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12-10-2021, 06:40 PM
A camera starts rolling backstage at Thursday Night Anarchy. The camera’s spot the young HGH after his match with Lord Raab. HGH looks over and spots the camera.
“Is that thing rolling? Get over here now!”
The camera walks close to HGH.
“Do I have your attention now? Did you see what happened out there? Wow! Who could have predicted that one?”
With a smirk, HGH raises his hand in the air.
”Oh wait, I did. I predicted that, that’s right I did exactly what I said I would do. Did anyone believe me? Oh no they didn’t, they all laughed and thought I didn’t have what it took to win. This was the destruction of Lord Raab and you all just witnessed it. Now I know a lot of you are going to feel sorry for the old geezer, but before you do, just remember I gave him his fair warning and he didn’t listen. Now look at the poor old fool, he’s probably still out there pissed off, but I broke him. I made the old fool tap and I hope you paid very close attention, Rampage, because Saturday night in Vancouver your overgrown ass is next.I’m going to humiliate you and listen to your painful cries as I make you do the unthinkable, when I make you tap out!
HGH swats the camera out of his face, as he walks down the hallway to the locker room. The camera then fades to black.
Camera turns on, as we see HGH back in a hotel room. The smile hasn’t left his face since we last saw him at the Whittemore Center Arena. He’s packing his bags to head off to another location. To where? Only time will tell, on his journey traveling the world to “see” the sites. He exits the room, on his way to check out. When all of a sudden he is caught off guard by a camera.
”Holy shit, really Jack? Like why the hell would you even try something like this?”
“Dude, it’s the same thing every time you have a match. I find you, you give your thoughts and opinions on what went down.”
”Really, thoughts and opinions. That’s what you're after. Kind of like the inside scoop? You want to know just how HGH feels. You want the whole thing documented right? Well here’s what you need to know. I have a match Saturday night that I have been trying to get myself prepared for. I mean give me a break I literally had a match and haven’t even thought about Saturday yet. However, if you want the whole scoop Jack. Well I guess you are just going to have to tag a long now won’t you. Now if you’ll get the hell out of my way. I have a jet waiting for me and I don’t want to be late.”
HGH brushes the camera to the side and walks past them. He makes his way to the front desk to check out. He then leaves the hotel and gets into a limo for the drive to the airport. After arriving at the airport, he exits the vehicle without any complaints to the driver for not opening the door for him. He makes his way towards the jet, only to be met by a hooded figure as he’s about to board the jet. The figure hands HGH a manila envelope with his initials on the front, and on the back open upon take off. A shocked HGH calmly continues to board the jet.
HGH takes his seat, followed by Jack and crew. He motions for the flight attendant to bring over drinks. He looks at the envelope and wonders what could be inside. Part of him wants to open it, the other just wants to ignore it. Jack notices the envelope and finally asks.
“What’s in the envelope?”
”How am I supposed to know? Obviously not until take off, you know because I can read.”
The crew, not knowing what to expect, patiently wait for HGH to open the envelope. They notice that the smile has left his face. They wonder if it is information on his next opponent or something else entirely. The jet finally starts its engines and begins to move to the runway for take off. As the plane is in the air HGH takes a look at the envelope, and reveals a photo.
”What the hell, what even is this? Guess we aren't going to Vancouver just yet. This wasn’t the planned destination, but it is now.”
The turbulence on take off starts to rattle the jet. The crew looks a little shakin by the grin on HGH’s face. It’s as though he’s seen the photo before, but how? After they have reached a safe altitude and it was safe to move, HGH gets up to inform the pilots of the course change to begin the proper protocols for route changes.
“What does this all mean HGH?”
”This means our little adventure is gonna be a little longer than anticipated. So fellas if I were you I’d get a little rest because it’s going to be a very long day.”
The crew touches down in Greece, where they learn of an Olympic Tour being given in the small town of what is known today as Archia Olympia. The tour consisted of a bus ride to Mount Olympus, a tour of the ancient Olympic Games site, but most importantly special activities at the ruins of the Temple of Zeus. As the crew arrives for their tours HGH still seems puzzled by all of this. The crew finally reach the Temple of Zeus on their tour of Olympia,Greece. There they stumble on a play of some sort. They decide to stay and watch the play for a while. HGH is constantly looking for a sign of some sort as to why the hooded figure gave him a photo of what is now an ancient ruin. As they sit down to watch the festivities, HGH stares off into the sky, then just like a lightning bolt it hits him. HGH finds himself in a familiar dream state.
