with a sledgehammer including a replica X-Treme belt into itty bitty pieces. Then it shifts to Reggie in an open area where he held his sledgehammer on his hand as he stood on a wall.
Reggie: Today was a fun day before my match against HGH, when I looked up things to do in Portland, I was pretty bored throughout the day. So i happened to find a cheap deal for a rage room for 15 bucks per person, that deal i couldn’t have forgotten to get into. So I just basically said fuck it, and payed the fee to get in and signed a wavier if anything happens, they anit labile for shit, which I like. Like I said before, my whole week was just ruined with fire and ice, but then it reached to a boiling point so to speak. I don’t speak on that any time soon, but if you are in the know, then you in the know.
I know tonight, I am going to fight this HGH guy who’s partner was some former announcer for a bWo gig that went nowhere. Two most deadly forces, to join to take down a lowly man like myself, which itself was a fucking joke to say the least. To be honest, I could have just no showed this event and fucked around in the bar, until it’s close to bell time and pull a Buff Bagwell to not show up against HGH. Do I think he’s nothing? truth be told, yes he isn’t worth a penny to a nickel they are paying him to stink up the company. I am no golden goose myself, but even I know my value with worthless in the grand scehme of things honestly.
You all want to know what I think of HGH… Marf… and others in the XWF?
Then he pulls out a portrait of HGH, and he destroyed it with the hammer with all his power, until it shattered to smithereens. Then he finds a replica banner of the XWF on a flatscreen tv, and he smashes that as well with all his power and hostility. He then stop swinging at the tv, and he goes back to the wall to sit on a chair, as he takes a sip of water.
Reggie: Now, that is out of my system, this is just light work to say the least. This is just only the start of what is to come for me in that arena tonight. This afternoon was all fun and games, but by the time it comes to the night, when I show up in that arena things will be hella different from myself. This isn’t going to be the same one who pulled the trigger that week ago, this isn’t going to be the happy go lucky kid who thinks things will go his way. This man, is going to be dark, and immoral to the point that nobody wants to know how far he can go. If I had to break an ankle, then so fucking be it.
HGH, you know well enough that this will be a fight of your life against me, I will hold nothing back, and I promise you that if Tommy get’s involved, then I will permanently wipe both of y’alls blood on the canvas with a demented smile on my face. These people at home, and in the arena will know that I am all out of bubblegum of fucks to spare in the ring. Once I chew that gum, then that’s it the flavor is all gone, and it’s just your aftertaste of saliva keeping you company.
So tonight, witness a man who’s not afraid to lose or afraid to scrap until the security has to remove me out of the ring FORCEFULLY to stop adding salt to the wounds.
Este es el final para ti, amigo, así que prepárate para ver las luces arriba!
Then Reggie takes a swing with the hammer to the camera, and the scene fades with a crack on the screen, as it shifts back to the arena for the next segment.
As his theme song plays, Harmon Greyson Hays walks to the ring, accompanied by Tommy Slavino.
HHL(sarcastically): "I was wondering what Tommy's been up to. Good to see he still keeps himself with good company."
PIP: "I'd like to know what Bama T's been doing."
HGH climbs into the ring and hypes himself up as the fans rain down in boos that immediately charge to cheers upon the changing of music.
HHL: "Here comes the former Xtreme Champion!"
Smoke fills up with red on the stage, as the arena lights flickers. Then once we see "The Rebellious One" on the X-Tron, then we hear the voice of Bone Thugs and Reggie walks down to song. Then we see him with walking down the ramp, and stop at the camera gives it the finger. Then he rolls into the ring, and goes to the top rope and poses. Then he jumps down, and chills on the corner as his theme cuts off.
PIP: "Reggie Estrada may no longer hold the Xtreme Title, but the fact is, it was Cage Coleman who took the pin, NOT the former Champion."
HHL: "Sometimes that's just the way the cookie crumbles. I'll tell you one thing: Reggie kicked out of EVERY pin attempt that came his way during his reign, including several at Fire & Ice."
As soon as Reggie turns around, HGH charges forward and begins beating him down in the corner; forcing the ref to prematurely call for the bell.
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PIP: "HGH jumps the gun! This man is a master strategist!"
HHL: "Not exactly the term I'd use.........."
HGH hammers away at Estrada for a moment before Irish Whipping him towards the opposite corner. Reggie reverses, sending Harmon at the buckles, instead, causing him to drop to the mat and roll outside the ring. Tommy Slavino walks over and begins whispering something to him, to which Grayson Hays nods.
PIP: "What do you think he said?"
HHL: "I'm not sure. Last I knew, Tommy was a second rate announce, not someone to turn to for in-ring advice."
Reggie Estrada backs up, allow Harmon back in the ring. The two of them meet in the middle and lock-up, with Grayson Hays gaining the advantage with a Side Headlock. From there, Reggie backs them up against the ropes and slings his opponent off him. HGH bounces off the other side and back, where Estrada waits for him, bent over(but not in a gay way). Hays stops short and goes to lock in a Hammerlock DDT! However, before he can hit the Double Dose, Reggie escapes and connects with a Side Suplex, immediately covering after.
PIP: "I don't think Harmon expected Reggie to escape his finisher so easily."
HHL: "That's why you gotta wear your opponent down before attempting your finishing manuever. They don't call it a finisher for nothin'!"
Reggie Estrada goes to bring HGH to his feet, but an Eye Rake backs him off. Grayson Hays rushes forward with a Clothesline, only for the former Xtreme Champion to duck underneath and counter with a Neckbreaker. Before he can hit it, though, HGH reverses into a Rolling Cutter!!!!
PIP: "Injection Shot! He's got the cover, this could be it right here!"
HHL: "And just like Fire & Ice, Reggie Estrada isn't going down without a fight!"
Harmon Grayson Hays drags Estrada to a vertical base and Whips him towards the ropes. Reggie grabs onto the top rope, preventing him from bouncing back at his opponent. Upon seeing this, HGH charges towards Estrada, who bends down and tosses him over the top rope. Fortunately for Grayson Hays, he's able to land on his feet on the apron, where he temporarily blinds Reggie with a thumb to the eye. Estrada backs up, allowing HGH to climb back in and run towards him with a Clothesline.................................... which Reggie reverses into an STO Backbreaker much to the crowd's delight!!!!!!
PIP: "Glen's Park! Reggie's got the cover, will it be enough?"
PIP: "No!"
HHL: "We haven't even reached the five minute mark and, already, these two are looking for the finishing blow!"
PIP: "Well they don't get paid by the hour!"
Reggie Estrada, on par with the announcers' conversation, gets to his feet and prepares to finish the match with a Mashful. He waits for his opponent to get up, before Kicking him in the gut. Unfortunately for Estrada, HGH catches his leg, spins him around, and delivers a massive Spinebuster in the center of the ring!!!! He lays over top of him and grabs onto a leg for the cover.
Harmon Grayson Hays slaps the mat in frustration as Tommy Slacino yells some words of encouragement from the outside.
PIP: "Harmon's frustrated, but he can't let his emotions get the better of him; ESPECIALLY against someone of Reggie Estrada's caliber!"
HHL: "I'd be more frustrated having Tommy
continually yelling 'You got this! You got this!' as if he's actually doing something."
PIP: "It's called moral support, Heather, something you'd know nothing about!"
