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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Communists And These Women
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Centurion Offline
Active in XWF

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(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

12-14-2021, 06:53 PM

If there was one person he was hoping not to call for help, it was Isabelle.

Years ago, as co-owner of the WGWF, Centurion entered into a relationship with the much younger Isabelle Desjardins, who was not only a professional wrestler, but a radical communist. She used her platform to demand changes to society, which was often met with resistance by many. Her unbridled love for the economic structures of communist countries made her an enemy to many, as she met with leaders of China, Cuba...and North Korea.

Following the closure of the WGWF and Centurion's disappearance, Isabelle gave up the wrestling business, and went even more militant. Now, she leads an organization known as the Party of Liberation and Socialism, a political party that has militant undertones, and who have been tied to various "Antifa" movements over the past few years. Isabelle herself has said some rather inflammatory remarks, such as advocating for the beheading of billionaires, which makes Centurion's trip even more awkward.

We open up inside the basement of a library somewhere in Oregon. The basement operates as the headquarters for the PLS militants, and as such, various members of the organization can be seen walking around. Inside one of the meeting rooms sits Centurion, who has a folder in front of him, looking rather nervous. Standing next to the door to the room is a man in military fatigues, holding an assault rifle. Centurion sits in silence for what seems like hours, until the door to the room comes flying open. Into the room walks the former WGWF World Champion and ex-girlfriend of Centurion, Isabelle Desjardins.

"You are going to need to give me a good reason why I should not execute you at this moment." Isabelle says in her thick French accent.

Centurion's eyes widen, as he is unsure if Isabelle is being serious or not. In this situation, he can only revert back to his natural habits, which is to try and diffuse the situation through humor. "'d miss me too much?" Centurion lets out a slight laugh and smiles at Isabelle, but she does not return the gesture.

"What are you doing here, Andy?" Isabelle says as she pulls out a chair from the other side of the table and sits down. "Just because I promised not to come after you, doesn't mean I'm going to keep the reigns on my comrades if you decide to poke around somewhere you shouldn't be."

"I know…" Centurion says, becoming much more serious in his tone. "...and I wouldn't have come here normally, but I need your help."

"Oh, really?" Isabelle says as she arches her eyebrows, but her tone remains hostile. "The all powerful, all knowing Andy Cortinovis needs MY help?! Oh mon Dieu, whatever shall I do with this extraordinary honor?"

"Yes, bask in it." Centurion says, nodding. "If you want, I'll even sign a contract that says 'Centurion asks for Isabelle's help'. You can frame it and show it off to your buddies."

"My buddies would rather your head be on the wall." Isabelle says as plainly as possible. "And what, you must be addressed by your wrestling name at all times, yes? You know, it is not charming. I'm sure it is impressive with the girls you are seeing now, but it is nothing more than a badge of disgust to me."

"Fine." Centurion says, this time becoming angrier. "Are you willing to help me, or not?"

Isabelle taps her fingers on the table for a few seconds, looking Centurion up and down, and genuinely trying to figure out whether or not she should help him. There does not seem to be anything in it for her, and Centurion owes her a lot for what he put her through.

Still, there is no harm in at least seeing what he wants.

"Alright." Isabelle says, reluctantly. "I'm not saying I'll help you, but I'll at least listen."

"That's good enough!" Centurion says with excitement. "I need your help identifying a man. Claims to be big brass within the North Korean military. I'm going to be facing him in the ring this week, but the details on him are incredibly sketchy, and I was wondering if you had any information."

"I don't know everyone within the DPRK government." Isabelle replies. "I know a few of them, but unless they are within Chairman Un's inner circle, a member of the Supreme People's Assembly, or a spokesperson, I likely do not know them."

Centurion slides the folder over to Isabelle, who opens it up. Inside, there is a picture of North Korean War Criminal, as well as his XWF bio page. Isabelle looks up at Centurion after seeing the very small report.

"What else do you have?" Isabelle questions Centurion.

"He goes by North Korean War Criminal." Centurion plainly responds. "That's pretty much all the information I've got. I was hoping you could ID him just by looking at him."

Isabelle raises an eyebrow and cocks her head to the side before looking back down at the folder. She picks up the picture and studies it for a few seconds before slowly lowering it.

"Oh, yes." Isabelle says in a surprised tone. "I do know this guy. His name is Kim Heo Lim. An admiral in the DPRK navy. He is a real danger - he once killed an entire island of deserters and was given the Star Of The People by Kim Jong Un himself."

"Really?" Centurion says, agast.

"Of course not, baiseur de mère stupide!" Isabelle screams before standing up from her chair and throwing the folder back at Centurion. "Why would a high ranking member of the DPRK want to play grab ass with you and your friends in a wrestling ring? Pense pour une fois!"

"You could have just said no." Centurion says, quietly.

"No!" Isabelle spouts back. "For something this stupid, you get a lecture! Not every person who wears a military uniform in Korea is a big shot. This should go without saying. So, you assumed I would want you to defeat a member of the DPRK regime, which I absolutely would not. Finally, you take this man at his word when he is part of the most dishonest profession on Earth! He probably isn't even North Korean!"