“I told you we’d speak again.”
“So…Zeusy, What is this all about? What was with the hooded guy?”
“That was Hermes, and this is about an origin story. This is how the giants came to be.”
”This had better be good.”
[color=#FFD700”You see, it’s a story that has been passed down. You see it starts with my grandparents, my grandfather Uranus had received a prophecy that one of his children would overrule him. As precaution, he imprisoned his children inside the womb of my grandmother Gaea. As the torture continued her youngest son, my father ambushed his father and castrated him, as his genitals fell to the earth the blood from his genitals gave birth to the giants.’[/color]
”Wait a minute, you mean to tell me that the guy I’m facing is a creature created from ball blood? Oh, this is fantastic, no wonder he has the genetic code of a penis. That's right I now know why you’re an air headed dick, IT’S PROGRAMMED!’
”Now mortal,the giants were no easy feat. They were formidable opponents for most. So don’t take him lightly. For if you underestimate a giant it could be your undoing. However giants
do have a weakness and it is their brain. What they have in size and strength just compensates for their lack of intelligence.
"So what is this just a formality? A waste of my time, when I should be preparing for Rampage Saturday night."
"No, this is just pure entertainment for me. You see, you mortals always seem to overlook things and when that happens my laughter begins. Watching you mortals, well it's a game to all of us gods on Olympus. I just happened to pick the horse that I think could win."
Suddenly, HGH seems to wake up as Jack nudges him. HGH looks around the grounds wondering how many people saw him in a daydream. After realizing no one else had noticed he focuses on the play going on at the temple ruins. As he is still somewhat in a daze he hears a line of the play.
“Heracles, let me give you a word of advice. Your father is an ASSHOLE, DIRTBAG, A NO GOOD BASTARD!”
HGH is stunned about what he has just heard. He makes his way to the temple steps and turns to the crowd.
”I’ve always wanted to do this!”
The crowd as if on cue screams.
HGH faces the camera, clears his throat, takes a deep breath, then exhales, and smirks.
"So you think you’re slick huh? Cool story bro, thinking I trained in my mother’s basement. Again how amusing of you to think that I was trained in my mother’s basement. Actually it was your mother’s basement, but then again every passing truck driver with a seed trained in your mother’s basement. So get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. Only I didn't lay down and take it. Now what’s this shit that you are the only one that can crush a soul by looking into someone's eyes? Do I look intimidated? Do I look " CRUSHED"!? No! And why should I be!? Because YOU say so!? Don't make me laugh, big man! The fact is that nobody has been intimidated by you ever since you dropped gold to a teenage girl! Going on to try and portray yourself as some sort of 7 foot David instead of the OBVIOUS Goliath that you actually are sure hasn't helped matters!
Your best shot comes at making fun of my name, you couldn’t even do that right. That seems to be a pattern with you doesn't it? Real cute though, you have nothing better to come at me with so you come up with your own acronyms for my name. That's mighty sweet of you to expose just how much time you've wasted playing games. However, it’s just my name, nothing more and nothing less. It’s no wonder you got that ass spanked at Bad Medicine with the half ass shit spewing out of your mouth. Not even Jesus Christ and God could help you win. Maybe the wrestling business just isn’t for you, and that is what makes you a pissy giant coming into our match and that’s supposed to scare me? It doesn’t scare me at all bud, because you need to beat me to stay relevant, you’re already the biggest joke in the XWF, all of the natural born unteachable talent in the world, and there's a big bumbling goof behind the wheel!
As far as rearranging my body, good luck many have tried and all have failed, because I’m still here. You think that a match with you will make me consider retiring? Ha..how are you, really? All a match with you is going to do is put me closer to the top. You're a “ giant “ stepping stone for me, don’t you see that? You may think you have this in the bag, but I assure you, you don’t, just like you didn't the last time, or the time before that! I’m out to embarrass you. and as a result Saturday night is gonna be a hard lesson for you, , but one as old as time itself!
The bigger you are the harder you fall...
Not only am I going to win, but I’m going to make you tap out, crying like the big whiny bitch that you are. You’re not scary, you’re not even on my level. So pipe down before you have a heart attack. I don’t want you to have any excuses after you lose, and after you lose it’s back to the bottom for good for old Rampage! It's just going to be one too many losses in a row for you to end up anywhere BUT the BOTTOM.
And it will be a loss Rampage, simply because...
I'm better than you and you know it!”