HGH gets to his feet and yanks Reggie up with a Sleeper Hold. He applies pressure, eventually forcing Estrada to drop down to a knee as he slowly loses oxygen.
PIP: "HGH is looking to put the former Xtreme Champion to sleep and, so far, it's working!"
Reggie tries to fight it, but there doesn't seem to be much he can do to prevent himself from dropping to the mat. Grayson Hays continues to hold on tight as the referee bends down to check Entrada's arm. He lifts it up as high as it'll go, before letting it drop.
The ref repeats the process, only for Reggie's arm to fall, once more.
The referee checks on Estrada one last time, bringing his arm up and letting it go...........................
.........................only for it to stay up, strongly, as HGH's eyes grow wide in disbeleif!!!!!!!!
HHL: "Grayson Hays thought he had him but, it turns out, Reggie was using the time to recover!"
PIP: "There's a reason they call it rest hold!"
Reggie Estrada begins fighting back, slowly working his way to a knee before, eventually, making it to his feet. From there, he Elbows HGH in the ribs a few times before taking off towards the ropes. On the rebound, Grayson Hays jumps up and catches Estrada with a Dropkick, before dropping down hooking both legs for the cover!
PIP: "Reggie keeps himself alive with that kickout, but the question is: for how long?"
An irritated Grayson Hays drags Reggie Estrada to his feet and sets him up for a Rolling Cutter.
: "He could be looking for another Injection Shot!"
As HGH goes to roll into the move, Reggie Estrada reverses it into a Backslide Pin!
As Harmon goes to get up, Reggie Estrada hits him with a Mashful! Unfortunately for Estrada, though, Tommy Slavino drags HGH out of the ring before he can cover him.
HHL: "That's not fair, Reggie had him beat!"
PIP: "Calm down, the ref's letting Slav know he can't do that."
HHL: "I'm sure he already knew that."
Tommy puts his hands up and backs away from his client, acting as if he DIDN'T have any idea(though we all know he did). An irate Reggie Estrada climbs through the ropes and approaches Slavino, grabbing him by the tie with one hand, while cocking the other back in a fist. However, before he can strike, Grayson Hays attacks him from behind!
HHL: "HGH with a cheapshot from behind!"
PIP: "Never turn your back on your opponent, Heather, you should know that!"
Harmon picks Reggie up and rolls him back in the ring. He follows close behind, before getting up and waiting for his opponent to do the same. Once he does, HGH Kicks him in the midsection and plants him with a Doublehook DDT!
PIP: "That's the first part of Harmon's 'Double Dose,' if he locks in the Fujiwara Armbar, that could be all she wrote!"
Upon hitting the move, Grayson Hays transitions into said Fujiwara Armbar.
HHL: "You may be right, Pip, I don't know how long Estrada's gonna be able to last!"
PIP: "That's what she said!"
HGH pulls back on the former Xtreme Champion's arm, doing everything he can in order to make him tap out. Reggie tries to fight it, using his free arm to push on his opponent's leg in an attempt to escape. Upon realizing he can't, Estrada reaches for the ropes, but they're too far away!
PIP: "Reggie's gonna tap!"
Just as he begins to consider it, Reggie Estrada does the only other thing he can think of and transitions HGH into a Schoolboy!!!!!!!
HHL: "What a counter! Reggie Estrada wins with some ingenuity!"
PIP: "And Harmon Grayson Hays is NOT happy about it!"
As soon as the ref's hand hits for the 3, HGH lets go of Entrada arm in a late kickout. Reggie quickly bails as Grayson Hays gets to his knees and slaps the mat in frustration. Tommy Slavino puts his head in his hand, disappointed by the result.
HHL: "Harmon and Tommy expected a different result, but let's not take anything away from Reggie Estrada. He fought fought and earned his victory."
PIP: "A good bounce back from Fire & Ice; if he keeps it up, he'll be right back in contention for his former Championship."
HHL: "We've had a fantastic show thus far, Pip! We've had Barney Green making a great return to the ring as well as Reggie Estrada bouncing back after losing his Xtreme Title in a Four-Way match to Marf!"
PIP: "We have another competitor making their return to the ring tonight, too, Heather! Cadryn Tiberius, the Cereal Killer, has wandered his way back into the Xtreme Wrestling Federation!"
HHL: "Well, we'll see how he goes up against the vibrant new competitor, the Calvary, who will have his chance to really leave his mark here on Savage with a win tonight!"
The overhead lights in the arena go dim as strobe lights begin to flash in rhythm to the sound of thunder crashing in the distance. The crowd goes wild as the fog rolls thickly from the top of the ramp as Cadryn Tiberius slowly makes his way out of the back. He stands tall in the midst of the fog as a storm rumbles behind him. Cadryn begins walking down the ramp, slapping the hands of fans on the way down. Cadryn climbs the apron and enters the ring, pausing for a moment in the middle before tossing his white Stetson cowboy hat into the crowd.
As the music kicks up, The Calvary can be spotted in the corner of the arena with his chest puffed out. He flies down to the ring before slowly descending into a turnbuckle where he gives out a mighty bellow. He pounds his chest before stepping down into the ring and cracking his knuckles.
The official of the match forces both competitors into their corners and calls for the bell!
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HHL: "And the match is underway!"
Cadryn hops in place, continuing to stretch out for the match as the much larger Calvary stands still with his arms folded across his chest.
PIP: "Am I seeing things or is the Calvary's cape still flowing in the wind without any wind?"
HHL: "What is Cadryn up to here?"
Cadryn looks to be negotiating with the larger man, the Calvary, as he moves in slow with one hand raised into the air.
HHL: "Is Cadryn attempting a test of strength?"
PIP: "This should be something to see."
The Calvary stands at least a half foot higher than Cadryn at 6'6", and reaches out with his left to meet Cadryn's right.
HHL: "I can't see this ending well."
Cadryn struggles to take the advantage while Calvary gives a few moments before effortlessly yet modestly twisting Cadryn's wrist around tightly. Cadryn yells out in pain and takes one knee before the Calvary releases the hold.
Cadryn stands up and challenges the Calvary again, but is waved away. Cadryn insists on it but the Calvary ties up with him instead. Cadryn is pushed into the corner where the Calvary lands several punches to his gut, knocking him further down the corner with each blow. As soon as Cadryn is seated on the mat, the Calvary picks him up and Irish-whips him hard across the ring to the other corner. Cadryn bounces off the top turnbuckle and stumbles towards the center of the ring. The Calvary is waiting for him and lifts him up into the air in a gorilla press then drops him down!
PIP: "Ouch, that was a long fall!"
Cadryn bounces off the mat and holds his stomach in agony then tries rolling out of the way before he's grabbed by the Calvary and lifted to his feet. The Calvary holds his head tightly under his arm before lifting him straight up into the air and holding him straight up in a vertical suplex. He holds him for several seconds as the crowd begins to count along….
To ten it goes before the Calvary falls back and brings Cadryn down with him! The Calvary springs back up to his feet and holds his fists to his hips and waits for Cadryn to reach his own feet. He does and attempts to grapple with Cadryn once again, but Cadryn rolls out of the way and lands a drop kick on the Cavalry that sends him forward and into the ropes! Calvary bounces off the ropes and back to Cadryn and hits him with the Fall of Man!!