"What?" Centurion pinpoints his attention on the very last thing Isabelle said. "What do you mean by that?"

"There are many American born Koreans that see the conflict between the North and the South as nothing more than some side note that exists on the other side of the world." Isabelle explains. "They have no real connection to their homeland, and so they do not feel strongly one way or the other. Representing North Korea would be an easy way to get people to boo you, while also making money."

"So you're saying he's not a North Korean?" Centurion inquires.

"I'm saying it's possible." Isabelle responds. "It's also possible that he was a killing machine within the DPRK military and was sent here by the people in charge specifically to take out capitalists pigs like yourself. I do not know, and neither do you. What fun!"

Isabelle claps her hands and get slightly excited as she walks over to the door and opens it up.

"Nikki!" Isabelle yells into the hallway. "Can you come here please?"

Isabelle now has a big smile on her face, which is making Centurion both confused and concerned. The woman Isabelle previously called out to, Nikki, approaches the door.

"Nikki." Isabelle says with a smile. "I would like you to put something on my schedule. Wednesday Night, we will all be gathering around to watch XWF Warfare. We get to witness a champion of capitalism get slain by a warrior of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea!"

"You assume a lot." Centurion responds, cutting off Isabelle. "Especially considering you know what I'm capable of. If you can't help me, that's fine, but don't assume I'm some helpless animal that's being lead to slaughter in the ring. You know I'm good. You've seen it first hand."

"Mm hmm." Isabelle mockingly responds. "Yes, I know, you are SO GREAT! Tout le monde s'incline! We are honored to be in your presence!" Isabelle's smile and mocking tone quickly dissolves. "You came to me for a reason - you are scared. That's the only reason you are standing here right now."

Centurion quickly stands up, causing the guard to place his hand near the trigger of the gun and stand in a defensive stance. "Scared?!" Centurion yells back. "If I was scared, I wouldn't be standing here right now. You think I came into a fortress surrounded by armed folks who want nothing more than to kill me? Ha! I did it because I figured you'd like to help."

"And why on EARTH would you think that?!" Isabelle lashes out.

"Because you were repping North Korea before it was cool." Centurion responds calmly. "You renounced your citizenship in favor of a country that is actively hostile towards the United States. You received death threats, hate threads - you had garbage thrown at you - all kinds of terrible things, and now this dude comes along, waving the flag, and he's accepted. That has to burn your ass just a little bit."

Isabelle's eyebrows arch down, as she listens to what Centurion is saying to her. Unfortunately, Centurion is telling the truth - she did go through Hell, and it seems unfair that someone else can follow in her footsteps and take the glory without the backlash. It's almost sexist in a way, but that does not change the current situation.

"Look…" Isabelle responds in a much calmed tone than before "...even if I wanted to help you, I can't. In my time over there, I never heard of someone looking to become a professional wrestler. That doesn't mean they weren't there - I just wasn't introduced to him. Here is what I will tell you - if he's truly North Korean, and he is fighting on behalf of his country, you're going to need to go beyond what you normally do in a match. He will not go down easily - there's too much at stake for him. He will be dishonored if he loses to someone like you."

"Someone like me?" Centurion questions.

"Yeah." Isabelle responds. "The very epitome of an American capitalist. Got your fortune through pro wrestling and gambling. Friends with those at the very top. You might as well walk to the ring in a McDonalds uniform. Beating you would give this man the highest honor in his country, so he will give you every single ounce of energy he has."

Centurion looks down as he thinks about what Isabelle just said. A win against Centurion is a big resume booster for anyone, but there has not been the pressure of an entire country - hell, an entire economic system - on the line before. Centurion knows that this is going to be a lot more difficult than he thought it would be.

"Welp…" Centurion looks back up at Isabelle "I guess I better get back to work, then. Next time I'm in town, let's meet up for coffee. Oh, and leave GI Mao here behind."

"Get out!"

------Fuck you and fuck where you from------

We reopen inside the library. There, we see Centurion leaning up against a stack of books, with his nose in one book in particular. The section is titled "Non-fiction", and the book itself is titled "Nothing To Envy: Ordinary Lives In North Korea." As the camera gets closer, Centurion slams the book shut.

"The dude's name is North Korean War Criminal."

Centurion slides the book back onto the shelf before looking back at the camera.

"'s really difficult to try and talk about a dude who just puts it all out there. Other wrestlers hide behind a name, or they use their own name to bring some glory to their family or whatever the hell they do, but never before have I seen someone who's name is just...that's what he is. He's a North Korean War Criminal. It's like walking into a wrestling federation as a police officer, and naming yourself Police Officer.

I mean, we do have O. Bay T-Law, which is pretty damn close, but still, nothing will beat North Korean War Criminal.

I have to admit...I kind of admire it in a way. There's no bullshit there. He's not trying to hide anything. He's not afraid of being mocked or typecast. He's here for one thing - to bring glory to North Korea! winning wrestling matches.

Centurion pulls out another book, this one titled "Un: The Top Commanders Of The North Korean Regime". He opens it up and flips through a few pages as he speaks.