PIP: "Stunner!"
After the springboard stunner, the Calvary goes for a quick fall and pulls his leg!
HHL: "Calvary almost picked up the victory there! Close fall!"
Calvary gets up and pulls Cadryn up with him and wraps him in a bear hug! Cadryn screams out while Calvary squeezes tightly and shakes him back and forth!
HHL: "The Calvary is squeezing the life out of Cadryn Tiberius, Pip!"
PIP: "Cadryn's return hasn't been what it's been cracked up to be quite yet, Heather…"
The Calvary continues to shake Cadryn around until he's a ragdoll then tosses him down to the mat. Cadryn rolls away until he's face down and stays. Calvary takes a giant leap, at least ten feet into the air, and lands on the top turnbuckle! He hops around and leaps off landing a moonsault from the top rope across Cadryn's back! Calvary turns him over for another cover!
Cadryn kicks out again and Calvary wastes no time to pull a dazed Cadryn to his feet again. Calvary pushes Cadryn towards the corner, but Cadryn lands a swift kick to the man in the cape causing him to stumble back! Cadryn lands another! Then another that causes Calvary to double over! Cadryn grabs the head and turns back to the turnbuckle and climbs up the ropes one by one!
HHL: "Cadryn with the advantage and looking for a tornado bulldog from out of the corner! He's up!"
Cadryn leaps off the top turnbuckle while still holding the Calvary's head tightly tucked in his arms… but the Calvary uses his strength to hold Cadryn in the air for what seems like as long as he wants before tossing him across the ring!
"And down!"
Cadryn doesn't lose his fight and uses the ropes to help him back up as the Calvary doesn't hesitate and zips across the ring to continue the attack. He grabs Cardryn from behind and throws him over in a German suplex! Cadryn lands on his back and rolls several times backwards until he ends up sitting in the corner once more. He tries pulling himself up with the ropes this time, but sinks back down into the corner helplessly. The Calvary lines him up and soars across the ring landing a knee across the sitting Cadryn's face! Calvary zooms back to the other side, then does it again! Then again!
HHL: "The Calvary is absolutely relentless with the attacks tonight! He's used not just his massive strength, but speed, as well, to add to the punishment being dished out in this match!"
Calvary drags Cadryn to his feet and Irish whips him hard into the ropes… He takes a bounce off the ones beside and meets Cadryn in the middle with a deadly spear that folds Cadryn in half! The Calvary points to the corner and slowly levitates up in the air and to the top turnbuckle!
PIP: "How is he doing that?!"
The Calvary waits for Cadryn to slowly stumble back to his feet and leaps off!!!
HHL: "It looks like he's looking for the Crusade and…… HITS IT!!!"
The Superman Punch from the top rope is a direct hit and Cadryn falls straight to his back…. The Calvary crawls over top of Cadryn and hooks a leg for a cover!!!!
HHL: "The Calvary has done it! Big win tonight on Savage!"
The Calvary takes his place in the center of the ring where the official of the match holds his hand high in victory! He celebrates as the program fades out to a commercial.
Micheal Graves walks to the ring as his music plays.
PIP: "Looks like we're getting the classic Micheal Graves tonight."
HHL(sarcastically): "Greeeeeeeat."
PIP: "It could always change, though."
HHL: "I don't WANT to see the Dark Warrior OR Lady Gravy anymore than I do old school Graves, Pip."
Micheal Graves climbs into the ring, where he eagerly awaits the arrival of his opponent.
The Chameleon walks to the ring the exact same way Graves did.
PIP: "You gotta wonder what it's like having your own music AND entrance used against you."
HHL: "Probably not NEARLY as insulting as your own moves!"
The Chameleon climbs into the ring, where he stares at Graves while standing exactly like he is.
PIP: "If you thought one Micheal Graves was bad, you must REALLY hate this!"
HHL: "For all we know, The Chameleon IS one of Graves' personalities."
PIP: "The possibilities are endless!"
Seeing both men ready to go, the referee turns and calls for the bell.
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Micheal Graves immediately turns into The Dark Warrior and begins hammering away at The Chameleon, somewhat catching his opponent off guard.
HHL: "I don't think The Chameleon was expecting that!"
PIP: "The Dark Warrior's a loose cannon, I'm not sure even The Chameleon can predict such erratic behavior!"
The shots back The Chameleon up against the ropes, where The Dark Warrior goes to Irish Whip him to the other side. Chameleon reverses and pulls Graves in for a Belly to Back Suplex. However, before he can cover, The Dark Warrior instantly gets back to his feet as if nothing happened.
PIP: "It had no effect!"
Graves shakes his head, before grabbing hold of The Chameleon and delivering a Belly to Back Suplex of his own. Just like The Dark Warrior, The Chameleon pops right back up and shakes HIS head, receiving a roar from the crowd.
HHL: "It's like playing a mirror match in your favorite fighting game!"
Unamused, The Dark Warrior drops to the ropes and back, where he attempts to knock his opponent down with a Shoulder Block. The Chameleon doesn't budge, and does the exact same thing to his opponent, who ALSO doesn't budge!
PIP: "I guess so!"
In an attempt to throw The Chameleon off, The Dark Warrior turns into Lady Gravy................................ only to get dropped with a Superkick! Chameleon bends down and begins the process of applying Gravy's own submission move on her.
PIP: "The Chameleon's looking to make Graves Scream for Mercy!"
HHL: "If The Chameleon can lock it in, he just might!"
The Chameleon makes it about halfway, only for Gravy to flip her over into a Crucifix Pin.
Both competitors immediately get up and charge at one another. Gravy grabs hold of The Chameleon's head and tries to spin her around into a Neckbreaker, but The Chameleon turns into the move and reverses it into a Neckbreaker of her own! She lays across Gravy's chest and hooks a leg for the cover.
PIP: "The Chameleon knows their opponent's moves SO well, they can counter 'em just as easily as they hit them!"
HHL: "I don't think I've EVER seen a competitor that knows their opponents better than The Chameleon does!"
PIP: "They're certainly dedicated, that's for sure!"
The Chameleon gets up and waits for Lady Gravy to do the same. Once she does, The Chameleon hits her with a Backhand. The shot does nothing more than wake up classic Graves, once more, who responds with a Backhand of his own. The Chameleon no sells it and comes back with multiple Hooks to the Body. Graves takes it, and begins swinging at The Chameleon's body, trading back and forth with the mirror image that stands before him as the fans show their appreciation.
PIP: "These two look more like boxers than they do wrestlers!"
Both competitors continue to trade blows, with each of them turning their attention to their opponent's face. The shots go unblocked, with neither one of them wanting to be the first to back down. Eventually the Punches take their toll, causing both of them to go into a slight daze. They snap out of it, simultaneously, and go for Standing Dropkicks, both of which only hit the other's feet. As soon as they hit the mat, The Chameleon and Micheal Graves pop back to their feet, where they each get into a defensive position as the fans go crazy.
HHL: "I don't know how either one of them is gonna gain the advantage!"
PIP: "We might be here all night!"
After a bit of hesitation from both sides, Micheal Graves and The Chameleon lock-up. This only lasts a second, as old school Graves morphs into The Dark Warrior before dropping down and lifting The Chameleon up onto his shoulders!
PIP: "This Grave Digger just might be the upper hand Gravy needed!"
As soon as Pip says that, The Chameleon slips off of his opponent's shoulders and lifts HIM up onto his! However, before he can hit a Death Valley Driver, The Dark Warrior behind him and locks in a Dragon Sleeper!!! He only has it locked in for a few moments before The Chameleon slithers his way out and hits him with a Flowing DDT!
PIP: "That could be the opening The Chameleon needed! He's got the cover, will it be enough?"
HHL: "Something tells me this isn't gonna end until one of them hits the Graves Consequences!"
Almost as if he'd heard what Heather said, The Chameleon gets to his feet and sets up for Gravy's finishing maneuver. However, before he can lift his opponent up, The Dark Warrior flips him over his shoulders, sending The Chameleon crashing to the mat behind him. Graves waits for him to get back up, and puts him back down with a Superkick! The Dark Warrior then drops down and hooks both legs for the cover.
HHL: "The further this match goes along, the more likely they are to find holes in their opponent's game."
The Dark Warrior gets to a vertical base and brings The Chameleon with him. He goes to hit him with a Fall Away Slam, but The Chameleon, miraculously, manages to land on his feet, to the amazement of the crowd!
PIP: "Graves doesn't even know what happened!"
The Dark Warrior changes back to Lady Gravy, who arrogantly shows off for the crowd, unaware her opponent is on their feet. Eventually, she turns around and sees The Chameleon, causing her eyes to go wide before being being dropped with a Superkick! However, rather than cover her, The Chameleon taunt Lady Gravy in similar fashion to the way she just was.
HHL: "The Chameleon even gloats like their opponent!"
The Chameleon bends over and lifts Graves up onto her shoulders in an attempted Grave Digger. Before they can, though, Lady Gravy rakes at their eyes, allowing her to slide to her feet with The Chameleon's head between her legs.
PIP: "Here comes a Graves Consequences!"
Lady Gravy goes to lift her opponent up, but The Chameleon is able to wriggle their arms free, drop to her feet, and grab old of Graves' arms, lifting her directly up into the move!!!!!!
HHL(simultaneously): "WOW!"
PIP(simultaneously): "WOW!"
To Lady Gravy's, as well as the rest of our, disbelief, The Chameleon slams her shoulders to the mat and lays across with a leg bent backwards for the cover!!!!!
PIP: "The Chameleon just beat Graves with his, er, her(?) finishing maneuver!"
HHL: "If he, uum, she(?).............. THEY were going to win, that was the only way it was gonna happen!"
As Gravy lays in the ring, still trying to figure out what hit 'em, The Chameleon leaves the ring to her entrance music, continuing to act in the same mannerisms as their, now, former opponent.
A mixed reaction erupts from the Cross Insurance Arena as the lights dim and a red spotlight shines on the stage. That spotlight gets filled with the twinkling of a thousand galaxies as Sarah Lacklan walks onto the stage from the back, her black and red dress, with the puffiest of puffy sleeves, has its rivers of diamond dust catch in the light and blind those at the stage. The albino’s platinum blonde hair is pulled into a high updo, held in place by a band of firedrops, so that her angular face can clearly be seen, and she flashes her “billion dollar” smile of strong and straight teeth to the crowd before bringing a microphone to her lips.
SARAH: Good evening, my fellow Mainers! My name is Sarah Lacklan-
CROWD: *mimics a trumpet fanfare*
SARAH:WORLD’S GREATEST LIFE COACH. And I am HERE, in MY home state, in the land that the Lacklan’s made great, because I am pleased and honored to be the 100%-you-never-had-an-idea-you’re-completely-shocked-like-OMG-NEVER-saw-that-coming mystery manager, BIGGER sister, and BESTEST friend to the Vanilla Thrilla…the Leggy Blonde of Legend…the perennial 3rd-place winner of the Lacklan Sibling Talent Show…
She takes a deep breath.
…she points behind her…
The lights explode in showers of metallic pink as Angie walks out onto the stage, dressed in her pink leather suit and cape. Massive cheers break out from the crowd as they welcome “home” the Vaughemous One.
Angie smiles at the crowd and places her hands on her hips for a moment, taking it all in, as Sarah applauds at her side. As the crowd continues their “OBVS!” chant, the girls give each other the World’s Greatest Fist Bump and walk down the aisle, with Angie taking the time to great screaming children and hug fans as Sarah beams with pride. Once at ringside, Sarah slips in ahead of time and then pulls down on the top rope, giving Angie an advantage so that she can step over the rope with her long legs. Into the center of the ring, Sarah again pulls out the microphone.
SARAH:Standing at the totes too tall height of FIVE FEET and ELEVEN INCHES-
SARAH: -and weighing into today at-
Angie shoots Sarah a glare.
SARAH: -um…a respectable amount, all things considered…
Angie smiles again and looks back to the crowd.
SARAH:…and presently living at the Supes Totes Amaze Ranch in Texas…but kinda-sorta initially from Canda…but fertilized RIGHT HERE in Maine…
And puts on the biggest smile yet as she waves to the crowd. After giving the microphone to Tig O'Bitties…and ignoring one of Tig’s more salacious winks for the former Universal Champion…Sarah rushes over to Angie, jumps in the air, and (just barely) gives her a high-five, before exiting the ring and taking her place in Angie’s corner.
I'm gonna bring a little HELL
I'm gonna bring a little HEAVEN
Jenny walks out onto the ramp, black under her eyes and around her eyes. Her hair is up in pigtails. She has all black on, unusual for her. She walks to the ring, her head moving back and forth.
TIGS: ".....and her opponent....from Las Vegas Nevada.........standing 5'0 tall..........Jenny MYST!"
Jenny slithers into the ring, popping up and looking at the two women. Her gaze fixates on Sarah, as her head turns to the side. Lacklan says something to Angelica, and then slides out of the ring. Jenny's stare never broke until Sarah was behind her.
- vs -
The bell rings and Jenny just stares at Angelica, moving her head side to side with a toothy grin. Angelica doesn't quite know what to make of this as Jenny seems to be almost possessed. Then, she rolls out of the ring.
The crowd boos and Angelica smiles. She brags about Jenny being afraid of her and laughs and primps her hair.
Jenny not longer has a smile on her face. She has a frown, a sad face. She walks around the outside of the ring with her head down. Occasionally kicking imaginary stones like a little kid who got yelled at and is pouting.
The ref seems perplexed. Sarah Lacklan gets on the apron, as her and Vaughn begin to yell at the ref, demanding he count her out!
Pip: I never thought I would say this, but Jenny may not be up for a fight today.
Heather: I know she has mental problems, but Jenny has never been one to back down!
Finally, after some protesting the ref agrees to begin the count. Just as he agrees, the ref turns towards the time keeper and throws up the number ONE.
Jenny, suddenly, snaps out of it. She grabs Lacklan off the apron. The crowd gasps. Jenny begins to hammer away at Lacklan, yelling as she slaps, punches, kicks, pulls hair. Finally, she whips the stunned Lacklan back first into the steel steps. She gets on top of Lacklan, screaming as she grabs her hair and begins to slam her head against the steel steps.
Pip: Jenny Myst has SNAPPED here, she has, for seemingly no reason, gone completely out of control!