"Which I have to admit is rather odd. Not that he wants to bring glory to his authoritarian country - that happens all the time. It's odd that someone would willingly talk about the greatness of their country, and talk about how it does no wrong, but still refer to himself as a war criminal. Shouldn't his name be "North Korean Super Soldier?" Or "North Korean Comrade To The People?" Something like that? Eh, I'm not from there, so maybe I just don't understand the culture.

Also, the existence of a North Korean War Criminal suggests the existence of a North Korean War. The only war North Korea was ever in was the aptly named Korean War, and that ended in 1953. If he joined the war early and committed his atrocities right before the armistice was signed, that would still make him, at the youngest, 81 years old.

And yet people say I'M old.

Of course, I don't actually think NKWC is over 80 years old, much like I don't believe he's an ACTUAL war criminal. I've met the guy. We were on Team FUCKTHAD together. Believe me, if that guy is a war criminal, it's because he tripped, fell, and hit his head off the nuclear launch button.

Centurion flips through a few more pages before shaking his head and sliding the book back on the shelf. He taps his fingers on the wood of the shelf, looking over all the different books to find his next one, before turning back to the camera.

"Of course, who you really are behind that veil doesn't really matter in the long run, does it? This isn't a dating show - it's professional wrestling, and all that matters is your pro wrestling skills. So, how are they? Well, I can give you a definitive, positive, absolute…


He's alright. He's pretty good. I give him a solid 6 out of 10. You're not going to find NKWC losing to Red-X or anyone like that. He can hold his own in the ring. I mean, hell, he was just recently a champion. That has to mean something, right?

Well, it would, if he wasn't just a warm body for Mark Flynn to put in the corner.

Centurion pulls out another book, this one titled "Into The Abyss". He looks over the front and back cover, before deciding that it will not contain the information he is looking for, and he slides the book back in.

"I mean this in all sincerity - Mark Flynn could have won the tag team titles with a bag of potatoes. Flynn was riding as high as anyone in professional wrestling at that time, and the No Good Bastards were banged up and needed a rest. Of course, it helps that Flynn can find some random dolt that will do everything he asks.

There's a lot of people I could be fighting for, NKWC. I could go the humanitarian route, and say that I'm going to take revenge for all those who have been killed, abused, and terrorized by the North Korean regime. I could go the patriotic route and say this is all FUR 'MURIKA! I could even ride to the ring in a monster truck with a bald eagle on my shoulder. Or I could say that this is the last battle of the Korean War, and demand everything north of the 38th Parallel should be returned to the Republic of Korea.

But I'm not going to do anything. Instead, here is what I am fighting for - me. I'm fighting to maintain the momentum I have been scratching and clawing to maintain. I have gone through Marf, Betsy Granger, Elijah Martin, Vita Valenteen, John Caedus, and Jax Hart in recent weeks, and I'm not going to let that momentum be halted by a mediocre tag specialist who plays war hero in order to make a couple extra bucks in an untapped market. Beating Elijah was about the Anarchy Title. Beating Betsy and Marf was about sending a message. Beating you? That's for pride.

I know for a fact that there are a whole lot of folks in the back who are not only expecting you to win, but are actively ROOTING for your victory this week. You could set the American flag on fire and name Kim Jong Un the Universal Champion, and they will still root for you over me, that's how pathetic those boys in the back are. Half of them are rooting for you because they are on Chris Page's payroll, and the other half knows that the more wind I rack up in a row, the more likely it is that I will snatch up another belt - one that they CAN'T call the "C Show Belt". And I'm going to do it all by being unapologetically me - a lame old man who is more of a badass than anyone who tweets out snide comments while hiding their faces behind a room full of strippers and bodyguards.

Centurion pulls out another book, this one titled "In Order To Live: A North Korean Girl's Journey to Freedom". He looks at the front cover, and into the front section of the book, before turning back to the camera.

"Before I'm done, I'm going to learn everything there is to learn about North Korea. I'm going to learn its culture, its history, the biggest heroes and villains of their society, and I'm going to read stories of all those who dared to defy the regime and broke out on their own. Then I'm going to take that information and not only beat you in the ring, but humiliate you. I am going to hurt you so bad, you will become a disgrace to your comrades, and likely be beheaded for the dishonor you brought to your country. And while you're whining and crying to the top brass of your country, I'll be continuing to prove the doubters wrong, as I add another name to the list of people who have met there…


[Image: UdLSPlv.png]
XWF Record - 214-100-9
XWF All Time Wins Record Holder
Official XWF Legend
3x XWF Anarchy Champion
3x XWF World Champion
8x XWF Canadian Champion (Record for most Canadian Title reigns)
1x XWF Hart Champion
6x XWF X-Treme Champion
5x XWF Tag Team Champion
2x XWF United States Champion
Inaugural XWF IDL Champion 
1x XWF King of Anarchy
1x XWF King of Massacre
1x XWF Stable Champion
XWF Star Of The Month - May 2007
XWF Star Of The Month - July 2009
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2019
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2021
XWF Holiday Battle Royal Winner - 2007

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