The ref has stopped counting, as now it is complete chaos outside the ring. Officials run down, as does Roxy. Vaughn is now outside the ring. She grabs Jenny, who has completely lost it. Jenny turns, sending a few hard shots into the face of Angelica to back her off. She turns back to Lacklan. Vaughn grabs her again and tosses her aside.
Jenny yells and jumps on her back, biggy bak style, and begins to try to rake at the eyes while she pulls her hair.
Pip: Myst is out of control. This match is going to be stopped before it even gets going! I've never seen her like this!
Heather just sits in stunned silence at the Queen she once admired.
Jenny is biting, yes, BITING, Vaughn.
Officials finally pull Myst off of Vaughn. The tall blonde is upset, yelling about how she bit her and such. While Roxy and officials are tending to Sarah, who is insisting she is okay, everyone loses track of Myst.
Jenny is now back in the ring, sitting Indian style with a creepy grin.
Heather: What the hell did we just see......
Sarah is telling Angelica to go get her. To get in the ring. She does, and notices Jenny sitting there.
Pip: This has to be one of the strangest matches I've ever seen......
Heather: Is it a match?
Pip: I mean, the bell's rung....
Vaughn, clearly upset still about the events that transpired, hits a roundhouse kick to the side of Myst's head, who just sat there, not moving, and let it happen. Angelica seems perplexed at this too, as she didn't expect any of it. Myst is out, seemingly, as the kick connected full force.
Vaughn looks at the ref, then looks down at Jenny, then back at the ref. She covers.
Jenny then snaps too, and looks Vaughn's legs, rolling her into a small package pin.
A stunned ref doesn't get down for the count in time and only makes it to a one count before the Angelica pops free.
Jenny sits back in the corner against the turn buckle, giggling.
Pip: I knew this girl had problems, but this is ridiculous. We can't even have a match here. She needs to go back to the funny farm.
Heather: They don't call it that anymore, Pip.
Vaughn, totally thrown off her game, is a bit hesitant to approach the giggling girl in the corner. Finally, she does. When she gets within 5 feet, Jenny explodes out of the corner. Angelica is ready, however, and catches Jenny. She hits a back body drop which puts the crazy one on her back.
She picks up Jenny by the hair. Lacklan is back on her feet outside, as is Roxy. She whips Jenny into the corner. Vaughn, who is feeling confident now, hits a backhand chop, and another backhand chop, and a third. She whips Jenny back into the other corner. She follows her to that corner, going for a clothesline, but Jenny jumps up, putting her legs around the neck of her larger opponent. She is able to flip Angelica over with the head-sissors and then flips off the ropes for a lionsault. She lands on Angelica. Hooks a leg.
Vaughn kicks out. Lacklan and Roxy look relieved.
Jenny rolls off, grinning. Vaughn is back up.
Jenny comes off the ropes, Vaughn s able to limbo, showing great athleticism and flexibility, and on the rebound hit a double axe handle on Myst. Picking the crazy one up by the hair, she hits a palm strike to the face before clotheslining her back down again.
Pip: Power move there from Vaughn, and it seems like she is taking control now.
Picking Jenny up and dropping her over he knee, Angelica begins to stretch Jenny over her knee with a back breaker. Jenny winces, holding her back and crawling right into the clutches of Angelica. She lifts Jenny, and twists her into an abdominal stretch. Jenny winces as Roxy and Sarah taunt her from the outside.
Vaughn pulls harder. Jenny yelps, and the two women make crying eyes with their hands outside the ring and continue to verbally assault Myst. Pulling again, the much taller Angelica Vaughn looks like she is close to breaking Jenny's hips away from her torso.
Heather: Myst has had back issues in the past. Vaughn likely knew this. Smart strategy here, as I am sure Sarah and Roxy have coached her up!
Pip: She is in full control now!
Myst cries out again, but.....then.....begins to......laugh? She is laughing, giggling even. This throws all three women off their game. It frustrats Angelica, who lifts Jenny to try to drop her with a pump handle slam out of the abdominal stretch, but Jenny slides behind.
Vaughn turns around. Kick to the gut.
She drops her knees down on the abdomin then rolls off cartwheeling back. Insult to injury! Driving the knees into the stomach of Vaughn, she wipes her lip, her black slipstick smearing a bit. She looks up at the top rope, with a grin. The crowd buzzes over this. She climbs to the top.
Heather: SHADES OF THE JENNY OF OLD HERE! She's gonna put her away from the top! Do it Jenny, DO IT! Jump!
Jenny is getting set to jump, but hesitates. She looks around. She looks at Vaughn, who is starting to move now.
Heather: What is she doing?!
White: She can't do it.......that's too much like the old Myst......this whole thing is weird, Heather.
Jenny frowns, climbing down. Vaughn is back up. Jenny stands ihn the corner, head down. Vaughn, now creeped out and frustrated charges......she wants to put it away with her vaunted big boot....
But Jenny ducks.
Drop toe hold!
Vaughn's face smashes off the turnbuckle.
Lacklan is on the apron, as is Roxy. Jenny DDT's Angelica. Myst, who now for some reason is bleeding from the mouth, spins her around.
Pip: Here it comes!
She looks directly at the two other women.....then plants a bloody kiss on the forhead of Vaughn.
She smiles a bloody smile as she covers.
Pip: She has a first blood match with Erica Marie on Warfare, and she is showing us now that she is not afraid of a little blood!
Heather: She is gonna torture that poor girl!
Vaughn rolls out of the ring, comforted by Lacklan and Roxy as Jenny goes back to sitting in the center of the ring, Indian style, smearing blood all over her face as the camera cuts.
Raion Kido appears on stage, letting out a lion’s roar.
“Saint Seiyaaa! (Seiyaaa!)
Mezasu kiboo no iro wa
Kedakai hodo utsukushii…”
Raion spreads his arms and breaks into a bird run towards the ring, slapping the fans’ hands along the way. He slides into the ring on his belly and springs into his feet.
“Saint Seiyaaa! (Seiyaaa!)
Tsubasa wa ten wo kakeru
Erabareta moushigo no you niiiiiiiiiiiiiii!”
Facing the camera, Raion throws a one-two punch forward, his final pose as the music dies down.
Centurion walks down the ramp and enters the ring.
- vs -
Centurion and Raion circle each other before locking up in the center of the ring. Centurion latches onto a side headlock, he cranks down on Kido’s head before being backed up into the ropes where he is shot across the ring with an Irish Whip, Centurion bounces off the ropes delivering a running shoulder block that doesn’t take down Kido causing the smaller Centurion to bounce off him instead. Centurion charges forward with a lariat, Kido ducks sending Centurion bouncing off the nearside where he looks for a second running shoulder block with more momentum, yet finds the same result. Kido slaps his chest asking for more only to see Centurion boot him in the midsection before driving him back into a neutral corner. He looks to shoot Kido across the ring, Kido reverses and it’s Centurion that crashes into the turnbuckles.
He bounces off the buckles into a shotgun dropkick from Raion! Kido quickly presses the cover.
Centurion pops a shoulder up off the mat as Kido transitions into a rear chin lock.
PIP: Kido has been very impressive since making his XWF debut, but tonight is going to be the biggest test of his XWF journey battling against Centurion.
HHL: He’s one of the greats for a reason.
The referee asks Centurion to surrender, of course, he doesn’t. Instead starts working his way back up to his feet where he’s able to turn into the chin lock before taking Kido back into the ropes where he flings him across the ring, Kido bounces off the ropes where he runs down Centurion with a running shoulder block of his own! Kido bounces off the ropes, Centurion rolls over to his chest, Kido leaps over Centurion where he bounces off the far side while Centurion pops up to his feet before taking Raion down with a drop toe hold which he transitions into a front face lock where he begins driving a series of knees to the head of Kido! Centurion lands the knees before quickly getting back to his feet where he backs up into a neutral corner as he sizes up Kido who is starting to get to one knee. Centurion rushes towards him landing a vicious running knee strike to the temple!
PIP: Bloody Symphony from Centurion!
Centurion quickly makes the cover.
Kido shoots a shoulder up off the mat.
HHL: Cent tried to end this one early.
PIP: They aren’t getting paid by the hour.
Centurion starts hammering down with his right hand to Kido before stepping back up to his feet. He picks up Kido where he laces him across the chest with a knife-edge chop echoing throughout the arena only to see Kido come right hand with an open-handed chop! Kido takes a front face lock before delivering knee strikes to the ribs of the UGWC Champion before driving him back into a neutral corner. Kido shoots Centurion across the ring into the opposite buckles.
Kido runs full speed ahead looking for another shotgun dropkick to the cornered Centurion! Cent evades and Raion Kid crashes into the turnbuckles before crashing down to the mat. Centurion quickly picks him up off the mat where he locks in a Full Nelson followed by a Snap Dragon suplex with a bridge!
Kido escapes as the crowd responds.
PIP: Some stiff offense from both men on display.
HHL: It ain’t ballet.
Centurion pops back up to his feet knowing he’s got to press the offense on the larger Kido, he picks him up off the mat and rocks him with a European Uppercut followed by a second and then a third before taking a front waist lock. Kido counters with a headbutt breaking the grasp of Centurion before dropping him with a discs lariat!
The crowd responds as Kido steps through the ropes and out to the ring apron. He starts climbing up to the top turnbuckle!
PIP: Raion is heading up top!
Kido reaches the top turnbuckle where he sizes up Centurion before setting sail with a flying elbow drop down on top of Centurion! He makes the cover hooking the nearest leg.
Centurion escapes with a kickout to a pop from the crowd! Kido reaches both knees looking at the referee before stepping up to his feet. The crowd is split between the reaction with half chanting for Kido while the other half for Centurion.
Raion reaches down picking up Centurion where he drives him back into a neutral corner.
Kido hoists up Centurion to a seated position on the top turnbuckle. Raion steps up on the middle rope where he locks in a front facelock looking for a superplex! Centurion blocks the first attempt. Kido looks for a second attempt, and that to is blocked by Centurion latching onto the top rope. Centurion slides down to the mat where he brings Kido out from the corner with a running Liger Bomb! The crowd erupts!
HHL: What a counter by Centurion!
PIP: Kido’s shoulders are down!
Kido escapes to a huge gasp from the crowd!
HHL: How close was that?!?!?!
Centurion starts getting back up to a vertical base as he starts to size up Kido. Centurion has intensity in his eyes as he Kido starts to slowly roll over pushing himself up off the mat to one knee where Centurion explodes forward with a vicious V-Trigger knocking Raion back down to the mat! Centurion drops down making a cover hooking a near leg.
Kido shoots a shoulder up off the mat once again to another pop from the crowd!
PIP: Centurion knows to keep the pressure on. He’s got Raion right where he wants him!
Centurion gets back to a vertical base where he reaches down picking Raion up off the mat and sets him up for the 1,000 Mile Slam! Centurion starts to pick him up for the Angle Slam, Kido slips down the back of Centurion where he bounces off the ropes where he turns Centurion inside out with a Running Lariat!
HHL: ROLLING CRASH from Raion Kido!
Kido immediately drops down into a cover hooking the leg!
Centurion shoots a shoulder up off the mat to a huge pop from the crowd as these two superstars are leaving it all in the ring.
PIP: Kido can’t lose his focus. He needs to stay on top of Centurion.
HHL: Can he rise to the occasion?
Kido starts working his way back to his feet where he reaches down picking Centurion up off the mat where he leaves him standing as he bounces off the ropes looking to deliver a High Knee, Centurion see’s it coming and is able to side step while latching onto a back waist lock where he snaps of a release German Suplex that he transitions into a Japanese Armbar Submission!
Centurion cranks on the right arm and shoulder as the referee slides into position asking Kido to surrender!
PIP: Smart transition into the Japanese armbar! He’s got Raion in a bad, bad way here!
Kido refuses to give up which causes Centurion to crank harder and harder on the right arm. The referee once again is in position asking Kido to surrender, he refuses a second time as he now starts to inch his way towards the ropes. Centurion continues to look for the submission as Kido gets close enough to the ropes where he reaches out taking ahold of the bottom rope with his left hand forcing the referee to call for the break.
Centurion releases the hold at the referee’s call.
He’s back up to his feet where he picks up Kido. Centurion rocks Raion with a forearm shiver that’s followed up with a European Uppercut as he then takes Kido back into the ropes where he fires him across the ring, Kido bounces off the near side ducking under a lariat attempt from Centurion, Kido then bounces off the near side where he and Centurion take each other down with a double lariat!
HHL: We are back to square one with these two after that double clothesline!
PIP: The referee is starting to make his count. You have to think the first to their feet is going to have a huge advantage!
The referee reaches a six count when both participants start to stir, they begin to each work their way back up to their feet where Centurion lands another open handed chop that’s answered with a left handed knife-edge chop from Kido! Centurion fires back with another open handed chop that’s answered with a second knife-edge chop!
Kido fires with another knife-edge chop!
And another!
He looks for another that Centurion counters with a Side Suplex! He makes a cover.
Kido kicks out once again! Centurion climbs to his feet followed by Kido... The two stare each other down for a moment before Kido rushes into the ropes, Centurion does the same and attacks Kido with a clothesline on his way by! Kido ducks and takes another bounce.... He comes back and ...........
Kido shouts and hits a heart punch right into the chest of Centurion out of nowhere!! He falls across him for the cover!!!
HHL: "Kido's just knocked off Cenurion!!"
HHL: “Up next, Thunder Knuckles and Vita Valenteen in singles action! You know, Pip, the word going around is that TK specifically requested this match-up tonight. Do you have any speculation as to why?”
PIP: “It’s hard to say, Heather. Maybe TK just caught the itch to do a little vampire hunting!”
The opening riff of "Wicked Child" tore through the arena as the crowd jump to their feet! Vita makes her way down to the ring, taking time to interact with her adoring fans along the way. Vita then slides into the ring and postures for the crowd as her music dies down.
HHL: “There is a lot of history between these two. When Thunder Knuckles first arrived on the scene, VV would often take advantage of TK’s obsession with money.”
[white]PIP: “It’s literally the only reason that she holds a victory over everyone’s favorite bastard!”
HHL: “Yeah, well maybe tonight is about setting the record straight, PIP!”
PIP: “I don’t know, I’m sure TK would tell you that a fair transaction is a fair transaction. Plus, let’s not forget that it was Vita Valenteen that The Bastards called down to the ring to strike the final blow on BOB!”
Twenty midgets with sparkers in both hands held as high as their little arms can reach, line both sides of the entrance ramp. The sparkers ignite as Thunder Knuckles walks past them. Once Thunder Knuckles is down to the ring he rolls under the bottom rope and in one movement he pops up to his feet. With his back turned towards the camera, he raises his right fist in defiance. As soon as his fist goes up, counterfeit xbux with Thunder Knuckles' face on them fall onto the crowd.
- vs -
PIP: “Listen to this crowd! They love him!”
HHL: “He’s showering them with money! Of course, they love him!”
PIP: “Oh please! That’s not it! That isn’t even real money!”
TK motions for a microphone and one is quickly passed to him from a ringside attendant!
“Sup V!”
TK smiles at Vita before turning his attention towards the crowd.
"Alright, you guys got me! When I requested this match, I didn't have any intention actually coming out here and rasslin, instead, I have a fucking question…”
TK pauses for dramatic effect.
"After watching the absolute failure of APEX’s attempt at picking the ball up and running with it, it got Ol’ TK to thinking… WHO WANTS BOB BACK!?”
The crowd erupts at the mere mention of BOB! Vita looks uneasy as she stares out into the crowd.
“Heh! Can’t say that I blame you, BOB was pretty fucking sweet, wasn’t it? All of the advanced tech, the money, the power, and we gave it up, for what? Because Chris Page had other plans.”
Booing rises up from the crowd to almost deafening levels.
“Chris Page was finished with BOB, because he realized that he couldn’t CONTROL BOB! Even after infecting the mind of our true founder, Miss Fury!”
Vita calls for a mic of her own.
”Whoa dude, I think I can see where this is going, and I’m sorry, but joining The Brotherhood Of Baddies isn’t in the cards for me!”
TK smiles, but you can see the irritation boiling under the surface.
“Hold on now, you didn’t allow me to finish. Vita, I AM out here to ask you to join BOB, but not the Brotherhood Of Baddies, that corny shit is dead and gone! Heroes and villains? Who fucking cares!? That shit can stay dead and gone for all I care, but the branding behind those three letters, B-O-B, that's money, and Ol TK doesn't pass on money, and neither should you! That's why we're rebranding BOB into the Band Of Bastards!”
The crowd actually pops at that. Vita still looks unsure.
"We have all of BOB's resources and connections V, but we're going to do things differently, and I want you on the ground floor!
”I… I don’t know…”
"Hey, I get it! Big decision and I am springing all of this on you at once, but here’s the deal, Vita. I vouched for you. The other guys didn’t even want me to make this offer initially because frankly, they don’t think you have the chops to fill the shoes of the last woman in our group, but Ol’ TK knows just how vicious this little vampy can be! Plus, you always pay what you owe. That shows good character.”
TK tosses a black folded T-shirt to Vita. She holds it out in front of her, letting it roll down to reveal-
-The new BOB Logo.
“Come on V, forget all of that brainwashing Goody-Goody-Bullshitery Ruby put in your head and remember why you’re REALLY here in XWF!”
Vita turns the shirt’s logo to face her and stares into it as she contemplates her options.
“Fame! Money! FRIENDS! You can have it all V, just put on that shirt!”
Vita looks out to the crowd for guidance, but the reactions are so mixed that it’s hard for her to gauge what the people would want her to do.
”You almost had me.”
Vita tosses the shirt to TK’s feet.
”But if you’re asking me to disregard everything that Ruby influenced in my career, then it doesn’t matter what acronym you use, BOB is bad news, so No Thank You!”
TK’s face turns 6 shades redder as he turns his back to Vita and throws a mini fit. TK turns back around all smiles.
“Hey, it’s cool, I get it. Miss Fury made your life hell. Now she isn’t here, but you have reservations. Whatever! We can still be friends, right!?”
TK extends his hand. Vita hesitates to engage with him, uncertain of his intentions.
PIP: “The nerve of this girl! At least shake his damned hand!”
TK tries to convince her that she can trust him. It works! Vita steps forward and shakes TK’s hand!
HHL: “Oh My-”
TK bashes Vita in the forehead with the microphone as the crowd begin booing!
HHL: “-God! He busted her open!”
PIP: “For science! We now know that vampires CAN bleed!”
TK mounts Vita and hammers down shot after shot with the microphone, bashing it into her forehead as blood splatters. She struggles to block the shots, with each one slipping through weakening her defenses even further. Eventually, Vita’s face is left resembling crimson red mush and any signs of struggle die out.
HHL: “What about the match!?”
Chaz Bobo tries to pull TK off of Vita, he fails, but TK jumps to his feet and bullies Chaz into the corner. TK points at Vita and threatens to do the same to Chaz if he doesn’t start the match! Chaz nods and calls for the bell!
TK tosses the mic and marches up to Vita, grabbing her right food under his arm!
HHL: “He’s not!?”
TK jumps to his feet and postures for the disapproving crowd!
HHL: “It’s pretty hard to tell that just a couple of minutes ago, TK wanted Vita as a partner.”
PIP: “And just what are you trying to suggest, Heather, that TK wasn’t sincere in his offer? I’d argue that the severity of this beating is very telling of just how sincere he actually was! He’s HURT Heather, and he’s taking that pain out on Vita Valenteen!!”
TK grins as he lazily covers Vita with one foot and flexes!.
TK feels something prick his calf as fear fills his eyes!
Vita grabs TK’s waistband then she unexpectedly rolls him into a cover!
TK scrambles to his feet and immediately begins stomping and kicking at Vita, but she’s quick to roll out of the ring leaving TK to kick the bottom rope as she escapes to the outside!
HHL: “It looks like TK underestimated the resilience of vampires tonight, PIP!”
PIP: “No, he didn’t! He clearly kicked out before the three!”
Vita makes her way up the stage as she keeps a watchful eye on TK inside of the ring.
HHL: “You have to imagine that this isn’t over between these two!”
PIP: “VV turned down a golden opportunity tonight, then she had the audacity to steal a victory from TK! If you don’t think that The Bastards will target her with everything they have, then you’re a moron!”
Unknown Soldier prays to SATAN! in the middle of the ring while a red pentagram traces him from above in the rafters. The red disco lights tracing the pentagram around Soldier continues to encircle him constantly in a counter clockwise motion. While standing in the center of this pentagram of glowing lights, he kneels and touches both his shoulders and forehead as a sign of the Unholy trinity. In the name of the Liar, the Sinner, and the great father and lord of all that is Evil! Soldier then gets up and strokes his penis exactly 666 times getting faster and faster as the lights around him speed up in pace as well. He always wrestles with a full on raging erection for not only the increase in testosterone, but also as a scare tactic to the heterosexual male(s) or prude female bitch(es) he may be wrestling at the time.
Alias makes his way through the crowd.
- vs -
Alias stands up from his seated position only once the bell rings. Unknown Soldier cracks his knuckles as he starts walking across the ring. Unknown Soldier yells something very crass and graphic at Alias, who fires back with a snarky comment and a smarmy smile. The crowd goes crazy as the two XWF legends come face to face in the middle of the Cross Insurance Arena.
HHL: “This is a HUGE main event for Savage! Unknown Soldier and Alias are two of the biggest stars in this company’s history and they are both returning from leaves of absence TONIGHT, right here in MAINE!”
PC: “This match could go either way! Both men are former X-treme champions AND former universal champions! “
Unknown Soldier strikes first! He lashes out at Alias with an open hand, just smacking him right across the face! The crowd ooooohhhhs in awe as Alias is forced to take a step back. Alias’s hand instinctively comes up to cover his cheek. When Alias lowers his hand a very red hand print is clear on his face.
Alias shakes his head from side to side before he strikes back! Alias backhand slaps Unknown Soldier across the face with his left hand! The crowd goes nuts as this time Unknown Soldier is forced to take a step back and rub his cheek!
PC: “The two are going blow for blow!”
HHL: “More like slap for slap!”
Alias and Unknown Soldier stare each other down with equally sized handprints reddening their faces. The two icons of the XWF narrow their eyes as they lower their heads and charge at each other! The two men meet in the middle of the ring in a major collision- and Unknown Soldier gets the upper hand! Soldier headbutts Alias to the ground before immediately jumping on him and going buck wild! Soldier strings together fists, elbows, and even a few more headbutts in a 12-move combo piece on his downed opponent!
HHL: “Unknown Soldier is universally regarded as a great wrestler, but I don’t think ANYONE saw him getting off to such a red-hot start in his first match back!”
PC: “Unknown Soldier is making it known tonight that he is back and ready to kick ass!”
A big left hand from Soldier catches Alias in the corner of his right hand and rips through the soft flesh around the corner of Alias’s eye. A stream of blood starts to run down Alias’s face, much to the bemusement of Satan's biggest fan. Unknown Soldier steps off of Alias before grabbing him by his long blonde hair and throwing him into the far corner of the ring with a powerful irish whip.
The crowd has nearly gone silent as Unknown Soldier begins readying himself to charge towards his cornered opponent…..but then a small chant begins to grow.
The bloodied blonde man seems to be coming back to his senses as the crowd chants his name. Unknown Soldier gives a sour look to the stans in the audience before quickly getting over it and charging into the corner!
Soldier charges straight into Alias’s raised boot!
PC: “What a reversal from Alias! He looked to be about out of it until the crowd brought him back!”
HHL: “Unknown Soldier just slipped up- this could come back to bite him in a big way! You can’t afford to make mistakes or walk into boots when you’re wrestling Alias!”
Unknown Soldier is forced to turn back as his hands come up to cover his nose. A few seconds roll by before Soldier lowers his hands and turns back around. When Soldier turns around it’s clear that his nose is busted and bleeding- badly. Alias smirks as he charges at Soldier once again! This time Soldier isn’t ready and he eats a running, JUMPING knee right to the head!
Soldier bounces off the ropes from the force of the collision….right into the arms of a vengeful Alias- who drops him to the ground with an arm drag! Unknown Soldier scrambles up to his feet only to get arm dragged again! After the second arm drag Soldier quickly picks himself back up to a standing position and charges Alias again…..only to get brought back down with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! Unknown Soldier howls in agony as Alias’s knee rams into his lower back! The crowd is going NUTS!
HHL: “They don’t even know his name!”
Alias celebrates for only a few seconds before he walks over to Unknown Soldier and starts peppering him with boots to the midsection. After a couple of kicks Alias climbs onto his grounded opponent and begins to choke him out with a rear naked chokehold! Unknown Soldier is gasping for air and desperately trying to fight the hold, but Alias has that baby locked in! The referee is screaming in Unknown Soldier’s face, asking him if he wants to submit…..Soldier just screams back ‘HAIL SATAN!’ as he continues to fight against the hold!
PC: “This could be the end of the line for Unknown Soldier right here!”
HHL: “He started off incredibly fast but now he’s stalled out and maybe running out of gas! Alias has really turned the tables here!”
Soldier’s face begins to turn a hue of blue. He’s struggling to breathe and his actions begin to slow…but still he is able to start inching towards the ropes. Alias is on his back the whole way, cranking the chokehold….but eventually Soldier is able to get the tip of his middle finger on the bottom rope! The referee calls for Alias to break the hold and he begrudgingly complies!
HHL: “Unknown Soldier fought like hell to get out of that one!”
PC: “That’s what he does, Heather! He’s basically a demon spawn!”
The referee backs Alias up and allows Unknown Soldier to rise to a standing position. Soldier wipes some blood off of his mouth as he stares daggers at Alias from across the ring. The referee steps out from between the two men to let them go at it once more.
Alias and Unknown Soldier begin slowly circling each other around the ring as they talk shit. They then step towards each other and tie up. Neither man seems to be gaining an upper hand….until Unknown Soldier stomps on Alias’s toes and ends the tie up! Soldier follows up the dirty move with a stiff right hand to the jaw- but Alias fires back quickly with a punch of his own! Then Soldier throws a hook back at Alias, then Alias responds with an uppercut! In seconds the technical tie-up has devolved into a boxing match inside a phonebooth! Blood and spit goes flying from both men’s mouths as they take turns knocking each other’s lights out! Every punch that gets thrown is weaker and slower than the ones before it, but each time the fist comes back covered in even more blood! The referee looks on squeamishly as Soldier and Alias both begin to slow down as the exchange wears on.
PC: “How much fight do these men have in them?! They’re turning each other into stuffed pigs out there!”
HHL: “These are two former universal champions, Pip! Neither man wants to be the first to fall!
Soldier throws a jab that opens up a new cut on Alias’s forehead. Alias responds with a vicious cross that sends one of Soldier’s teeth flying into the stands. Soldier pulls his fist back to respond, but at the same time Alias pulls his other hand back as if he’s going to deliver a follow-up blow!
The two men throw blows that land at the exact same time- and the blows force both men to fall to the ground in their own puddles of blood! With both competitors down the official begins to count both of them out!
Soldier has started to stir... He's slowly crawling out of the puddle of blood towards the corner while Alias remains out.
Soldier reaches the turnbuckle and uses it to climb to his feet. Alias has now made it to his hands and knees... Soldier rushes from the corner and kicks Alias in the stomach.... but Alias ducks and nails.....
Unknown Solider sails into the air and falls to his back in the center of the ring!
PIP: "Was Alias playing possum?!"
HHL: "He just may have been! He's caught Unknown Soldier off guard... now can he capitalize?!"
Alias dives on Unknown Soldier for the cover....
HHL: "Alias wins in his return to the ring! He's defeated Unknown Soldier!
HHL: "Be sure to tune in next week folks! We'll be loaded up with action again in another great edition of Saturday Night Savage!
PIP: "That's right, Heather! Who knows what's going to happen! We have March Madness right around the corner... so we have to get ready for a new King or Queen of the XWF!!!"
HHL: "The action truly never stops here at the XWF ladies and gentlemen... We'll see you all next time!! Good-bye!!"
Big D
Micheal Graves
Reggie Estrada
Derrick Diamond
Jenny Myst
Charlie Nickles
God damn it, today was the show?! I got drunk and missed it! Shit!
Reigning, Defending,Bloodletting
The following 3 users Like Charlie Nickles's post:3 users Like Charlie Nickles's post Marf (02-13-2022), The Chameleon (02-13-2022), Thunder Knuckles™ (02-25-2022)
"Centurion, this was an honor. I hope we meet again!”
Signature courtesy of Atara Themis!
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